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Muslim Brothers Arrested in MN After Arsenal of Guns, Ammo, Bomb-Making Materials, and DRONE Found in Car By Debra Heine

Earlier this month, Minneapolis police stumbled across an arsenal of guns, ammunition, and bomb-making materials — including a drone — inside the car of two brothers with ties to the Middle East. The pair were arrested, but now a concerned citizen is “outraged” because one of the men is already out of jail.

The police discovered the arsenal after the man reported 27-year-old Abdullah Alrifahe and 26-year-old Majid Alrifahe to law enforcement on May 11 following an incident outside a federally subsidized senior housing project. When the Good Samaritan confronted the brothers about littering from their car, they jumped out and “moved aggressively toward him,” WCCO reports.

Abdullah is being held in the Hennepin County Jail. His brother, Majid, has been released and is facing minor charges.

WCCO-TV has confirmed that both Homeland Security and the FBI are involved in the investigation, which started outside a federally-subsidized senior housing project. A good Samaritan confronted the men about littering from their car.

The man, who asked that his name not be used for fear of his safety, said the brothers jumped out of their car, moved aggressively toward him and used the N-word. He then called police.

Inside the brothers’ car, police found a loaded AK-47, another rifle, a handgun, a grenade, large amounts of ammunition, and what would later be identified as bomb-making materials, including a drone.

Abdullah Alrifahe had recently been released from jail after serving time for a weapons conviction. He is now facing a single felony weapons charge.

His brother, Majid, has been released from jail and is facing a low-level misdemeanor charges, including disorderly conduct.

The good Samaritan is outraged the charges aren’t more serious.

“For what they found in their car, that is way too light,” he said. CONTINUE AT SITE

Drive them out: Time to deport known American jihadis By Karin McQuillan

The children of Manchester were killed by a Jihadi known to authorities. So were the victims of 12 out of the 14 Islamic terror attacks in America under Obama’s watchful eye. That must end. Our terror watch list must become a terror deportation list.

President Trump went to the very heart of Islam, Saudi Arabia, and told the assembled leaders of the Muslem world they must drive the Jihadis out of their mosques, out of their communities, out of their country and out of this earth.

The Saudis are responsible for their country. We are responsible for America. Let us start right here and right now. We need to drive all those who preach Jihad out of our American mosques, community, and country.

Preachers in America are not allowed to encourage murder or the overthrow of our government. It is immoral and illegal to allow the preaching of Jihad in our mosques. Yet time after time, whenever we have an Islamic atrocity in our country, we discover the killer attended a radical mosque. One estimate is that half of the mosques in our country were founded by radical Muslim Brotherhood members.

In 2012, then-President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, banned radical imams from entering France; in 2016, France closed down a handful of radical mosques where they found terrorist weapons caches. We should do that and more. We should close all radical mosques. Especially for those who believe Islam is a religion of peace, it is clear these are not true religious institutions, but centers promoting Muslim supremacy, violence, and the suppression of other religions.

Make no mistake. Islamism in America reaches far beyond mosque walls. We have a pro-Jihadi curriculum in our schools, Jihadi preachers and speakers in our mosques and prisons, Jihadi bureaucrats and support staff in our government, Jihadi judges in our courts (one appointed by New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie), and Jihadis serving on oversight committees of police departments, the FBI and Homeland Security.

President Trump is asking the Muslim leaders across the globe to step up. We have to step up at home. We have to step up at every level. We need to support courageous citizen activists like Pamela Geller and Brigitte Gabrielle, the remarkable Charles Jacobs and Steven Emerson. These heroic Americans have been carrying the burden to fight Jihad. They have been doing it almost alone for years. We need an all-out effort by city and state governments, Congress and every federal department, and yes, the president, who has to get moving. They are supposed to protect us from organized killers.

Security to Tighten in U.S. Cities After Manchester Bombing Local police around the country are increasing patrols around venues and arena operators and college officials are planning extra precautions By Scott Calvert, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Melissa Korn

Sports fans, college graduates and others can expect heightened security at U.S. arenas in the coming days after Monday night’s bomb attack in Manchester, England that killed 22 and injured 59.

Officials at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland said they are implementing “additional appropriate” security measures for Tuesday evening’s NBA playoff game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics. The officials declined to elaborate.

The series will head to Boston’s TD Garden arena on Thursday, and fans are being asked to arrive early because of increased security.

College administrators and security personnel are taking additional precautions ahead of graduation activities that will bring thousands of visitors to campuses or nearby arenas.

