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Sens. Sanders, Warren call for ‘restricting’ US aid to Israel at J Street confab: Jacob Magid


Progressive lawmakers urge Israel to help vaccinate Palestinians, say foreign assistance shouldn’t be used to advance policies that ‘violate Palestinian rights’

Prominent progressive senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both used their Monday addresses at the J Street lobby’s national conference to call for regulating US aid to Israel, asserting that such assistance should not be allowed to bankroll Israeli policies in the West Bank that damage prospects for a two-state solution.

The stances appeared to mark a shift by more left-wing Democrats away from talk of “conditioning” aid to Israel to “restricting” it.

The former term was used by several candidates during the recent US presidential campaign, including Sanders and Warren — implying that some or all of the $3.8 billion in aid that the US has agreed to give Israel over a 10-year period should potentially be withheld based on actions taken by the Israeli government.

In shifting to talk of “restricting” aid, progressive Democrats, with J Street’s backing, are not calling to limit the amount of already-agreed-upon aid, but are rather seeking greater control of how it may and may not be used.

“If we’re serious about arresting settlement expansion and helping move the parties toward a two-state solution, then it would be irresponsible not to consider all of the tools we have at our disposal,” Warren told J Street in prerecorded remarks played on the second day of the left-wing, pro-Israel lobby’s virtual conference.

“One of those is restricting military aid from being used in the occupied territories. By continuing to provide military aid without restriction, we provide no incentive for Israel to adjust course,” she added.

The Republican Jewish Committee lashed out at Warren’s remarks, calling them “disgusting.”

“To advocate, as Sen. Warren does, that the US pressure Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians while the Palestinian Authority condemns Israel’s existence, incites violence against Israel and Jews everywhere, and continues its ‘Pay for Slay’ salaries to terrorists and their families, is disgusting,” said RJC executive director Matt Brooks.

For his part, Sanders also declared himself in favor of the US using its aid as leverage.

“I strongly believe that we must also be willing to bring real pressure to bear, including restricting US aid, in response to moves by either side that undermine the chances for peace,” he said.

“The truth is that the United States gives an enormous amount of military aid to Israel. It also provides some humanitarian and economic aid to the Palestinians. It is totally appropriate for the United States to say what that aid may and may not be used for,” Sanders argued.

Natanz and anonymous Israeli ‘chatter’ Ruthie Blum


 U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s visit to Jerusalem last week coincided with an explosion at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility. Shortly after the attack on the uranium-enrichment site, The New York Times reported that though “Israel publicly declined to confirm or deny any responsibility” for the incident, “American and Israeli intelligence officials said there had been an Israeli role.”
Continuing to cite anonymous sources, the Times went on not only to assert that Israel was behind the sabotage, but to wonder “how much advance word—if any—the Biden administration [had] received” about it. The Paper of Record also pointed out that if those unnamed officials were correct in their claim that the blast did so much damage that it set back production at Natanz by at least nine months, “Iran’s leverage in new talks sought by the Biden administration to restore the nuclear agreement could be significantly compromised.”

As though this were a bad thing.

“The close and strong ties that we enjoy with Israel are central to regional stability and security in the Middle East, and we both agree that we must continue to work closely together to enhance the U.S.-Israel strategic partnership,” said Austin. “So, we discussed ways to deepen and expand our long-standing defense relationship in the face of regional threats and other security challenges.”

Netanyahu agreed with Austin that the United States and Israel are “family,” but stressed—as he has been doing for decades—that “there is no threat that is more serious, more dangerous, more pressing than that posed by the fanatical regime in Iran.”

He further stated, “My policy as prime minister of Israel is clear: I will never allow Iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel. Israel will continue to defend itself against Iran’s aggression and terrorism.”


On May 12th,1948 President Harry Truman assembled his advisers at the White House to decide whether to recognize the state of Israel. Clark Clifford made the case for recognition. Secretary of State George Marshall led the opposition, Both were highly trusted officials. Truman weighed personal, political and strategic concerns. On May 14th he acted. America recognized the new state of Israel.

On May 14th Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion read the proclamation of nationhood. Striking the speaker’s table for emphasis, he announced, “The name of our state shall be Israel.” It was a gift to those Christians and Jews who worked and lobbied for Zionism.

In the decades since Israel keeps returning the gift in the immeasurable ways that the nation contributes to the well being, and hope, and technology and science that ameliorate suffering throughout the world.

