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Somali Woman Charged With Terrorizing North Dakota Neighborhood Previously Tied to Human Sex Trafficking Case By Patrick Poole


A woman recently charged with making terrorist threats in a small North Dakota town claims she is innocent and being targeted because of her race and religion. But a local news station reports that not only has she been repeatedly charged with crimes in multiple states, she was previously arrested for her connection to a nationwide case of human sex trafficking.

Hawo Osman Ahmed, 26, is charged with a Class C felony of Terrorizing stemming from an incident last November 29 when she confronted three women from her Grand Forks apartment complex with a knife. According to a Grand Forks Police Department affidavit filed in the case, Ahmed said to the women “I’m going to bust all your tires on your car and windows,” “Come over here I’m going to cut you,” and “I’m going to slice your neck,” all while holding the weapon.

In an interview last Thursday with Valley News Live, Ahmed claimed she is being targeted because of her race and religion.

“I feel like I’m a Muslim woman who’s being attacked because I am a Muslim woman living in Grand Forks,” she told reporter Joshua Peguero. “I turned myself in because I know I didn’t commit the crime. I’m innocent and I know I can prove it.”

Border Emergency? What Border Emergency? By Michael Walsh


Both wings of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party want the chaos to continue.
Sometimes you wonder whether the New York Times’ editorial page ever reads its own newspaper’s reporting. A dedicated institutional foe of President Trump, the Times scoffs at the need for an executive order to address the dangerous chaos at the border. Then again, it makes a weird kind of sense: the worse things get at the Mexican border the better, because then they can demand even more services for the sick, the halt, the lame, the blind, the drug dealers, the rapists, the drunk drivers and all the other criminals — not just from Mexico but from Central America as well — who are invading our country. And things are bad:

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States. More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecutions, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty.

“The system is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” Kevin K. McAleenan, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, told reporters in announcing the new data on Tuesday.

Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze Leaves CAIR to Head Terror Umbrella Group And he still gets to keep the badge and gun! Joe Kaufman


CAIR-Florida has taken down from its website Nezar Hamze’s photo and bio, as he has left the Hamas-linked group and gone elsewhere. His new position, however, poses no less of a threat. Hamze, who is also a Deputy at the Broward County Sheriff’s Office (BSO), is now the Executive Director of the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF), an umbrella group for South Florida’s many radical Muslim organizations, which includes CAIR. Given the obvious conflict of interests, it is a wonder how Hamze has been allowed to keep his position within the Sheriff’s Department, while holding these terror-related side-jobs. No doubt, he has been and continues to be a danger to the community, which ironically he has sworn to protect.

Nezar Jason Nazih Hamze, the Michigan-born son of Lebanese immigrants, spent over a decade of involvement with CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He began as a member of the group’s Florida Executive Committee, in 2008, the same year that CAIR was named an “unindicted co-conspirator” by the US government for the Hamas-financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), where all of the defendants in the trial were found guilty of all charges brought against them.

Amer Alhaggagi Gets 15 Years in Prison Bay area ISIS collaborator sought to kill 10,000 with bombs, fire and poison. March 4, 2019 Lloyd Billingsley


Amer Sinan Alhaggagi plotted with ISIS to kill 10,000 people in the San Francisco Bay Area, targeting cities with bombs and fire and gay nightclubs with rat-poisoned cocaine. Last week, as Courthouse News reports, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer sentenced Alhaggagi to 15 years in prison. Alhaggagi’s attorney and family argued that he was just an online blowhard but Judge Breyer wasn’t going for it.

“His words were very dangerous,” Breyer said. “Words matter.”

According to ABC News, Alhaggagi told a confidential source “I live close to San Francisco, that’s like the gay capital of the world. I’m going to handle them right, LOL. I’m going to place a bomb in a gay club, Wallah or by God, I’m going to tear up the city. The whole Bay Area is going to be up in flames.” Alhaggagi also plotted to kill gays by distributing cocaine laced with rat poison.

As Fox News reported, Alhaggagi opened several Twitter and Facebook accounts for ISIS supporters. He then allegedly told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to kill 10,000 people in the Bay Area and brought three backpacks to be used in a future attack.

