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Iran’s Mullah, the Master of Terror Cells in the World by Majid Rafizadeh


Iranian terrorist “sleeper cells” are reportedly continuing to operate in the US, according to intelligence officials and security experts. The Iranian regime is also continuing to target Latin American countries, where it dispatches its agents (specifically from Hezbollah), creates terror cells, and trains militias.

By turning a blind eye to the Iranian regime’s terror activities in foreign countries and by refusing to open investigations or even condemn the mullahs, the United Nations is complicit in Iran’s malign behavior across the globe. Perhaps it is time for the US to “pay for what it wants” from the UN, rather than automatically handing it billions, more than a fifth if its budget, every year — and to make sure America gets what it pays for?

Some of the main objectives of the Iranian regime’s terror cells and proxies are to create fear in other nations through terrorism, subvert foreign governments and ultimately impose on the world an Islamist and Sharia system that mirrors that of Tehran. As Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah previously acknowledged:

“Our goal, which we have no choice but to adopt due to our ideological beliefs, is the project of the Islamic State of Lebanon… Not as a separate Islamic Republic but as a part of a ‘Great Islamic Republic,’ ruled by (former Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah) Khomeini.”

How China funds and organizes riots and civil unrest in America By Ghenghis Gary


There is growing comprehension of the extent of China’s attempts to undermine America and establish itself as the world’s dominant economic and political power. Globally, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), begun in 2013 has spread across all continents, enrolling at least 138 countries to date.

The BRI reach is vast and, although it lacks transparency, a common estimate is that it incorporates 38 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 25 East Asia and Pacific countries, 17 nations in the Middle East and North Africa, 18 Latin American and Caribbean sovereignties, 6 Southeast Asia countries, and even 38 European and Central Asia countries including 18 EU members. China’s goal is to invest (buy) its way into these nations by first injecting its economic influence, then exercising its political force, and finally infusing its culture into BRI nations via “soft colonialism.”

Not only is China exerting economic and political superiority in these nations, but Xi Jinping’s BRI plan, under the guise of peace and security, is also establishing strategic military infrastructures in the form of naval ports, army land-bases, and air force installations in BRI member countries.

Although the United States is not a BRI member, what’s becoming more exposed through daily revelations is China’s sub-rosa investment, insurgent involvement, and planned takeover of America’s institutions and business sectors, including academia, entertainment, finance, agriculture and others.

What is less well understood and still remains largely obscured is China’s role in funding, organizing, and supporting anti-American groups responsible for the riots, looting, violence, and property destruction that have occurred over the last few months. What is becoming ever clearer, though, is that China had a central role in providing the financial support, structural assistance, ideological manifestos, and mass and social media propaganda tools to America-hating radicals who are intent on destroying this nation and its people’s way of life.

China Ties to US Riots Exposed by Trevor Loudon By Ella Kietlinska


Most of the riots that racked the United States within the last few months were organized by two socialist organizations which have close ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said Trevor Loudon, author, and filmmaker, who has been researching radical and terrorist groups and their covert influence on mainstream politics for more than 30 years.

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) based out of Minneapolis, an openly pro-CCP organization, and Bay Area-based Liberation Road, with very close ties to the Chinese consulate there and the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), are behind the recent riots, Loudon said in a recent interview on Epoch Times’ Crossroads program.

Liberation Road

Liberation Road is “basically a Chinese directed movement,” Loudon said. It is a socialist organization, drawing from Marxist ideology, “with a clear focus on building the resistance to Trump,” its website said.

Liberation Road whose people “burnt Ferguson, Missouri to the ground in 2014,” split from FRSO several years ago over the issue of whether to work with the Democratic Party “and it is the parent body of Black Lives Matter [BLM],” Loudon said.

Alicia Garza, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement is also the principal of the Black Future Labs project which is “a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association,” the donation page of the Black Futures Labs stated.

Some media denied the allegation about links of the Black Future Labs to the Chinese Communist regime because there are two organizations named “Chinese Progressive Association,” one in San Francisco and one in Boston. The Black Future Labs works with only the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco which is a different entity than its namesake in Boston, according to the New York Times.

DOJ Announces British ISIS Terrorists Will Stand Trial in U.S. for Murder of American Hostages By Mairead McArdle


The Justice Department on Wednesday announced that two ISIS terrorists are are en route to the U.S. to face charges in the the capture and murders of four U.S. citizens in Syria from 2012 to 2015.

Alexanda Kotey, 36, and El Shafee Elsheikh, 32, two former British citizens who were part of a group of four ISIS guards known as “The Beatles,” will make their initial appearance in court later Wednesday in Alexandria, Va.