Thank you Michael Ordman for your weekly dispatches. God Bless America and Israel. Happy birthday and L’chaim! rsk

On May 12th,1948 President Harry Truman assembled his advisers at the White House to decide whether to recognize the state of Israel. Clark Clifford made the case for recognition. Secretary of State George Marshall led the opposition, Both were highly trusted officials. Truman weighed personal, political and strategic concerns. On May 14th he acted. America recognized the new state of Israel.

On May 14th Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion read the proclamation of nationhood. Striking the speaker’s table for emphasis, he announced, “The name of our state shall be Israel.” It was a gift to those Christians and Jews who worked and lobbied for Zionism.

In the decades since Israel keeps returning the gift in the immeasurable ways that the nation contributes to the well being, and hope, and technology and science that ameliorate suffering throughout the world.

Thank you Michael Ordman for your weekly dispatches. God Bless America and Israel. Happy birthday and L’chaim!   rsk



Vaccine even protects the unvaccinated. Unvaccinated children of Covid-19 vaccinated parents are far less likely to contract the virus. Researchers at Israel’s Technion and health company Maccabi used data from 223 Israeli communities to show each 20% increase in parental vaccination halves the incidence of child infection.
How to control aging. Ben Gurion University scientist Dr Debra Toiber and her team have identified several genes involved in the aging process. Whereas SIRT6 helps repair DNA to promote healthy aging, other genes cause damage. Longevity can be extended, and damage reversed with targeted gene therapy and interventions.
https://in.bgu.ac.il/en/pages/news/genes_aging.aspx  https://www.aging-us.com/article/202755
The hunger switch. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with UK colleagues, have found that melanocortin 4 (MC4) receptor is the master switch for hunger in the brain. It is normally “on” (“I feel full”) until energy levels drop. Its discovery can help develop anti-obesity medications.
Brain cancer treatment breakthrough. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have discovered a potential treatment for the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma. Over-secretion of the protein P-Selectin (SELP) boosts tumor growth. Inhibiting SELP slowed growth and stopped cancer cells migrating to the brain.
The impact of the microbiome on cancer. Israel’s MyBiotics (see here previously) is to partner Hadasit – the technology transfer arm of Hadassah Medical Center, to identify gut microbiome-based cancer therapies. They will study up to 100 melanoma patients treated with PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapies.
Breakthrough cancer treatment device. Israel’s IceCure already has US FDA approval for its cryogenic (freezing) treatment of cancer (reported here previously). The latest FDA Breakthrough Device designation, however, will speed up procedures regarding permits for IceCure’s Prosense device to treat cancer patients.
Home telemedicine system approved. Israel’s MyHomeDoc has received US FDA approval to add to its EU and Israeli certifications. The device has 4 embedded sensors to analyze and report lung, heart, and bowel sounds, otoscopy for the ear, oximeter for pulse rate and saturation, thermometer, throat and skin camera test.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3903190,00.html  https://www.my-homedoc.com/
Speech therapy for special needs. Israel’s Ampliospeech has developed a digital intervention platform for special education students. Originally addressing dyslexics, Amplio uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve the speech-language capabilities of all children with special needs.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3903092,00.html  https://www.ampliospeech.com/
Heart surgery for Iraqi baby. Volunteers at the Shevet Achim aid organization brought baby Hena from the minority Yazidis of Iraq, for life-saving heart treatment at Israel’s Sheba hospital. From a refugee camp in Iraq, Hena’s father said, “We are grateful to the State of Israel for helping us in these difficult circumstances.”
Muslims and Jews save disabled woman. When a disabled woman suffered a heart attack at a care facility, three EMTs from United Hatzalah’s Mevaseret region worked together to save her life. They included Murad Barhom – a Muslim Arab who has had a home in the Jewish Kibbutz of Kiryat Anavim for nearly 40 years.
World’s kindest kidney donors. (TY UWI) Israeli charity Matnat Chaim (Gift of Life) has facilitated 1,003 live kidney transplants since 2009 from altruistic donors – people who are not related to their recipients. Israel has the highest per capita rate of people donating kidneys to strangers. (See also here for previous news.)

U.S. Cautions Israelis About Natanz Leaks to Keep Biden From Being ‘Embarrassed’ at Nuke Talks By Rick Moran


Never interrupt the United States when it’s in the middle of surrendering to Iran.

U.S. officials told the Israeli government to stop commenting about the Mossad operation that targeted the Natanz nuclear facility last weekend because it was embarrassing the U.S. at the talks to revive the nuclear deal in Vienna.

