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Left-Wing Mob Descends on DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen at Her Virginia Home By Debra Heine


Three days after a left-wing mob hounded Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a D.C. Mexican restaurant, another group of far-left agitators has harassed her outside her Virginia townhouse.

Early Friday morning, according to the Washington Times, about two dozen protesters from the Soros-linked group CREDO Action held up signs outside the embattled DHS secretary’s home that read “child snatcher,” chanting “no justice, no sleep” and blaring an audio clip of crying immigrant children.

Ms. Nielsen was forced to walk by protesters shouting “Shame!” when she left her house, according to video posted on social media. One man shouted, “You belong in the Hague!” and, “You’re a modern-day Nazi!” as Ms. Nielsen entered her vehicle and left.

Heidi Hess, the co-director of CREDO Action, called Nielsen a “child snatcher” and argued that it’s important to expose the decision-makers in the Trump administration.

“There’s a child snatcher living in Alexandria, Virginia,” Ms. Hess said in a statement. “Rightfully so, there’s a huge amount of attention focused on the border and the detention centers but the people who are making the decisions are here in DC, so it’s important to shine a spotlight on them as well.”

U.S. Secret Service officers and other law enforcement personnel were at the scene during the protest, which lasted about an hour, Fox5 DC reported. CONTINUE AT SITE

Socialist Protesters Chase Kirstjen Nielsen Out of D.C. Restaurant By Jack Crowe


Protesters affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) interrupted Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen while she was eating at a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. Tuesday night.

The protesters, who reportedly arrived after receiving a tip that Nielsen was eating at the restaurant, gathered around her table and began chanting “Abolish ICE,” “Shame,” and “End Texas concentration camps!”

A member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of DSA later explained that the protest was prompted by Nielsen’s defense of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration-enforcement policy, which has thus far resulted in the separation of more than 2,000 children from their parents, who are being detained while awaiting prosecution for crossing the border illegally.

Nielsen emerged as the face of the “zero tolerance” policy Monday, defending the approach as the unfortunate product of legislative inaction, and calling on Congress to pass an immigration-reform bill that provides a solution to end family separations.

Soft Jihad in America By Itu Laze


“False Identity” – the second and more explosive of two documentaries. (first part here) – unmasks ‘soft Jihad’ in America. In it, Arabic-speaking Israeli Channel 10 journalist, Zvi Yehezkeli courageously concealed his identity to expose Islam’s somewhat shocking “quiet conquest” of the U.S.

Since the August 2004 discovery of the Muslim Brotherhood’s 1991 Explanatory Memorandum and The Investigative Project’s 2012 film, Grand Deception, these documentaries have further revealed the extent of societal penetration sought or achieved by a large and growing, but secret, Islamic soft jihad army that seeks to subvert the U.S. and enfold it within a global Islamic empire.

The success of supremacist Muslims has gone unchallenged primarily since U.S. political decision-makers and media outlets refuse to publicly discuss this immense threat, let alone stop this terrifying reality.

“Da’wa is the Number 1 Weapon!” asserts an American Muslim in Belle Dale, Florida – a convert renamed Abu Bakar, and author of the book, 2064 – Islamic America. Formerly a successful U.S. corporate strategic consultant, he now levers his profession to propagate Islam.

“Why wouldn’t I take the knowledge and experience that Allah has blessed me with to advance Islam in America,” asks Abu Bakar, rhetorically. He labors together with Belle Dale Muslim Yusuf al-Muslet to transform that locale into a model Islamic town for the rest of America to follow.

The Senate’s Nuclear Insurance Space sensors would be a game-changer in missile defense.


Whether or not President Trump strikes a nuclear deal at his summit with Kim Jong Un, the U.S. still needs to prepare for attacks on its homeland and abroad. China recently installed missile systems on artificial islands in the South China Sea, while economic backwaters like Russia and Iran invest heavily in missile tests and research. At least Congress is developing bipartisan support for missile defense.

The Senate this week is expected to vote on its version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which the Armed Services Committee approved 25-2 in May. While missile defense can’t perfectly insulate the U.S. or its troops abroad, the new legislation includes notable improvements that would make America’s rivals think twice before striking.

The U.S. fields several missile-defense systems around the world, but each has its own radar. The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense is deployed at sea and can bring down regional threats inside the atmosphere. The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) protects the U.S. homeland by targeting long-range missiles in space. But the systems don’t communicate and coordinate well.

America’s Missile Defense Programs – Part II: Now What? by Peter Huessy


The 2018 new national strategy of the United States requires the development of an effective, robust layered missile defense, including an architecture for a hypersonic missile defense capability. The United States strategy also includes a plan for developing a space-based missile defense intercept capability, which is indeed revolutionary.

“The United States needs to develop the capability and the capacity to deal with everything that could be thrown at us by an Iran or North Korea and to blunt any initial missile salvo from China and Russia.” — Former Missile Defense Agency Director Lieutenant General Trey Obering.

