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The Biden Terrorism Account Small investments help prevent major distractions later on.


Two decades after 9/11, Washington understandably is concerned more with great-power competition than terrorism. But a new report from the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) is a reminder that terror groups remain a global scourge.

First, some good news: In 2019 the death toll from terrorism around the world fell for the fifth year in a row, according to IEP’s Global Terrorism Index. Deaths declined 59% between 2014 and last year, but nearly 14,000 people still died in terrorist incidents. While far-right political terrorism is on the rise, the report notes that it’s generally less lethal than Islamist terrorism and “the absolute number of far-right attacks remains low.”

One reason for declining deaths is that the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State made the world safer. The report attributes 942 killings over 339 attacks to the group in 2019. It marks the first time that ISIS has been responsible for fewer than 1,000 deaths since it became active in 2013.

“Despite the decrease in activity from ISIL in the Middle East and North Africa, ISIL’s affiliate groups remain active across the world, and have become especially prominent in sub-Saharan Africa,” according to the report, which uses an alternative acronym for ISIS. “The expansion of ISIL affiliates into sub-Saharan Africa led to a surge in terrorism in many countries in the region. Seven of the ten countries with the largest increase in terrorism were in sub-Saharan Africa.”

China Is National Security Threat No. 1 Resisting Beijing’s attempt to reshape and dominate the world is the challenge of our generation. :John Ratcliffe


Mr. Ratcliffe is U.S. director of national intelligence.

As Director of National Intelligence, I am entrusted with access to more intelligence than any member of the U.S. government other than the president. I oversee the intelligence agencies, and my office produces the President’s Daily Brief detailing the threats facing the country. If I could communicate one thing to the American people from this unique vantage point, it is that the People’s Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II.

The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.

I call its approach of economic espionage “rob, replicate and replace.” China robs U.S. companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology, and then replaces the U.S. firms in the global marketplace.

Take Sinovel. In 2018 a federal jury found the Chinese wind-turbine manufacturer guilty of stealing trade secrets from American Superconductor. Penalties were imposed but the damage was done. The theft resulted in the U.S. company losing more than $1 billion in shareholder value and cutting 700 jobs. Today Sinovel sells wind turbines world-wide as if it built a legitimate business through ingenuity and hard work rather than theft.

The Terrorist Attacks You’ve Never Heard Of By Isaac Schorr


A malicious strain of cyber warfare is targeting our health-care system.

T he American health-care system is under siege. Not only by a deadly novel coronavirus, unleashed by the evil and inept Chinese Communist Party, but also by cyberterrorists whose acts of aggression are just as condemnable and deadly as those of a suicide bomber or hijacker.

On October 28, the University of Vermont (UV) Health Center in Burlington was crippled by an attack on its systems. At the time, the nation’s eyes were set — solely and squarely — on the upcoming election. Thankfully, Ellen Barry and Nicole Perlroth at the New York Times have done yeoman’s work reporting on the attack and its aftermath. So now that the election is behind us, we can identify, name, and address this new kind of national-security threat.

“We expect panic,” declared one hacker in the run-up to the attack. To be sure, for staff working the day the attack came, panic set in when workstations were suddenly rendered inoperable, as were the backup computers. So were the pneumatic tubes used for transporting blood samples and test results, and — worst of all — the electronic medical-record system, which was only restored on November 22, nearly a month after the attack.

The attack on the UV Health Center is not the first act of cyber terror on U.S. health-care infrastructure. The Russian group believed to be responsible for the Burlington attack has, per the FBI, made somewhere around $61 million in ransoms over a 21-month period in 2018 and 2019. In early October, eResearchTechnology, a Philadelphia firm that sells software used in clinical trials — including for certain coronavirus vaccines — was locked out of its data by ransomware — a kind of malware that remains in place until the hackers who have sicced it on you are paid. Hospitals in California, Oregon, Montana, Tennessee, and upstate New York have been similarly afflicted by hackers, who have even gone so far as to release patient data — Social Security numbers, dates of birth, ages, hiring dates, and contact details — on the dark web.

What a Biden Administration Means for Border Security by Chris Farrell


“Whenever Obama was in there, drug cartels were so bad that it didn’t seem like anybody was fighting the drug cartels… the cartels ruled everything. They ran the dope, they trafficked the young girls, and there were so many more killings.” — Border resident, US Southwest.

“Trump had more Customs and Border Patrol agents at the border. Cattle crossings from Mexico were checked, inspected and limited. The cartels have used cattle to move dope for years. Now they’ll go back to moving cattle and laundering money back through the crossing here [Santa Teresa, NM] with less law enforcement. It will be a serious step backwards.” — Border resident, US Southwest.