Police in several cities stepped up patrols Tuesday, including in New York, where police rolled out counterterrorism units to music venues, transit hubs, sports arenas and other locations, as the Monday night attack renewed concerns about the vulnerability of public gatherings.

The Boston Police Department said it has increased patrols at concert venues as a precautionary measure. Among the events scheduled this weekend is the Boston Calling Music Festival, a three-day affair at Harvard University’s athletic complex in Boston’s Allston neighborhood.

Organizers said they are working with law enforcement and will “take all appropriate steps to ensure our event will be executed in a safe and secure manner for everyone this weekend,” said co-founders Brian Appel and Mike Snow.

In Baltimore, fans will see a greater security presence outside Oriole Park at Camden Yards before and after Tuesday evening’s baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and Minnesota Twins, said Vernon Conaway Jr., who oversees security at the ballpark and the neighboring football stadium where the Ravens play.

Uniformed police officers, police dogs and security staff already operate outside the downtown ballpark, particularly around a nearby light-rail stop and other pedestrian choke points, he said, and that will increase starting Tuesday.

Mr. Conaway said that anyone entering the stadium must go through a metal detector and submit to a bag check, and that bomb-sniffing dogs patrol the facility.

“Everything inside of the stadium walls we feel very good about,” he said. “It’s the exterior that we have to be vigilant and present to make sure that people coming to our event, and people leaving our event, are as protected and safe as they are when they are inside.”

The suicide bombing outside a pop concert in Manchester highlighted the challenge of guarding against such an attack near a facility’s exits, said Mitch Silber, the New York Police Department’s former director of intelligence analysis.

“That’s a much more nefarious and harder to detect phenomenon,” said Mr. Silber, a security risk consultant for FTI Consulting. “Some type of adjustments are going to have to be made in the way the perimeter of stadiums are covered as events come to a close.”CONTINUE AT SITE

They want to kill us all By Silvio Canto, Jr.

What more do we need to know about these people? Can their intentions be more clear? What else do they have to do? Blow up teen girls at a pop concert?

As Roger Simon wrote:

If you think what happened in Blighty can’t happen here — 19 killed, 59 injured — you’ll have to excuse me if I say “You’re out of your bloomin’ mind.” Did you already forget 9/11/2001? Or the Boston Marathon? Or San Bernardino? Or the Orlando gay bar attack less than a year ago that killed 49?

Oh, yeah. Seems so long ago, doesn’t it, even that last one? The “new normal.” We put these things out of our minds the week after to deal with the next trivial Washington scandal or go about our petty lives.

Our culture lives in a self-destructive willful blindness, refusing to see the obvious even though it happens again and again across the globe.

Radical Islam, Islamism, or whatever you want to call it has been at war with us since the Twin Towers came down and even well before. And they have no intention whatsoever of stopping.

Nevertheless we respond in the most perfunctory manner, nattering on about how Islam is a”religion of peace,” criticizing ourselves and others for “Islamophbia,” or dismissing it all as a police matter.

My guess is that we will react decisively in the US. We’ve had a much more realistic view of terrorism over here. As a last resort, we believe in self defense and allow some citizens to carry guns and serve as a line of protection.

However, I’m not very optimistic about Europe. For example, Salman Abedi, the alleged terrorist, was known to British authorities prior to the attack. Wonder how that makes any parent feel about the next concert that their teens want to go to? Or the next time that there is a big soccer event? In other words, would you attend a concert in the UK any time soon knowing that people under the eye of the police will join you for the proceedings?

Most of all, it makes President Trump’s realism about terrorism and uncontrolled immigration really stand out.

ISIS urges jihadis to imitate Times Square car ramming incident By Lisa Daftari

Opportunistic jihadis have posted messages urging supporters to carry out vehicular attacks similar to Thursday’s Times Square car crash even as law enforcement officials confirmed that the incident had no connection to terrorism. http://www.foreigndesknews.com/world/middle-east/isis-urges-jihadis-imitate-times-square-car-ramming-incident/

Pro-Islamic State jihadis shared images and messages such as, “Soon, the vehicle attacks will be witnessed on your streets, by Allah’s permission,” in an attempt to lure so-called ‘lone wolf’ attackers to carry out same-style attacks but in the name of the Islamic State.

Richard Rojas,26, from Bronx, NY, was arraigned Friday on charges of second-degree murder, 20 counts of attempted murder and five counts of aggravated vehicular homicide following Thursday’s car crash, which killed an 18-year-old woman.

The terror group has even been using relevant hashtags such as #NewYork #Times_Square and #USA in their propaganda posts.

