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The Border Is Open, and al-Qaeda Is Calling on Jihadis to Come In And most Americans don’t even know there’s a jihad threat from which they need to be saved. Robert Spencer


Old Joe Biden’s handlers have essentially erased the Southern border, and as a result, illegals are streaming in at a rapid clip. Even the New York Times, a reliable Leftist propaganda organ, admitted last October that “migrants were encountered 1.7 million times in the last 12 months, the highest number of illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960.” A new record could be set in 2022, as the UK’s Daily Mail reported Thursday that “more than 170,000 migrants are waiting on the Mexican-side of the U.S.-Mexico border to cross and claim asylum” once the Biden administration trashes, as it is expected to do, Title 42, a Trump-era provision that allowed illegal migrants to be expelled during the COVID-19 hysteria. And as all this is unfolding, al-Qaeda has published a new online magazine encouraging jihad terrorists to immigrate to the United States and commit massacres here. It looks as if yet another Biden-caused disaster is in the offing.

Those 170,000 migrants, according to the Daily Mail, will be just the beginning: “The U.S. could be just hours away from another wave of mass migration if the Biden administration lifts Title 42.” Who are these people who will stream in? What is their background? Come on, man! Nobody knows, and apparently, no one in the Biden administration cares. They’re coming here, they’ll go on welfare, they’ll vote Democrat, and that’s all that matters. Criminals? Terrorists? Maybe — indeed, probably — but who cares?

Five People Charged for Being Spies of the Chinese Government Involved in Harassment Campaigns Against U.S. Citizens By Eric Lendrum


On Wednesday, federal prosecutors in New York charged five individuals with acting on behalf of the Chinese government as they attempted to spy on U.S. citizens, and to subsequently harass them for criticism of China.

As reported by the Washington Post, three separate charges were brought against each of the five defendants in Brooklyn, with the charges coming from the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York. The defendants have been accused of stalking and harassing Chinese nationals living in the country who are now critical of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In one example, one of the spies tried to interfere with the congressional candidacy of a military veteran who said he had been a leader of the student protesters at the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. In another instance, the defendants allegedly plotted to destroy the artwork of a former Chinese national currently living in Los Angeles. In another of the accusations, a defendant is accused of using his position within the Chinese community of New York City to seek information about prominent Chinese dissidents and anti-CCP activists, in order to send such information to the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS).

“Transnational repression harms people in the United States and around the world and threatens the rule of law itself,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen. The Department of Justice “will not allow any foreign government” to target American citizens, he added.

The Islamic State is Back . . . in America The dire cost of Biden’s weakness. Robert Spencer


The Islamic State (ISIS) is back. Five years after Donald Trump entered the Oval Office and quickly brought about the destruction of its caliphate in Iraq and Syria, ISIS is resurgent and wealthy. Could this have anything to do with Old Joe Biden’s misrule? Of course.

To be sure, there are other factors at play as well. An Iraqi security official said Friday that “recent assessments … put the group’s reserves at between $25 million and $50 million.” That could be a conservative estimate: the Wall Street Journal reported in September 2020 that ISIS had “assets ranging into the hundreds of millions of dollars across the Middle East and Central Asia,” according to “officials and government records.”

The Iraqi official said that ISIS got its cash from “opportunistic extortion, looting and kidnap for ransom,” but those are not the only sources of the jihad terror group’s income. WSJ added that ISIS “still extorts local populations in areas it controls or has supporters; receives income from businesses it seized during its rule; and collects payments from human trafficking.” It also controls “a growing share of illicit tobacco markets in Pakistan and Afghanistan.” Nor is even that all: “donors in several Middle Eastern countries work on raising funds,” says the WSJ, in an understated reference to wealthy Muslims around the world who believe that ISIS is a worthy Islamic organization and keep it afloat financially with substantial donations.