His attorney Mary McNamara told reporters Alhaggagi was “a young guy who is immature, said some stupid things online,” and that the FBI “sent out their best people to try to get a sting operation going.” A statement from Alhaggagi’s family claimed “Amer is not a terrorist or a violent person, but a young man born and raised in California who said many foolish things on the Internet. Amer did not commit or plan a violent act.” The FBI didn’t see it that way.

American Sheikh: “We All Have a Higher Goal … the Establishment of the Caliphate”


That’s the view expressed at the end of January byAmerican Sheik Omar Baloch, whose views on Zionists, Freemasons, and other matters can be discerned from his YouTube channel here .
To quote MemriTV, the uploader of the above,

‘On January 29, 2019, Illinois-based Sheikh Omar Baloch uploaded a video titled “Constructive Criticism of Islamic Relief Organizations” to his YouTube channel. In the video, Baloch said that Islamic relief organizations do not place enough emphasis on the establishment of an Islamic caliphate as the long-term solution to humanitarian problems.

He said that the problem is that many Islamic organizations are scared to lose funding if they are too vocal about the establishment of a caliphate, and he criticized them because they “wear the garb of [piety]” by providing aid, but they do not call out the “forces of injustice,” for which they are serving as a “bandage.” He said that such organizations should use their platform to convey a message about the common dream, legacy, and hope of Muslims, and he elaborated: “We all have a higher goal… that is bigger than us, and that is the establishment of the caliphate.”

According to the Facebook page of the Furqaan Institute of Quranic Education (FIQE), Sheikh Omar Baloch was born in Chicago and is the scholar in residence at the Al-Furqaan Foundation, of which FIQE is a division. The Facebook page also says that Baloch studied at Georgetown University, at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, at Jamia Thul Ahlul Hadith in Pakistan.’ [Emphasis added]

Congress Orders “Shields Down” By Blocking Emergency Declaration Willfully ignoring threats to national security. Michael Cutler


It has been said that “Timing is everything.”

On February 26, 2019 the House of Representatives voted to block President Trump’s declaration of an emergency on the southern border. Nancy Pelosi and others claimed that the declaration was a violation of the Separation of Powers provisions of the Constitution.

It would appear that failures to secure our nation’s borders against the entry of massive numbers of illegal aliens is a clear violation of our Constitution.

Article IV, Section 4 states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

Invasion is defined, part as:

An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity: an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain.

Furthermore, there would have been no need for any additional action by the administration if Congress had simply voted to fund the construction of a barrier to protect our nation from the illegal and un-inspected entry of people and contraband including narcotics and weapons, into the United States.

Congress failed to act responsibly and in accordance with the oaths of office that each member took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States by preventing invasion and domestic violence.

Space Force Takes One Step Forward, Two Back . . . Again By Angelo Codevilla


In the October 15, 2018 edition of Strategika I wrote: “Three cheers for President Trump’s decision to add a Space Force to the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard.” I was enthusiastic because, “though the logic of war and technology has long counseled establishing a U.S Space Force, the logic of military bureaucracy has forestalled it. . . .For human beings to turn any technology’s potential to military effect, those who really want to do it must be in a position to make it happen . . . that is why establishing the U.S Space Force is no mere rewiring of bureaucratic diagrams.”

But the directive that formally establishes that force, which Trump signed last Tuesday in response to bureaucratic and corporate resistance, is nothing more than a dysfunctional rewiring.

Specifically: though dominance of orbital space has become ever more vital to all other military functions, as well as for protection of our satellites and for defense against ballistic missiles, U.S. space policy has been in the hands of the Air Force, which has regarded what happens in space as subordinate to its traditional missions and—to say the least—has not made a priority of either satellite warfare or missile defense.

Establishing the U.S. Space Force was supposed to change all that. It won’t. Trump’s words notwithstanding, the directive he signed reaffirms the Air Force’s control over orbital space matters.

At the February 19 signing ceremony, Trump said, “With today’s action, we will ensure that our people are secure, our interests are protected, and our power continues to be unmatched. There will be nobody that can come close to matching us. It won’t be close.”

