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Professors around America have been caught selling secret research to the Chinese Communist Regime. The national media won’t cover it, so here’s a list of who have been caught so far.


This UCLA professor was caught selling Air Force/Navy missile secrets to the Chinese. He’s facing 219 years in prison.

The head of the Chemistry Dept. at Harvard was caught secretly taking $1.5 million from the Chinese to set up a medical research lab in…WUHAN. In addition, he was paid up to $50,000 a month for other research he smuggled to the Chinese.

This professor from the University of Kansas had 2 research contracts with the Department of Energy. Turns out he was secretly working for the Chinese and smuggling research to them all along. He now faces 50 years in prison.

This is Zaosong Zheng. He was caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of cancer research from a Harvard medical lab to the Chinese goverment. He now faces 30+ years in prison.

This Professor from the world renowned Cleveland Clinic was secretly giving information to the Chinese while receiving $3.6 million in tax-payer funding for his “research”.

CNN, Willing Accomplice to CAIR Media ignores Wilfredo Ruiz’ big-time involvement with groups linked to terror and bigotry. Joe Kaufman


Wilfredo Amr Ruiz is a representative for the Florida office of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). As such, he is involved with a group that has foundational and financial ties to the terrorist organization Hamas. So why would a news network like CNN wish to provide him and his group with a platform to speak? Regardless of the reason, it should not have taken place and it should never again take place any time in the future.

CAIR was established in June 1994 as an integral part of the US chapter of the Palestine Committee, a now-defunct Hamas support network headed by then-global leader of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. CAIR is the only member of US Palestine Committee (under its original name) to still be in existence. In 2007 and 2008, CAIR was branded by the US government a co-conspirator in two federal trials dealing with the funding of millions of dollars to Hamas. And CAIR representatives have been convicted in and/or deported from the US for terror-related crimes.

Wilfredo Ruiz is the Communications Director of CAIR-Florida. CAIR-Florida has distinguished itself little from its Hamas-related parent organization.

Feds Find al-Qaeda Ties in Pensacola Shooting After Breaking Encryption on Gunman’s Phones By Janita Kan


Federal authorities said the Saudi military trainee who killed three people and wounded others at a U.S. naval base in a terror attack last year was in touch with a suspected al-Qaeda operative.

The association between the shooter and the terrorist group was uncovered from the shooter’s locked iPhones. The FBI made the discovery after the bureau successfully broke through the encryption of the shooter’s two phones over four months after the attack, Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray announced at a press conference on Monday.

The officials’ update comes about five months after the Dec. 6, 2019, shooting at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida, which killed three U.S. sailors and wounded eight other Americans.

The gunman, Royal Saudi Air Force 2nd Lt. Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, opened fire at the naval base before he was fatally shot by police. Alshamrani was a flight student at Pensacola, where members of foreign militaries are routinely trained by the United States.

In January, Barr described the attack as an act of terrorism and had publicly pressured Apple to help the FBI access the contents of the two locked iPhones belonging to Alshamrani.

Chuck Brooks on Protecting Data and Artificial Intelligence

 “Three Steps for Protecting Data in the Public and Private Sectors” Link: https://www.govconwire.com/2020/05/govcon-expert-chuck-brooks-three-steps-for-protecting-data-in-the-public-and-private-sectors/

My interview on Artificial Intelligence: The Word is “Altruism” Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Inception Episode 3:



Chinese Espionage Made Possible By Immigration Failures What visa fraud does to our national security and public health. Fri May 8, 2020 Michael Cutler


With all of the focus on the Coronavirus pandemic other major issues. such as the immigration crisis, is being utterly ignored by the news media.

There is however, a direct nexus between failures of the immigration system and the current Coronavirus Pandemic.  China has robbed America blind of intellectual property that has included high tech research into biology, chemistry and physics. 

Indeed, Chinese espionage has become so routine across a wide array of areas including military secrets that the intelligence community has given it the sarcastic nickname of “Chinese Takeout!”

Obviously, in order to spy on America, Chinese operatives need to enter the United States.

Border security involves much more than our northern and southern borders, it also includes the vetting process conducted at ports of entry by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors and the issuance of visas at U.S. embassies and consulates overseas.

The preface of the official report 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

Men Accused of Raping Children Among 830 Inmates Freed By Catherine Smith


Breitbart reports, “two men accused of raping children are among the nearly 830 Massachusetts inmates that have been freed in the last month over concerns of the Chinese coronavirus crisis spreading in prison facilities.”

Convicted child rapist Glenn Christie, 54-years-old, and 29-year-old Matthew Parris, accused of raping two teenage girls this year, have both been released from Massachusetts prisons after the state’s supreme court has ordered the routine release of hundreds of accused and convicted criminals.

As of April 26, Massachusetts officials have released 824 inmates from state prisons since April 3. This means that the state is releasing about 36 inmates every day with no end in sight, all in an effort to empty jails to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

There are about 110 confirmed cases of the coronavirus among inmates in Massachusetts prisons out of more than 310 inmates tested for the virus. A total of 81 correctional officers and 23 other staffers in the state prison system have also tested positive.

Christie was an inmate set free thanks to the court order. In 2018, Christie was convicted for repeatedly raping a 12-year-old boy and was being held for violating his probation conditions.