The two former ISIS terrorists grew up in the United Kingdom, where they became radicalized, the Justice Department said.

They “participated in the abduction of American and European hostages in Syria” including British and Japanese nationals and “allegedly engaged in a prolonged pattern of physical and psychological violence against the hostages, including against American citizens James Wright Foley, Kayla Jean Mueller, Steven Joel Sotloff, and Peter Edward Kassig,” according to a 24-page indictment unsealed Wednesday.

“Today, we remember the victims, Jim Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller, and their families who are forever affected by these senseless acts of violence,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said during a press conference. “These families have suffered with the painful loss of their loved ones at the hands of brutal killers; today’s charges demonstrate the FBI’s dedication and commitment to giving them the justice they deserve. We, along with our partners in the U.S. Government, remain steadfast in our duty to bring to justice those who have harmed our citizens — no matter where they are, and no matter how long it takes.”

Chris Wray is Right: Antifa Is an Ideological Threat to the United States By Andrew C. McCarthy


His assessment marks a dramatic improvement in the FBI’s position on the very real and present threat of ideologically driven violence.

On Thursday, Jim Geraghty had a characteristically insightful Corner post discussing FBI director Christopher Wray’s recent characterization of Antifa on Capitol Hill. Jim observes that the director’s testimony will be (indeed, is being) distorted in the debate halls, congressional chambers, and media commentary because, well, that’s what we do.

The rap on Wray is that he resists framing Antifa as an “organization,” thinking it more accurate to depict it as a “movement” or an “ideology.” The problem is not just that he is being maligned for what was a more nuanced and accurate description than the commentary indicates. Beyond that, the commentary is missing entirely that his assessment marks a dramatic improvement in the FBI’s position on ideologically driven violence, which has been the most immediate threat faced by the United States for a generation. If the government is applying to international terrorism — i.e., jihadist terrorism — the same thinking that Wray described as the bureau’s approach to Antifa’s domestic terrorism, that is a significant security enhancement.

Wray is not denying that Antifa is infecting and driving violent anti-American anarchists. Those anarchists, he indicated, include collections that range from ad hoc groups of individuals who self-identify as Antifa to more regimented “nodes” that are “coalescing regionally.”

Does that sound familiar? It should. On a global stage, it mirrors in many ways the Muslim Brotherhood. Not a precise reflection, but it is similar (and bear in mind that these movements are in very different stages of their historical development).

The Jihad Plot Against New York City You Heard Nothing About By Robert Spencer


“Let it be clear, I am against America. America is my enemy.”

This was written in an online chat by a man in Texas, Jaylyn Christopher Molina, who has been charged with conspiring with another American, Kristopher Sean Matthews of Elgin, South Carolina, to commit “Netflix worthy” terror attacks at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange, which they thought would gain them “rock star status.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed Thursday that white supremacists were the biggest terror threat the country faced: “Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group. And within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that.”

With antifa and Black Lives Matter burning down city after city and threatening and intimidating Americans on an increasingly frequent basis, while white supremacist terror has been conspicuously absent, Wray’s assessment was curious in the extreme and ignored not just the obvious threat from the Left, but the ongoing terror threat from the stalwart allies of antifa and BLM: Islamic jihadists.

After all, antifa and Black Lives Matter would do nothing but applaud the desire of Matthews and Molina to “hit government centers.” They could have been antifa operatives when they talked of hitting the headquarters of the CIA, the FBI, and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Molina wrote: “We need to stick together, we need to defeat them, we need to take a lot of casualties, a lot of numbers.” Matthews stated: “I would hit places like that to send a message.” Would an antifa member have stood up and told them that they must not talk that way, but stick to peaceful protest?

Pompeo: Chinese Consulate in NYC Is Espionage Hub By Zachary Evans


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the Chinese consulate in New York City is a center for espionage, in comments to the New York Post on Thursday.

Pompeo’s remarks came after the Justice Department charged an NYPD officer on Monday with spying for China. The officer, Baimadajie Angwang, is accused of arranging invitations for Chinese officials to NYPD events, in order to gain access to senior ranks of the NYPD.  Angwang is an ethnic Tibetan who also gathered information for China on Tibetans in the city.

The Justice Department alleged that Angwang was in contact with at least two consulate officials. Pompeo said there would likely be additional arrests of agents connected with the consulate.

Officials in the consulate are “engaged in activities where they’re crossing the line from normal diplomacy to the kinds of things that would be more akin to what spies are doing,” Pompeo told the Post.

In addition to the New York consulate, Pompeo warned that China’s spying efforts may extend to its United Nations personnel.

