On December 16, 2020 the Justice Department issued a press release about the arrest of alleged terrorist, Cholo Abdi Abdullah, who was conspiring with other terrorists from an al Qaeda-affiliated terror organization to carry out a 9/11-style terror attack inside the United States. This substantiates a point I have made on numerous occasions, where the threats posed to America and Americans by foreign radical Islamic Terrorist organizations are concerned, the “All Clear” has most certainly not been sounded.
However apparently Joe Biden and Kamal Harris never got or, more likely, never read the memo.
Biden and Harris have both enthusiastically promised (threatened) to all but end immigration law enforcement and remove the restrictions that prohibit the entry of aliens from countries that sponsor terrorism and whose backgrounds cannot be effectively vetted.
While the media refers to the countries on the list of those countries as being “Muslim majority countries” implying that the so-call “travel ban” which is actually an entry restriction, was created to target Muslims, in reality, has nothing to do with religion but national security. The countries on that very limited list have a direct nexus to terrorism and for a variety of reasons, our officials are unable to effectively vet the citizens of those countries.
In point of fact, the three most populous Muslim-majority countries are Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Yet those countries do not appear on that list.
For Americans to be happy that Biden would eliminate that entry restriction makes as much sense as a flock of chickens celebrating that Colonel Sanders has announced a new recipe for fried chicken!