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MOSHE DANN Why the two-state-solution is a bad idea Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz must stop calling the Palestinian Authority an “entity.”


Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s attempt to avoid recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a state by calling it an “entity” does not address the question of its goal: Israel’s destruction. On the contrary, calling it an “entity” complicates the issue by creating yet another layer of ambiguity to disguise what the P.A. really is—a collection of terrorist organizations ruled by the PLO in Ramallah and Hamas in Gaza.

In other words, “entity” is a rhetorical mask that enables “kicking the can down the road” for the terrorist quasi-state dedicated to destroying Israel. This isn’t a “solution;” it perpetuates the conflict and poses a threat to regional stability. Nor does it help the Palestinians, most of whom do not support terrorism. Yet, Israel’s government continues to back and fund the P.A. without demanding an end to its incitement.

The so-called “two-state solution” is promoted by those who support Palestinian demands for “self-determination,” and claim that Israel is a racist, apartheid nation illegally “occupying Palestinian territory.” Ignoring the risks, advocates of the “two-state solution” also declare that it’s the only alternative to one state under Israeli or Palestinian-Arab sovereignty “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”

Carnage in Beersheba and a badge of dishonor  By Ruthie Blum


A study presented this week at the “Conference on Politics and Arab Society in Israel”— held on Sunday and Monday at the University of Haifa, in conjunction with the Israel Democracy Institute and the New Israel Fund — shows a steady erosion of public trust in law enforcement and the judiciary. The research, conducted by professors Gideon Fishman and Arie Ratner at the university’s department of sociology, covers the 22-year period beginning in 2000.

What the two academics revealed isn’t a hot news flash to most Israelis. But it’s been particularly apparent since Tuesday afternoon.

That’s when 34-year-old Muhammad Alab Ahmed abu Alkiyan, an Israeli citizen from the Bedouin town of Hura — a married father of five, three of whom have special needs — slaughtered four innocent Jews in Beersheba and seriously wounded two others.

Let us start with the police, who were nowhere to be found during Alkiyan’s car-ramming and stabbing spree that left dead Chabad Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky, 48, Laura Yitzhak, 43, Doris Yahbas, 49, and Menahem Yehezkel, 67.

Palestinians: The ‘Criminal’ Pastor Who Met with the Rabbi by Khaled Abu Toameh


Appeals by heads of the Christian community in Bethlehem for the release of Shahwan from prison have been completely ignored by the PA leadership, which appears afraid of a backlash from Islamists and other radical groups if it dares to release the pastor. The appeals have also been ignored by many journalists who mostly chose to focus only on stories that reflect negatively on Israel.

Even more alarming is that the Palestinian Authority, which now has close relations with the Biden administration, is punishing a Palestinian Christian for the “crime” of meeting with a Jew.

If the PA is going to incarcerate every Palestinian who meets with settlers or does business with Jews, it will have to build enough prisons to hold tens of thousands of its people. Moreover, if the PA considers meetings with Jews to be a crime punishable by imprisonment and hard labor, why are its leaders continuing to hold public and secret meetings with Israeli officials?

If PA President Mahmoud Abbas himself is prepared to travel to the Israeli city of Rosh Ha’ayin to meet with Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz, whom the Palestinians have repeatedly condemned as a “war criminal,” why isn’t a pastor allowed to meet with a rabbi?

This incident is yet another example of the endemic hypocrisy of the PA regarding its dealings with Israel.

The Beit Al-Liqa incident is also further proof of the PA’s discrimination and mistreatment of the Christian minority.

It is much easier for the PA to arrest a Palestinian pastor than, say, the head of a Muslim clan. The Christians are not going to take to the streets to riot and attack Palestinian security officers when one of their men is arrested. Muslims, by contrast, would not hesitate to attack the PA and confront its security forces.