The Americans paying the very high price for Biden/Harris reckless open borders policy are in border communities. Biden’s reversals spell doom for overloaded (and closed) hospitals, schools, public housing, and courts. Remember: Biden (and the rest of the Democratic presidential field) promised free healthcare to all illegal aliens.

U.S. Customs Service Officer Patricia Cramer, president of the Arizona chapter of the National Treasury Employees Union, revealed in an interview that persons crossing into the United States from Mexico are not health-screened in any way. No temperature taken, no cursory visual exam, nothing.

Remember: In “COVID-world,” you cannot go to the gym, and you must “social distance” in absurd ways — but the border is open, and no one is screened.

A Biden administration means two dramatic and dangerous reversals on Trump policies that will endanger the American public: 1. Termination of President Trump’s signature 2016 campaign issue — The Wall; and 2. Loosening of immigration restrictions.

“There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1,” Biden told National Public Radio earlier this year. “I’m going to make sure that we have border protection, but it’s going to be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it.”

Biden is not really promising any border protection at all. It sounds good, but it is a hollow falsehood. Most of the American public does not know about or has forgotten the $30 billion dollar disaster known as “SBInet.” We have been down this “high-tech virtual wall” road before. The only winners were defense contractors. The virtual wall does nothing to deter or prevent unlawful entry across the border. It merely provides surveillance and recording of the illegal activity. Thousands of hours of video recordings of such crossings are available on the internet right now. Technology contractors are encouraged that a Biden administration would like to continue watching and recording millions of people entering the country illegally.

US Urgently Needs to Challenge China’s Chokehold on Rare Earth Materials by Lawrence A. Franklin


The Chinese Communist Party’s near monopoly on most of these 17 rare earth materials (REM) is by now a US national security vulnerability of enormous strategic importance…. China’s October 13 decision to curtail the export of these vitally needed rare earth materials should serve as an urgent warning to the U.S. to begin developing an independent supply chain of these materials.

The Defense Department has not acted with the sense of urgency demanded by the president…. Consequently, if US-China relations plummet to the point where conflict appears imminent, America’s military would be disadvantaged should the Chinese decide to sever exports of REM to the US market.

The US would do well… by quickly decoupling its economy from dependency on China for rare earth materials — and if possible, from everything else.

One of China’s most significant advantages in the race to dominate future hi-tech industrial production, among just about everything else, is its chokehold on “rare earth materials” (REM). These are materials — and the raw minerals from which they are extracted and processed — vital to the manufacture, for instance, of advanced weapons, fossil-free alternative energy systems, communication devices, computer products, and microelectronic networks.

It is an area in which China has already established dominance . The Chinese Communist Party’s near monopoly on most of these 17 rare earth materials is by now a US national security vulnerability of enormous strategic importance. China’s October 13 decision to curtail the export of these vitally needed rare earth materials should serve as an urgent warning to the US to seriously begin developing an independent supply chain of these materials.

Muslim Pro Scandal How location data flows from a popular Muslim app to the U.S. military. Katie Hopkins


Finding something that makes you laugh in these troublesome times can be a challenge. It has to be said, 2020 has not exactly been a gift in terms of comedy — unless you have a very, very dark sense of humor.

Fortunately I do. And it gives me great pleasure to update you on the latest scandal to hit the Muslim stronghold of the UK.

Muslim Pro— one of the most popular apps downloaded on phones by the Muslim masses — has been accused of selling data to the U.S. Military. Better still, a U.S. Special Operations Command spokesperson has confirmed the purchase from the broker apparently involved.

I say a big British hooray for the U.S. Military and all the good men and women fighting to protect ordinary Americans from the Islamist threat we all face. It has been brutal in Europe over the last few weeks with attacks in Paris, Nice and Vienna.

But imagine the outrage here in the UK when our little Muslim Mayor of London — who is crying about how “it has never been more difficult to be a Muslim” — finds out the app he uses to remember his own name is passing on intel to the U.S. President.

South Florida ‘ISIS’ Imam: ‘Jews Not Really Jews,’ ‘France Beheading Bogus’ Plus ‘Jihad is climbing over necks’ and more deranged thoughts from Imam Fadi Kablawi. Joe Kaufman


Fadi Kablawi, FBI ‘ISIS’ suspect and head imam of the North Miami Islamic Center (NMIC), a.k.a. Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah, thinks that his being called an “anti-Semite” or a “radical” is absurd, because his verbal attacks against Jews and incitement against those he considers kafirs (disbelievers) is merely a reflection of his religious beliefs. Regardless of the reason, Kablawi is a revered spiritual leader with a considerable following that could easily be spurred to act upon his dangerous rhetoric. The intent of this article is to alert the community and law enforcement and expose Kablawi’s bigotry and extremism as a preventive measure.

