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A Brief History of Antifa: Part II Antifa in the United States by Soeren Kern


“The only long-term solution to the fascist menace is to undermine its pillars of strength in society grounded not only in white supremacy but also in ableism, heteronormativity, patriarchy, nationalism, transphobia, class rule, and many others.” — Mark Bray, “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” 2017.

“They’re coming from other cities. That cost money. They didn’t do this on their own. Somebody’s paying for this…. What Antifa is doing is they’re basically hijacking the black community as their army. They instigate, they antagonize, they get these young black men and women to go out there and do stupid things, and then they disappear off into the sunset.” — Bernard Kerik, former commissioner of the New York City Police Department.

The coordinated violence raises questions about how Antifa is financed. The Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) is an organizing group that serves as a fiscal sponsor to numerous radical left-wing initiatives, according to Influence Watch, a research group that collects data on advocacy organizations, foundations and donors…. The Open Society Foundations, Tides Foundation, Arca Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, and the Brightwater Fund have all made contributions to AFGJ, according to Influence Watch.

One of the groups funded by AFGJ is called Refuse Fascism … an offshoot of the Radical Communist Party (RCP)…. The group’s slogan states: “This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!”

Editor’s note: This is Part II of a series on the history of the global Antifa movement. Part I described Antifa and explored the ideological origins of the group. Part II examines the history, tactics and goals of the movement in the United States.

U.S. President Donald Trump recently announced that the American government would designate Antifa — a militant “anti-fascist” movement — as a terrorist organization due to the violence that erupted at George Floyd protests across the United States.

Intifada Realism What can happen in America when radical Islam allies with the radical Left. Lloyd Billingsley


Some years ago, Maryland insurance broker Tom Clancy spotted a news story about a Soviet submarine that cut loose and headed west. That prompted Clancy, a naval historian of sorts, to write The Hunt for Red October, about how the defection might have gone down.

Preston Fleming, a veteran of “11 years of government service in places like Beirut, Cairo, Tunis, Jeddah, and Amman,” noticed the original Intifada in the West Bank and Gaza. That prompted the vision of an Intifada in the United States. In Fleming’s Root and Branch, the stateside Intifada gears up after an electromagnetic pulse attack by Iran, Pakistan and North Korea, but the EMP assault gets no description until 70 pages into the narrative.

From the Canadian border to Connecticut, there was no electricity, natural gas, no drinking water, and no sewer treatment. EMP impaired telephone circuits, cellphone towers, computers and vehicle electronics, so there was no gas at the pumps, no food in stores, no cash at ATMs, and no meds at hospitals. This was an ideal atmosphere for “the looting, the rioting, the home invasions, the gun battles between criminals and neighborhood militias, and the total breakdown of social order.”

This disturbs Roger Zorn, American-born owner of a French security company, and long aware of jihadist terror in France. At one point, “the intifada had spread by now to twice as many American cities while Islamist-inspired terror attacks had grown increasingly sophisticated.” The jihadi explosive devices had “morphed from car bombs to bicycle and motorcycle bombs, truck bombs, and even explosive-laden boat bombs.” Shootings had progressed from “random snipings to sophisticated assassinations against law enforcement officers and National Guard troops.”

Radical Muslim Group ICNA Honored by US Congressman, Governor Democrats Lou Correa and Gretchen Whitmer laud those linked to South Asian terror. Joe Kaufman


The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has a long history rooted in terror. However, recently the group has been giving out food, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Can a few bags of fruits and vegetables remove ICNA’s horrors of the past and threat to the present? Two lawmakers, US Congressman Lou Correa and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, seem to think so, as they have showered ICNA with praise and commendations, while ignoring the organization’s extremism and bigotry. Correa and Whitmer should rescind their unwarranted words and awards immediately.

ICNA was established, in September 1968, as the American arm of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the largest Islamist group in South Asia. Not long after ICNA’s founding, JI’s then-paramilitary wing, al-Badr, was helping to massacre people in East Pakistan, what is now called Bangladesh, in a genocide that took the lives of up to three million individuals. One of al-Badr’s commanders, Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, who was sentenced to death (in absentia), in November 2013, for multiple murders, held the positions of Vice President of ICNA National and President of ICNA-New York and, according to his LinkedIn page, is still involved with ICNA.