Times of Israel:

Washington has conveyed to Israel in no uncertain terms that the “chatter” about its alleged involvement in the blast at the Natanz nuclear facility early this week must stop, warning that it is dangerous and detrimental as well as embarrassing to the Biden administration as it attempts to negotiate a return to the nuclear deal with Tehran, Channel 12 news reported Friday.

The unsourced report said the message was conveyed to Jerusalem through several channels in recent days.

I’m sure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said something like, “Yessir, Mr. President. We’ll get right on that.” In fact, Netanyahu is probably tickled about making the Biden administration uncomfortable while also tweaking Iran’s nose in the international press.





Jewish as well as non-Jewish students must be provided with tools when told:

Zionism is Colonialism.

Jews are White Oppressors who ethnically cleansed Palestine of Muslims.

The Jewish people are the ONLY indigenous people of the land.

And the world must learn that Israel is NOT OCCUPYING her own land.

“Why Is Educating About Israel’s Rights to the Land More Important Now Than Ever” It Is the Antidote to Anti-Zionism. Diane Bederman


How many times have our Jewish students, high school, university, been told Zionism is Colonialism, Jews are white oppressors who ethnically cleansed Palestine of Muslims?

Too many.

Our students know about the horror of the Holocaust and have some idea of the millennia of Jew hatred, yet have no answer when accosted on campus with accusations that Israel is an apartheid state, or facing the BDS campaign with their clarion call to eradicate the only Jewish state in the Middle East, surrounded by 23 Muslim countries.

Sadly, our Jewish students have no response because no one shared Israel’s legal and historical rights to the land of Israel and Judea and Samaria.

Let’s begin with these questions:

Why do so many people/nations question Israel’s borders-and the borders of no other country?

Why is the Jewish state the only state whose right to exist is questioned?

There is only one possible answer: It is the monumental failure of education.

The time has come, or better still, it is time overdue to educate students of High School and university age — starting in Israel — and eventually Jewish and non-Jewish youth and the public at large — about Israel’s Legal rights.

The danger facing world youth is the toxic atmosphere on university campuses, including those of the highest reputation, which of late has changed from the marketplace of ideas, to the marketplace of venomous, destructive incitement of hate and lies.

We can only achieve change by inculcating in future generations the urgent and imperative need to educate themselves about the TRUTH, NOT LIES.

Israel-bashing disguised as Jewish studies Moshe Phillips


Michael Fischbach’s book review in “American Jewish History” is a vicious screed that challenges the very legitimacy of Israel’s existence and justifies the anti-Israel “right of return.”

It may not be news anymore when a Jewish professor bashes Israel. But there should still be outrage when a respected U.S. Jewish academic journal publishes a virulent attack on Israel disguised as scholarship.

The journal in question, American Jewish History, is published by the American Jewish Historical Society, a distinguished scholarly organization. Its latest issue features heavily footnoted essays on topics like health-care workers on the Lower East Side in the early 1900s and the debate among Orthodox Jews over family planning in the 1950s.

And then, sticking out like a sore thumb is Michael Fischbach’s tirade against Israel, presented as a normal, scholarly book review.

Fischbach is a professor of history at Virginia’s Randolph-Macon College. According to his curriculum vitae, he has a history of working with extremists, such as the pro-PLO Institute for Palestine Studies, and writing articles for the Journal of Palestine Studies, a viscously anti-Israel propaganda publication.

But it’s not Fischbach’s track record that is the problem here. It’s what he writes in his book review, where he unleashes attack after attack aimed at the State of Israel.

He writes that the “settler movement creating a Jewish state out of 77 percent of Palestine/Israel” caused “the permanent exile of 80 percent of those who had lived there.”

For Mahmoud Abbas, a Last Hurrah? Abbas’ pretend-game of elections backfires. Hugh Fitzgerald


Mahmoud Abbas originally thought it was a good idea. There was a new administration in Washington, one most favorably inclined to the Palestinians. The Biden people were ready to undo what the “unfriendly” Trump Administration had done. Trump had closed the PLO office in Washington, Biden promised to open it. Trump had folded the consulate to the Palestinians in east Jerusalem into the Embassy in Jerusalem; Biden promised to reopen it. Trump had ended both direct aid to the Palestinians and American contributions to UNRWA.