The Chilling Timeline of the ISIS Bride Who Wants to Return to America By Claudia Rosett


What are we to make of the ISIS bride who now wants to return to America? Hoda Muthana left her home in Alabama in 2014 to join the terrorist “caliphate” of ISIS in Syria. Now, reportedly thrice-married to ISIS terrorists, twice-widowed, and recently arrived with her 18-month-old son at a Kurdish-run refugee camp in northern Syria, she says she “deeply regrets” joining ISIS, and wants to come back to the United States.

How this plays out under U.S. law is likely to be decided by the legal wranglers in court, based on technicalities of dates and documents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called her a terrorist, described her as having inflicted “enormous risk” on Americans, and released a statement that she is not a U.S. citizen and does not have any legal basis to travel to the United States. President Trump has tweeted that he has instructed Pompeo “not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!” Hoda’s father, Ahmed Ali Muthana, a naturalized U.S. citizen, is now suing Trump, Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr to have Hoda and her son “declared to be U.S. citizens and returned to the United States,” which, according to the complaint, is what she wants, even if that could mean facing criminal prosecution.

FLASHBACK: Comey’s FBI Embraced American ISIS Terrorist, Helped Him Get DOJ Job By Patrick Poole


One of the biggest questions for Western governments that has played out in recent days in the American media is what to do with Western ISIS recruits who are now in the custody of U.S.-backed forces as the Islamic State’s geographical military presence collapses into nothing.

At least one previous case involving disgraced former FBI Director James Comey — where the FBI under his direction welcomed back an American ISIS terrorist from Syria and gave him a job working with the Justice Department — may be an example of how *not* to handle such cases.

The American media are now rallying around the plight of Alabama ISIS bride Hoda Muthana, who left the U.S. for Syria to marry an ISIS fighter in 2014.

The script that Muthana and her attorneys appear to be following is the case of Brooklyn ISIS terrorist Mohimanul Alam Bhuiya, who joined the terror group in Syria in June 2014 and defected back to the U.S. with FBI assistance later that same year.

Bhuiya was charged with material support for terrorism upon his return and faced 25 years in prison, but a federal judge last June sentenced him to supervised release with no jail time thanks to the intervention and recommendation of his Justice Department co-workers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, he now works with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn. CONTINUE AT SITE

Why it’s so hard to revoke the citizenship of terrorists By Andrew C. McCarthy


What allegiance does the United States owe to our enemies when they are our own citizens?

More than we should.

The question arises due to the case of Hoda Muthana, a young woman born in Alabama, the daughter of Yemeni immigrant parents.

As too often happens, the impressionable young Muslim was drawn, in her teen years, into fundamentalist Islam. This ideology — commonly called “radical Islam,” but more accurately labeled “sharia supremacism” — teaches that Muslims have a duty to impose and spread Islamic law throughout the world. It fuels violent jihadism and other aggressive Islamist strategies, pressuring governments and societies to concede to fundamentalist Muslims the right to live autonomously — i.e., to adhere to sharia whenever it conflicts with domestic law.

This is a profoundly dangerous concession. Sharia supremacism is anti-American and anti-Western. It systematically discriminates against women and non-Muslims; it rejects our notions of equality, freedom, and privacy. Basically, it is counter-constitutional.

The result in Muthana’s case was dire. She fled to Syria to join the Islamic State terrorist network — the ISIS caliphate. And she was all in, calling for violent jihad against the West and the annihilation of the United States in ISIS recruiting messages on social media. “Spill all of their blood or rent a big truck n drive all over them. Kill them” — that is what she called for her fellow radicals to do to her fellow Americans.

Though just 24 years old, Muthana is on her third marriage, her first two husbands having been ISIS militants killed fighting American and other armed forces. She has an 18-month-old son, born of her second marriage, to a jihadi killed in Mosul.

She was captured by Kurdish forces and is now living in a refugee camp in Syria. Naturally, she is expressing remorse and pleading that she be permitted to return with her son to her family in Alabama.

Clearly, she is not a sympathetic case. Nevertheless, she has a right as an American to be admitted back into the United States.