In August 2006, JI announced on its website that its charitable apparatus, the Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF), had taken a delegation to the Damascus, Syria home of then-global head of Hamas, Khaled Mashal, presenting Mashal with a check for $100 thousand. Mashal thanked the delegation and said that Hamas would continue terrorist activities against Israel. At the time of the transaction, ICNA was a partner to AKF and topped the list of donors on AKF’s website. AKF’s current President, Muhammad Abdus Shakoor, is a former Secretary General of ICNA; ICNA continues to be a partner to AKF; and JI continues to openly support Hamas.

Philadelphia Imam Calls for Bloodshed While the Left calls for abolishing the police. Robert Spencer


There is considerable evidence of Leftist/Islamic collaboration in the recent riots, and one Islamic scholar has called openly for more bloodshed. This should be, but probably won’t be, a matter of concern for intelligence and law enforcement officials, because this imam is not in Tehran or Lahore or Kabul: he is in Philadelphia.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports that on June 2, an Islamic scholar in the City of Brotherly Love, Nafis Abu Zayd Sparrow, uploaded a video to the Maktabah Ibn Taymiyyah YouTube channel in which he dismisses peaceful protests on Islamic grounds: “Even scholars of the past, they mention clearly that there is nothing found – no basis whatsoever – in the Quran or the Sunnah for demonstrations or protests.”

Sparrow mocked the Twitter wars and meme-making that characterize our current silly civil war: “When Allah told [Moses] to go back to deal with this tyrannical ruler, to deal with this tyrannical system – did He tell him to spit in their faces? Did He tell him to stand outside and do public demonstrations? Did He tell him to behave a certain way – to clown the President, make up all types of memes, say this about the president because it is the way you feel? Did He say to do all of that, and talk bad about Pharaoh?…So all of this Tweeting, speaking, celebrities – don’t follow them. ‘F Trump,’ that sounds good… Don’t follow them.”

What to do instead? Wage violent jihad: “To get freedom, brothers, it takes fighting, I’m sorry, unless you have got divine intervention….Moses didn’t need an army to fight. But go to Muhammad. Didn’t Muhammad have to fight? Go to all the prophets before – get your verses at the verses – did they not have to fight?”

The George Floyd Riots: The Leftist/Islamic Partnership in Action The Unholy Alliance is emboldened and on the march. Robert Spencer


The nationwide riots over the murder of George Floyd have offered new insight into the unholy alliance between Leftists and Islamic supremacists. Zahra Billoo, Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), recently tweeted: “Non-Black POC, first and second generation immigrant Muslims friends in particular, what are you doing today to support #BlackLivesMatter?” Imraan Siddiqi of CAIR-Arizona tweeted out a video of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman kicking a tear gas canister toward police with the approving comment, “Drop-kick that tear-gas canister, sister.”

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, rioters were so grieved and angered by Floyd’s death that they spray-painted “Free Palestine” on the wall of a synagogue. And in New York City, a Muslim housing attorney is in legal trouble for tossing a Molotov cocktail at a NYPD cruiser during the recent riots in New York City. She is also a committed activist for the Palestinian jihad, having published agitprop spreading false claims of Palestinian victimhood.

Where is the FBI? By Douglas Herz


Today’s Federal Bureau of Investigation is “an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization…to protect the U.S. from terrorism, espionage, cyber attacks, and major criminal threats…” (FBI website). So why isn’t the FBI protecting Americans from Antifa, BLM, and the other terrorists who have taken over so many American cities today?  

What are the priorities of the FBI? At the top of the FBI website is an alert to threats during the COVID-19 pandemic: online exploitation of kids, hacking and scamming, and hate crimes. In other words, while our cities burn and terrorists seek to overthrow our state and federal governments, the FBI is focused on keeping the internet safe.

Is this a joke?

What is the FBI doing? I counted 33 press releases on the FBI website for June 9. These included tax evasion, threatening communications, bank robbery, assault, heroin possession, and child pornography. You get the idea- minor threats to our nation and nothing about terrorists wreaking havoc in Seattle, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and other cities.

Where is FBI Director Wray? He has not made a single statement, held a press conference, or attended a news program in months, to my knowledge. Typing in his name on the FBI website brings up one reference from 2020, and one reference from 2019. The rest are older. This guy must be working at his job undercover.

Antifa – An Integral Part of the Dems’ 2020 Playbook It’s déjà vu all over again. Kenneth R. Timmerman


When I see videos of Antifa thugs smashing and looting luxurious shopfronts on Fifth Avenue in New York, for me it’s déjà vu all over again.