On October 23rd, during one of his Friday khutbas (sermons), Kablawi told his congregation that Jews are not really Jews but “Europeans” with “pointy tails.” He stated, “If you even want to be a Jew, you cannot be a Jew. You can’t… I’m talking about Orthodox Jews. You cannot be an Orthodox Jew. They don’t accept you. They don’t acknowledge the rest of the Jews in the world, if they’re not these Orthodox with pointy tails and all these things on their side. They don’t. And over 90% of the Jews today are not real Jews, because Judaism has to do with a specific race of people… They’re Europeans. They’re Yehuda Khazar, Russians!”

Two days later, on October 25th, Kablawi referred to Jews as “enemies” and complained about Muslims trying to copy them. He stated, “The Yehud, this is their nature… enemies to anything that has to do with al-haqq (the truth). It doesn’t matter. For them, they work based on the Machiavellian mentality, the ends justify the means, anything goes, so they can achieve their goals… The only way we can achieve what they have achieved is by us corrupting our deen (belief)… Allah is warning you from following the path of those who incurred the wrath of Allah. And then they come and say, ‘We need to be like the Jews…’”

Is Rashida Tlaib an Agent of Jihad? By Eileen F. Toplansky


Much has been written about the radical leftist policies that will be enacted should Biden become President. They would include but not be limited to defunding police departments nationwide; abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE agency; decriminalizing illegal border entry by foreign nationals into the United States; and incentivizing States to pass laws that expand voting access.” In actuality, “Pelosi’s HEROES Act which is misleadingly titled ‘Protections for Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers’ is a ‘virtual blank check to keep illegal aliens from being deported.'”

But to my knowledge, no one has considered the possible consequences of Biden appointing Rashida Tlaib to head the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

While many Americans rail against the socialist/communist bent of the Democrat Party, far too many are still unaware of the insidious Red/Green alliance of Leftists and Jihadists.  Those who would ostensibly be enemies are currently bedfellows. Nineteen years after 9/11, far too many Americans still do not understand or acknowledge the jihadist enemy.

Ten years ago, top security policy experts wrote the book Shariah: The Threat to America.  Their in-depth work highlights the principle of  “stealth jihad.”  Thus, internal documents of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the font of modern Islamic jihad “make clear that civilization jihad is subversion waged by stealth instead of violence only until such time as Muslims are powerful enough to progress to violent jihad for the final conquest.”

Who Killed Philip Haney? Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?Lloyd Billingsley


In Amador County, California, on February 21, Philip Haney, author of  See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, was found dead from a single gunshot wound. News reports suggested suicide but the local sheriff found “this is not the case.” The death of Haney, 66, was a homicide, the unlawful killing of one person by another. The Amador County sheriff had no suspects but did find some clues.

Deputies recovered “numerous thumb drives and a laptop” from the crime scene, and “those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI.” The sheriff “hopes to complete our review of the reports and compare the FBI’s analysis with what we have already collected and analyzed within a few weeks after receipt.”

That was on July 22, and a week after the November 3 election, nearly eight months after the homicide, the FBI “analysis” has not come to light. The lapse could be partly explained by early reporting on the homicide.  

“Haney’s controversial accusations that the Obama administration could have prevented terrorist attacks were polarizing among Americans,” Laura Hoy of CNN reported on February 23. As Hoy explained, “Haney’s death is likely to become political ammo for Republicans heading into the 2020 presidential elections.” Haney’s “death” did not become an election issue because key information failed to emerge from the FBI, which is becoming more like the Soviet KGB.

Soviet bosses showed the KGB a man and they found the crime. The FBI deployed the same method with General Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith altered a document saying that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was not a source for the CIA, even though he was. In similar style, former FBI director James Comey, FBI counterintelligence boss Peter Strzok, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were all participants in illegal covert operations against candidate and President Trump.

The KGB also conducted “wet” operations, code for assassination and murder. Those who doubt the FBI could do likewise might consider the case of Randy Weaver, smeared as a “white separatist” and entrapped on bogus charges. 