“I don’t compare the cost of an interceptor to the cost of an inbound missile. I compare the cost of the interceptor to the value of an American city… The current missile defense budget is $12 billion a year, says General Obering. “If you look at it in that regard, it’s a very, very affordable program.”

To critics, a missile shield allows the U.S. to be a “bully, to effectively use the offensive sword and do so with impunity by hiding behind a defensive shield.” But that is nonsense,” according to General Obering. The United States and its allies cannot just sit back and take hit after hit.

The Trump administration is in the final leg of its missile defense review which will be soon be forthcoming. In anticipation of that report, General Trey Obering, a former Director of the Missile Defense Agency, recently gave a “look into the future” and how he saw what he termed the coming “revolution in missile defense”.

Up to this past year, the legal guidance for our missile defenses has been that they would be limited and designed to stop only rogue state missile threats. However, the 1999 Missile Defense Act was amended in 2017 to eliminate the term “limited”.

This will now allow the United States to build stronger defenses that are needed, rather than those arbitrarily circumscribed by critics of missile defense, who were insistent when the bill passed the U.S. Congress in 1999 that any defenses be strictly “limited”. Their support was necessary to pass the legislation in the Senate, so at that time, the restriction was accepted.

Bolton Calls Former Aide To NSC To Help Drain The Swamp Why the deep state is in hysterics over the appointment of Fred Fleitz. Kenneth R. Timmerman


National Security Advisor John Bolton, a Baltimorean who is no stranger to political street fights, has brought on board as his chief of staff former FoxNews political analyst Fred Fletiz.

No sooner had the announcement hit the wires, than the pit bulls of the Left went on the attack.

New York magazine called him, an “anti-Muslim wingnut.” The Council on American Islamic Relations, which has been identified in federal court documents as the U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, demanded his immediate removal. The Southern Poverty Law Center, itself identified as a hate group for its vilification of anything conservative, fumed that his appointment was “alarming” and identified him as the Vice-president of an “anti-Muslim hate group,” a referenced to the Center for Security Policy, which the SPLC has long vilified for its work to expose the advocates of Sharia law in America.

So much vitriol, so quickly, should tip us off. Why are these harridans of the Left so hysterical over the appointment of a man well-known to FoxNews viewers for his measured and well-informed views?

Simple. Because Fred Fleitz understands the bureaucracy. He knows where the bodies are buried. And he knows how the Deep State operates.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Fred for nearly fifteen years. When John Bolton was serving as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, Fleitz was detailed to his office from the CIA, where he had long served as an analyst specializing in weapons of mass destruction.

As I wrote in Shadow Warriors: Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender (Crown Forum, 2007), Fleitz helped unmask a disgraceful effort by partisan staffers at the State Department’s Intelligence and Research to feed Bolton false intelligence on a little-known biological weapons program in Castro’s Cuba.

Leading this effort was a certain Christian Westermann, whom Fletiz unmasked as promoting pro-Castro intelligence analysis fed into the system by Ana Belen Montes, a convicted Cuban spy.

ISIS Group Claims More Than 10K Twitter Accounts Used for Propaganda in Past 16 Months By Bridget Johnson


A pro-ISIS group claims that several social media brigades loyal to the terror group have “distributed” nearly 10,000 Twitter accounts over the past 16 months.

In an infographic released last week, Dhakhirat al-Ansar said it had two kataeb, or brigades, working Facebook and four working Twitter.

There was also a much smaller percentage of activity with Gmail accounts, as the group claimed it “distributed” 346 accounts.

But the cyber-caliphate “brigades” claimed 9,635 accounts pushing ISIS content and 4,059 Facebook accounts.

Facebook announced in its first Community Standards Enforcement Preliminary Report released in mid-May that the company took action on 1.9 million pieces of content determined to be terrorism-related in the first quarter of this year, an increase from 1.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2017.

The social-media giant said the increase was “due to improvements in our ability to find violating content using photo detection technology, which detects both old content and newly posted content.”

In April, an Islamic State hacking unit released what they say was a 60-day status report on the extent of their operations on popular social media platforms.

The “Inghimasat dawlawiya team” — Inghimasi refers to a special-forces jihadist who draws out the attack and may return alive from a successful mission to attack again, while dawla means “state” — posted their stats in Arabic, French and English infographics and shared them through social media channels.

According to the hacking team, they “created and shared” 300 Twitter accounts over the past two months as the social media giant says it’s been cracking down on jihadist content.

The group also claims to have hacked 264 Facebook accounts over the past three months, though they don’t elaborate on which kinds of users they’re targeting. CONTINUE AT SITE

Is Facebook Violating U.S. Counterterrorism Laws? by Ruthie Blum


Nearly a year has passed since the establishment of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, announced by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube, but groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas — among the 64 organizations currently designated by the State Department as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) — still have Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and YouTube videos.

The more important question, then, is whether Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms are providing “material support or resources” — in the form of a “tangible or intangible” property or service — to FTOs and Specially Designated Global Terrorists. The Counter Extremism Project appears to think that the answer is yes.

