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Bashing Israel Only Way To Be Accepted In Some Social Justice Movements, Raheel Raza Warns


Antisemitism is a Virus Too! program highlights the pandemic of antisemitic hate

The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation has been hosting a series of Web Talks since early April under the overarching theme, Antisemitism is a Virus Too! The programs have highlighted the pandemic of antisemitic hate being spread across communities and continents, with experts addressing the rise of antisemitism in Iran, Turkey, India, England; its incipient spread through Black Lives Matter and other social justice movements; and the history of antisemitism and the three-headed monsters— leftism, Islamism and alt-right. It is not enough to track the spread of this virus, CAEF is encouraging action to thwart it. 

Over the millennia, antisemitism has been sometimes dormant, but it always rises during tumultuous times and it conveniently morphs to suit the culture and conditions in which it is ever-present. Today’s antisemitism is stridently anti-Zionist and is built on hideous lies, media distortions, fakery, hoaxes, and myths.

At the July 10th Web Talk, noted journalist, public speaker, human rights advocate, Raheel Raza spoke about Antisemitism, Racism and Social Justice Movements, and pointed out that Islamists have hijacked many just causes by attaching their anti-Zionist messages to the cause of others. So, for example, after the death in the US city of Ferguson in 2014 of a young Black boy, antisemites began chanting “From Ferguson to Palestine”.  The 2016 platform of Black Lives Matter carried disturbingly antisemitic clauses calling to end military support and funding for the IDF, and for altering the strategic alliance between the US and its ally Israel.

Why A Two-State Solution Is Doomed To Fail-We all know that land for peace never works By Lauren Isaacs


Herut Canada asserts that a two-state solution will not, and cannot, work. It is illogical, unrealistic, and immoral. Here’s why:

The first reason is track records. Let’s look at the track record of the modern-day Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries. When the Arab countries have had possession of the land in and around Israel – historically, what have they done? The first thing they have done was to prevent the Jews from visiting biblical Jewish holy sites. Jews were prevented from going to The Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron (where our ancestors are buried) when it was under Arab control. To think that it would be different this time, if we created this magical utopia of a two-state solution that they wouldn’t prevent us from visiting our biblical heartland, then we aren’t being intellectually honest with ourselves.

The reality is that it has happened in the past and it will happen again. How would you feel if you knew that you will be prevented from going to visit Rachel’s Tomb or if the Cave of the Patriarchs was once again closed off to you just because you are a Jew? Perhaps consider how we feel every time we are prevented from praying on the Temple Mount. I am not happy about that, and I hope you aren’t either.

Another thing we have to consider is the fact that Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority for the last 15 years, has stated very clearly that not a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – will set foot in future Palestinian lands. This means that the future Palestinian state, this potential utopia that we are going to create for the Palestinians is going to be completely Jew-free. This is not a future plan that “may or may not” come to fruition – Mahmoud Abbas is in fact stating from the outset that he will ethnically cleanse his land of Jews. From the get-go, there are going to be no Jews in this Palestinian land. This should horrify you! Again, if we are being intellectually honest with ourselves … these are ancient biblical lands of Israel that have legally belonged to the Jewish people for over 3000 years.

George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel How the globalist financier’s desire to escape his Jewish identity fuels his Jew-hate. Kenneth Levin


George Soros, in his political pronouncements and in his characterization of the goals of his Open Society Foundations (OSF), the primary financial vehicle for his political advocacy and activism, acknowledges his support of a globalist agenda. He also acknowledges his embrace of that position as an alternative to identification with the Jewish people or the Jewish state.

For example, in a 1995 New Yorker interview, Soros remarked, “my mother was quite anti-Semitic and ashamed of being Jewish. Given the culture in which one lived [he grew up in Hungary before and during World War II], being Jewish was a clear-cut stigma, a disadvantage, a handicap – therefore there was always a desire to transcend it, to escape it.”

Elsewhere in the interview, he remarks, “Of course, this whole interest in universal ideas is a typical means to escape from the particular… I am escaping the particular. I think I am doing exactly that by espousing this universal concept… In other words, I don’t think you can ever overcome anti-Semitism if you behave as a tribe… The only way you can overcome it is if you give up the tribalness.”

When asked in the interview about Israel, he answered – “testily,” according to the interviewer – “I don’t deny the Jews their right to national existence – but I don’t want to be a part of it.”                                                    

While the cited remarks – the gist of which he has repeated on many occasions – reflect some candid self-observation, there are also elements that are disingenuous and self-serving. It is not true that among Jews targeted for abuse by surrounding societies, there was “always a desire to transcend it, to escape it.” There was, of course, a desire to escape abuse, but most Jews were not inclined to jettison their Jewish identity to appease the haters. Similarly, in his reference to the need to escape tribalism, it is not entirely clear if he is talking about the tribalism of the anti-Semites, or of the Jews, or of both; but the context suggests he is talking at least partly of Jewish “tribalism,” and the sentiment reflects Soros seeking to justify the rightness of abandoning Jewish identity by casting his doing so as his choosing to take a higher, more virtuous path.

The well-deserved detriment of the anti-Bibi rioters Caught between a coronavirus rock and an economic hard place, Netanyahu has been beseeching that people heed the health edicts. Ruthie Blum


The recent rallies in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem illustrate not only that the “anybody but Bibi” mantra is alive and well, despite the diverse camp’s three-time failure in the course of a year to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the ballot box.

