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The Trump Administration’s Welcome Pushback against Chinese Communist Party–Affiliated Technology


The Chinese Communist Party has been exporting its virtual panopticon to liberal democracies via WeChat, TikTok, and other online platforms. in its pursuit of more global influence. As part of a broader push against Chinese influence, the Trump administration in recent weeks has rolled out a number of measures to deal with the threat of Chinese technology. 

The White House forced TikTok into acquisition talks with Microsoft, following a U.S. government panel’s decision to force divestment from the app’s parent company ByteDance. Negotiators have until September 15 to reach a deal. After that, President Trump says he will ban the app. 

Building on this, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week announced the “Clean Network” program, a State Department initiative to certify trusted partners who have worked to rid their products and networks of malign foreign influence.  

TikTok: China’s Trojan Horse to Indoctrinate America by Gordon G. Chang


At the moment, ByteDance is in negotiations with Microsoft and Twitter to sell TikTok. Yet a sale will not by itself end the threat. Any new owner will have to go over line after line of code to insulate TikTok from Chinese interference.

Even an exhaustive review may not be sufficient, because Beijing will still know the general architecture of the software, thereby facilitating further manipulation of the app. As Dabrowa told Gatestone, “My team discovered that a foreign actor may come in the backdoor and change the feed.”

In the meantime, Trump’s 45-day period, plus the time needed to review software, give China plenty of opportunity to interfere in the upcoming American elections.

That means Trump last week with his executive order may have saved American democracy but maybe not his own presidency.

President Donald Trump on Thursday issued an executive order that just might save America’s democracy.

Using emergency powers, he prohibited, after the expiration of a 45-day period, Americans from any transaction with ByteDance Ltd., a privately owned Chinese company, or any of its subsidiaries. Prohibited transactions, the order states, will be those “identified” by the Secretary of Commerce.

The order effectively bans ByteDance’s TikTok, a video-sharing mobile application, from the United States at the end of 45 days.

China Seeds: A Biological Attack on America? by Gordon G. Chang


Some think the packages [of seeds marked as “jewelry”] could be part of a “brushing scam” — an effort to create fake customer reviews on online retail platforms — but that appears unlikely. For one thing, there is no indication these seeds — there are several varieties of them — are either branded or are offered for sale.

“DO NOT plant them,” officials in every state have warned.

There is also an infamous statement attributed to General Chi Haotian. In a secret speech to senior Communist Party officials sometime around 2002, Chi, then the Chinese defense minister, stated there was a need for “new living space” because of the exhaustion of existing Chinese territory. Chi suggested the “mass colonization” of the land occupied by United States as the best option.

“We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons,” he said. The way to “clean up” the U.S., Chi argued, would be through biological attacks.

“For forty years, the Chinese have used unconventional tactics to further their ambitious goal of defeating the United States,” said Brandon Weichert of the Weichert Report to this publication. “They employed economic warfare, lawfare, information warfare, and cyber warfare. Beijing looks like it attempted biowarfare with the novel coronavirus from Wuhan. Now, they may be trying their hand at ecological warfare.”

Residents in all 50 states have received packages of seeds, sent unsolicited from China. Many of the packages, mailed through the Chinese state-run postal system, were mislabeled as “jewelry” for U.S. Customs purposes.

“DO NOT plant them,” officials in every state have warned.

“They could be invasive, meaning they may have the potential to introduce diseases to local plants, or could be harmful to livestock,” the Montana Department of Agriculture noted in a statement on Monday, referring to the Chinese seeds. “Treat them like they are radioactive, like they are Kryptonite,” said Texas Agriculture

UC Davis Harbored Suspected Communist Spy Juan Tang Intrigue in Dems’ China-friendly California. Lloyd Billingsley


On Friday U.S. authorities arrested Juan Tang, who had sought refuge in the Chinese consulate in San Francisco after being charged with visa fraud last month. Tang had been a visiting cancer researcher at UC Davis, the Davis Enterprise reports, funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council, affiliated with the China’s Ministry of Education and Xijing Hospital in China.

According to the report, the FBI found a 2016 photo of Tang wearing a People’s Liberation Army uniform and an application for government benefits in which Tang revealed she was member of the Chinese Communist Party. After questioning at her Davis apartment, Tang fled to the Chinese consulate in San Francisco. Justice Department officials did not reveal how Tang was apprehended or whether the consulate had turned over the fugitive.

Chen Song, a visiting researcher at Stanford is also charged with visa fraud for lying about affiliations with the Chinese military. These are hardly the first cases of Chinese espionage in California. For some 20 years, in fact, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat, employed a Chinese spy on her staff.

