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California Muslim Terrorist Wanted to Kill Christians, Jews, Bought Nails Long Enough to Puncture Organs Daniel Greenfield


The media would love to ignore it, but Islamic terrorism isn’t going anywhere. This latest case is a reminder that Muslim terrorist plots continue to pop up and get shut down. Another day, another Islamic plot. This one targeted beaches, parks and piers in Southern California.”I feel like I should make a christians life miserable tomorrow for our fallen bros n sis in [N]ew Zealand…maybe a jews life…they shed our blood…no Muslim should have to experience this, a message needs to be sent.

“With nails. Long nails.According to a federal affidavit, “after considering various attacks — including targeting Jews, churches, and police officers — Domingo decided to detonate an IED at a rally scheduled to take place in Long Beach this past weekend. As part of the plot, Domingo asked his confederate — who actually was cooperating with the FBI as part of the investigation — to find a bomb-maker, and Domingo last week purchased several hundred nails to be used as shrapnel inside the IED.

“Jihad Johnny” Soon Flies Free “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh started as a hip-hop critic and wannabe Malcom X. Lloyd Billingsley


Next month John Walker Lindh will gain release from federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, after a 20 year sentence for fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks. Americans may know little about Jihad Johnny’s service for the Taliban, and less about his career as a fake hip-hop critic.

“Lindh, now 25, has largely disappeared from public attention since his imprisonment in October 2002,” wrote Philip Sherwell in a 2006 Telegraph piece headlined “The New Malcolm X?” In prison Lindh was known as “Hamza” and commanded such stature that “religious advisor” Shakeel Syed told him that he could become “the new Malcolm X.”

In upscale Marin County, California, Lindh attended the elite “alternative” Tamiscal High school. After seeing the 1992 Spike Lee movie Malcolm X, Lindh converted to Islam and began using the name “Suleyman.” That was hardly the student’s only affectation, as James Best confirmed in “Black Like Me,” a 2003 article in Oakland’s East Bay Express, subtitled “John Walker Lindh’s hip-hop daze.”

Under the name Mustafa Naim Mujahid, Lindh wrote online that he was “born in Chocolate City,” Washington DC, and “raised in its vanilla suburbs.” Under the pseudonym “John Doe” he wrote “an excoriating lyrical tirade against rappers of every variety, from Too $hort to Sista Souljah to Marley Marl.” As Best notes, the Lindh was especially cruel to rappers he believed to have gone pop and thereby compromised their blackness.

The Difficult Road to Defense by Peter Huessy


Ronald Reagan expressed opposition to the policy of détente, and stated that Soviet leaders “reserve unto themselves the right to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat… and we operate on a different set of standards.”

“Missile defense is now seen as a key, critical part of strategic deterrence,” because it is imperative to place uncertainty in the mind of an enemy force about its ability to achieve its objectives. — U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General (ret.) Henry (“Trey”) Obering, former director of the Missile Defense Agency

Taken as a whole, missile defense today not only defends America’s homeland, but protects U.S. allies, assets and military forces abroad.

In 1983, when U.S. President Ronald Reagan launched the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as Star Wars — a research program aimed at developing missiles to protect Americans from a Soviet nuclear attack — he was accused of engaging in “red-scare tactics.”

At the root of the criticism was the assumption that the nuclear balance between the Soviet Union and the United States could only remain stable if both sides adhered to the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). That doctrine led to the ratification in 1972 of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, which prohibited the deployment of missile defenses by both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. beyond a minimal amount of interceptors.

Government vs. ransomware attacks By Julio Rivera


The past week gave us a glimpse into what an increasingly possible, widespread rash of ransomware attacks would look like in a worst-case scenario for America. An outbreak of similar penetrations wreaked havoc on Augusta, ME, Imperial County, CA, Stuart, FL, and Greenville, NC.

In Augusta, ME, the ransomware attacks affected municipal services ranging from the police dispatch system to the municipal financial systems, countywide billing services, automobile excise tax records, property tax assessor’s records, and even general assistance hotlines. Greenville, SC is said to be relying on paper forms currently, as its IT department sorts through the issue, while workers in Imperial County, CA, are using their personal email accounts along with Facebook to communicate with residents.