Jihadis posted an image of a large truck with “We will continue to terrorize you and ruin your lives,” on the Telegram messaging app, urging ‘believers’ to give up this ‘temporary life’ and earn everlasting reward in paradise.

“O Muwahhid (believer), Indeed it is a single soul and a single paradise, so sell it to Allah and purchase Jannah (afterlife). Sell what is temporary for what is lasting, for how blessed a transaction is that transaction! Blessed would be the seller and blessed be the buyer!”

After finding challenges in asking would-be jihadis to travel from around the world, particularly the West, to the Caliphate, the Islamic State began a campaign of encouraging Western sympathizers to launch local attacks in their hometowns by using everyday objects as weapons, such as kitchen knives, axes and cars, to ram into large crowds.

ISIS has claimed car ramming attacks in Nice, Berlin, London and Ohio State University, when Somali student Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into a group of pedestrians on a sidewalk and subsequently exited his car and started stabbing those nearby with a knife.

Earlier this week, ISIS released a video featuring an American jihadi calling for ‘lone-wolf’ attacks in the U.S.

“Liberate yourself from hellfire by killing a kafir (non-believer),” a jihadi identified by his pseudonym, Abu Hamza al-Amriki, said.

The group has also published several articles and infographics in recent months urging supporters to carry out vehicular attacks, advising them to target places with heavy pedestrian traffic such as New York, to maximize the impact of attacks.


Ironically Warren Buffet recently stated that “I don’t know that much about cyber, but I do think that’s the number one problem with mankind.” He is right. Cybersecurity is a preeminent threat.

What is being called the largest ransomware attack is being described as a real wakeup call y many cybersecurity experts and government officials. The ransomware disrupted hospital , organizational and company networks that were not well protected and up to date. Low hanging fruit for hackers. It did not turn out to be as lethal as originally feared, but it certainly demonstrated the global vulnerabilities associated with inter-connected networks and devices.

Facts are still being analyzed and disputed but It appeared initially that the cyber-extortion attack was perhaps initiated with a phishing/macro email attack, involving a variant of a ransomware called “WannaCry”, that exploited a Microsoft Windows Flaw. But in forensic reviews there is still no definitive explanation of how the malware propagated or who are the culprits, although some suspect North Korean involvement. What we do know that the ransomware was self-replicating and spread swiftly reaching over 100 countries. In various countries, industry, organizations and government were victimized. The Czech security company Avast stated that they saw 57,000 infections included major hits in Russia, Ukraine and Taiwan. (http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/12/technology/ransomware-attack-nsa-microsoft/) British Prime Minister Theresa May called it “an international attack. Cybersecurity is truly a global threat and problem. (http://www.businessinsider.com/theresa-may-nhs-cyberattack-part-of-international-attack-2017-5)

It is thought that early ransomware spread via email and was propagated via online advertising. The ransomware locks computers and then launches a ransom note in a text file demanding payment. In this case, the ransom was $300 per device. Of particular concern were the attacks on the UK National Health Service. Non-emergency operations were suspended and ambulances were diverted because of the WannyCry attacks. Hospitals are often targets for cyber-attacks because they often use a multitude of devices, systems, and networks allowing for more surface attack areas. Also, They generally to not have adequate security operating budgets.

The New Stage of Cyber Warfare By Rachel Ehrenfeld

The ongoing massive cyber hacking for ransom that at the time of this writing has reportedly affected 150 countries and at least 200,000 institutions was a disaster waiting to happen.

The July 2009 North Korean cyber-attacks on the United States and South Korea’s government and major business and public organizations in the form of denial of service, signaled that it was only a question of time before digital weapons are used as Weapon of Mass Effect (WME). It did not take long before service denial attacks escalated into cyber espionage, stealing data from government, public and private entities and academic institutions, causing untold economic damage. The weaponization of cyber soon followed; recall the Stuxnet, the first publicly known digital weapon that was said to cause physical damage to Iran uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, in 2010.

On July 9, 2012, former CIA and NSA director, Gen. Michael Hayden, speaking at the American Center for Democracy’s Economic Warfare Institute’s briefing on Capitol Hill, on Economic Warfare Subversions: Anticipating the Threats, said he was worried that it would not take long for “Hackers to acquire the skills and the tools we currently associate with nation states.”