On Friday, the group announced that it had chosen a new caliph, the brother of the former ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a U.S. raid in 2019. The new top dog is Juma Awad al-Badri, a.k.a. Abu al-Hassan al-Hashemi al-Quraishi, succeeding Abu Ibrahim al-Quraishi, who blew himself up to avoid being captured in a U.S. raid in Syria in February.

The Increased Cyber Warfare Threat from a New Sino-Russo Alliance As NATO forces assemble to address the Ukraine crisis, the new Sino-Russo partnership may initiate a series of cyberattacks that are more destructive than any in global history. By Julio Rivera


With the start of conventional warfare in the battle for control of Ukraine, many Americans wrongly assume that unless U.S. troops are deployed within the forces promised by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, this will be just another in the seemingly never-ending list of conflicts, wars, and skirmishes that may have little, if any, direct damaging effects on the United States.

We can certainly talk of the numerous economic implications of this war in eastern Europe. We can perhaps even argue that conflict may benefit the United States, as it might serve to provide a much-needed wakeup call to the Biden Administration that reversing the Trump-era energy policy and throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at an aggressive Russia only enabled this costly and destructive military endeavor.

Also enabling this brazen action from Russia is the weakness projected by yet another Democratic Party politician who has been forced to endure the indignity of having his red line ignored by a ruthless dictator. 

As a result, this new war will certainly signify the permanent arrival of what will be the most common theater of war in the future—the cybersphere. 

DHS:  American Thought Police  The transition from tracking terrorism to chasing thought crime has a major advantage. It exonerates U.S. counterterrorism officials from the meddlesome job of catching actual terrorists.  By Kyle Shideler


The Department of Homeland Security, which under the Biden Administration routinely lets watch-listed terrorists cross the southern border unmolested, and which approved entry to the United States for Colleyville Synagogue hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram despite his being known to British authorities as a terror risk, has taken upon its broad bureaucratic shoulders an even more challenging job.

Stopping the flow of MDM.

MDM isn’t the latest flavor of fentanyl, produced by the Communist Chinese regime for sale to Mexican drug cartels, and now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 to 45. No, MDM stands for mis- dis- and mal-information, the latest government acronym from which you must be protected.  

DHS’ latest “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland,” released Monday, has much to say about the dangers of American minds being polluted with MDM, and curiously little to say about actual terror threats.

MDM is a term developed by the DHS Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to replace the old-fashioned phrase “foreign influence.” Now let us caveat that the U.S. government does indeed have a responsibility to monitor and to identify foreign influence operations. This was the remit of the Reagan-era Active Measures Working Group, which worked tirelessly to identify Soviet lies being spread to undermine the United States’ global standing in the world, and then countered them with the truth.  

Pompeo: Chinese Hypersonic Threat a ‘Very Difficult Problem’ By Jimmy Quinn


Mike Pompeo warned this week that defending the United States from a hypersonic-missile attack is “a very difficult problem.” The former secretary of state’s remarks provide the latest example of a senior U.S. official vexed by this emerging threat.

The Trump-era top diplomat was speaking Tuesday evening during a session of the Nixon Seminar — a monthly foreign-policy-discussion program — after host Mary Kissel, vice president at Stephens Inc. and Pompeo’s senior adviser at the State Department, asked whether the U.S. can protect against hypersonic missiles from China.

Pompeo, who in January called for fast-tracking new defensive and offensive technologies to deal with the hypersonic threat, suggested that the U.S. doesn’t have the technological capabilities to detect such an attack in time

AG Garland Ignores Vital Immigration Law Enforcement Crippling national security and public safety. Michael Cutler


Rampant violent crime across the United States, particularly in cities and states run by radical leftist mayors and governors is of great concern to Americans everywhere and is an outgrowth of the insanity of the defund police movement and “criminal justice reform” which has led to violent criminals being released without bail causing carnage at unprecedented levels.

Perhaps in response to this crisis, on January 21, 2022 the Department of Justice issued a press release:  Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at the U.S. Conference of Mayors that provided a transcript of his remarks as they were delivered.

