This video is brought to you by a Freedom Center-Glazov Gang collaboration on a new exclusive webinar series, Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century. Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. And make sure to ask your own questions of our experts.
Hosted by Anni Cyrus, producer of The Glazov Gang and Founder of Live Up To Freedom.
This new webinar features Michael Cutler, a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service).
Michael discusses How The Biden Administration’s Immigration Policies Will Impact America. He analyses how, as Iran races towards nuclear break-out, America needs to be concerned about the potential that the Mullahs could call their sleeper agents into action — if any measures are taken to stop their nuclear aspirations.
Don’t miss it!