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Another week, another incredible compilation of the outsize contribution of Israel to medicine, technology, science, sports, energy, the arts, global economy, and cuisine.  This dazzling list is compiled by Michael Ordman.


Israel’s most advanced cardiology hospital. The new NIS 200 million Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital has just opened on the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Besides “normal” cardiology treatments, it will advance research into the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and disorders, benefiting the whole world.

https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-708300  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btNFNOOf9Ok


Coming soon – 3D-printed skin. (TY UWI) Hebrew University Professor Oded Shoseyov is developing Second Skin – a nano-thin 3D-printed film that mimics natural healthy skin. Burn victims or scarred patients can avoid painful skin grafts, simply applying the film like a tattoo.


Better heart imaging. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s DiA Imaging (see here previously) is partnering California’s ScImage to integrate DiA’s LVivo Seamless AI-based automated cardiac ultrasound solution into ScImage’s unique Cloud architecture and improve the efficiency of echocardiography (heart) analysis.


The stuttering birth of a special education learning startup. To treat the stutter of their son, Niv, Biomedical Engineers Yair and Shirley believed they could develop a hi-tech solution. The result was Israel’s Amplio (see here previously). Their groundbreaking system now helps hundreds of thousands of special needs children.

https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sku3g7hf5   https://ampliolearning.com/


The first AI med-tech research institute. Israel’s Technion Institute is establishing the Zimin Institute for AI Solutions in Healthcare. Headed by Professor Shai Shen-Orr, it will research human health and medicine, using big data and computational learning. It aims to benefit hospitals, new treatments, home therapy and wearables.


Heart ops on International Children’s Day. Four children from different countries were brought to Israel on International Children’s Day to undergo life-saving heart surgeries by Israeli NGO Save a Child’s Heart. They were Florim from Kosovo, Robert from Ghana, Kauthar from Zanzibar and Kidus from Ethiopia.


Land of milk, honey, and magic. In the same hour, volunteer EMTs from Israel’s United Hatzalah used their Epipens to save the lives of two Israelis who suffered anaphylactic shock from severe allergic reactions to dairy products. One paramedic was Aharon, whose main profession is a children’s magician (see here previously).




“If there is one film you’re going to watch to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is it!”
Col. Richard Kemp, Former Chief of Command of British Forces in Afghanistan
Todd Morehead, an American Christian with a deep love for Israel, sets off on a journey across the Holy Land to confront his indifference toward the Palestinians and to search for the deeper truths behind one of the most perplexing and polarizing conflicts in the world.
Along the way, he discovers the painful struggles of Jews, Muslims and Christians on both sides of the conflict. The result is an enlightening journey that exposes viewers to perspectives rarely seen in the media, and a challenge to a man’s heart to love his enemy.

Mahmoud Abbas Hosts American Delegation In Ramallah Appeasing Iran and other terrorists. Hugh Fitzgerald


Joe Biden will be visiting the Middle East this July, but what he hopes this will accomplish — other than allowing him to be seen to be doing something about the Middle East other than appeasing Iran in Vienna – is unclear. He will no doubt be repeating the Bidenites’ new mantra, that both Israelis and Palestinians “deserve equal measures of freedom, security & prosperity.” By way of preparing the ground for Biden’s visit, an American delegation met with Mahmoud Abbas on June 11. A report on the meeting is here: “Palestinian Authority President Hosts US Delegation in Ramallah,” Algemeiner, June 12, 2022:

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas hosted Saturday a US delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf, ahead of an expected visit of US President Joe Biden.

Abbas reiterated his requests to remove the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from the US list of terrorist entities during the meeting, his office said.