I wrote those scenes in my new book, The Election Heist, which I sent to my publisher last November.

I’m not claiming to be a prophet, but I do believe that fiction precedes reality. By that, I mean that by using our imagination, we can apply patterns of observed behavior to future situations.

Let me give you a specific example. In one of the Antifa scenes in my new book, an NYPD officer guarding Trump Tower takes a call from the deputy police commissioner, even as the thugs start charging the Gucci store front next door.

The deputy commissioner tells him to stand down.

George Floyd, Antifa, And Terrorism


The Trump administration says it’s going to declare Antifa to be a terrorist organization. Though overdue, it’s a welcome development. But this doesn’t mean those who aren’t part of Antifa should be free to get away with blocking the free movement of people, property destruction, and violence. They should be prosecuted, too.

While the country was waking up Sunday morning to see how much damage “protesters” had racked up overnight, President Donald Trump tweeted that “the United States of America will be designating Antifa,” which is reportedly participating in the George Floyd riots, “as a terrorist organization.” According to the FBI, which could help itself by doing something productive rather than being involved in a coup to overthrow a legal presidential election, domestic terrorism is defined by:

“Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.”

Antifa is all that.

Politico reported in 2017 that the Department of Homeland Security “classified their activities as ‘domestic terrorist violence.’” But an even more more official classification of Antifa as a domestic terrorist group “bestows a new class of investigatory powers on the Department of Justice,” says the Pacific Standard.

Imported Chips Make America’s Security Vulnerable In response, the U.S. needs better engineering to detect sabotage and a move to more domestic production.By Adam A. Scher and Peter L. Levin


America’s digital infrastructure has been a crucial part of the response to the Covid-19 crisis. But what if it becomes a problem? Semiconductors underlie many things we take for granted and desperately need: telecommunications, remote industrial controls, emergency services, and transportation and fleet-management networks. If a digital catastrophe hit, Americans could lose access to electricity, water and banking. The military could be exposed. The continuity of government could be broken. The basic fabric of modern life would take years to recover.

There are three primary causes of America’s pernicious cyber vulnerability: manufacturing economics, advances in microfabrication, and new design paradigms. For the past 25 years, industry’s focus has been on compliance to behavioral specifications—on doing things right. Now it has to consider whether the chips designed at home but built overseas are doing the right things. A deliberate manipulation by a foreign enemy could be worse than a viral infection, and would dramatically reshape great-power competition.

U.S. supply chains are fragile and not secure. And no one seriously considered the possibility that factories themselves could, or would, manipulate the product to a foreign power’s advantage. But for modern devices composed of 40 billion transistors, the opportunity for mischief is tremendous. Each transistor can be in one of two states: on or off. That means the number of possible states for the most complicated processors is the inconceivably large number of 2 raised to the 40 billionth power. Checking every transistor, every possibility, for malfeasance is a hopeless task.

Texas: Yet Another Jihad Attack at a Naval Air Station And still no lessons learned. Robert Spencer


On Thursday, a 20-year-old Muslim migrant from Syria named Adam Salim Alsahli drove up to the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi in Texas and, according to CNN, “attempted to rush the security gate with a vehicle.” Then, after “security deployed a barrier to stop the vehicle,” Alsahli “exited the vehicle and opened fire…and naval security forces returned fire.” Alsahli was “neutralized,” but the threat he represents has not been neutralized at all, because of the refusal of the political and media elites to face it honestly.

Surprisingly in these times when nearly every jihad attack is written off as a manifestation of “mental illness,” the FBI immediately acknowledged that Alsahli’s attack was “terrorism-related.” As it turned out, “officials have identified various social media accounts, which initial reports indicate are likely associated with the shooter….Online postings by these accounts expressed support for ISIS and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

What a surprise. And Alsahli’s attack came only three days after the news broke that “the gunman who killed three U.S. sailors at a military base in Florida last year repeatedly communicated with al-Qaida operatives about planning in the months leading up to the attack.” And he didn’t just communicate with them. Attorney General William Barr noted that the Florida shooter, Mohammed Alshamrani, had “significant ties to Al Qaeda and the Arabian Peninsula not only before the attack, but before he even arrived in the United States.” Like Alsahli, Alshamrani attacked a naval air base, the Naval Air Station Pensacola.