As we have since seen, Gen. Hayden was right to worry. While not widely publicized, the scope of cyber-attacks by seemingly loosely affiliated hacking groups and the information they sell on the dark web has grown exponentially. Just one year later, two major attacks on the Internet hinted what to expect if/when our economic and financial infrastructures are hit by different attacks at once. Cyberbunker – not a Chinese – but a Dutch web hosting company generated the largest global distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the spam filtering company, Spamhouse. When that attack came to light, in 2013, this author has warned: “This new economic warfare presents a nascent threat in complex areas that challenge analysis and identification. While at first our streets will not be littered with bodies as with a nuclear attack, a stealth attack on our economic, financial and communication channels, could in short time destroy the U.S. economy and devastate its people. Perhaps it’s time to rethink our mostly digital dependent economy.”

Criminals, terrorists and rough nations operate under cover of the Dark Web, which masks their identities. It is too early to say who the alleged ‘hacking collective’ known as the ‘Shadow Brokers’ is affiliated with. This is the group that is said to have released the ransom malware that paralyzed hospitals in Britain, telecommunication and gas companies in Spain, and other government and public institutions in all over the world. The unprecedented global attack would yield at least $60 million to the hackers (200,000 victims paying $300 in ransom), though cyber experts claim only some $70K in Bitcoin were paid. Judging by previous reactions from cyber experts immediately after a major attack, I doubt this is accurate.Even if the ‘Shadow Brokers’ are not affiliated with Iran North Korea, China, Russia, al Qaeda, ISIS and their ilk, it is reasonable to assume the stolen data in their possession would generate much higher revenues. Upgrading computers and network security may safeguard new information, but not the valuable information that has been stolen.

Even if the ‘Shadow Brokers’ are not affiliated with Iran North Korea, China, Russia, al Qaeda, ISIS and their ilk, it is reasonable to assume the stolen data in their possession would generate much higher revenues. Upgrading computers and network security may safeguard new information, but not the valuable information that has been stolen.

Another Ohio Man Charged With Providing Material Support to ISIS By Debra Heine

A federal grand jury today indicted a Jordanian man living in Ohio on charges that he attempted to provide material support and resources to ISIS — the second such case in Ohio in a month.

Laith Waleed Alebbini, 26, of Dayton, was arrested on April 26 by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport as he was going to board the first of a series of connecting flights to Jordan, where he planned to cross the border into Syria and join the terror group.

According to the FBI, Alebbini is a citizen of Jordan and became a legal permanent resident of the United States in April 2014. He first traveled to the U.S. in July 2011.

A sworn affidavit from FBI investigators states Alebbini was arrested Jan. 10 for unlawfully entering the Turkish embassy in Washington D.C., but the charges were later dropped.

Two days later, Alebbini tried to travel to Turkey via Amsterdam, but was denied entry because his Jordanian passport had expired, officials said. He returned to the U.S. on Jan. 15.

On Jan. 23, the FBI states Alebbini was interviewed about the incident at the Turkish embassy.

During the interview, Alebbini allegedly admitted to posting pro-ISIS videos on Facebook and to supporting ISIS’s desire for a united Middle East.
He allegedly said during the interview that “I am the perfect recruit for ISIS,” but said he did not agree with their violence, according to court documents.

He said his reason for going to the embassy was to discuss the conflict in the Middle East with the Turkish Ambassador, the documents state.

“Alebbini said the security at the embassy was very lax, and that ‘if I had on bomb on me, I swear to God, three embassies would have done down,'” investigators reported in the affidavit.

The FBI decided to keep a close eye on Alebbini after that.

Via WCPO Cincinnati:

In court records, an FBI special agent detailed various pro-ISIS comments he said Alebbini had made to a confidential source, including that he planned to travel to the Middle East, join ISIS and “fight in Jihad.”

“Our duty is to support the Islamic State,” Alebbini is quoted as saying. “Those are the words, what is your duty? Jihad. A person is supposed to stay away from the people of sins … and what happens, happens … caught? Let them arrest you, then, let them arrest me. This is the true conversation.”

If convicted, Alebbini could spend up to 20 years in prison. CONTINUE AT SITE

Fixing the Federal IT Mess Before it is Too Late

Paul Ferrillo, Chuck Brooks, Kenneth Holley, George Platsis, George Thomas, Shawn Tuma, and Christophe Veltsos.

Let us take a headcount of recent events: the attack on the Ukraine’s electric grid, a LinkedIn data dump as a result of a 2012 breach, the information warfare campaign surrounding the US Elections, a peculiar “Google Docs” app involved in a massive spear-phishing campaign, and most recently, another information warfare campaign aimed at the French Elections. Do not forget our ”good ole friends” – North Korea, Iran, and Syria, just to mention a few – are well into the cyber game and ready to pounce on the next database which has been left unguarded, unencrypted, and unprepared to thwart an attack.