The PLO is not only a terrorist entity, but the earliest of Palestinian terror groups, spreading murder and mayhem ever since its founding in 1964, years before the PFLP (1967), Hamas (1987), and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (1987) existed. The fact that the PLO has in recent decades been overshadowed by other terror groups, especially Hamas, does not mean that it has forsworn terrorism as a tactic, but only that it has been less active than other groups. It was morally intolerable that the PLO was ever allowed to open a Washington office, in the naïve aftermath of the Oslo Accords, when Washington was prepared to believe the assurances of the PLO’s leader, Yasir Arafat, that the organization now abjured terrorism. It was, like every other statement by Arafat, a lie. The PLO continued to praise and promote terrorist attacks; right up to the present, it has never denounced any of them. Yet in his insensate desire to appease the Palestinians, Joe Biden promised, as a presidential candidate, to reopen the PLO office in Washington that Trump had closed in 2017.

Palestinians: The House Demolitions and Land-Grabs No One Talks About by Khaled Abu Toameh


The raid on the village came after the Hamas-controlled Land Authority in the Gaza Strip ruled that the residents must be evacuated because they had built their homes on “state-owned” lands.

Sources in the Gaza Strip said that there are 28 more villages slated for demolition by Hamas on the pretext that they were illegally built on public lands.

“The Hamas security forces prevented the ambulances from entering the village…. That’s why we had to take the injured to hospital in our cars.” — Yahya Abu Thariyeh, a resident of Umm al-Nasr, independentarabia.com, June 11, 2022

While Hamas has been trying to present itself as the defender of the Bedouin citizens of Israel, it is targeting the Palestinian Bedouin living under its control in the Gaza Strip by demolishing their homes and confiscating their lands, according to Egyptian author Ali Rajab.

Hamas’s ongoing efforts to raze entire villages in the Gaza Strip is seen by many Palestinians as…. part of widespread corruption in Hamas, whose leaders want to seize lands for their personal use.

By turning a blind eye to the atrocities of Hamas, the journalists and human rights organizations are once again engaging in a dangerous double standard. Their obsession with Israel allows Hamas to persist in committing violent crimes against the Palestinians without receiving negative media coverage — much less being held accountable for pillaging and devastating Palestinian communities.

While the international community and media continue to condemn Israel day in and day out about a host of grievances, including the demolition of houses built without proper permits, no one seems to be interested in the ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

The United Nations and many foreign journalists are so obsessed with Israel that they have paid no attention to the latest crime committed by Hamas against residents of the Bedouin village of Umm al-Nasr in the northern Gaza Strip. The village was established nearly 80 years ago, long before Hamas was founded in 1988.

Why Have Negotiations? Shoshana Bryen


In December, the Biden administration quietly proposed a five-government summit to enhance prospects for the “two-state solution” it promotes as key to Middle East regional security. Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinian Authority and the United States would meet to discuss, discuss … discuss … what?

Israel apparently waited several months to see if something useful would materialize but has now said it will not participate. No surprise. Negotiations work best; in fact, they work only when the parties have a common endgame. Hashing out the mechanisms, concessions, policies, gains and losses is the way to get to an agreed-upon future. These five governments have no common view.

Israel sees the future in the Abraham Accords. Egypt, and even Jordan, recognize that Accords countries (plus, Saudi Arabia and a few others that are close but not yet there) have a plan that includes economic, social, political and security gains for all the parties. Most recently:

A free-trade agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates;
An Israeli orchestra played in Egypt;
MoUs by an Israeli tech delegation in Morocco;
The renovation of a Moroccan Jewish cemetery;
Israel’s Independence Day being marked (as a holiday!) in Bahrain and Morocco;
A security agreement and air overflight rights between Saudi Arabia and Israel;
Israel’s participation in CENTCOM plans and exercises to secure the Red Sea.

War among them is a relic of the past.

The Palestinian leadership, however, insists that the past is not only the past, but also the present and the future. Oddly, President Joe Biden and the U.S. State Department are doing nothing to disabuse them of the notion.

Slow Joe goes to Israel By Barry Shaw


The dates have been fixed for Biden’s visit to the Middle East: July 13-16, and the schedule looks loaded with pitfalls for the fumbling president.

