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Official Investigation into the shooting death of DHS whistleblower Philip Haney continues By Peter Barry Chowka


The sheriff’s office in rural Amador County, California, which originally labeled the death by a single gunshot of DHS Obama era whistleblower Philip Haney last week as “self inflicted,” has now backed away from that assertion. A follow-up press release from the office of the Sheriff – Coroner on Monday had this to say:

On February 22, the Amador County Sheriff’s Office released initial details regarding Philip Haney being found deceased in our jurisdiction. . . Unfortunately, there was misinformation being immediately put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case. We are currently in the beginning phase of our investigation and any final determination as to the cause and manner of Mr. Haney’s death would be extremely premature and inappropriate. No determination will be made until all evidence is examined and analyzed.

This latest official statement, on top of an avalanche of comments by his friends and colleagues on social media, further opens the door to the widespread suspicion that Haney was the victim of politically motivated foul play.

Pentagon police chase ‘suspicious’ suspect through Arlington National Cemetery FBI now questioning man, who was ‘acting suspiciously’ By Ben Wolfgang


A man was arrested after “acting suspiciously” in a Pentagon parking lot Monday and is now being questioned by the FBI, military officials said.

The suspect was approached by Pentagon security forces about 10:45 on Monday morning and then fled the area, spurring a chase through nearby Arlington National Cemetery.

It took authorities more than two hours to capture the man, and Pentagon Police, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Police, U.S. Park Police, and Arlington County Police were all involved in the search, officials said.“The suspect is currently being questioned by the Pentagon Force Protection Agency in coordination with the FBI. As this is now an ongoing investigation, we have no other details to provide at this time,” Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough said in a statement.

The ISIS Plot in Kansas City You Heard Nothing About By Robert Spencer


A few years ago, Robert Lorenzo Hester, Jr. of Columbia, Missouri met “several young men who suggested that Islam was a religion that valued men like him.” That was when his troubles began: prosecutors announced Wednesday that they want Hester to serve twenty years in prison and be under supervision for the rest of his life for plotted a jihad massacre in Kansas City. His case shows yet again how politically correct willful ignorance regarding the motivating ideology and magnitude of the jihad threat renders us all vulnerable.

True to form, federal prosecutors are already busily ignoring the possibility that Hester was inspired to try to kill non-Muslims by Qur’anic exhortations such as “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89; cf. 9:5). According to the Columbia Tribune, they claim that “mental health issues combined with a mockery of his race and intellect by fellow soldiers led him to extremists ideologies.” Federal public defender Troy Stabenow also notes that Hester suffered from an “abusive childhood” and engaged in “drug use at an early age.” He “wanted to feel accepted and do something to make others proud, so he joined the Armed Forces,” but he didn’t stick.

Grassley, Ernst Want to Know How Al Qaeda Emir Came To America As A Refugee Daniel Greenfield


I wrote about the Al Nouri case in the beginning of February. 

After engaging in terrorism in Iraq, an Al Qaeda leader came to America as a refugee and applied for Social Security disability benefits because his “injuries” in Iraq had made it too hard for him to work.

Only 2 years after being the Emir of an Al Qaeda group, Al-Nouri had traded the deserts of Al-Anbar for the deserts of the Southwest. How was an Al Qaeda leader able to move to the United States?

Easy. He claimed to be a refugee from Al Qaeda.

A quarter of refugees that year were Iraqis. The Al Qaeda leader was one of 13,823 Iraqi refugees. The huge increase from 1,608 in 2007, made any real screening of the Iraqis all but impossible. And, worse still, Iraqis, like Al-Nouri, were in the top 3 refugee groups and their claims were processed ‘in-country’.

“In-country processing”, as noted by the Center of American Progress, makes “the process less onerous and cumbersome for Iraqis seeking asylum by allowing for in-country visa processing, making screening less restrictive.” And what migrants from Al-Qaeda’s stronghold needed was less restrictive screenings.

The less restrictive screenings were one of Senator Ted Kennedy’s final immigration gifts to America. The Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act was introduced by Ted Kennedy, backed by Grover Norquist, and co-sponsored by Joe Biden, Pat Leahy, Chuck Hagel, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Barack Obama.

