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Illegal Alien, Twice Deported, Raped and Killed Jogger in Sanctuary State


Governor Phil Murphy’s transformation of New Jersey into a sanctuary state has left a trail of blood across its wounded communities. Support for illegal migration is a crime against humanity. But the same people crying fake tears on MSNBC or CNN over illegal aliens care nothing for the mounting death toll of their victims.

The man charged with raping and strangling a jogger in Jersey City’s Lincoln Park had already been deported twice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.

Jorge Rios, who was identified by ICE officials as Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado, is from Honduras and “has been removed from the country on two prior occasions, in 2003 and 2004,” according to ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operation (ICE-ERO) in Newark. ICE officials also said Rios initially entered the country illegally.

ICE-ERO said that it has placed a detainer on Rios following his arrest on Sunday on charges the 33-year-old kidnapped, raped and murdered Carolina Cano, 45, of Gautier Avenue in Jersey City, on March 24. The nanny’s body was found in the lake near the Casino in the Park building that day.

Cano is from Peru and worked as a nanny. A resident of the building where she lived off West Side Avenue said she had been in the United States for about two years. Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop has said that it appears Cano and Rios were strangers.

Overwhelmed Immigration System Endangers America 9/11 Commission warned “Border security is national security.” Michael Cutler


The 9/11 Commission staff authored an official report, 9/11 and Terrorist Travel, that focused specifically on the ability of the 9/11 terrorists to travel around the world, enter the United States and embed themselves here as they went about their preparations to carry out a deadly attack.

The preface of this report begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

On March 29, 2019 Real Clear Politics posted three videos concerning the immigration crisis. To begin with, they posted a video of President Trump explaining his plan to completely shut down the U.S./Mexican border if Mexico continues to permit “migrant caravans” of aliens from Central America to travel through Mexico with the ultimate goal of entering the United States even though they have no visas to be lawfully admitted.

Islamist Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze has Sit-Down with Taliban Imam In South Florida, terror has a badge and a gun. Joe Kaufman


After leaving his job at CAIR, Nezar Hamze has now settled into his new position as Executive Director of the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF), an umbrella organization for most if not all of the area’s Islamic extremist groups, including CAIR. Last month, SFMF held a meeting at a radical mosque with a number of SFMF affiliate imams, one of which was previously arrested and charged with conspiring to provide funding to the Pakistani Taliban. All of this should be unsettling for Floridians and Americans, but what is most alarming is the fact that Hamze also serves as a Deputy Sheriff in one of the most prominent law enforcement offices in the nation.

On March 23, 2019, SFMF’s Council of Imams held its second meeting at the Islamic Center of Greater Miami (ICGM), a.k.a. Muslim Communities Association of South Florida (MCA), a.k.a. Masjid Miami Gardens. According to SFMF, the meeting was called to discuss various community issues, such as mental health, marriage/divorce, parenting, “political anxiety,” senior issues, anti-Muslim bigotry, and religious outreach. Leading the meeting was SFMF Executive Director Nezar Hamze. The attendees of the meeting comprised of a number of imams representing mosques with strong links to terrorism.

Justice for Justine? The Naked Power of the Muslim Brotherhood in America Janet Levy Ross

Who Controls America’s Courts?There have been multiple cases of court decisions rendered under sharia in America over the past 2-3 decades.

Recall the 2009 case of a New Jersey woman who was initially denied a restraining order after she was raped by her Moroccan Muslim husband.  The family court judge ruled that the husband was operating under his Islamic belief that a wife is required to satisfy her husband’s sexual desires at all times.  However, under New Jersey law, coerced sex between married couples is called “rape.”  Fortunately, the appellate court overruled the decision and the woman eventually obtained an order of restraint.

In 1996, in Hosain v. Malik, a Maryland district court enforced a Pakistani sharia custody order and granted full custody to the father, even though U.S. law requires the court to consider the well-being of the child and the father was an abusive alcoholic.  The appellate court ruled that in Pakistani culture, the well being of the child is believed to be “facilitated by adherence to Islamic teachings” and the child returned to Pakistan with her father. 

ISIS Remains a ThreatBy Aynaz Anni Cyrus


President Trump campaigned on getting America out of endless foreign wars. But he was also clear that he would let out military leaders fight the war as needed to win it, before leaving. So, at times, Trump grows impatient for the victory he wants to see during his term. In a mid-December 2018 tweet, Trump announced a bit prematurely that the United States was withdrawing from Syria, declaring, “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.”