His visit to Israel coincides with the Opening Ceremony of the Maccabiah Games which is always covered live on Israeli TV. For many Israelis, who have low expectations, Biden’s visit will be a distraction. What can he deliver for Israel?

The only four items that Biden has been fixated on for 50 years are:

Stopping Jews living in Judea and Samaria,
Dividing Jerusalem our capital,
Pushing for a “two-state” non-solution, even if the other state will inevitably be controlled by Hamas,
Increasing U.S. taxpayer money to the unrepentant regressive corrupt Palestinian Authority. Biden ignores two U.S. laws banning such payments until the PA commits not to use the money to reward their terrorist killers.

We call it their “Pay to Slay” reward system. The more Jews you kill, the more money you get, courtesy of the funding from the United States, Europe, and the UN.

This obscenity has to stop, but under Biden the payments are increased.

After telling Israel he has our backs, he will meet Mahmoud Abbas, probably in Bethlehem, to tell him he has Biden’s full support and money, no strings attached.

New York Times Lectures and Hectors Israel When will “the paper of record” ever treat Israel fairly? Hugh Fitzgerald


The New York Times doesn’t much care for Israel. Its reporters always find some flaw to exaggerate, some Palestinian atrocity to explain away, some “settlers” in the “occupied West Bank” to denounce, some new way to libel the inoffensive, warmhearted, and permanently imperiled Jewish state. It recently ran a “staff editorial” on the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akhleh which, for connoisseurs of its anti-Israel slant, did not disappoint. A report by Ira Stoll on this editorial that lectured and hectored Israel on “what it must do,” is here: “New York Times Editorial Lectures: ‘Israelis Should Care More,’” by Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, June 9, 2022:

The New York Times these days only rarely publishes staff editorials, and it saves the ones it thinks are most important for the Sunday newspaper, which attracts the largest readership.

This past Sunday, which was also the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, the Times unleashed an editorial headlined “Who Killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh?” The question is rhetorical, because the Times editorialists have already clearly decided who is to blame. You guessed it, Israel. The Times insists: “Israel needs to ensure the safety of journalists in the country and in areas that it occupies, to ensure the safety of its own democracy.”

The Times assumes that we all agree on who killed Abu Akleh – Israel. But despite the claims of the Palestinians, and the Timesmen who parrot them, it is not known, and cannot be known, until the bullet that killed her can be subject to ballistic tests by forensic experts. Israel is not insisting that it alone must conduct those tests – they could be carried out jointly with the PA and the American government. However, the PA adamantly refuses to produce the bullet, without explanation. That apparently doesn’t bother the New York Times, which sees nothing suspicious in the PA’s failure to produce the bullet. So Israel will be forced to issue an incomplete report, unable either to implicate or exculpate itself, until that bullet can be made available for forensic analysis.

Words and Consequences: ‘West Bank’ vs. Judaea and Samaria By Victor Sharpe


When did it become an accepted truism that peace between Israel and the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians requires that Israel give to them its very own Biblical birthright in the Jewish heartland? When did the Oslo Accords supersede the eternal possession of the Jewish people to that God-given heartland of Judea and Samaria, the territory a hostile world insists on calling by its illegitimate Jordanian name; the West Bank?  

Who are they who dare divide the land that the Almighty bequeathed to Abraham and to his descendants through Isaac and Jacob? Who are they who would give any part of tiny Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) to the alleged descendants of Ishmael, who possess vast territories throughout the Middle East and North Africa?

Judeophobes (aka Anti-Semites) may not like being told this, but the following facts are truths that cannot shrivel away.

Unlike the deeply appreciated last incumbent of the White House, President Donald J. Trump, too many previous U.S. presidents displayed pro-Muslim Arab policies, which created clear and present dangers to the very existence of the reborn Jewish state. It is thus with the present Democrat president, Joe Biden. He, like his malign handlers, should take note of Genesis 12:3.