All this is happening while the Biden administration continues to engage with the PA about the need to revive the peace process and the PA’s purported commitment to the so-called two-state solution, while ignoring the persecution of Christians and major human rights violations committed by the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Johnny Shahwan, a Palestinian Christian from the Bethlehem area, has been in a Palestinian Authority (PA) prison for the past two weeks. Shahwan, a pastor who runs the Beit Al-Liqa (House of Encounter) in the town of Beit Jala, just outside Bethlehem, was arrested for meeting with a Jew who previously served as a member of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset.

Biden’s Israel Ambassador Tells BDS Group He Wants Jews Out of Jerusalem “Your agenda is where my heart is.” Daniel Greenfield


Biden’s ambassador to Israel appeared at a pro-BDS group’s webinar co-hosted by its CEO, who had described Israel as an “oppressive regime”, and told its audience that the real problem with the Palestinian Authority funding terrorism is that “it gives the ‘haters’ an excuse not to support the PA based on the argument that it is ‘paying for people who killed Jews.’”

He also told the anti-Israel group which had cheered the Ben & Jerry’s boycott that, “your agenda is where my heart is.”

At this rate, Thomas Nides will be hugging and kissing Hamas leaders by the end of the year.

Expectations for Nides were already pretty low when the Biden administration announced that it had picked Obama’s former deputy secretary of state as its ambassador to Israel.

Zelensky’s Ahistorical Speech to Israel’s Knesset By David Harsanyi


Israel surely sides with Ukraine today. But for the record: Ukraine was one of the most violently antisemitic nations in Europe during WWII.

T witter personality Adam Kinzinger recently demanded that American aid to Israel be conditioned on its actions regarding Ukraine. “If we don’t want to directly attack Russia, then our leverage is in the world uniting in sanctions and assistance for the people of Ukraine,” the congressman went on. “This includes everyone, and Israel doesn’t have a special exemption.”

Kinzinger was reacting to Volodymyr Zelensky’s ahistorical speech to the Knesset. “Why hasn’t Israel seriously sanctioned Russia? Why aren’t you putting pressure on businesses?” asked the Ukrainian leader, who warned that Russians were engaged in their own “final solution.” “Ukrainians made their choice 80 years ago. We saved Jews, and that’s why there are Righteous Gentiles among us. People of Israel, you too now have a choice. Thank you!”

No one can blame Zelensky, in a struggle to save his nation, for attempting to create an emotional and historic bond between Ukraine and other besieged people. It is almost surely the case that the Israeli government is rooting for the Ukrainians. But his speech was a distortion of history. If Israel treated Ukraine as Ukraine did its Jewish citizens during World War II, then the Jewish state would be sending weapons to the Russians.

Zelensky’s unfortunate Knesset address Ruthie Blum


Clearly realizing, or having been told by advisers, that he’d crossed a line in his Zoom speech to the Knesset on Sunday evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky subsequently softened his tone. In a video message on Telegram several hours later, he said, “Of course, Israel has its interests—strategy—to protect its citizens. We understand all of it. The prime minister of Israel, Mr. [Naftali] Bennett, is trying to find a way of holding talks, and we are grateful for this. We are grateful for his efforts, so that sooner or later we will begin to have talks with Russia, possibly in Jerusalem. That’s the right place to find peace, if possible.”

It is this sentiment that he should have conveyed while calling on Israel’s lawmakers for help. Instead, the leader who is being hailed by much of the world as a heroic David fending off an evil Goliath not only chastised the Jewish state; he totally distorted Holocaust history in the process.

Invoking Golda Meir, he quoted what he called her “famous words.” He said, “We intend to remain alive. Our neighbors want to see us dead. This is not a question that leaves much room for compromise.”
This was his way of tailoring his remarks to the audience, as he had done when speaking to the British Parliament on March 9, the Canadian Parliament on March 15, the U.S. Congress on March 16 and the German Bundestag on March 17. In each case, he cited examples with which the politicians and public could relate. And though his pleas for military aid included criticism that not more is being done to come to Ukraine’s rescue, they also contained clauses of gratitude. His admonitions to Israel, on the other hand, were unequivocal.