But by the end of December, Trump had backed off a bit, tweeting that our battle remained against “ISIS remnants” as the group was “mostly gone.” He has since decided to maintain a presence of about 400 troops in Syria.

War is always messy. Nobody can ever predict where it will go and by when. The enemy will try to counter in unexpected ways to upset any predictions of victory by our side. It also does not help that American military leadership seems to be indoctrinated over past decades into war management, rather than a victory that would allow a secure troop withdrawal.

But Trump’s short messaging style does prompt others in his administration to try to add clarity about what the administration understands. So, in early March 2019, National Security Advisor John Bolton, in an interview on ABC News’ “This Week,” made the point that the Islamic State remains a threat, and that it is “growing in other parts of the world” besides Syria and Iraq.

Springtime for a Terrorist Will the Supreme Court reduce the sentence of terrorist murderer Lee Boyd Malvo?Lloyd Billingsley


The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case of Lee Boyd Malvo, sentenced to life in prison without parole for his role in killing 10 people in Maryland, Virginia and Washington in 2002. Malvo was 17 at the time and his accomplice, John Allen Muhammad, was sentenced to death and executed in 2009.

Muhammad was a member of the Nation of Islam and his “Islam-centric” partner Malvo was a Jamaican who used forged documents to enter the United States. More than 17 years have passed since their terror spree and for many the events have faded from memory, if they were known at all.

In 2002, the Baltimore Sun provided a timeline of the killing spree, noting that, on October 2, “a 55-year-old man becomes the sniper’s first victim when he is killed by a single bullet around 6 p.m. in a grocery parking lot in Montgomery County.” Then, on October 6 “a 13-year-old boy is critically wounded moments after being dropped off at a middle school in Bowie in Prince George’s County.”

In the early going, police thought a single sniper was at work and were baffled how he was able to shoot without detection. As it happened, Muhammad and Malvo had rigged a 1990 Chevrolet Caprice with holes that enabled fire without opening the trunk. They setup near a school and on October 7, 2002 shot 13-year-old Ian Brown who took a .223 round in the chest.

The shooting caused Montgomery County police chief Charles Moose to break down on television. After capture, Lee Boyd Malvo told jail guards he shot Brown to show the authorities the snipers “meant business” and that he had been pleased to see chief Moose cry on television.

Muslim Terrorists Indicted in New Mexico Accused militants have Democrat ties.


A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who, among other things, allegedly trained children to carry out spree killings, formally charging them with terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder, and kidnapping.

The defendants are Jany Leveille, 36, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, Subhanah Wahhaj, 36, and Lucas Morton, 41.

The quintet was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a makeshift militant training compound in Amalia, Taos County, a remote part of New Mexico, during a raid by local police on Aug. 3, 2018. The children were being trained to commit school shootings, according to court documents. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as the son of defendant Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, were discovered on the property which was filled with weapons. The indictment accused the defendants of kidnapping the boy and transporting him from Georgia to New Mexico. The defendants were previously indicted on weapons and conspiracy charges on Aug. 31, 2018.

“The indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to provide material support in preparation for violent attacks against federal law enforcement officers and members of the military,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers. “Advancing beliefs through terror and violence has no place in America, and the National Security Division continues to make protecting against terrorism its top priority.”

Specifically, the new indictment lists seven counts: conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists; providing material support to terrorists; conspiracy to murder an officer or employee of the United States; conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States; possessing a firearm while unlawfully in the United States; conspiracy to commit kidnapping; and kidnapping. (Read the indictment here.)

The terrorist cell’s religious inspiration has been identified as Leveille, who is Siraj Ibn Wahhaj’s wife and an illegal alien from Haiti.

“Dangerous Nuclear Schemes” by Peter Huessy


The proposed policies, if adopted by the new leadership in the House, would certainly fracture whatever consensus exists today to modernize America’s strategic nuclear deterrent — and at a time when both Russia and China are charging ahead militarily, and Iran and North Korea are racing toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.

If the United States chooses to eliminate its land-based missiles, as arms control advocates have proposed, it would dramatically and dangerously simplify an adversary’s targeting calculus. The US would be reducing more than 500 distinct American-based nuclear-related targets — including 450 Minuteman silos and 48 launch control centers spread across five American states — down to only five continental US targets — three USAF bomber bases, and two submarines bases — and only roughly 10 targets if US submarines at sea were included.

