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Fighting in the Gaza Strip Is a Sign of Israeli Failure The Jewish state should destroy Palestinian arsenals before terrorists use them. By Amir Avivi


Another round of fighting in Gaza has ended with a brokered cease-fire after a limited yet deadly exchange of fire between a terror organization and the Israel Defense Forces. The fighting lasted three days, more than 1,000 rockets were fired at Israel—including toward Tel Aviv and Jerusalem—and millions of Israelis found cover and relative safety thanks to the phenomenal Iron Dome, which intercepted more than 96% of the lethal rockets aimed at Israeli civilians.

At least 20 operatives of Palestinian Islamic Jihad were killed in action by the IDF, and scores more were wounded. Most important, almost the entire chain of command of the Islamic Jihad was eliminated in separate pinpoint strikes, leaving that organization with significant staffing shortages for the foreseeable future. Sadly, several Gazan civilians were also killed, either inadvertently by the IDF or by malfunctioning Palestinian rockets fired by terrorists.

None of the above should be surprising or sound new to anyone who has been following Middle Eastern news for the past 15 years. Other rounds, like Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, lasted longer, caused more casualties and destruction in Israel and in Gaza, and ended in similar fashion.

Gaza: The Usual Suspects Condemn Israel by Richard Kemp


Commenting on the killing of Zawahiri, UN Secretary General’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the UN was “committed to fighting against terrorism and strengthening international cooperation in countering that threat”.

Of course it was a different story when Israel acted against Jabari. UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland was “deeply concerned” by “the targeted killing today of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader inside Gaza.”

Israel has not claimed its operation in Gaza — codenamed Breaking Dawn — is to deter. The government has made it clear that the strikes were to prevent an imminent threat to the Israeli population. It had hard intelligence that PIJ, led by Jabari, was planning attacks across the border from Gaza. Protecting its people from violent external attack is not only permitted under international law, it is the duty of every government. If deterrence of such attacks were possible, Israel would have taken action to deter.

PIJ is an Iranian proxy, directed and funded to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Its leader, Ziad Nakhaleh, has been in Tehran for the last few days, meeting with his IRGC paymasters and other government officials including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

As PIJ and its fellow jihadists have indiscriminately fired an estimated 400 missiles (at time of writing) at targets from Sderot to Tel Aviv since Operation Breaking Dawn began, the IDF has continued to launch precision strikes from the air and the ground to halt the attacks on Israeli citizens. Just as Israel’s casus belli for attacking PIJ targets was lawful, it has taken the utmost care to ensure its continued strikes are also lawful, only attacking targets that are proportionate and necessary to the military objectives and giving warnings where civilian casualties could occur.

We can expect non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Human Rights Watch to pile on. Amnesty International, however, might be slightly more circumspect as they are at present gyrating from the widespread international reproach that greeted their just-published report condemning Ukraine’s defensive actions, in which they again showed the total incomprehension of war and the laws of war that they often demonstrate in their denunciations of Israel.

Slavering for the last two days at the prospect of IDF-inflicted mass casualties, much of the media immediately and without any evidence eagerly pointed the finger at Israel over the tragic killing of seven people, including four children, in Jabalia camp in the Gaza Strip. They will undoubtedly try, but journalists and UN investigators will find it hard to refute the IDF’s confirmation that they did not strike the location and have conclusive video and radar evidence that the deaths were caused by a misfired PIJ rocket, launched as so often from within the civilian population. This would certainly fit, as approximately a quarter of all terrorist rockets fired so far during this campaign have landed inside Gaza, not in Israel.

A week ago US President Joe Biden ordered the elimination of Al Qaida boss Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul. A few days later Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid ordered the elimination of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Tayseer al-Jabari in Gaza. These were two of a kind: mass killers whose sole purpose was to inflict pain, death and destruction on ordinary decent people to bring about their vision of Islamic conquest.

IDF footage shows ‘beyond doubt’ that misfired Islamic Jihad rocket killed children in Gaza


The Israeli military says some 180 projectiles launched by PIJ fell short in Gaza, killing at least nine people • “All fire by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization is a double war crime: It is shooting at civilians, and using Gazan civilians as human shields,” says the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.
A picture shows rockets being fired by Islamic Jihad toward Israel from the Gaza Strip, on August 5, 2022. Photo by Attia Muhammed/Flash90.
Spread the word.

(August 7, 2022 / JNS) The Israel Defense Forces on Saturday night released footage it claims shows a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket misfiring and causing an explosion in a residential area of Jabalya that reportedly killed numerous people, including four children.

The rocket was launched at 6:51 p.m. local time, according to the IDF, and was detected by the military’s ballistic missile defense center. PIJ is experiencing an average of 20% misfired rockets, according to the military.