Homeland Security to Change International Student Visa Rule to Reduce Overstay


A new visa rule from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) expected to be published this February would make it more difficult for international students to stay in the country after finishing their degree.

The DHS currently practices a rule known as “duration of status,” which means that international students can stay in the United States indefinitely as long as they maintain their status as students and do not violate the terms of their visa. This rule makes it possible for students to transfer to another school to work towards a higher degree or take an extra year to pursue a double major. Effectively, the length of their stay in the country is determined by how long they needed to finish their academic programs, rather than their visa expiration date.

In a proposed new guideline, however, the DHS says it is going to establish a fixed “maximum period of authorized stay” for student visa holders and requires them to apply for new permission every time there is a change in their academic plans, such as a transition from an undergraduate to a graduate-level program. Consent will also be needed if students need a longer time than expected to finish their degree.

The new rule to replace existing “duration of status” does not say how long exactly the maximum period of stay for student visa holders would be. It does mention, however, that there would be “options for extensions” for each relevant visa category.

“The failure to provide certain categories of nonimmigrants with specific dates for their authorized periods of stay can cause confusion over how long they may lawfully remain in the United States and has complicated the efforts to reduce overstay rates for nonimmigrant students,” a DHS statement justifying the new rule reads. “The clarity created by date-certain admissions will help reduce the overstay rate.”

How the ‘Interpreter’ Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America How could there be more Iraqi interpreters than there are American troops? Daniel Greenfield


The latest battle over Special Immigrant Visas pitted Stephen Miller, President Trump’s senior advisor, against the Pentagon. The military brass was lobbying for 6,000 special immigrant visas for Iraqis who worked for American forces in the country. These visas were once again billed as helping “interpreters”.

That’s a lot of interpreters considering that there were only 5,200 American troops in Iraq.

How could there be more Iraqi interpreters for American troops than there are troops?

The Special Immigrant Visa scam has been sold for over a decade using the same claim that it’s needed to save the lives of Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who are risking death by helping American soldiers.

In one decade, the United States has handed out 75,250 of these visas to Iraqi and Afghan employees, and their dependents. Between 2007 and 2017, they represented 1 percent of all immigrant visas.

The truth is that the military brass has wrongly used the incentive of Special Immigrant Visas to recruit local personnel and cut costs by promising them resettlement in the United States. Considering the costs of resettling even the nicest Iraqi or Afghan families, it would have been cheaper to pay each of them a six-figure salary. But that would have come out of the defense budget. The SIV scam passes the buck to local cities and states, to ordinary taxpayers and communities who have to hire interpreters who speak Pashto to interact with the children of the interpreters who are swamping local school systems.

Court Caves to CAIR Again Case against Hamid Hayat dismissed “due to the passage of time.” Lloyd Billingsley


“Due to the passage of time, the government now moves this Court to dismiss, in the interest of justice, the indictments in this case,” the office of U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott declared Friday. That meant that the U.S. Attorney would not seek a new trial for Hamid Hayat of Lodi, California, convicted on terrorist charges in 2006.

“There aren’t words to express how relieved we are that Hamid is finally going to be truly free,” said Sacramento Valley CAIR executive director Basim Elkarra in a statement. “An innocent man spent nearly 14 years in prison, a family was torn apart and an entire community was left traumatized due to prosecution taking advantage of anti-Muslim, post-9/11 hysteria.” As the U.S. Attorney also indicated, the CAIR boss was overlooking a few realities.

On July 30, 2019, the District Court entered an order, “vacating defendant Hamid Hayat’s conviction and sentence, which the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit had earlier affirmed.” The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal appeal court in the nation.

In 2006, federal judge Garland E. Burrell sentenced Hamid Hayat to 24 years in prison for, as the U.S. Department of Justice explained, “a series of terrorism charges related to his 2003/2004 attendance at a jihadi training camp in Pakistan and his 2005 return to the United States with the intent to wage violent jihad.”

