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The Wahhaj Family Compound And Their Dem-Connected Father The open extremists operating in the Democratic Party’s midst. Matthew Vadum


It turns out the man arrested for running a Muslim terrorist training compound in rural New Mexico is the son of an influential Democrat-connected jihadist imam who was close to the Blind Sheikh who orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 that left six people dead.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., who is 39 or 40, of Clayton County, Ga., was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a remote part of New Mexico. Wahhaj, who has been charged with felony child abuse, had reportedly been training the children to commit school shootings. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as Wahhaj’s son, were discovered on the property which was filled with weapons. Two of Wahhaj’s sisters and two other adults were also arrested.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reports that Wahhaj “has been on the radar of federal counterterrorism officials for the past 13 years on suspicion of jihadist activity.”

Despite abundant evidence of suspicious activities, timid FBI officials refused to raid the compound, instead sending a neighbor in wearing a hidden camera. The reluctance of the agents of the embattled law enforcement agency to act may be based on fear of being accused of so-called Islamophobia. Fortunately, local police did their duty and entered the property and discovered the children in what some described as Third World living conditions.

Wahhaj’s father, who shares his name, is deeply involved in Democrat politics. Wahhaj is the imam of Brooklyn, New York’s At-Taqwa Mosque and used to be a member of CAIR’s national board of advisers.

Editorial: Keep terrorist locked up


It is outrageous that a man who helped facilitate and support the 9/11 terrorist attacks will be released from a German prison later this year. In fact, he’ll walk out earlier than his release date.

Mounir el-Motassadeq, a Moroccan, was the money guy, so to speak, for Sept. 11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, who commandeered planes that departed from Logan airport and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City.

The three were friends when they lived together in Hamburg before the attacks. El-Motassadeq has admitted attending a terrorist camp of Osama bin Laden’s in Afghanistan.

German courts had found that el-Motassadeq was aware of the plot to hijack and crash commercial flights into targets — though he may not have been aware of the specific targets — and so he was charged and found guilty of being an accessory to murder of the 246 people aboard the planes. He was sentenced to 15 years in jail. That would have put him behind bars until 2019, but he’ll be sprung in mid-October, for a reason not known.

Fifteen years for complicity in the 9/11 terror attacks. Incredible.

And so the German government coughs up another one and a terrorist goes free. Far from the wholesale incompetence seen in the handling of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, but still quite egregious, our European ally will send el-Motassadeq back to Morocco this fall.

Our government should do everything in its power to compel Morocco to ensure that Mounir el-Motassadeq continues to be held accountable for his part in the facilitation of the worst attack ever on American soil. Morocco has been a good partner to the United States in the war on terror, and let’s hope it rises to the challenge again.

Why Is the Mainstream Media Ignoring the New Mexico Compound/Islam Story? By Nicole Russell


News broke this week that a deranged man, Siraj Wahhaj, was arrested for training a group of starving children at a filthy New Mexico compound how to carry out school shootings. Still, despite the newsworthy aspects of the story, including a Muslim ringleader, children, and the potential for deadly school shootings, mainstream news outlets have covered it only briefly, if at all.

The story, which involved minors, has a particularly ideological angle that outlets seem uncomfortable lingering over for too long. Not only were Siraj Wahhaj and his adult companions “heavily armed,” but CBS reported, “Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe previously said adults at the compound were ‘considered extremist of the Muslim belief.’ He did not elaborate, saying it was part of the investigation.”

In addition, Wahhaj’s father, also Siraj Wahhaj, is the imam of the Masjid At-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York, which has attracted speakers over the years who have been described as radical. It was actually pleas for food for the imam from family members that led to authorities finding the compound.

A quick search of “CNN + Trump + Stormy Daniels” revealed almost 15 million hits. A search of “CNN + New Mexico kids + Siraj Wahhaj” revealed only 147,000 hits. Grant it, the Stormy Daniels story is absurd and needs to be covered and has been percolating longer, but the story of Siraj Wahhaj attempting to train 11 kids to execute 11 school shootings seems far more important than a juicy story about the president’s immoral choices.

Muslim extremists have been infiltrating the United States for years and while there has not been another attack like the one on September 11, 2001—thank God—it’s clear that jihadism is alive and well, even here. It’s a relief to see that authorities in New Mexico laid aside all notions of political correctness and instead, tracked down the children for their safety and the safety of others. But it’s disconcerting to see the mainstream media, who possess so much power to inform and sway public opinion, pass over the story so quickly. I would imagine they’re only doing so out of political correctness and fear they will be accused of “Islamophobia” (a true phenomenon). CONTINUE AT SITE

Islamic Extremist Trained Children to Commit School Shootings at New Mexico Compound By Jack Crowe


An Islamic extremist was training as many as eleven children to commit school shootings at a dilapidated compound in New Mexico, according to court documents filed by government prosecutors Wednesday.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, the son of a suspected co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, was training the children to use assault rifles before his compound was raided by authorities on Friday, CBS News reports.