As of Sunday evening, terrorists from Gaza had fired some 1,000 projectiles towards the Jewish state since the IDF launched “Operation Breaking Dawn” on Friday afternoon.

About 160 of these rockets fell short in Gaza, killing at least nine people, according to the IDF.

Ruthie Blum Avoiding mention of Iran while urging Israeli restraint


The facts of “Operation Breaking Dawn” don’t make the slightest difference to the moral-equivalence choir hot to return to the JCPOA.

When asked in a TV interview on Saturday afternoon about the response of his counterparts at the United Nations to “Operation Breaking Dawn” against Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists in Gaza, Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan said that the bulk of the world’s focus right now is on the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Pacific. He did acknowledge that the Palestinian Authority’s representative at the international body, Permanent Observer Riyad Mansour, has been busy urging the Security Council to condemn Israel—as usual.

If Erdan was feeling even mildly relieved about his colleagues’ attention being elsewhere for a change, U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland ought to have put a damper on the sentiment. In an official statement on Friday, the useless envoy wrote, “I am deeply concerned by the ongoing escalation between Palestinian militants and Israel, including the targeted killing today of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader inside Gaza. This takes place amidst mounting tensions across the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip in recent weeks.”

The rest of the blather, which lacked all context, typically took Israel to task for the “at least 10 Palestinians … killed, [including] a five-year-old child … There can be no justification for any attacks against civilians. The continuing escalation is very dangerous. The launching of rockets must cease immediately, and I call on all sides to avoid further escalation.”



From A for Agriculture to Z for Zionism:  Michael Ordman tells us: “One product to increase wheat yields has already been shipped to the US and another is in field trials. Israelis have developed an entirely new, tasty, and highly nutritious ready-to-eat vegetable; an energy-efficient method to extract proteins from plants; and the best-tasting vanilla ever.”

And: “a growing number of Jews who want to see their future, and that of their children, growing up in the Jewish State.”

He also informs us that there are increased opportunities for women in the Israel Defense Forces.

So BDS really defines Isrel’s army: “Brave, Diverse, Soldiers” rsk.

Covid-19 immunity testing. A team of Israeli immunologists, epidemiologists and other researchers have successfully used the levels of antibody markers to predict the risk of Covid-19 infection. IGG antibodies for 608 healthy adults were monitored over 90 days. The 239 subsequent infections were then correlated.
Weakening the virus. Israeli-UK biotech Eleven Therapeutics is developing RNAi therapy that attacks the genetic structure of respiratory viruses such as SARS-COV-2. Eleven has just received a $9 million grant from the Gates Foundation. https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/h1ju600ltc  https://www.eleventx.com/
Ultrasound scans on MDA Ambulances. Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics on Israeli Intensive Care ambulances and helicopters will use ultrasound probes to monitor patients’ hearts and locate IV points in hard-to-detect veins. If an ultrasound detects a heartbeat but no pulse, fluids should be used – not shocks or CPR.
A molecule to repair all cells. (TY WIN) Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered a molecule, 1,8-diaminooctane, that helps cells repair damaged tissue. It could eventually prevent age-related disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and increase life expectancy and wellness.
ECG for the lungs. Israel’s Nanovation-GS (see here previously) is now undergoing clinical trials in Israel and the EU of its SenseGuard first-of-its-kind nano-sensor for monitoring and managing chronic respiratory conditions. It is also working to obtain CE certification, with FDA approval to be sought later.
Chipping away at cancer. Israeli pharmacist Eliana Steinberg realized her medicines were not curing cancer patients and went back to university to get a doctorate. She then developed a transparent chip, which takes a sample of the tumor to test numerous treatments to discover which works best. It was even tested in outer space.
Diagnosing fibromyalgia. The medical condition fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose. Now, researchers at Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus and Canada’s McGill University can identify it in blood tests using an algorithm that analyzes the bile acids produced by gut bacteria. The scientists are developing a tool for use in clinics.
Intel & Sheba partner to detect Crohn’s disease. (TY Israel21c) Intel Corporation is working with the ARC Innovation Center at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center to develop an AI-enhanced app to help physicians diagnose Crohn’s disease at an early stage. 12,000 images taken by a “capsule pill” can be analyzed in just two minutes.
Avoiding the need for amniocentesis. Israel’s Identifai Genetics is developing a noninvasive prenatal test for the early detection of severe genetic disorders. A simple blood test of the mother in her first trimester can detect every single-point mutation, insertion-deletion, and structural variation in the entire embryonic genome.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/pfp425ruq   https://identifai-genetics.com/
Improving visual perception for those with autism. Tel Aviv University scientists have developed a new learning method for people with autism that may significantly improve capabilities in terms of visual perception. It uses “memory flashes” to reinforce the duration and repetition of new skills.
https://www.aftau.org/news_item/new-learning-method-from-tau-could-help-people-with-autism-improve-visual-perception-capabilities/   https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(22)00903-4