And then there was Barack Hussein Obama, whose hatred of the Jewish state surpassed even that of the lamentable Jimmy Carter. Remember Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry? He came numerous times to pressure and threaten Israel, thus ushering in an even more baleful time for the embattled Jewish state.

Navi Pillay’s revitalized anti-Israel career By Ruthie Blum


Former UN high commissioner for human rights Navanethem “Navi” Pillay has made a career of bashing Israel. The 80-year-old South African — who hails from Durban, home of two antisemitic “world conferences on racism” — is now back in the saddle doing what she loves most.

Her latest prized gig consists of chairing the “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel,” established last year by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the purpose of concocting a report to demonize the Jewish state.

This isn’t how the resolution (S-30/1), adopted at the UNHRC “emergency special session” on May 27, 2001, was worded, of course. But the gist was as clear as the title of the bogus commission is long.

Nor did Pillay or co-commission members Miloon Kothari of India and Chris Sidoti of Australia disappoint. On the contrary, they came up with just the right results to reach the foregone conclusion that Israel is an illegitimate aggressor.

In its introduction to the 18-page assault disguised as an official document to be presented to the 50th session of the UN General Assembly, which kicks off on Monday, the report expresses gratitude to the “Government of the State of Palestine for facilitating consultations and meetings with relevant authorities,” and to the “Government of Jordan, which allowed the Commission access to its territory in March 2022.”



Another week brings another compilation of Israel’ unique and outsize contributions to solving medical, technological, social, agricultural, and scientific problems that beset the world in every continent including the advanced and the impoverished nations. Here is Michael Ordman’s weekly list that combats the hateful libels levied against the Jewish State by biased media, academia and the United Nations. rsk


Using AI to identify autoimmune diseases. After winning a medical contest to detect celiac disease, Shlomit Steinberg-Koch founded Predicta Med. Its Artificial Intelligence is 84% accurate in detecting Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus.



Breakthrough dry eye treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Lumenis (see here previously) has won a MedTech Breakthrough award for “Best New Technology Solution for Ophthalmology.”  Its OptiLight Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) is the only FDA approved light treatment for dry eye disease, with 49 million US sufferers.




Breakthrough Innovation. (TY Hazel) Two Israeli health tech startups Sanolla (ultrasound stethoscope – see here) and Naor (a.k.a. Rapid Diagnostics) saliva-based Covid-19 detection (see here), were awarded the Breakthrough Innovation Award at the InoVEX 2022 Pitch Contest held in Taiwan.

https://nocamels.com/2022/06/health-tech-startups-taiwan/  https://sanolla.com/  https://naordia.com/


Protecting heart patients from stroke. Israel’s Filterex Medical has completed successful trials of its CAPTIS device. The easily deployed device protected 20 patients during Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedures, preventing any embolic particles (debris) entering the bloodstream and causing a stroke.

https://filterlex.com/2022/06/02/filterlex-medical-announces-positive-results-from-a-first-in-human-study-for-the-captis-full-body-embolic-protection-device/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFv7QZNsch8

Treating OPMD. Israel’s Sheba Medical Center has opened a specialized clinic to diagnose, treat and follow-up Bukharan Jews suffering from the life-shortening genetic disease oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). The team includes ENTs, neurologists, oral and maxillofacial physicians, and ophthalmologists.


Genome sequencing for $100. Israeli-founded, US-based Ultima Genomics has emerged from secrecy to announce it has developed a sequencing machine that allows genome sequencing for a fraction of the cost of rival companies. With five Israelis in the leadership team, it has just raised $600 million in funding.

https://www.ultimagenomics.com/   https://www.ultimagenomics.com/about-ultima-genomics

Powering healthcare. The goal of Israel’s Vim is to help change US medical care from “sick care” to “health care”.  Vim links the payer to the provider to improve quality of patient care at lower cost, with efficient workflow, fast diagnoses, and proactive prevention.  Read how the Israeli system differs from the US system.

https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sfm2tp56a  https://getvim.com/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trAprwk6aPI   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p67ZX0620lk