It is important that, as you read the transcript, to remember that the Attorney General of the United States is also the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.  Many federal law enforcement agencies operate under the aegis of the Justice Department but even those agencies that operate under the auspices of other agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, and the Treasury Department still rely on the federal prosecutors of the Justice Department they partner with to further criminal investigations and prosecutions for all crimes comprehended under federal statutes.

Violations of federal criminal laws are prosecuted by federal prosecutors who are assigned to the U.S. Attorney’s offices located across the United States.

“Cybersecurity in 2022 – A Fresh Look at Some Very Alarming Stats.” Chuck Brooks


Earlier this year I wrote a FORBES article called “Alarming Cybersecurity Stats: What You Need To Know For 2021.”  Alarming Cybersecurity Stats: What You Need To Know For 2021 (forbes.com) It included an assortment of stats on the increase in threats to our digital wellness as companies, governments, and consumers. The article was based on the backdrop of a spate of high-profile cyber-attacks such as Solar Winds, and Colonial Pipeline and had painted a dire assessment of the 2021 first half status of the cyber-threat ecosystem. Now we have reached the second half of 2021. Just when we thought it could not get much worse from a cybersecurity stat perspective, it did.

Americans Seem To Be Wakening Up To The Need for Better Cybersecurity

Let us start with a positive stat, it appears that in the U.S. most are finally waking up to the cyberthreats. Awareness is an important step! A poll by The Pearson Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that “about 9 in 10 Americans are at least somewhat concerned about hacking that involves their personal information, financial institutions, government agencies or certain utilities.

The Taliban’s Year-End Gift From the Biden Administration and the UN Legitimizing terrorists who have Americans’ blood on their hands. Joseph Klein


The Biden administration has just handed the Taliban terrorists now running Afghanistan an end-of-year gift. Lots and lots of money will be coming their way.

President Biden’s Treasury Department said on December 22nd that it was issuing new “general licenses” allowing financial transactions by the U.S. government, international entities, and non-governmental organizations involving the Taliban and members of the terrorist Haqqani network, subject to certain conditions. The money can only be used for such permitted purposes as humanitarian aid, civil society development, and environmental and natural resource protection projects.

Morgan Ortagus, a State Department spokeswoman during the Trump administration, tweeted that the licenses legitimize “brutal organizations like the Taliban and the Haqqani Network, which is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. These licenses will effectively end their isolation.”

Ortagus also noted that “much of the aid going to Afghanistan…will end up straight back into the pockets of the Taliban and other terrorists and warlords, just as so much has for decades.”

“Where is the plan to prevent this?” Ortagus asked rhetorically. There is evidently no plan.

‘Potential Terrorist’ From Saudi Arabia Caught After Crossing Biden’s Open Border By Robert Spencer


Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has announced that his state will be building the border wall that Biden’s handlers won’t build, and on Monday we saw yet again why this wall will come not a moment too soon: U.S. Border Patrol officials announced that a “potential terrorist” linked to “Yemeni subjects of interest” was caught in Arizona after crossing into the country from Mexico. Biden’s handlers resolutely ignore the evidence that their open border mess is a national security issue, yet that evidence just keeps on piling up.

According to Fox News,

… the 21-year-old man was apprehended Thursday night entering the U.S. from Mexico through Yuma, Arizona, according to a tweet from Yuma Sector Chief Patrol Agent Chris T. Clem. He appears to have been wearing a jacket emblazoned with an American flag patch and another that stated: ‘Central Oneida County Volunteer.’ The man is allegedly from Saudi Arabia and ‘is linked to several Yemeni subjects of interest.’

Central Oneida County is in New York; Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps Chief Thomas Meyers said the Saudi who was apprehended is not actually a member of the organization. It’s unclear how he got the jacket, but it suggests that he may have been in the United States before.

Border Patrol officials did not explain why the man was considered a “potential terrorist,” but there is nothing implausible about the claim. Rep. John Katko (R-NY), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, distributed a fact sheet in October warning that “known or suspected terrorists are crossing the border ‘at a level we have never seen before.’”