Member of US Army Joins Palestinian Islamic Jihad Operative for Ramallah Wedding Isayed Darawad dons the American flag while supporting Palestinian terror. Joe Kaufman


Convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) member Hatem Fariz is back in Israel, once again leading a tour for his terrorist supporting friends. This particular trip has them attending different weddings. One of the attendees, Isayed Darawad, is a surprise, as he is a member of the US Army. And though he may wear green camos with a ‘Stars and Stripes’ patch, this is a man who believes America’s friend Israel doesn’t exist and wants to see her Jewish citizens dead. Why is Israel allowing terrorist operatives into her country, and why is the US allowing their supporters into the military?

In February 2003, the FBI announced the arrests of four individuals whom the law enforcement agency described as being members of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a group recognized by the US government as being a terrorist organization. One of the individuals was Tampa-area resident Hatem Naji Fariz, a then-manager of a medical clinic. After a lengthy trial, Fariz pled guilty to providing material support to PIJ. Following his jail sentence, Fariz became managing director of Al-Qassam, the mosque founded by his PIJ co-defendant, Sami al-Arian, and named after one of the main inspirations for PIJ, deceased Palestinian militant icon, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam.

Through Al-Qassam, a.k.a. the Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), Fariz runs a travel agency, the Adam Travel Tampa Hajj Group, which he uses to take excursions to Israel, a nation PIJ is sworn to destroy. Many of the people Fariz takes with him on these trips have like feelings towards Israel and Jews in general. They post videos on social media of Israelis being blown up during ambushes and videos of successful rocket attacks on Israeli civilian structures. They post memorials for their favorite dead leaders from Hamas and PIJ. They call on “Allah” to “take revenge on the Jews.”

Palestinians Commit Suicide as Their Leaders Live in Hotels and Villas by Khaled Abu Toameh


Many residents of the Gaza Strip undoubtedly regret the day they voted for Hamas in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election.

The last protest, which took place in 2017 under the slogan “We Want to Live!”, was brutally crushed by Hamas’s security forces and armed militias.

“In all countries of the world, you pay taxes for the services that the state provides you, except for us. In return, there are no hospitals, no education, no electricity, no water, no public utilities, not even rodent control.” — Khalil Talmas, Gaza Strip resident, Facebook, July 27, 2022.

“‘We Want to Live!’… is a cry of pain from the depths of a crushed and exhausted Palestinian people. It is a cry against taxes, extortion, repression and corruption.” — Anas Al-Jazzar, Twitter, July 28, 2022.

Other Palestinians said that the current protest was directed not only against Hamas, but also against the Palestinian Authority government in the West Bank….

These Palestinians pointed out the corrupt leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and their family members are leading comfortable lives in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and in five-star hotels and big villas in Qatar and Turkey, while most people were living in poverty and unemployment and misery.

“So the [Hamas] leaders’ families, their children, grandchildren do not believe in their own [political and military] project, and although they can live in Gaza in the utmost luxury, they choose to leave it for the hotels and villas of Doha and Istanbul. They left the hungry people of Gaza to live in poverty, deprivation and hunger.” — Mohammed Nashwan, Gaza Strip resident, alarab.co.uk, July 21, 2022.

[T]hese voices offer a glimmer of hope that the Palestinians are finally beginning to realize that their corrupt and incompetent leaders — whether in the Palestinian Authority or Hamas — are continuing to lead them from one disaster to another, while depriving them of the international aid that is rightly theirs and denying them a decent life.

It has been 15 years since the Islamist Hamas group seized control of the Gaza Strip, home to some two million Palestinians. Since then, the residents of the Gaza Strip have been reminded on a daily basis of the failure of the Iranian-backed group to provide them with decent living conditions.

Instead, the repressive governance of the Hamas leaders only brings the Palestinians in Gaza more misery.

The Lethal Indoctrination of Children in Palestinian Education How UNRWA-run schools incubate anti-Semitism and terror. Richard L. Cravatts


Signaling yet another unfortunate reversal of Trump-era policies, President Biden was in Bethlehem in the West Bank on July 15th to affirm U.S. support for the long-aggrieved Palestinians.

During that meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, Biden suggested that “Palestinian refugees deserve to live in dignity, to see their basic needs addressed, and to have hope for the future,” and one remedy for their condition, of course, is U.S. aid, namely, “an additional $201 million for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to continue delivering critical services to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.”