Biden announced that he was again turning on the spigot of aid, starting with a $15 million contribution, then another one of $80 million, with more – much more – to come. As for the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits American aid to the Palestinians as long as they continued to provide subsidies to terrorists and their families, in what is grimly known as the “Pay-For-Slay” program, nothing has been said about Biden’s renewal of aid constituting a clear violation of Taylor Force. Apparently it was enough that such aid was described as “humanitarian” to exempt it from the application of Taylor Force, but there is no such exemption in the language of the act. Nonetheless, no one in Congress said anything, no one insisted that such aid, even if called “humanitarian,” should be halted; possibly politicians were fearful that if they did so, they would. be painted as depriving the “poor Palestinians” of diapers and baby formula. But money is fungible; “humanitarian” aid money given to the Palestinians frees up other sums that can then be spent on weapons for terrorists.

These initial deliveries of aid were being given, members of the Administration let it be known, to “earn the trust” of the Palestinians. Why the Americans felt they needed to win the “trust” of the endlessly meretricious Palestinians remains unclear. But no one asked for a clarification. In any case, the largesse lavished upon the Palestinians will not win their “trust” but merely confirm their belief in the gullibility of the Americans, or at least of the Americans who have now assumed power in Washington.

Canada: J-Space Supports NDP Party’s BDS Resolution to Actively Campaign Against “Illegal Settlements” A “progressive” Jewish voice advances the agenda against Israel. Christine Douglass-Williams


J-Space is known as a “respectable,” “Progressive” Jewish voice in Canada. It is more or less the counterpart to J-Street in America. Several days ago, the New Democratic Party (NDP) in Canada passed an anti-Israel, BDS-supporting Resolution, 04-10-20 (Justice and Peace in Israel-Palestine), at its 2021 Convention. J-Space supported it. See its official statement HERE.

A little background about the NDP for Americans who may be unfamiliar with it: the NDP is a far-Left, Progressive Party, with now only 24 out of 338 seats in the House of Commons. The NDP actually served as Canada’s official opposition party from 2011 to 2015, but its support has dwindled. It is worthwhile to note that the NDP also founded an “unofficial” New Democratic Party Socialist Caucus in 1998.

Last year, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh stated that his party does not support BDS, as reported by the Canadian Jewish News:

He unequivocally condemned BDS, stating that it “creates tensions and divisions,” and “does not advance peace.” Singh stated that neither he nor the NDP support BDS, believing that it is not “the right path forward.”

Singh is regarded with distaste in many circles. He ostensibly supports Sikh separatism and was banned from India for insulting its human rights record and accusing it of genocide. But despite his condemnation of BDS a year ago, to an astute observer, his declarations were suspicious, given his party’s prior ambivalence about BDS. But now, Singh has taken the gloves off to  expose his real views of Israel. The new resolution just passed by the NDP states:

…Therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NDP actively campaign in support of the demand of Palestinian unions, civil society and unions across Canada and around the world for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the Israeli state…

Ending all trade and economic cooperation with illegal settlements in Israel-Palestine
Suspending the bilateral trade of all arms and related materials with the State of Israel …

The New Plan to Oust Netanyahu And the dire implications for Israel. Caroline Glick


In a discussion with associates on Tuesday, Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett spoke candidly about his political plans, which, according to media reports, he is closely coordinating with New Hope party leader Gideon Sa’ar. Both Bennett and Sa’ar hail from the ideological right and both are outspoken opponents of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seek to unseat him as premier.

Although Bennett refused to recommend that President Reuven Rivlin confer the mandate to form a government on Netanyahu last week, he has made clear that he will join a Netanyahu-led governing coalition if Netanyahu is able to secure the two seats he lacks to build a 61-member government. In contrast, Sa’ar refuses to join a Netanyahu-led government. And for now, Sa’ar’s five colleagues in his six-member Knesset faction are boycotting Netanyahu with him.

Sa’ar has tried twice to oust Netanyahu in elections—first in the Likud’s internal leadership race and then as head of his new party in the last election. Both of his electoral bids flopped. Despite massive media support both times, the voters wouldn’t go along.

Although Bennett told his associates on Tuesday that “we’re in” if Netanyahu manages to find two more lawmakers to join a government under his leadership, he is convinced Netanyahu will fail. “It’s wishful thinking” that any members of Sa’ar’s party will return to Likud, he said. “It won’t happen.”

Netanyahu’s mandate to form a government is good for 28 days. From Bennett’s perspective, the real coalition talks will only begin after Netanyahu fails.

At that point, he asserted confidently, “Someone else in Likud will be the prime minister.”

Israel Katz, Nir Barkat or Naftali Bennett are all possible candidates to replace Netanyahu, in Bennett’s view. Each of them will be able to form a coalition because Sa’ar will join them—and he won’t join Netanyahu.

In other words, Sa’ar’s plan, which Bennett has joined, is to do to Likud members what late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon did to Likud voters in 2004.