“He poses a great danger to the children found on the property as well as a threat to the community as a whole due to the presence of firearms and his intent to use these firearms in a violent and illegal manner,” prosecutor Timothy Hasson wrote in justifying his request that Wahhaj be held with out bail ahead of his trial. A judge complied with the request, though prosecutors did not mention the school shooting plot in court; that information was provided in court filings by one of the victimized children’s foster mothers.

The adults present at the compound were “considered extremist of the Muslim belief,” according to Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe.

Wahhaj’s public defender disputed the school shooting claim, arguing it was based on little information.

39-year-old Wahhaj is additionally accused of kidnapping his 4-year-old son from his mother in Georgia. Authorities are still unaware whether unidentified human remains found on Wahhaj’s property may be the missing boy.

In his arrest warrant, authorities allege Wahhaj told the boy’s mother he intended to perform an exorcism on the boy and never returned after asking to take him to a park.



To paraphrase, when is Jihad not Jihad, when it prospers. And Jihad is certainly prospering in the multicultural murder cities of the West.

The attacks are often swept under the rug as misunderstandings or mental illness. That’s what happened in Toronto. And Jihad Denial is the subject of Jamie Glazov’s topic on the latest episode of the Glazov Gang.Jihad Denial is all around us and in some ways it’s even deadlier than the terrorist attacks themselves. And part of that phenomenon is also the topic of Jamie’s latest book, Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us.

Antifa Suspect in South Dakota Found with ‘Concerning’ Amount of Weapons and Bomb-Making Materials By Debra Heine


Sioux Falls Police arrested an apparent antifa radical on Tuesday after finding a “concerning” number of illegal firearms and bomb-making materials in his apartment while serving a search warrant in connection with three area burglaries. Police also found antifa-related items during their search, including an antifa jacket and an anti-police manifesto. Authorities reportedly evacuated the surrounding area and called the Sioux Falls Police bomb squad.

“The amount of explosives found was significant and concerning,” Minnehaha County Sheriff Mike Milstead said.

Mark Einerwold, 43, was arrested “on multiple burglary charges and for the sale or transportation of a destructive device,” KDLT News reported.

Authorities say they found multiple explosive devices as well as aluminum nitrate and aluminum powder, which authorities say have no use other than for an explosive device.

Authorities also seized multiple firearms and a homemade firearm silencer from the residence.

Einerwold said he was $350,000 in debt and had no assets in his application for a court-appointed attorney.

In court, prosecutors said that police found a pistol, sawed-off shotgun and a silencer in a backpack in Einerwold’s home. In addition, police reportedly found a “manifesto” that issued threats toward law enforcement and the government. CONTINUE AT SITE

Cleveland Terrorist Attack Thwarted An al-Qaeda supporter wanted to hit Americans “to the core” on Independence Day. Matthew Vadum


The FBI has reportedly foiled a potentially devastating Muslim terrorist attack a homegrown al-Qaeda supporter planned for Independence Day celebrations in terrorist-infected Ohio this week.

The suspect, Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts, also known as Abdur Raheem Rafeeq, is a violent, convicted felon known for expressing support for al-Qaeda. Pitts was preparing an attack in Cleveland. He was arrested Sunday morning and charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

Pitts reportedly has a long criminal rap sheet, including for felonious assault, domestic violence, and aggravated robbery. He appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge David A. Ruiz in Cleveland on Monday afternoon. A preliminary hearing and a detention review have been scheduled for July 5, the Washington Times reports.

Authorities began tracking Pitts last year when he lived near Cincinnati. At that time he advocated violence and terrorism in social media. Pitts said he wanted to give children in military families explosives-rigged remote-controlled toy cars so they could blow them up to hurt their parents, according to the FBI.

“His Facebook posts were, quite frankly, disturbing,” said Stephen D. Anthony, the FBI Special Agent in Charge in Cleveland. “They included words to the effect that ‘we as Muslims need to start training like this every day. We need to know how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, and hand-to-hand combat.’”

The FBI continued tracking Pitts when he moved to the Cleveland area in May.

“Just last week, this individual was walking around downtown Cleveland, taking reconnaissance for what he thought was a large-scale attack on the Fourth of July,” said Justin Herdman, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Ohio.

The ‘Resistance’ Is Turning into a National Lynch Mob By John Zmirak


Karl Marx once acidly quipped that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. But that’s not even right. When violent ideologies shred the fabric of common life, as is happening right now, there’s nothing funny about it. Not for those of us who have to live through such “interesting times.”

