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Man Arrested in Arizona Accused of Being a Leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq By Rick Moran


Information is sketchy, but what we know so far is that a man was arrested in Arizona on Friday at the request of the Iraqi government which claims he is a leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and is being accused of murdering two Iraqi policemen in Fallujah in 2006.

Ali Yousif Ahmed Al-Nouri, 42, was arrested in the Phoenix area after a warrant was issued by the Justice Department on Thursday.

Fox News:

“According to the information provided by the Government of Iraq in support of its extradition request, Ahmed served as the leader of a group of Al-Qaeda terrorists in Al-Fallujah, Iraq, which planned operations targeting Iraqi police,” Arizona federal prosecutors said in a news release.

“Ahmed and other members of the Al-Qaeda group allegedly shot and killed a first lieutenant in the Fallujah Police Directorate and a police officer in the Fallujah Police Directorate, on or about June 1, 2006, and October 3, 2006, respectively.”

It’s unknown how long Ahmed al-Nouri has been in the U.S. or how he got here. Nor is it known how long he lived in Arizona — a state not unfamiliar with terrorists being infiltrated into the U.S.

Al-Nouri is apparently a significant catch.

Son of Muslim Immigrant Joins Nazis, Vandalizes Wisconsin Synagogue Does America have such a Nazi shortage that we need immigration to import more? Daniel Greenfield


In Wisconsin, the dairy capital of the nation, Muslims and Nazis revisited their old alliance when Yousef Barasneh, the son of a Jordanian immigrant active in the Muslim community, joined the Neo-Nazi group, The Base (which shares the meaning of its name with Al Qaeda), and vandalized a synagogue.

The synagogue, Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine, had the term, “Jude”, German for “Jew”, swastikas, the symbol of the Nazi Secret Service, and The Base white supremacist symbol, scrawled on it in September. Later that year, a Base leader ratted out Yousef as the perpetrator to the FBI.

When communicating with his Neo-Nazi pals, Yousef anglicized or polonized his Arabic first name to “Joseph” or “Josef”. Despite his Muslim convert mother’s Polish ancestry, Yousef might not have been confident of the welcome he would receive as “Yousef” from a white supremacist organization.

But when The Base called for vandalizing synagogues, the son of a Jordanian immigrant was eager.

“Imagine if across the country on local news, Everyone is reporting on new nazi presence,” he wrote in Nazi chat. “Our op will be a perfect f___ you to these kikes if we become terrorists.”

U.S. Army Purchases Israeli Spike NLOS Missiles How Obama’s perfidy led to the marriage of an Israeli missile with an American gunship. Ari Lieberman


The United States Army announced that it will purchase the Israeli Spike Non-Light-Of-Sight missile (NLOS) for its fleet of AH-64 Apache attack helicopters (and possibly for its MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial platforms) as an interim solution for a missile with greater standoff capabilities. Built by Raphael Advanced Defense Systems, the Spike NLOS has a range of 25 kilometers, which is more than double than that of the American Hellfire missile.

The missile, which features an advanced tandem warhead design is capable of penetrating reactive armor as well as the latest variants of composite armor. The “Non-Line-Of-Sight” is a reference to the Spike’s “over the horizon” capabilities, which enables the missile to engage an enemy target through indirect, standoff positions. This feature, along with the Spike’s range makes the pilot much less vulnerable to air defense systems, including anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery.

The Spike NLOS can be guided via a laser designator or real-time wireless data link. The operator can also abort the mission after launch or change targets. This is an important feature that enables the operator to limit collateral damage should civilians suddenly appear or alternatively, to direct the missile toward a more valuable or dangerous target. The dynamic and fluid nature of the modern battlefield makes this feature invaluable. The Hellfire does not have this capability.

Israel produces a wide variety of Spike missiles with different ranges for different combat situations. Some variants are light-weight and can be shoulder fired while other variants are heavier and can be launched from combat ships and areal platforms. Variants of Israel’s Spike are in service with 31 militaries worldwide but there is no better advertisement for the Spike than getting the U.S. Army’s imprimatur.

Pro-open borders advocates blame stronger border for rising drug abuse By Andrea Widburg


For many people, including President Trump, one of the main problems with a de facto open border has been the fact that our southern border became a highway for drug traffickers. However, those who don’t like Trump’s efforts to secure the border have a different take: Trump’s policies increase drug use.

No one denies that America’s southern border has been porous when it comes to drug trafficking. Even left-leaning Wikipedia concedes that:

Most of the U.S. imports of drugs come from Mexican drug cartels. In the United States, around 195 cities have been infiltrated by drug trafficking that originated in Mexico. An estimated $10bn of the Mexican drug cartel’s profits come from the United States, not only supplying the Mexican drug cartels with the profit necessary for survival, but also furthering America’s economic dependence on drugs. (Endnotes omitted.)

However, when Trump wanted to make the border less permeable, Democrats said that it couldn’t be done. Nothing would stop the flow of either illegal aliens or illegal drugs. For example, in January 2019, Vox insisted that “Trump’s wall won’t do anything about the opioid epidemic: Trump claims his wall will stop the flow of heroin and other illegal drugs from Mexico. He’s wrong.”

