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Rescuing the coalition at Israel’s literal and figurative expense Ruthie Blum


When Israeli lawmaker Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi reversed her decision to quit the government, a sigh of relief was heard in the halls of half of the 120-seat Knesset. Had the Knesset member from the left-wing Meretz Party upheld her resignation, the coalition, which had already lost its single-mandate majority with the exit of Yamina MK and coalition chair Idit Silman, would no longer be in a 60-60 tie with the opposition.

Even worse for her partners, who were already miffed that she had failed to inform anyone of her plan to bolt, her move didn’t include evacuating her Knesset seat to make way for the next in line on the party list. Their fear was that her vote might tip the scales in favor of toppling the government if a no-confidence motion were put forward.
Her assurance that she had no intention of contributing to the replacement of the current coalition with a right-wing one was not sufficient, and she knew it. She also milked it for all it was worth, issuing a list of demands as a condition for a change of heart on her part.

Palestinians: A Vote to Destroy Israel by Bassam Tawil


These Palestinians are evidently fed up with the rampant corruption and bad governance of the Palestinian Authority leadership. Moreover, these Palestinians who no longer support Abbas are stating that they have no interest in any peace process with Israel.

As the last poll showed, 70% of the Palestinians are opposed to an unconditional return to peace negotiations with Israel. Another 58% expressed opposition to the two-state solution.

The truth is that Abbas called off the elections [in 2021] because he was afraid that Hamas would defeat his Fatah faction in the parliamentary election, as took place in 2006.

The results of the Birzeit University elections prove that Abbas’s fears were not unfounded. Had he insisted on proceeding with the presidential and parliamentary elections, it is most likely…. that Hamas would have taken control of the Palestinian presidency and parliament.

Hamas, for its part, said that it sees the results of the university election as a vote of confidence in its policy of pursuing deadly terrorist attacks against Israel.

The students who voted in support of Hamas fully identify with the terrorist group’s covenant, which states that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

Palestinians have been radicalized by their leaders and media to a point where they do not want to hear anything about a peace process with Israel. In fact, they want to see Israel vanish from the map, as the results of the student council elections and the polls clearly illustrate.

The results of the Birzeit University elections and the polls stand in sharp contrast to the views expressed by the Biden administration concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Over the past year, Biden administration officials have repeatedly stated their commitment to the “two-state solution” while totally ignoring the widespread support among the Palestinians for the elimination of Israel.

The Hamas victory at the university’s student council should sound alarm bells in the Biden administration, especially the State Department, regarding the true intentions of the Palestinians – that their sole commitment is to have a state that would replace Israel, not one that would exist peacefully alongside Israel. That is why it is nonsensical to pressure Israel to make any territorial (or non-territorial) concessions to the Palestinians, who are openly proclaiming that they want to establish a Palestinian state on the ruins of Israel and the bodies of dead Jews.

The Palestinians have once again shown that they have not given up the dream of destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state funded by Iran and its terrorist proxies, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah.

Senators Demand Biden Pull Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Israel Initiative State Department fueling ‘new anti-Semitism,’ lawmakers say: Adam Kredo


Senate Republican foreign policy leaders are demanding the Biden administration pull nearly $1 million in taxpayer funding for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip—an effort that the senators say is fueling a “new anti-Semitism.”

The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announced in March it will pay nonprofit groups up to $987,654 to “strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza,” according to a grant notice first posted online in February. Groups angling for the grant money are instructed to investigate alleged crimes inside and outside of Israel to “collect, archive, and maintain human rights documentation to support justice and accountability and civil society-led advocacy efforts, which may include documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights.”

The grant was seized upon by Israel’s defenders on Capitol Hill as a prime example of the Biden administration’s efforts to undermine the Jewish state and strengthen the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which wages economic warfare on Israel. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and 11 other Republican lawmakers are calling on the Biden administration to cancel the grant program and live up to its repeated pledges to combat the BDS movement.

“As a policy matter, it is wholly unacceptable for the State Department to fund NGOs to delegitimize and isolate Israel,” the lawmakers write, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The State Department, the lawmakers allege, is using taxpayer dollars to promote a “new anti-Semitism” that is “driven by a global network of anti-Israel nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights groups.”