UNRWA, the UN’s division dedicated solely to the Palestinian refugees, has been the subject of much scrutiny and criticism, which is why in 2018 the Trump administration eliminated further funding for the controversial agency. That approach was a good step, since UNRWA, established when some 400,000-700,000 Palestinians were made refugees with the founding of Israel, has perversely served as a political and diplomatic tactic by which the hapless Palestinians have languished stateless, as if in amber, used as a hammer with which to bludgeon Israel by blaming the Jewish state for the condition in which these refugees, including millions of the descendants of the original refugees, now find themselves. The slavish attention paid to this particular group of refugees suggests that their importance is based on the symbolic import of their existence as Israel’s victims, thus the budgetary and organizational commitment to UNRWA’s operations.

Specifically, UNRWA employs some 30,000 people to tend to the needs of only 5.7 million people identified as Palestinian refugees (or 190 refugees for every employee) while The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, the division responsible for every other refugee in the world, some 59 million people, has only 18,000 employees (3277 refugees for every employee).




This week I am speechless! The number of Israeli medical breakthroughs and protocols and technology that bring hope and potential cure to cancers is simply astonishing. Furthermore, Michael Ordman reveals that “ 1,500 US doctors use Israeli software to review patients’ data before they start a diagnosis and Israeli scientists have manipulated malignant leukemia cells to “start again” as normal cells and two Israeli startups have partnered to detect ALS before it gets started.”

BDS? Does it really mean “Before Diagnosis Strikes” Israel is working on the cure? rsk


It started here. (TY Irene) This article gives more details about the fecal microbial transfer (FMT) trial at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center in 2020 to treat terminally ill melanoma patients (see here previously). FMT trials are now underway in at least 30 global locations. The “gut feeling” is that one day it could save millions.
Making leukemia cells harmless. (TY UWI) Scientists from Tel Aviv University were key members of a team led by University of Barcelona scientists, that reverted malignant blood cancer cells back into “normal” cells in the laboratory. They used messenger RNA to convert acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to macrophages.
https://www.jpost.com/science/article-709219   https://www.nature.com/articles/s41375-022-01621-1
Startups partner to detect ALS. Israel’s NeuraLight (see here) and NeuroSense Therapeutics (see here) are partnering to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). They will study patients using NeuroSense’s biological markers, together with Neuralight’s digital oculometric biomarkers.
The world’s largest ER facility. Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital has inaugurated the Sylvan Adams Emergency Hospital (see here previously). The 8,000sqm Emergency Room is the largest in the world. Technology includes facial recognition registration, self-triage, alerts for abnormal results, navigation robots and an app.
https://www.jns.org/canadian-philanthropist-sylvan-adams-opens-worlds-largest-emergency-room-at-tel-avivs-ichilov-hospital/  https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/357263
The patient revealed. (TY UWI) Israel’s Navina has made great strides since it was reported here in Nov 2020. Its AI technology filters now organizes and presents patient data to 1,500 physicians in the U.S.  The founders’ IDF 8200-unit know-how now helps doctors assess patients more effectively, with less misdiagnoses.
Teenager’s online mental first aid course. When Maayan Cohen finished a regular first aid course she realized there was no psychological component, so she created one. Some 3,000 people are currently taking part in the pilot phase of the free online course. It focuses on detecting distress and taking initial action.
Attracting doctors to the periphery. Israel’s Aliyah and Integration Ministry is to provide a grant package for physicians who emigrated to Israel and live outside of the center of the country. They will be eligible to receive 50,000 shekels per family. Lower value grants are available for other health care and engineering professionals.
Maccabiah athletes register their bone-marrow. Israeli medical charity Ezer Mizion are offering Maccabiah athletes the opportunity to join the world’s largest Jewish bone-marrow donor registry. They volunteer to submit saliva samples which are then checked against the DNA of blood cancer sufferers.

A tale of two women targeted by ‘dishonored’ ex-husbands Ruthie Blum

 When details emerged of the murder on Tuesday night of 30-year-old mother of three Rabab Abu Siam in the central Israeli city of Lod, the first instinct of all the pundits was to blame the police force for sleeping on the job.
Abu Siam, an Arab-Israeli elementary school teacher, was shot to death by masked gunmen in the yard of her home, while her youngest daughter was sitting on her lap and her parents and other two children were inside. Everyone in her orbit assumed that the culprit was her ex-husband, since he’d been harassing her since their recent divorce.
Her precarious situation was known to welfare services and law enforcement. Social workers and police offered her as much protection as they could provide, such as a panic button for emergency calls and patrols near her residence. They urged her to move to a shelter for battered women.

She refused, opting instead to stay temporarily with relatives in the south of the country. But the arrangement didn’t last, and she returned to Lod, where she met her tragic end—after crying to a friend a week earlier that she feared something bad was about to befall her.

Though it was clear to all concerned that this was a slaughter of revenge by a man “dishonored” by the spouse over whom he felt he had ownership and deserved complete control, the police do not yet have sufficient evidence to tie him to or charge him with the crime. This is because he went abroad the day before the evil deed was done.