A funeral in Israel shows the remarkable power of faith By Andrea Widburg


“The most important difference, though, as those 750,000 or more mourners show, is religious people have babies, lots and lots of babies. Secular people do not. Secular Europe is dying (including Russia, which no longer has the wherewithal to throw bodies into battle as it once did), while religious communities are demographically booming.”

On Friday, March 18, in Bnei Brak, a city near Tel Aviv, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky passed away at the age of 94. I’m sure that means very little to you. Unless you are an ultra-Orthodox Jew whose life is dedicated to the study of the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), your life will not have intersected with Rabbi Kanievsky’s. However, he was important enough to Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community that, on Sunday, over 750,000 men (or almost 8.5% of Israel’s total population) poured into the streets of Bnei Brak to be part of his funeral.

Still, why should that matter to you? It matters because a religious text that’s around 2,500 years old in its present form and existed in other forms before then, and that recognizes and seeks to tame and elevate human behavior, has such power. Compared to that, today’s wokism, firmly grounded in fantasy, cannot and will not last.

Because the Daily Mail has the best photographs, I’ll quote from its report:

Born in Pinsk, Belarus, he had moved to the country when he was a child and when it was still British-ruled Palestine. He remained there for the rest of his life, becoming revered by many in the Jewish religious world, and was one of the few remaining leaders of the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel born before the Holocaust. 

Police closed several highways in Israel’s densely populated Tel Aviv area to traffic for several hours, and other main thoroughfares were expected to be gridlocked. Authorities urged the public not to drive into the area by car.

A separate women’s section was created in the streets of Bnei Brak for the funeral that the Magen David Adom, Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross, said was likely to be one of the largest ever gatherings in ‘Israeli history.’ 

Rather to my surprise, Reuters live-streamed all two hours of the event.


As of December 2020, Israel, once the battered orphan state of the United Nations, has diplomatic relations with 164 of the 193 total UN member states. How did this come about? Much credit is due to the Abraham accords forged by former President Donald Trump, his Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, the Israeli political establishment, and modern new leaders in the Arab world.

The credit must also go to Israel for the reasons that Michael Ordman catalogs on a weekly basis, namely, Israel’s dazzling research, technology and innovation which could be tapped into by cooperative nations.

By every measure, in spite of its biased detractors, Israel is a successful modern democracy on the cusp of its birthday of 74 or 5, 782 years. rsk

With so much in the world to worry about, the Jewish festival of Purim arrived just at the right time. It coincided with Israelis bringing relief to Jews sheltering in Ukraine, to refugees in border countries and those rescued and now safe in Israel. Israeli volunteers flew to the region to treat, donate aid and bring Purim cheer to Ukrainians of all religions. In other news, Israeli medical advances have put smiles on the faces of many of those suffering from Covid-19 and cancer. There was further uplifting news of Israel’s improving relations with the UAE, Morocco and Egypt. Meanwhile, two inspiring Israeli startups launched “out of this world” innovative technology. No wonder Israel has leaped up to ninth place in the United Nations-sponsored World Happiness Index. Michael Ordman