“[G]iven the volume of content uploaded to Facebook by the platform’s estimated 2.2. billion active users on a daily basis, the one percent of terrorist content that is not removed is a significant amount that needs to be addressed.” — Counter Extremism Project Executive Director David Ibsen.

During his Congressional hearings in April, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was interrogated by members of the House and Senate. Because it was evident from their questions that many of the lawmakers were actually clueless about how Facebook works, much time was wasted on Zuckerberg’s having to explain the basics of its tools and business model. A select few – among them Senator Ted Cruz — challenged Zuckerberg about the political slant of his platform, which has led to discrimination against conservative groups and individuals.

Zuckerberg acknowledged that:

“…Facebook and the tech industry are located in Silicon Valley, which is an extremely left-leaning place. And this is actually a concern that I have and that I try to root out in the company is making sure that we don’t have any bias in the work that we do, and I think it is a fair concern that people would at least wonder about.”

When asked about what Facebook is doing to prevent terrorists from using the platform to recruit and coordinate, Zuckerberg said that 200 of his (25,000) employees monitor such content and activity in 30 languages.

The question that Zuckerberg should have been asked is why organizations and individuals that are designated by the State Department as terrorists are able to open pages on his platform in the first place, let alone continue to maintain those pages, or block their content temporarily, before allowing it to be re-posted. It would have been a particularly relevant query, given the launch in July 2017 of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, announced by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube. The stated goal of the Forum was to:

“help us continue to make our hosted consumer services hostile to terrorists and violent extremists.

US Muslim Brotherhood Op Targets Ivanka Trump on FB: ‘Our Vengeance Is Forever’ Following call for President Trump’s execution, Nidal Sakr expands threat to Trump family. May 29, 2018 Joe Kaufman


Nidal Mohamed Sakr, Muslim Brotherhood operative and Chairman of the March for Justice, is very upset about the United States moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Many of his posts onto social media discuss the event in a negative light. However, one post in particular, which repeatedly makes mention of Ivanka Trump, contains an extremely violent message targeting Jews with death. What should not be lost in this is the fact that Ivanka, her husband and their children are all Jewish, and with the fact that Sakr has recently called for her father President Donald Trump’s execution, the post needs to be viewed as a threat.

Sakr’s life has revolved around the Brotherhood, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun. According to him, his mother was part of the “first generation of Ikhwan,” carrying weapons and ammunition for the group. Around 1970, Sakr joined a Brotherhood terrorist cell in Jordan that was conducting paramilitary operations against Israel. He was recruited into the cell by Abdullah Azzam, the future mentor of Osama bin Laden and co-founder of al-Qaeda. Sakr has said that he personally knew bin Laden, stating, “Osama bin Laden, himself, was a student of Abdullah Azzam at King Abdul Aziz University. I know him personally. I know his brothers. I know his family.”

In January 2011, when the Arab Spring erupted in Egypt against then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Sakr and his wife, Sara Bokker, did not have to travel far to seek involvement. Since at least 2007, the two were located in Cairo – home to the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters – Sakr serving on the International Islamic Council for Dawah and Relief and Bokker employed at the Brotherhood-related Jana Dan International School. During the revolution, Sakr organized rallies for the Brotherhood and advised Brotherhood leadership.

After the July 2013 coup against the government of newly elected Egyptian President and Brotherhood leader, Mohamed Morsi, by then-head of Egypt’s military and current Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Brotherhood leaders and members were hunted down. On Twitter, Sakr commented that he “Was Fired At by Sisi n RABAA [Square in Cairo] for 12 Hours NON STOP…”

Palestinians: Americans Now Legitimate Targets by Bassam Tawil

Ultimately, it is all about money. The Palestinian Authority is desperate for US financial aid; without it the Palestinian leadership would not be able to survive. So the Palestinians are hoping to extort protection money from the Americans. It is like saying, “You see what will happen to you if you stop funding me? It could always get worse for you. I suggest that you restore my accountability-free funding, and perhaps I will see to it that you do not get hurt.”

The Americans should call the Palestinian bluff and send a warning to the Palestinian leadership that there will be consequences for their rhetoric and actions if they do not cease the incitement and brainwashing. The US should use the money as leverage to demand this from the Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority needs your money and you have the right to demand something good in return for it. There is no reason why any American should be funding the same Palestinian propaganda machine that is inciting not only against Israel, but also against the US and its citizens.

There is a new development in Palestinian hatred of the Trump administration: the Palestinian leaders’ verbal attacks on the US are now being translated into acts of violence against US delegations visiting Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

The Palestinian campaign against the US began in December 2017, when President Donald Trump made his announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and escalated after he announced that the US embassy in Tel Aviv would be moved to Jerusalem.

The anti-US rhetoric has come from Palestinians representing all walks of life — from the most senior, including President Mahmoud Abbas, to ordinary citizens in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and from secular groups such as the ruling Fatah faction to extremist Islamist organizations such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

If there is anything that unites the vast majority of Palestinians, it is their hatred of the Trump administration’s representatives and policies.