The specific variant of ransomware used is known as Ryuk ransomware, first identified on August 13th, 2018, and categorized as a hybrid between the Bitpaymer Ransomware and the Hermes Ransomware. The Bitpaymer ransomware strain uses an almost identical ransom note, but Ryuk’s encryption method is believed to be based on the Hermes ransomware variant.

Cross-Border Terrorism Jihad creeps down from our northern neighbor. Lloyd Billingsley


As the Windsor Star reported last week, “A Canadian man convicted of terrorism for nearly killing a Michigan police officer while yelling ‘God is great’ in Arabic was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday, after boldly declaring that he only regretted not having a machine-gun during the knife attack.”

The Canadian man is Amor Ftouhi, 51, a Tunisian who moved to Montreal in 2007. In 2017, Fthouhi entered the United States at Lake Champlain and drove 1,000 miles to the Bishop Airport in Flint, Michigan. There Ftouhi attacked police officer Lt. Jeff Neville, striking him the neck. As the Star reported, investigators found that “Ftouhi wanted to take Neville’s gun and start shooting people,” which the Muslim confirmed in court.

“Do I regret what I did? Never,” Ftouhi told U.S District Judge Matthew Leitman. “I regret I didn’t get that machine-gun. I regret I didn’t kill that cop.” The man who yelled Allahu akbar as he attacked also spoke out on other themes.

As his photo revealed, Ftouhi is as pale as Justin Trudeau, but he “felt discrimination in Canada because he wasn’t a white Christian.” Ftouhi pledged allegiance to his Muslim faith and said western countries and Arabic countries should be cursed if they “don’t rule according to Allah.”

There Are 10,000 Illegals from Terror States at Large in the U.S., ICE Reports By Tyler O’Neil


On Friday, the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported that there are more than 10,000 illegal immigrants in the United States who came from countries the U.S. designates as state sponsors of terrorism. These illegals have been ordered removed or have pending final orders of removal, but currently live in America.

“My biggest concern isn’t how many terrorists have been arrested entering the country illegally, but how many got through?” Thomas Homan, a former acting director of ICE, said in a statement for the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). “How many did Border Patrol not catch? That’s what Americans should be thinking about.”

ICE provided records in response to an IRLA Freedom of Information Act request showing that there are 10,340 illegal immigrants from terror states. According to the State Department, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, Sudan, and Syria are all state sponsors of terrorism.

According to ICE records, there are 2,812 illegal immigrants from Iran who have been ordered removed, and 3,519 who have orders of removal pending, for a grand total of 6,331 illegals from Iran. There are three illegals from North Korea with finalized orders of removal and 18 whose removal orders are pending, for a total of 21. There are 941 illegals from Sudan with finalized removal orders and 919 with pending removal orders, for a total of 1,860. There are 647 illegals with finalized removal orders from Syria and 1,481 with removal orders still pending, for a total of 2,128.

State and local law enforcement agencies once coordinated with ICE to remove people on the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) list who were wanted on an administrative warrant for removal from the U.S., but sanctuary laws prevent such coordination. ICE has still removed an average of about 44 known or suspected terrorists per year in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, IRLI reported.

“It’s bad enough that America is deluged with illegal aliens from failed states around the world,” Dale L. Wilcox, IRLI’s executive director and general counsel, said in a statement. “It’s simply unacceptable that we also have more than 10,000 aliens here from terrorist states that are sworn enemies of America.”

“We saw on 9/11 the damage that only 19 sleeper cell terrorists could cause. This is just the latest example of the disaster of sanctuary laws, which force ICE agents to operate with one hand tied behind their backs while making our communities inherently more dangerous,” Wilcox concluded.

Illegal immigrants from these countries may or may not be terrorists. After all, many flee Iran, North Korea, and Syria to escape warfare and oppressive regimes. Even so, the large number of illegals from these countries should concern Americans.

America’s immigration laws need reform, but the current laws should still be enforced, especially for illegals from terror-supporting states.

3 Muslim Terror Plots Targeted US Synagogues in 3 Months American Jews have no idea that they might have been killed this year. Daniel Greenfield


On Wednesday, April 3, FBI agents converged on a Bozeman shooting range and took Fabjan Alameti into custody.