Online ‘Taliban Imam’ Ramadan Izhar Khan, other radicals featured in stay-home holiday affair. Joe Kaufman


Last month, the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF) sponsored an online town hall meeting, titled ‘RAMADAN FROM HOME.’ While the event was being conducted online to keep those involved safe from coronavirus, the groups and individuals participating in it – from the sponsor to the speakers to the moderator – represent terror-related organizations and institutions promoting violence and bigotry and should be regarded as threats to our community and country’s security.

Ramadan is a month-long holiday, whereby Muslims gather together in prayer and reflection. It has also been a time for launching jihad attacks. In South Florida, however, this year’s Ramadan is being celebrated by many at home, due to the coronavirus pandemic. With that in mind, the South Florida Muslim Federation, an umbrella organization for terror-linked Islamist groups and radical mosques, created an online event in honor of the holiday, featuring a number of local imams, to be hosted on Zoom, this past April 19th.

The contact for the event was the Executive Director of SFMF, Nezar Hamze. Prior to his involvement with the Federation, Hamze was a Regional Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamist organization with foundational and financial ties to Hamas. CAIR was established, in June 1994, as an integral part of a terrorist umbrella group led by then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook, who at the time was located in the US and today is a senior member of Hamas, residing in Cairo, Egypt. The Public Relations Director of the Federation, Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, is currently the CAIR-Florida Communications Director.

3 Digital Realities Arising From The Covid19 Pandemic Chuck Brooks


The Covid19 pandemic has brought misery to most of the world. Unlike the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic we do have a better ability to surveil the virus ecosystem and process lessons learned through our digital technologies. There are many lessons still to learn, but three digital realities can guide our future outlook.  

Hospitals And Healthcare Facilities Are Critical Assets That Need To Be Cyber Protected

During the Covid19 Hospitals and healthcare providers have demonstrated the critical importance to our economy and lives. While doctors, nurses and health workers are in the front lines fighting for patients survival, their medical facilities have been bombarded with cyber-attacks, including phishing emails, malicious malware and ransomware. Recently ransomware took down the website of the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District in Illinois, USA. NRC Health, a company that supplies software to healthcare organizations was also hit by a ransomware attack.

The reality is that hospitals are logical hacker targets. Medical care has become more networked and interconnected via computers and devices, and the digital landscape of health administrators, hospitals, and patients, has become increasingly vulnerable. Hospitals are  susceptible to cyber threats because of the large data flows many points of vulnerability throughout their various systems. It is not only the enterprise networks, medical devices such as ventilators, monitors, pumps, electrocardiographs, lasers, medical apps, infusion pumps, and diagnostic imaging systems are also hacker targets.

Kori Ali Muhammad Guilty of Multiple Murders Sought to kill “as many white males as possible.” Lloyd Billingsley


A jury in Fresno, California, has found Kori Ali Muhammad, 42, guilty of murdering Zackary David Randalls, 34, Mark James Gassett, 37, and David Martin Jackson, 58, on April 18,  2017. A week before, Muhammad murdered Carl Williams, who was only 25.

Muhammad encountered Williams at a Fresno Motel 6 and felt “disrespected,” so he killed the man, whom he did not know and had not previously met. When police sought him for the shooting, Muhammad planned to “kill as many white men” as he could before being caught. So he drove through downtown Fresno firing at his targets of choice.

When he walked up to a truck, Muhammad said in his confession, “I saw a Mexican driver and a white guy. I didn’t want to target the driver because he was Mexican, so I shot the white dude.” The “white dude” was Zachary Randalls, whom Muhammad did not know and, as with all four victims, targeted solely because of his skin shade.

Muhammad encountered Mark James Gassett emerging from a Catholic Charities USA building and gunned him down with a .357 magnum revolver, shooting the victim again after he fell to the ground. Gassett was the father of two boys, Layten, 9, and Troy, 14.

Mexican Drug Tunnel Exits in U.S. Warehouse Run by Illegal Aliens Near CBP Crossing


Mexican drug smugglers are really getting bold. A cross-border tunnel recently discovered by U.S. authorities exits in a San Diego warehouse right next to a busy Customs and Border Protection (CBP) port of entry. It gets better. The southern California warehouse is manned by Illegal immigrants even though it is situated just a few hundred yards from a hectic border crossing staffed with federal agents around the clock.

A Mexican national with legal residency has been arrested and charged in connection to the operation, federal prosecutors announced this month. His name is Rogelio Flores Guzman and he helped construct the tunnel, which runs 2,000 feet from a Tijuana warehouse to the south San Diego depot. The U.S. has charged the 31-year-old with trafficking fentanyl, methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine and marijuana via a subterranean tunnel stretching from Mexico to a warehouse in Otay Mesa. When authorities entered the tunnel, they found around 575 packages of drugs worth nearly $30 million, according to a bulletin issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ). This sets a record because it marks the first time that five different types of drugs are found in a tunnel, according to the feds.

Agents from a special tunnel task force confiscated 394 packages containing 585 kilograms of cocaine; 133 packages containing 1,355 kilograms of marijuana; 40 packages containing 39.12 kilograms of methamphetamine; Seven packages containing 7.74 kilograms of heroin and one package containing 1.1 kilograms of fentanyl. “Cross-border tunnels always spark fascination, but in reality they are a very dangerous means for major drug dealers to move large quantities of narcotics with impunity until we intervene,” said the federal prosecutor in charge of the case, U.S. Attorney Robert Brewer. “We have seized this tunnel, confiscated almost $30 million in drugs and now we’ve charged one of the alleged crew members.”