An October Surprise in the Waiting President Trump should take his shot for a hat trick on terrorism. By Lloyd Billingsley


At the Republican National Convention last month, Carl and Marsha Mueller told the nation how in 2013 their daughter Kayla was kidnapped by Islamic State terrorists, tortured, and repeatedly raped by the Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. During this 18-month ordeal, Kayla’s father explained, the government let them down, but “if Donald Trump had been president when Kayla was captured, she would be here today.”

That is uncertain, but another reality is undeniable.

Under President Trump, the U.S. military set up Task Force 814, named for Kayla’s August 14 birthday. In Operation Kayla Mueller last October, the task force took out al-Baghdadi. The ISIS chieftain was not the only terrorist in Trump’s sights. 

As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the RNC, “the president approved a strike that killed the Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani. This is the man most responsible for the murder and maiming of hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of Christians across the Middle East.” That went down on January 3, but President Trump still has unfinished business on the terrorism front. 

On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, U.S. troops prepared for deployment to Afghanistan. U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, a self-described “soldier of Allah,” shouted “Allahu Akbar” and opened fire on the unarmed Americans. Hasan killed 13, including, Private Francheska Velez, 21 and pregnant. The soldier of Allah wounded 42 others, including Sargeant Alonzo Lunsford, an African American who took seven bullets from Hasan. 

The killer was never described as a racist, and the Obama Administration passed off the mass murder as “workplace violence,” not even gun violence. Vice President Joe Biden issued a 58-word statement expressing sympathy for the families of “the brave soldiers who fell today.” No word from the vice president about who killed the brave soldiers, in the “senseless tragedy.” 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lamented the “unspeakable tragedy,” and “the losses of those who were killed.” On the other hand, the San Francisco Democrat failed to number the victims or name any of them. Pelosi also failed to call out Hasan and offered no thoughts on what might have motivated “the gunman” to murder 13 Americans.

Front Line Dispatch from China’s Economic War Against the U.S. We are engaged in an economic war with the CCP and the future of our nation is more important than any company’s quarterly earnings report. By Curtis Ellis


The Chinese Communist Party’s economic war against the United States continues.

The CCP is preparing to launch a major campaign to fleece American investors of billions of dollars to fund its drive for global hegemony.

And it’s getting help from some of the biggest names on Wall Street, a virtual fifth column for the brutal Marxist-Leninist regime.

Here’s the latest dispatch from the front: Ant Technology Group (Ant Group), formerly known as Ant Financial Services Group, is a subsidiary of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding, the e-commerce giant that made Jack Ma one of the world’s richest men. 

Ant provides financial technology (fintech) products and services. It’s expected soon to issue an initial public offering in Hong Kong and Shanghai to raise $30 billion—the largest IPO in history.

It’s important to reiterate the risks involved with investing in any CCP-controlled or affiliated company—which means any Chinese company. Even “private” Chinese companies are beholden to the Chinese government according to its National Intelligence Law and security laws and regulations.

When President Trump barred the pension funds of civilian and military employees of the federal government from investing in index funds that include Chinese companies, National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow and National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien explained: 

The financial impact of this risk is significant: scandals involving Chinese companies in recent years have cost investors billions of dollars. In addition, the Chinese Government currently prevents companies with Chinese operations listed on U.S. exchanges from complying with applicable U.S. securities law, leaving investors without the benefit of important protections.

The Obama-Biden Administration struck the deal that exempts Chinese companies from U.S. securities laws. 

The Complex and International Fight for America’s Future By Gary Bernsten


Hugo Chavez understood fully that he was poisoning inner-city black youth with 26 tons of cocaine monthly, while simultaneously funding Black Lives Matter.

Recent sustained street protests, escalating intimidation, and violence by the Democratic Party’s leftist Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa activists have reached an untenable level of threat. Americans of all political parties, races, and faiths need to examine closely what is transpiring on America’s streets and stand with the founding principles of freedom, equality, and opportunity enshrined in our founding documents and improved upon by succeeding generations. 

America, the envy of the world, is under full assault by leftists determined to destroy it. The movement to defund the police is the first step in the establishment of a new order by anti-American radicals. The answer to that ambition must be no. 

As a veteran of the United States Air Force and a retired senior operations officer and chief of station in the CIA’s Clandestine Service, I normally write and lecture on national security, terrorism, and counter narcotics. What has transpired on America’s streets is well beyond domestic party politics. It has become a national security threat. 

There is an effort afoot to destroy the very foundation of American governance. 

Homegrown Radicals with Venezuelan Drug Money