After a gun battle that claimed the life of Weaver’s son and a U.S. Marshal, the FBI deployed massive military force against a single family. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Randy’s wife Vicki through the head as she held her infant daughter. Snipers are trained carefully to “acquire” their targets, so the claim that the killing was accidental is hard to accept.

Horiuchi faced charges and enjoyed the services of a government lawyer. Even so, William Barr, now U.S. attorney general, organized former attorneys general to support the FBI sniper, and assisted in legal arguments in favor of the FBI. Appeal court judge Alex Kozinski, by contrast, said the FBI had established “a 007 standard for the use of deadly force.” In other words, a license to kill.

Haney’s friends and relatives have a right to wonder if the FBI had some role beyond the withholding of evidence until after the November election. No official probe has been announced, but the FBI provides ample grounds for suspicion. 

China: Existential Threat to America by Gordon G. Chang


We can, of course, cooperate with a China that is a partner or a friend. We can even cooperate with a China that is a competitor; all nations to some degree compete. The question is this: Is China merely just a competitor? Can we, for instance, cooperate with a China that is an opponent or an enemy?

Multilateralism, the core ideology of the UN, is failing. Countries are bypassing the UN because they realize it cannot provide security. Countries are defending themselves.

China’s unrestricted warfare — a term Beijing has been using for at least 21 years — now includes biological attack.

In late January, US Customs and Border Patrol agents seized 900,000 counterfeit one‑dollar bills from China at the International Port of Entry in Minnesota…. By the way, counterfeiting another country’s currency is more than just subversion. That is an act of war.

Xi has always believed that China should rule the world. He has always believed he had to get the United States out of the way, especially because Americans promote ideals that are anathema to totalitarianism.

Beijing leaders know they are running out of time. It is really no mystery why they may feel this way. China’s demography is in the initial stages of accelerated decline. We know that China’s environment is exhausted. Think scarcity of water, despite all the flooding.

Up to now, the primary basis of legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party has been the continual delivery of prosperity. Without the assurance of prosperity, the only remaining basis of legitimacy is nationalism. Nationalism, as a practical matter, means military misadventure abroad.

A Chinese enterprise is now pouring about three billion dollars into Freeport in the Bahamas, 87 miles east of Palm Beach. I think that we are going to see, unless the US stops it, the People’s Liberation Army with a naval base 87 miles east of Palm Beach.

We cannot afford to have these consulates not only engaging in espionage but also trying to bring down the government of the United States…. Everyone wants to maintain friendly relations with every country, but we cannot maintain friendly relations with a country that is trying to subvert us in the way China’s been doing.

We cannot afford to lose any time giving grace periods to a regime that is relentlessly attacking us. We have to be concerned that an incoming president will do what every president has tried to do. That is the impossible: to attempt to develop cooperative relations with a militant Chinese state.

It is up to the President of the United States to change companies’ incentives. He can do that with the use of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. Trump used that on TikTok. A US federal judge in the District of Columbia overturned, or at least stayed, his order, which means President Trump needs, first of all, to start thinking about not only the ’77 act but also the 1917 act, which is the “Trading with the Enemy Act ” because judges would have less scope for overturning a designation of that sort…. We need to do much more because China is not going to let us alone in our own hemisphere.

Because China killed 20 Indian soldiers on June 15, India has gone in a good direction, cutting off Huawei, cutting off TikTok, cutting off Chinese companies. We need to do the same thing. Remember, China declared a “people’s war” on the United States in May of last year. They told us we’re the enemy, so we might as well take them at their word.

In the Atlantic, there are two other places that China would like military bases. One of them is Walvis Bay in Namibia, and the other is Terceira, in the Azores. Terceira is home to the Lajes US Air Force base. The US Air Force has redeployed, basically making it a ghost base. From there, China could control the mouth of the Mediterranean, control the North Atlantic, put Washington, DC and New York at risk. I think it is up to the US Air Force to start putting people in Lajes, so the Chinese realize that they cannot take over the airfield. Its runway is almost 11,000 feet long. It can accommodate any aircraft and can threaten the United States. The Atlantic, which we have seen as a preserve, could very well become a Chinese lake.

In terms of whether there might be another biological attack or not, you have to remember that China has been sending seeds, unsolicited, to Americans, to people in Britain, to people in Taiwan. That could very well be an attempt to cause havoc in the United States.

The point here is, we have to be prepared for anything. We need to make a clear declaration in public that the United States will defend Taiwan because Taiwan is crucial to maintaining our Western defense perimeter…. Taiwan is absolutely critical because it protects us from a surging Chinese air force and Chinese navy, trying to get to Hawaii.