As regular newsletter readers know, Israel has a huge positive impact on the world. This week’s news includes an Israeli Covid-19 treatment that also helps cancer patients; super-fast blood tests and DNA sequencing; plus good news for ALS patients, back pain sufferers and sick elderly Ukrainians. Israeli tech is providing better education opportunities for religious women, refugee Ukrainian children, language students, business managers, and those wishing to re-train in the hi-tech industry. The environment is benefiting from smart Israeli agriculture devices and new low-pollution manufacturing and construction processes. Israel’s economy gets better and better, with an unprecedented level of hi-tech exports, European and Asian partnerships, and continued investment in Israeli startups. Finally, as travel restrictions are removed, there is no better opportunity for overseas visitors to get a better view of this remarkable country.   Michael Ordman
Covid-19 therapy also helps cancer patients. MesenCure – the life-saving Covid-19 treatment from Israel’s Bonus BioGroup (see here) also prevents a lethal inflammatory response that affects cancer patients receiving immunotherapy. In California trials MesenCure significantly reduced an overreaction of the immune system.
Slowing the progress of ALS. Israel’s Neuromagen (see here previously) has received US FDA Orphan designation for its AGS-499 candidate treatment of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. AGS-499 has shown outstanding promise in lab tests, including using human cells.
Life-changing 5-min blood test device. (TY UWI) Israel’s PixCell Medical (see here previously) has donated a HemoScreen 5-minute blood test device, along with hundreds of cartridges, to Ukraine, as it is ideal for “extreme point of care” use. It is also essential for emergencies and for patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Fast DNA sequencing. Israel’s Sequentify, a spinoff of Israel’s Weizmann Institute, enables fast and focused DNA sequencing, by combining tools from synthetic biology and artificial intelligence. Its Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) products include Covid-19 surveillance, cancer diagnostics, carrier screening and more.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/bjemsap8c    https://www.sequentify.com/
Speeding development of treatments. Israel’s Code Ocean has developed a consistent, secure, digital lab that integrates research in the cloud and helps speed medical and scientific discoveries to market. It enhances computational science and aims to boost the rapid development of treatments including personalized medicine.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/bye5fdfw9  https://codeocean.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnloe01lxD8
Herbal medicine in a chocolate bar. Israel’s Solveat has manufactured health bars that are adapted to take herbal medicine extracts to treat specific medical conditions. The medicine can be eaten with a meal like ordinary food in the form of chocolate, crackers, or health bars.
Honor for biochemist. Professor Nahum Sonenberg has been awarded an honorary doctorate at Israel’s Ben Gurion University. Born in a DP camp, his came to Israel in 1949, eventually studying biochemistry at Tel Aviv University. His groundbreaking work on proteins has advanced research into memory, cancer, autism and more.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhbgBrkoYKI   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahum_Sonenberg
An implant to relieve back pain. Ofer Levy, CEO at Israel’s ZygoFix (see here previously) explains how his company’s implant can relieve lower back and leg pain caused by pressure on the spine. The ZygoFix solution is far less invasive than current screws and bridge fusion surgery and is performed in the outpatient department.

Noa Tishby’s surprisingly welcome splash on the ‘hasbara’ scene Ruthie Blum


Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s appointment last month of Noa Tishby as the country’s first-ever Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and Delegitimization of Israel raised more than a few eyebrows. Though the 44-year-old actress and producer is also the author of the 2021 book “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth,” she is best known at home and abroad for her roles in famous TV series.

Her drop-dead gorgeous looks undoubtedly contributed to the sense that she was selected more for her appearance than her gravitas. Indeed, it seemed as though the powers-that-be in Jerusalem hadn’t gotten past the attempt to improve Israel’s image by showing the world posters of the country’s beautiful women and beaches—as though it were competing with Jamaica for tourists, rather than engaged in an uphill battle against global vilification.
Given her performance to date, however, Tishby deserves not only an apology, but accolades, from those who doubted her abilities. Take, for example, her response to the misinformation surrounding the death of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh, who was caught in the crossfire of an Israel Defense Forces raid in Jenin on May 11.