Tons of equipment for Israeli Ukraine field hospital. Israel airlifted some 17 tons of equipment to build its $6.5 million “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) Ukraine field hospital (see here previously), which is expected to treat around 100 patients per day. Also, Magen David Adom is sending 4 bullet-proof ambulances to Ukraine.
Dental NGO relieves pain for Ukrainian child. 4-year-old Feiga arrived in Israel from Ukraine, unable to eat due to her poor dental condition. Just 24 hours after contacting Dental Volunteers for Israel, Feiga had root canal treatment to alleviate her pain, while pediatric dentists gently prepared her for further treatment.
New Covid treatment available. Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat (Safed) is currently offering AMOR-18 from Israel’s Amorphical (see here previously) to all moderate to serious COVID-19 patients. It is also undergoing clinical trials at four Israeli hospitals. All 18 patients in Ziv’s trials of AMOR-18 recovered quickly.
Diagnostic blood test advances. Israel’s OncoHost (see here previously) has opened a new laboratory in North Carolina for its PROphet blood test to identify which cancer treatments are likely to work. Israeli Nobel Prize winner Aaron Ciechanover is an OncoHost’s advisor. PROphet may also help autoimmune disease sufferers.
Remote monitoring pilot success. Israel’s Essence SmartCare has completed a successful pilot of its VitalOn remote patient monitoring system. Patients of Clalit Health Services and homecare provider Sharan Medical Center were monitored at home on transfer from hospital.  VitalOn even saved a patient suffering low oxygen.
https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-701244  https://www.essencesmartcare.com/
A fierce medical company. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s MeMed (see here previously) has been named as one of the “Fierce MedTech Fierce 15” most promising medical technology companies. The annual list is produced by the prestigious medical magazine and resource Fierce Biotech.
A breath test for any disease. Israel’s Breath of Health (BOH – see here previously) was featured on I24 News. Its trial at Israeli hospitals showed that it could replace the PCR test for COVID detection. Its blow test pattern analysis can be adapted to detect any pathogen – e.g., different cancers, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes etc.
Improving outcomes for cancer patients. The Israeli-developed Intelligent Care platform of US-based Canopy improves life-saving care provided to cancer patients. Canopy’s suite of intelligent, electronic health-record integrated tools helps cancer centers engage with their patients and streamline clinical processes.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/rkgqe9lfc  https://www.canopycare.us/

Making America weak again and endangering Israel Ruthie Blum


With global efforts underway to penalize Russia for invading Ukraine, it’s uncanny that the only player preventing the US-led P5+1 countries from inking their disastrous nuclear pact with Iran is President Vladimir Putin. 

But even his demand that Tehran be exempt from sanctions on Moscow isn’t enough for Washington to cancel the whole charade in Vienna.

That’s just how desperate the administration of President Joe Biden is to have the revamped version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed, sealed and delivered on a silver platter to the world’s greatest state sponsor of terrorism.

Yes, this is how bent America is on giving the mullahs multi-billions of dollars, while favorably weighing the reversal of former president Donald Trump’s decision to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. 

To justify the insanity, the current administration, like that of former president Barack Obama from which it was cloned, pretends that appeasing the ayatollahs and President Ebrahim (“the butcher”) Raisi will enhance regional stability and security by preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear bombs. In the first place, this is false. 

In the second, it doesn’t take into account the other kinds of weapons in Tehran’s vast arsenal, such as the more than 3,000 ballistic missiles that outgoing US Central Command head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie bemoaned on Tuesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Many of these projectiles, according to McKenzie, have the range to reach Israel. 

US working to change ‘stupid’ Israeli policies; ambassador ‘infuriated’ with Jewish settlement growth “We can’t do stupid things that impede us for a two-state solution,” Ambassador Tom Nides told Americans for Peace Now. By Batya Jerenberg


In a Tuesday webinar with left-wing Americans for Peace Now, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides firmly espoused the “two-state solution” and said he is working to change Jerusalem’s policies that stand in its way.

“If we talk about anything but a two-state solution, it’s not good for the Palestinians, it’s certainly not good for Israel, it’s not good for the Jews, it’s not good for anyone,” Nides told his virtual audience.

There are “four or five” issues that he said he constantly brings up in order for his plan to come to fruition. Interestingly, the very first example he gave was higher internet speed.

“Who the he** has 3G [today]?” he asked. He said he’s been “pounding the table” at the Communications Ministry so that the Palestinians could all have “4G or even 5G” on their phones.

Nides has also urged the biggest corporations working in Israel today, such as Google and Microsoft, to “open offices in the West Bank” in order to provide Palestinians with better employment possibilities.

These kinds of ideas “don’t compromise Israel’s security,” he said, while if the Palestinians don’t see avenues to prosperity, “we’re going to wake up with a bigger catastrophe than we currently have.”