Muslim Illegal Alien Accused Of Strangling 92-Year-Old Woman In Sanctuary City Daniel Greenfield


This is what happens when you have a sanctuary city and treat criminals as an oppressed minority and a protected class.

Police are investigating the death of a beloved neighborhood grandma whose body was found on a Queens street as a homicide.

Maria Fuertes, 92, was found unconscious and unresponsive near Liberty Avenue and 127th Street in the Richmond Hill section just after midnight on Monday.

Police say surveillance video shows the man strangling Fuertes until she falls to the ground.

Fuertes was affectionately known as the “cat lady.” Neighbors say she would come out at night to feed stray animals.

But the problem is that New York City has been feeding a different kind of stray.

Federal officials say the suspect in the murder of a 92-year-old woman should’ve been turned over to immigration officers months ago.

How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West VIDEO

How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West


Duping Americans on Sharia A detailed look at how Islamic apologist extraordinaire John Esposito whitewashes Islamic terror. Raymond Ibrahim


Does Islam itself promote hostility for and violence against non-Muslims, or are all the difficulties between the West and Islam based on secondary factors—from “radical” interpretations of Islam, to economics and grievances?

This is the fundamental question.

Obviously, if “anti-infidel” hostility is inherent to Islam itself, then the conflict becomes existential—a true clash of civilizations, with no easy fixes and lots of ugly implications along the horizon.

Because of this truism, those whose job it is to whitewash Islam’s image in the West insist on the opposite—that all difficulties are temporal and not rooted to innate Islamic teachings.

Enter Shariah: What Everyone Needs to Know, co-authored by John Esposito and Natana J. Delong-Bas.  The authors’ goal is to exonerate Shariah, which they portray as enshrining “the common good (maslahah), human dignity, social justice, and the centrality of the community” from Western criticism or fear, which they say is based solely on “myth” and “sensationalism.”

In their introductory chapters they define Shariah as being built upon the words of the Koran and the Sunna (or example) of the Muslim prophet Muhammad as contained in sahih (canonical) hadiths.  They add: “Shariah and Islamic law are not the same thing.  The distinction between divine law (Shariah) and its human interpretation, application, and development (Islamic law) is important to keep in mind throughout this book…. Whereas Shariah is immutable and infallible, Islamic law (fiqh) is fallible and changeable.”

The Threat of Terrorism at Home avatar by Ronn Torossian


I recently finished reading a new book, Terror in the Cradle of Liberty by Ilya I. Feoktistov, and found it simultaneously fascinating and terrifying. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of America, and the dangers that we face as a society.

Terror in the Cradle of Liberty details the background of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), including their links to the Muslim Brotherhood. The ISB is the Muslim organization that the Boston marathon bombers — the Tsarnaev brothers — were involved with, and since 9/11, 14 leaders and members of the ISB have been imprisoned, killed by law enforcement, or declared fugitives for their involvement in Islamic terrorism.

That alone should generate mass headlines — is there any other synagogue or church with such a record anywhere else in this country?

And yet, as the book details, Boston’s liberal media was hesitant to cover ISB’s apparent extremism. As Feoktistov writes, “The ISB invested a massive amount of energy into press conferences and outreach efforts led by articulate and sympathetic figureheads.” They also “promoted to the media the idea that those making claims about the ISB were bigots who spread lies due to hatred of Muslims.”

The book details the fight by Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a Boston-based organization — of which the author is Executive Director — against the ISB, and their years of battles through the court system, lobbying efforts, and intense media and PR battles.

Perpetrators of Anti-Semitic Jersey City Shooting Had Powerful Bomb Hidden in Van By Zachary Evans


The perpetrators of an anti-Semitic shooting in Jersey City had a bomb in their van with the ability to kill people almost half a mile away, federal investigators revealed on Monday.

David Anderson and Francine Graham opened fire at the JC Koshoper Supermarket on December 10, killing three inside the store and setting off an hours-long gun battle with police. Shortly before the attack on the supermarket, Anderson and Graham killed New Jersey Detective Joseph Seals in a standoff at a cemetery in Jersey City. Seals was investigating the perpetrators’ U-Haul van, which had been linked to an earlier shooting.

“We believe [Seals] threw off a broader plan,” said U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito at a press conference with the local head of the FBI. Carpentino added that the detective’s actions “probably saved dozens if not more lives.”

Authorities could not reveal if they had any additional information on a plan by the perpetrators to target other locations, except that they had researched a Jewish community center in Bayonne, not far from Jersey City.

Trump Hater Starts Fires in Jewish Girls’ Dorm, Released the Next Day How revolving-door justice causes violence against Jews. Daniel Greenfield


Early Friday morning, Peter Weyand broke into the all-female dormitory of Yeshiva University’s Stern College. He kicked through the glass door of the Manhattan Jewish dorm and began starting fires.

FDNY firefighters arrived, put out the fires, and fire marshals arrested the arsonist.

“Thanks to the thorough investigative work of our Fire Marshals, a dangerous individual has been quickly apprehended,” Commissioner Nigro announced.

Not so fast.

On Saturday, Weyand had his hearing and was out. Prosecutors hadn’t asked for bail because pro-crime “bail reform” meant that arson was not longer a qualifying crime requiring bail. A day after this “dangerous individual” had been caught, he was out again on supervised release. By that evening, he had been arrested for yet another break-in. This time targeting a private home in Staten Island.