Abu Akleh’s death and funeral provided a golden opportunity for Israel-bashers in the Palestinian Authority, Gaza and elsewhere to describe the tragic event as an “assassination.” Never mind that Israel promptly called for a joint investigation into the incident to determine the direction of the bullet and identity of the shooter. Leave aside that the Palestinian Authority flatly rejected such a probe.

Rashida Tlaib’s indelible stain on Congress Victor Sharpe

The Democrat representative of Michigan in the House of Representatives is Rashida Tlaib who spends her time as part of the disreputable group of house Democrat women who call themselves the Squad.

Mark Levin, Conservative Radio host and consummate expert on the U.S. Constitution, says this of the so-called Squad. “This is not a Squad. This is a cabal of Marxists who hate this country – some of them first, second-generation immigrants into the country, who bring their attitudes, who bring their indoctrination into the country and are at war, right there in the halls of Congress, against our own country.”

But Rashida Tlaib who, as a young Muslim Arab immigrated to America with her family, goes even further. She has a self-corrosive hate for the State of Israel, which she endlessly spews whenever and wherever she can. Along with fellow Muslim House representative, Ilhan Omar, their output of religious bigotry against the Jewish state has become a hallmark of shame in the United States House of Representatives,

Now Representative Tlaib has introduced a loathsome resolution which falsely and outrageously accuses Israel of causing a ‘catastrophe’ for the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians on the day the reborn Jewish state declared its independence and became a recognized and sovereign state and member of the United Nations. She calls it by the Arabic term, ”Naqba.”

But what she hides is that as Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, five Arab armies immediately invaded the Jewish state’s tiny territory. The armies came from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, along with military detachments from Saudi Arabia and as far away as the Sudan.

This immense Arab military power was from Islamic states whose populations in the millions dwarfed those of tiny Israel, which at that time was a mere 600,000, including the pitifully few Jewish survivors from the Holocaust or impoverished Jewish refugees who had been driven out of Arab Lands where their ancestors had lived for 2,500 years. Indeed, some 820,000 destitute Jewish refugees would be expelled from Arab and Muslim states and 586,000 of those were subsequently given refuge in the embattled Jewish homeland in later years.

The Lies They Tell about the Temple Mount By Erielle Davidson


The notion that Jewish prayer must be silenced in order to keep violent rioters at bay is absurd.

Attempts to ban Jews from worship at their holiest site have become normalized and yet would be unimaginable anywhere else.

The Temple Mount has continued to be a political flashpoint in the Israeli–Arab conflict. During the most recent Ramadan, Palestinian Arabs rioted continuously throughout the month, stockpiling rocks and fireworks at the sacred site. The rioters alleged that the violence was “defensive” in response to Israel possibly altering the “status quo” of operations at the Temple Mount.

But what is the actual arrangement at the Temple Mount?

Since Israel liberated Jerusalem from Jordanian occupation in the Six-Day War, the Temple Mount has remained formally under Israeli sovereignty. However, in an effort to cool tensions in the Muslim world, Israel has permitted the day-to-day administration of the Temple to be overseen by the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, a Jordanian institution that exercises guardianship over various holy sites. To this point, Article 9 of the 1994 Israel–Jordan Peace Treaty stipulates that both parties agreed to “provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.”

While this arrangement appears reasonably conciliatory, it has developed an inescapable element of absurdity: The current status quo is that Jews are permitted to visit the Temple Mount, but they are not allowed to pray at the Temple Mount, which remains the holiest site in Judaism. Only Muslims are permitted to pray at the site. This may be normal in illiberal Muslim regimes such as Saudi Arabia, but in Israel, this is the only place where a religious group is banned from worship at their holy site — and it happens to be the Jews.

Now is a bad time for Biden to visit Israel By Ruthie Blum


No good can come of a visit to Israel by US President Joe Biden. If he does show up, as reportedly planned, at the end of June or beginning of July, it will only serve to enhance the fantasies of the faltering government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Alternate PM and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.

What such a sojourn will not accomplish is a strengthening of the sane patriotic majority in both countries. Though the administration in Washington reiterates statements about the important US-Israel bond, many of its members have an unhealthy affinity to enemies of the Jewish state.