As the disc jockey says, “and the hits keep on playing!”

Despite increased “cybersecurity talk” since the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach, great strides in Federal IT security improvement are not apparent.

Despite loads of Congressional attention, there is only one piece of credible legislation to show for, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA).

And despite the billions spent on cyber defense measures, we seem to wake up every morning to news of some type of new breach, making it feel like Groundhog Day.

With each new breach, some nation state, cybercriminal, or terrorist group has gotten their hands on our personal information (and that of our spouses, kids, and parents) all in an effort to exploit us further, whether it is a wire transfer scam or an attempted run at the crown jewels of whoever employs us. Coupled with publicly available information that we – and our family, friends, and co-workers, and businesses, services, and not-for-profits – post online, and that which is available through workplace and government listings, seemingly tiny and unrelated pieces of information, once collated, become a powerful weapon for the adversary.

The adversary will not hesitate for one moment to use this information against us should it meet their interests.

We cannot overemphasize this issue enough: spear-phishing and pretexting tactics work and they work extremely well. And government employees are by no means exempt or necessarily protected from these social engineering attacks. Once that email makes it past the firewalls, the spam filters, the anti-virus and the artificial intelligence onto your device (which it can and does), you – and you alone – are the last line of defense.

So why have we been so completely unsuccessful in defending our data? There are enough reasons to numb you:

Silo mentalities of various agencies, groups, and companies;

Unsubstantiated hype of vendor strategies designed to work together, but in practice are disjointed;
Never-ending shortage of skilled cyber professionals;
Perpetual lack of money, time, and attention the issue truly needs;
Basic naivety of the user; and
A fundamental misunderstanding of issues and terms.

Do people really understand the intricacies and complexities the cybersecurity challenge presents? How much do the US House and Senate really care to understand these intricacies and complexities?

We do not need to spend another year, or election cycle, or decade debating across party lines or through political filters when there are actionable steps that support a unified American interest, regardless of party or ideology.

Remedial ISIS Tutorial Steers Jihadists Toward Heavier, Deadlier Truck Attacks By Bridget Johnson

The Islamic State just published a remedial step-by-step pictorial for lone jihadists on how to use a heavy vehicle to kill, walking would-be terrorists through how to acquire a vehicle and which targets to strike.

ISIS’ monthly Rumiyah magazine, which publishes online in 10 languages including English, last covered vehicle attacks in their November issue “Just Terror Tactics” segment, using Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who plowed a cargo truck through a crowd of Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France, last summer, as their key example.

In that article, ISIS encouraged shying away from budget sedans and “off-roaders, SUVs, and four-wheel drive vehicles” that “lack the necessary attributes required for causing a blood bath” as “smaller vehicles lack the weight and wheel span required for crushing many victims.” They recommended trucks with double wheels for “giving victims less of a chance to escape being crushed by the vehicle’s tires.” Long semi trucks were discouraged because of the possibility of jack-knifing.

The terror group encouraged jihadists to find a vehicle with a “metal outer frame which are usually found in older cars, as the stronger outer frame allows for more damage to be caused when the vehicle is slammed into crowds, contrary to newer cars that are usually made of plastics and other weaker materials.” A picture of a U-Haul truck was shown with the caption “an affordable weapon.” A picture of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was shown with the words “an excellent target.”

Shortly after the article was published, a ram-and-stab attack by Ohio State student Abdul Razak Ali Artan on a sidewalk full of students and faculty caused several injuries, but no fatalities. He used a silver sedan in the attack.

In December, Anis Amri hijacked a Polish semi truck and killed the driver, then plowed the big rig into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 11.

This March, Khalid Masood rented the Hyundai Tuscon he used to run over five pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before crashing into the palace fence and stabbing a police officer. Last month, Rakhmot Akilov stole a beer truck and drove it down a busy Stockholm shopping street, killing four.

Eager to build on those attacks no matter the IQ of the jihadist, ISIS this week published the how-to with pictures — trying to steer terrorists toward vehicles more like Berlin and Stockholm.

“The ideal vehicle,” says the page, has a “slightly raised chassis and bumper,” is a “double-wheeled, load-bearing truck” that “large in size, heavy in weight” and is “fast in speed or rate of acceleration.”

Then comes the very remedial lesson on where to get the attack vehicle (“kafir” means disbeliever, while “murtadd” means apostate Muslim): CONTINUE AT SITE