DOJ Charges 4 Researchers with Hiding Ties to China’s Military; One Is Being Harbored at San Francisco Consulate By Bryan Preston


On Wednesday, the United States government moved to shut down the Chinese consulate in Houston. Shortly after, Houston police and fire responded to reports of small fires in the consulate’s courtyard. Individuals appeared to be burning papers.

That consulate has been accused of fomenting racial unrest in the country, which is one reason why the government apparently ordered it shut down.

Now, the Chinese consulate in San Francisco may be harboring an accused spy.

The Department of Justice this afternoon announced charges against four Chinese nationals who are in the United States on research visas. They are accused of engaging in a concerted effort to conceal their ties with China’s military.

“These members of China’s People Liberation Army applied for research visas while hiding their true affiliation with the PLA,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers.  “This is another part of the Chinese Communist Party’s plan to take advantage of our open society and exploit academic institutions.  We will continue to conduct this investigation together with the FBI.”

Seven Antifa Agitators Face Federal Charges After Portland Riots By Debra Heine


According to a release from the United States Department of Justice, “the Hatfield Federal Courthouse has been a repeated target of vandalism, sustaining extensive damage.”

Rowan Olsen, 19, of Portland, is charged with disorderly conduct, creating a hazard on federal property, and failing to obey a lawful order; Shant Singh Ahuja, 28, of Oceanside, California, is charged with destruction of federal property; and Andrew Steven Faulkner, 24, of Beaverton, Oregon; Gretchen Margaret Blank, 29, of Seattle, Washington; Christopher Fellini, 31, of Portland; Cody Porter, 28, of Portland; and Taimane Jame Teo, 24, of Eugene, Oregon, are charged with assaulting federal officers.

Since May 26, protests in downtown Portland, Oregon, have been allowed to devolve into riots by nightfall. The nightly criminal activity has included “assaults on law enforcement officers, destruction of property, looting, arson, and vandalism,” according to court documents.

Federal law enforcement officers were deployed over the holiday weekend to restore order.

“U.S. Marshals Service deputies and officers from the Federal Protective Service, Homeland Security Investigations, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection working to protect the courthouse have been subjected to threats,” the DOJ release states.

The antifa militants have thrown “aerial fireworks including mortars; high intensity lasers targeting officers’ eyes; thrown rocks, bottles, and balloons filled with paint” at officers while they were performing their duties, according to the release.

Countering BioTerrorism By Rachel Ehrenfeld


Bio-terrorism dates back to the New Stone Age. The Scythians (7th century BC – 4th century AD), the Gauls (Celtic people, 5th century BC – 3rd century AD), the ancient Romans (first and second centuries AD), the Aztecs, and the Mayans have used toxins from plants, such as the Curare, to snake venoms and poison dart frogs to kill their enemies either by using the toxins on their arrows and spears or by sometimes poisoning the water wells of their enemies.

Advanced technologies facilitated the development of toxins that could devastate armies and civilian communities.

The Jihadist movement gave rise to the Islamic revolution of Iran, Al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, and others who aim to annihilate and terrorize non-believers, destroy their cultures and devastate their economies. This fundamental change makes biological weapons appealing.

4 Evolving Technology Areas Of Smart Cybersecurity Chuck Brooks


The surge in digital connectivity and more sophisticated cyber-threats has promulgated the need for smart cybersecurity.  Smart Cybersecurity is a logical reaction to try to manage risk by lessening security gaps often posed by reliance on manual processes that are impacted by a continual cybersecurity skills shortage and the administrative burdens of data security management.

Despite the challenges, there is promise for reducing dependence on humans and bolstering cybersecurity capabilities. A myriad of evolving cognitive technologies can help us enhance cybersecurity and navigate the increasingly malicious and disruptive cyber threat landscape. They include:

•     Artificial Intelligence

•     Machine Learning

•     Automated and Adaptive Networks:

FCC Designates Chinese Tech Giants Huawei and ZTE as National-Security Threats By Andrew C. McCarthy


The Federal Communications Commission has formally designated two technology giants closely connected to the Chinese Communist regime as national-security threats to the integrity of telecommunications networks and the communications supply chain.

The designation applies to Huawei Technologies Company and ZTE Corporation.

FCC chairman Ajit Pai announced that, after a full investigation, the commission’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB) concluded that “[b]oth companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services.” Consequently, the companies pose “national security risks to America’s communications networks — and our 5G future.”

Greenfield Video: When Marxist Mobs Come for the Liberals Dancing with the devil has its price.


This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discusses: When Marxist Mobs Come for the Liberals, unveiling how Dancing with the devil has its price.

Don’t miss it!