Alemati, an Albanian Muslim, had traveled from New York to Montana. “When the time will come for us to hunt them down, I will stand over them while I piece their bodies with hollow tips,” the Islamic terrorist had boasted in February. “Inshallah, we take as many kuffars (non-Muslims) with us.”

He had told a government informant back in January that his potential targets included military and government targets, as well as a “Jewish temple”.

Alameti’s terror plot back in January was the second such Islamic terror plot that month.

On December 14, 2018, Hasher Jallal Taheb was discussing some of the targets he had scouted in Washington D.C. They included the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and a specific synagogue.

In the middle of January, Taheb was arrested over in Georgia.

Taheb and Alemati had a number of similarities. Both men were twenty-one years old. Their terror plots were violent but scattershot. The range began with government building and ended with a synagogue.

CAIR Planning Huge Push in SoCal The subversive jihadist group goes on offense on the Left Coast. Matthew Vadum


The terrorist-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations announced plans to “mobilize the Muslim community” in 80 mosques in Southern California in order to push its Islamist, anti-American agenda.

CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in 2007 in an alleged criminal conspiracy to support both HAMAS and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. In 2014 the United Arab Emirates designated CAIR a terrorist organization.

In remarks largely ignored by the mainstream media, CAIR-Los Angeles Executive Director Hussam Ayloush unveiled the plans at CAIR’s 4th Annual Dinner in Woodlands Hills, California on March 23, as Gateway Pundit reported.

“California is home to the largest Muslim community in the country,” Ayloush said. “One million Muslims reside in California.”

“Through organizing the community here we can uplift the rest of the country, not just the state. Imagine the leverage we make here.”

CAIR will mobilize mosques in Santa Barbara and across the state, Ayloush said.

ISIS-Inspired Terrorist Plotted to Run Over National Harbor With a U-Haul By Tyler O’Neil


On Monday, federal authorities charged a Maryland man who had stolen a truck and planned to use it in a terrorist attack. Prosecutors say the man was inspired by the Islamic State (ISIS).

Rondell Henry, a 28-year-old man from Germantown, Md., allegedly stole a U-Haul truck and planned to drive over pedestrians in National Harbor.

“He said he wanted to carry out a Nice-style attack,” a law enforcement official said, NBC News reported. The official was referring to a 2016 ISIS-claimed terror truck attack that killed 86 people in Nice, France.

“I was just going to keep driving and driving and driving. I wasn’t going to stop,” Henry told the FBI, according to charging papers filed Monday.

Authorities found “image of gun-wielding ISIS fighters, the ISIS flag, and the Pulse nightclub shooter” who killed 49 people at the Orlando nightclub in 2016, ABC News reported.

The Justice Department said Henry harbored “hatred for non-Muslims.

Pro-Hamas Muslim Leader Brags About Involvement with Anti-Crime Group Sofian Zakkout continues to promote Palestinian terrorists, claims Israel doesn’t exist.


Carleen Vincent-Robinson and Ellen Cohn are members of the faculty at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida International University (FIU). One is an expert in terrorism preparedness and the other, criminal behavior and analysis. Given their backgrounds, someone would be hard-pressed to figure that the two would be related to Sofian Zakkout, an individual who actively promotes Hamas and is a rabid anti-Semite. Yet, this is the case, as all three are board members together in Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County. Vincent-Robinson is President of it, and Cohn is Secretary. Why would the two embrace a man like Zakkout?

On March 29th and 31st, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout, the President of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), took to Facebook to boast about his position with the anti-crime organization, Crime Stoppers. He wrote the same thing both times – once using a Crime Stoppers graphic and logo to help make his point – “Just a reminder! Sofian Zakkout, an executive board member at the Miami Dade county Crime Stoppers. Serving against crimes since 2005.”

This was not the first time Zakkout has bragged about his involvement in Crime Stoppers. In fact, he has done so on many occasions. And while this normally should be seen as a matter of pride for someone to proclaim their involvement with what is known as a virtuous community service organization, considering Zakkout, it must only be viewed as an attempt by him to create a false sense of legitimacy for his sociopathic behavior.