US Officials Question Detroit-Area Imam Who Mourned Soleimani avatar by John Rossomando


Weeks after he criticized a US drone strike that killed Iran’s top terror mastermind, US Customs officials questioned a Detroit-area imam about his support for the Iranian regime.

Mohamed Ali Elahi described the February 6 encounter, which took place as he got off a flight from Seoul, South Korea at Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport, on his Facebook page.

“My sad and bad experience at the airport today,” he wrote.

Approximately 10 officers greeted him, with two asking him to be questioned and have his phone searched.

“I was not told what they were looking for, while checking my cellphone which carries my thousands of emails, WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, and text messages, but if the purpose was to scan all the information, it would take more than ten minutes!” Elahi wrote. “One of the officers was interested to know my opinion on killing of General [Qassem] Sol[e]imani in Iraq, something I had already explained in my public letter to the president following the assassination!”

“I felt so sad and heartbroken not for myself but for a country I love!”

The letter he referred to can be viewed here.

“You may see Soleimani as a terrorist but now tens of millions of Iraqis and Iranians marching behind his coffin are honoring him as a charismatic leader, and collectively condemning your action and they categorize it as act of terrorism. So, I can see a lot that you lost out of this killing and wonder if you accomplished anything!” Elahi wrote.

Antifa Goons Allowed to Go on Another Violent Rampage in Portland Debra Heine


Authorities in Portland, Oregon, appear to have given violent antifa militants free rein to assault journalists and innocent bystanders at will in the streets of the city.

Last June, independent journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by a mob of masked agitators during a street rally in downtown Portland while police officers stood back and did nothing. He was initially treated at a hospital emergency room and later admitted into the hospital overnight to treat a serious head injury.

And over the weekend, local videographer Brandon Brown and several other independent journalists were attacked by a menacing mob of antifa militants while filming a demonstration in downtown Portland.

The antifa goons showed up to counter-protest a planned Ku Klux Klan/white supremacy rally at a downtown park, but that rally was apparently a hoax that was cancelled at the last minute. With nothing else to do, the militants targeted journalists who showed up to cover the event, the police, public property, and at least one person on their own side.

The violent agitators are seen in videos using metal-tipped umbrellas to jab at people and chase them down the street. Police say they also threw rocks, concrete, batons, cans and food at members of the public and at officers.

The police—AGAIN—stood down to allow the anarcho-terrorists to assault their targets unimpeded.

An Al Qaeda Leader Came to America as a Refugee, And Applied for Disability for Bullet Wounds How Biden helped an Al-Qaeda leader come to the USA. Daniel Greenfield


After engaging in terrorism in Iraq, an Al Qaeda leader came to America as a refugee and applied for Social Security disability benefits because his “injuries” in Iraq had made it too hard for him to work.

In 2006, Ali Yousif Ahmed Al-Nouri was the Emir of an Al Qaeda terrorist group in Fallujah. The Iraqi city was the scene of brutal battles between Al Qaeda and America. It was where American soldiers had suffered the most casualties in any battle since the Vietnam War. Despite multiple defeats, Al Qaeda remained deeply entrenched in the city and was even able to seize a number of neighborhoods in 2014.

By then, Al-Nouri was living in Arizona.

Only 2 years after being the Emir of an Al Qaeda group, Al-Nouri had traded the deserts of Al-Anbar for the deserts of the Southwest. How was an Al Qaeda leader able to move to the United States?

Easy. He claimed to be a refugee from Al Qaeda.

In 2008, the United States raised the refugee admission celling to 80,000 to accommodate the surge of Iraqis applying to come to the United States. The Iraqis claimed to be fleeing terrorism, but some, like Al-Nouri were terrorists, and our refugee resettlement program was not interested in telling them apart.

A quarter of refugees that year were Iraqis. The Al Qaeda leader was one of 13,823 Iraqi refugees. The huge increase from 1,608 in 2007, made any real screening of the Iraqis all but impossible. And, worse still, Iraqis, like Al-Nouri, were in the top 3 refugee groups and their claims were processed ‘in-country’.