The Democratic Party from which Team Biden hails includes among its ranks politicians who talk about the need for Israelis and Palestinians to “return to the negotiating table” for the purpose of achieving a “two-state solution.” They suffer from peace-process-related amnesia.

This is a condition whose key symptom is forgetting or ignoring repeated Israeli concessions, all of which were both preceded and followed by an uptick in Palestinian jihadist operations. People suffering from this disorder point to Israel’s “occupation of Palestine” after the 1967 Six-Day War. They continue to harbor the ridiculous notion that the conflict is rooted in real estate, and cling to the failed “land for peace” formula.

BUT THE party favored by American Jews also contains open antisemites. These radicals no longer even bother adding the tired caveat about legitimate criticism of Israel. They go right for the jugular, making no bones about their opposition to the Zionist enterprise.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is a prime example. The House rep from Michigan with Palestinian parents accuses Israel of original and perpetual sin.

To vindicate this hatred, she and her cohorts in the so-called “Squad” spew venom by distorting history and current events. Though such is the stuff that Hamas, the PLO, Islamic Jihad and ISIS propaganda is made of, Tlaib is an elected legislator in the US Congress. And she’s milking that for all it’s worth.

How Al Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh Died The Palestinians insist that the case is closed. But is it? Hugh Fitzgerald

This much is certain about the death of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian-American journalist who was killed in Jenin on May 11: one side, that of Israel, has been insistently calling for a joint investigation with the Palestinians, and possibly with American representatives, too, into her killing. Israel wants especially to study the bullet retrieved from her body and the helmet she was wearing at the time. The Palestinians, on the other hand, insist that the IDF soldiers killed Abu Akleh, but refuse to produce the bullet lodged in her skull for Israeli inspection, and refuse to join with Israel in any further investigation, claiming that the case is closed.

A report on the IDF’s latest release, which provides two possible scenarios for the killing of Shireen Al-Akleh, is here: “Initial IDF probe of reporter’s death proposes 2 scenarios for who fired fatal shot,” Times of Israel, May 13, 2022:

The military on Friday released interim findings from its probe into the death of prominent Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, killed Wednesday amid clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin.

The Israel Defense Forces said it had not yet been able to determine who fired the fatal shot. But it said it had narrowed down the possibilities to two scenarios.

In the first, Abu Akleh was hit when armed Palestinians fired “dozens of bullets indiscriminately” toward military vehicles in the northern West Bank city. The IDF said the bullets were fired in the direction where Abu Akleh was standing, adding that it was “possible this is the source of the gunfire that hit here.”

Other reports suggest that not “dozens,” but “hundreds” of shots were fired indiscriminately by toward the IDF vehicles by the Palestinians.

What Are Harvard Students Taught About Israel?by Moshe Phillips


Much has been written about the recent endorsement of BDS by the editors of The Harvard Crimson, the Harvard student newspaper. But how do you suppose Harvard students got that way? Could it have anything to do with the professors who are teaching them about Israel?

Let’s consider Derek J. Penslar, who is Harvard’s William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History. His areas of specialty are the history of Zionism and Israel, as well as related topics in modern Jewish history.

Penslar, who happens to be Jewish, has been very successful in his academic career. He has had a string of prestigious named professorships — first at Indiana University, and then at the University of Toronto, before moving up to Harvard. He has published books with prominent academic presses, and articles in well-known scholarly journals. He serves on the editorial boards of several Israel-related academic journals. He is frequently interviewed by the news media and invited to lecture at various Jewish institutions.

All these credentials give us a sense of professor Penslar’s prominence in his field. But what exactly does he think about Israel? What does he teach his students? What message does he convey when he speaks to the Jewish community?

In an interview with London’s Jewish Chronicle on March 14, 2013, Penslar said: “What happened to the Palestinians [in 1948] wasn’t genocide. It was ethnic cleansing.”

That’s a lie. Israel didn’t commit genocide, and it didn’t commit ethnic cleansing. There was no mass murder of the Arabs. There was no mass expulsion of the Arabs.