No doubt you’ve read the headlines. A Latin American-style socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has just effectively won a seat in the U.S. Congress, defeating a long-time Democratic Party boss. One of her close campaign associates is a Jew-baiting demagogue, who whipped up votes by denouncing “greedy Jewish landlords.”

The president’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders, and her family were evicted from The Red Hen restaurant by an owner who disapproves of her politics. Then that owner led a mob to follow some of the Sanders family and harass them at the next place they went to eat. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tried to eat at a Mexican restaurant, only to face a mob of protestors inside the eatery screaming “Shame” amidst profanities and insults. Florida Attorney General (and frequent defender of President Trump on Fox News) Pam Bondi was identified, harassed, and spat on when she tried to watch the new Mr. Rogers movie.

These courageous radicals seem to enjoy picking on women. But let’s be fair. When there are enough of them, they are willing to go after men. Remember the cast of Hamilton taking the stage to humiliate Vice President Pence? A menacing mob gathered outside presidential speechwriter Stephen Miller’s apartment, just this week.

Or if they have the weapons: It was only a year ago that a Bernie Sanders volunteer tried a one-man military coup, attempting to murder the entire Republican leadership of our Congress. CONTINUE AT SITE

Nuclear Deterrence: Adopting the Reagan Approach by Mark B. Schneider and Peter Huessy


President Reagan’s successful policies involved not the elimination of all nuclear weapons, but the simultaneous modernization of all legs of America’s nuclear Triad, while significantly reducing the size of the strategic nuclear arsenals of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review confirms reports going back to 2004 that, “Russia is in violation of its… political commitments that directly affect the security of others, including… the 1991 Presidential Nuclear Initiatives.” These eliminated America’s battlefield nuclear weapons and many other nuclear capabilities, while Russia violated its reciprocal pledge to do the same.

Today, Russia and China not only have massive nuclear modernization programs, but also precision nuclear missiles, while the U.S. does not. Let it be a cautionary tale for the current administration in Washington.

Ronald Reagan, one of the most important presidents in American history, advanced a defense policy based on “peace through strength,” and “reducing nuclear dangers.” In so doing, he dramatically altered the United States’ approach to dealing with the Soviet nuclear threat.

President Reagan’s successful policies involved not the elimination of all nuclear weapons, but the simultaneous modernization of all legs of America’s nuclear Triad in a manner that enhanced national security and strategic stability, while significantly reducing the size of the strategic nuclear arsenals of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union. He further enhanced America’s deterrent by deploying nuclear cruise missiles (SLCMs) on naval ships, and medium-range nuclear missiles and new nuclear artillery in Europe.

ISIS Supporter Who Murdered 8 New Yorkers Has Epic Islamist Meltdown in Court By Rick Moran


Last October, Sayfullo Saipov rented a truck and ran down dozens of New Yorkers on a bike path near the World Trade Center, killing eight and injuring 11 others.

Yesterday in court, Saipov interrupted the judge, who was in the process of setting his trial date, going off on a rant that defended ISIS and invoked Allah.

Associated Press:

Speaking through an interpreter for about 10 minutes, Saipov said the decisions of a U.S. court were unimportant to him. He said he cared about “Allah” and the holy war being waged by the Islamic State.

At the prompting of Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Houle, Broderick interrupted Saipov to read him his rights, including that anything he said in court could be used against him.

“I understand you, but I’ m not worried about that at all,” Saipov said.

“So the Islamic State is not fighting for land, like some say, or like some say, for oil. They have one purpose, and they’re fighting to impose Sharia (Islamic law) on earth,” he said.

After Saipov spoke more, Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Beaty interrupted him to object that the judge was letting Saipov make the kind of statement publicly that special restrictions placed on him in prison would otherwise prevent, including discussing “terrorist propaganda.”

The judge said he believed Saipov was nearing the end of his remarks and let him finish before warning him that he was unlikely to let him speak out in court again in a similar manner. Saipov, though, would be given a chance to testify if his case proceeds to trial and, if convicted, could speak at sentencing.

Saipov thanked the judge for letting him speak but added at one point: “I don’t accept this as my judge.”

What is with this judge? Bending over backward to accommodate a terrorist as he spouts propaganda was totally unnecessary. He could have cut him off and removed him from the court if he wanted, especially since there was no earthly reason for him to speak in the first place.

Saipov’s attack on October 31 of last year was premeditated. He drove a rental truck a mile and half down a bike path, mowing down pedestrians and riders alike. Prosecutors won’t be ready to try him until next year.

Prosecutors had been seeking an April 2019 trial date. Houle said the families of the dead and the dozens who were injured deserve a “prompt and firm trial date.” CONTINUE AT SITE