China’s “declared” policy of no first use policy is, in fact, suspect, considering the country’s deployed weapons and nuclear threats to the US that involve America’s protection of Taiwan. China, needless to say, is being currently exposed for its massive track record of lying, cheating and stealing everything, from their military land-fill bases in the South China Sea to the virtual theft from the United States of China’s entire telecom industry.

There is no reason whatever to discontinue implementing the traditional three-part nuclear deterrent posture (land, sea and air) endorsed not only by the 2018 nuclear posture review (NPR) but also by the past three nuclear posture reviews (1994, 2001 and 2010). If the proposals above are adopted, two nuclear dangers in particular will be heightened. First, America’s allies, no longer credibly protected by the US nuclear umbrella, may seek to build their own nuclear weapons to compensate for the omission. Second, in a crisis, America’s adversaries might seek to disarm the US, or coerce it to stand down, especially as US nuclear forces would have been so diminished as to invite aggression, rather than deter it.

Terror-Connected Lawyer Running for City Commission in Florida A dire warning to all potential voters. Joe Kaufman


When visiting Khurrum Wahid’s Facebook page, you see photos of what appears to be a clean-cut politician attending different events, posing with important politicos, standing with young people, and smiling broadly for the camera. Wahid is running for the position of City Commissioner of Coral Springs, Florida, and his Facebook page has been manufactured to show the perfect candidate for the public’s view. What is hidden behind this façade, though, is Wahid’s history – and present – of his involvement in radical Islam. It is this other side of Wahid that the voters need to recognize, so that they do not make a huge mistake come Election Day.

On June 18th, a ‘Special Election’ will be held for Coral Springs City Commission, Seat 2. The former Commissioner, Dan Daley, has left the seat vacant – following his win in a State House Special Election – and is heading to the Florida State Legislature, in Tallahassee. One of the individuals vying for his Commission seat is Khurrum Wahid. A February photo of Wahid, on his Facebook candidate page, has him posing with Daley and another recent candidate for Florida State House, Imtiaz Mohammad, who in December, slammed America and her citizens, saying “America [is] run on hate” and “American people are the most uneducated nation in the world.” Mohammad was part of a ‘host committee’ for a February fundraising event for Wahid.

Khurrum Basir Wahid is a Pakistani-born South Florida attorney, who has built his name on representing high profile terrorists. His past clients include: Rafiq Sabir, who received a 25-year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; al-Qaeda operative Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who received a life sentence for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush; Sami al-Arian, who sought to create a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) infrastructure within the Tampa, Florida-area; and Miami imam Hafiz Khan, who was convicted of sending $50,000 to the Pakistani Taliban with the intent to murder American troops overseas.

According to the Miami New Times, Wahid himself was placed on a federal terrorist watch list in 2011. The publication states, “[S]ometimes, a clash between his work and personal life is inescapable. Last year, he landed on a federal ‘selectee’ list – a terrorist watch list. Now he gets a pat down at the airport before flying and can’t print boarding passes at home.”

Open Borders Are Dangerous To Our (Public) Health Ellis Island was a quarantine station. Michael Cutler


In recent years there have been outbreaks of dangerous communicable diseases that had either been eradicated in the United States or were uncommon in the United States altogether such as diseases commonly found in the tropics or in other parts of the world.

Within the past few months the mainstream media has reported on how a number of dangerous communicable diseases. such as the measles, have infected many people, particularly children in the United States. The focus of the reports has been on children who because of religious beliefs or fears about the perceived nexus between vaccinations and autism have not been vaccinated to protect them against measles and other such communicable diseases.

For example, on March 7, 2019 the New York Times reported, “Measles Outbreak: 1 Student Got 21 Others Sick.”

These reports blithely ignore the nexus between illegal immigration and outbreaks of these debilitating and deadly diseases.

In the Orwellian world all too many journalists and politicians inhabit today, aliens who evade the vital inspections process at ports of entry and enter the United States without inspections are simply referred to as “Undocumented Immigrants.” I have addressed this linguistic “sleight of tongue” in many of my articles so I won’t delve into the dishonesty this represents. It suffices to say that aliens who enter the United States without inspection evade a serious vetting process to make certain that criminals and terrorists not gain access to the United States to protect national security and public safety.