They also reveal why the Left has been unable to garner sufficient backing from the so-called “center” to foment a real revolution in the Jewish state of the kind that is taking place in the United States.There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated whatever societal malaise existed in Israel and the rest the world before the virus struck China and spread to other countries. There is nothing like health anxiety combined with money woes, after all, to cause a combination of hysteria and despair well beyond the norm.

Adding government-imposed isolation and separation from loved ones to the mix makes people feel as though they are living in a giant pressure-cooker with a minuscule steam-release valve. Under such circumstances, the smallest rise in temperature can ignite an explosion.

NETANYAHU’S REALIZATION of this in May, when the novel coronavirus curve appeared to have flattened, led him to reopen the economy, and not as gradually as health officials would have liked.

His one demand of the public – desperate to resume school, synagogue, work and play – was that it follow three simple directives, all of which had been in place for weeks: Wash hands, wear masks and practice social distancing.

Beinart’s Final Solution: End Israel as Nation-State of the Jewish People by Alan M. Dershowitz


If Israel were to end its existence as the nation-state of the Jewish people — as Beinart advocates — and become a Jewish “homeland” in a single binational, bi-religious state, a demographic war would become inevitable, in which Jews and Muslims would compete to become a majority. As soon as a Muslim majority materialized, the Jewish “homeland” would become precisely the kind of “Bantustan” that Beinart has railed against in the context of South Africa.

The Jewish minority would be ruled by the Muslim majority, even if it were given some degree of autonomy. Their protection would be largely in the hands of the Muslim majority, many of whom believe there is no place for a Jewish entity anywhere in the region.

A Palestinian majority would not allow persecuted Jews from around the world to seek asylum, as they can today under Israel’s Law of Return. Instead, the Palestinian state would enact its own law of return that would allow millions of exiles to “return” and assure a permanent Muslim supermajority.

Peter Beinart’s New York Times op-ed advocating the end of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people is a study in historical ignorance, willful deception and arrogant rejection of democracy.

Beinart proposed that a single binational, bi-religious state in what is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip replace current Israel, whose Jewish population would then be given a “homeland” within the new nation. But Beinart is woefully ignorant of previous attempts to create or maintain binational or bi-religious states.

Beinart ignores the lessons of history surrounding the former Yugoslavia — Tito’s failed effort to create a single artificial nation from different ethnicities and religions — which ended in genocide, tragedy and its breakup into several states now living in relative peace. He omits any mention of Lebanon — a failed experiment in sharing power between Muslims and Christians. He writes as if Hindu India still included Muslim Pakistan, instead of having been divided after considerable bloodshed and divisiveness. He focuses instead on two countries, Northern Ireland and South Africa, which bear little relationship to current-day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Northern Ireland is a country whose population is ethnically similar, with only religious differences at a time when religion is playing a far less important role in the life of many secular Northern Irish. South Africa was a country in which a tiny minority of whites dominated a large majority of Blacks, and is now a dominantly Black nation.

Amil Imani: Judea and Samaria Should Return to Their Rightful Owner December 28, 2018


When we dig into history books, we can hardly find people or countries that have gone out of existence for as long as 2,000 years and then reappeared and been reborn.  Thus, it is indeed accurate to say that the rebirth of Israel, this beautiful ancient culture, people, and land, is truly a miracle from God.

I believe that the time has come to unite all Israel.  Historically and biblically, both Judea and Samaria undeniably have been part of the heritage of the Jewish people.  They belonged to Israel 2,000 years ago, and they belong to Israel now.  Arabs have absolutely no historic ties to Judea and Samaria.  Historic ties are the basis of assertions to a geographic area.

Annexation of these two historical Jewish lands will stipulate a strong and well defined standing for West Bank Arabs.  Israeli equal justice under the law will apply to all people.  All terrorists’ infrastructures will be eradicated.  The residents of those regions will be subjected to Israeli rules and regulation and will be dealt with in the same fashion that all countries deal with domestic insurgent, treachery, and lawless organizations.

“The Jewish people didn’t wake up one day saying ‘Jews are connected to the Land of Israel.’  The whole story, the history and the destiny of the Jewish people, is geared toward the idea that we were there and we are coming back.”

Let us clarify this now and forever: historically and otherwise, there has never been a Palestinian state, nor a political body that is owned by Palestinians.  According to the advancement of international agreements from 1917 until 1947, the land of Israel was renamed Palestine by the Romans in the 2nd century.  It was later divided into three states: Jordan, a Jewish state, and an Arab state.  While the Jews swallowed this excruciating deal, shrinking the size of their ancestral land by over 75%, the Arabs snubbed and rejected it altogether.  As a result, the Arabs launched an invasion against the newly established State of Israel in 1948.  Jordan managed to occupy the area of Judea and Samaria and illegitimately annexed it.

Reflections on ‘aliyah’ I was smitten almost instantly with Israel for not emulating the aspects of the United States that made me want to abscond in the first place. Ruthie Blum


This week marks the 43rd anniversary of my aliyah. In July 1977, I arrived in Israel for what I had thought was going to be a 12-month stint. But when I completed the one-year program for overseas students at the Hebrew University the following summer, I returned to the United States not to remain there, but to tie up loose ends. These included informing the University of Chicago, where I had spent my freshman and sophomore years, that I wouldn’t be back in the fall, and persuading my parents in New York that I hadn’t lost my marbles.

The latter turned out to be less of a problem than I had anticipated. I wasn’t dropping out of school, after all; just finishing my degree at about one-tenth of the price—and in a much warmer climate, both literally and figuratively.

Indeed, the campus of the U of C hit arctic temperatures in the winter, requiring everyone to wear down coats, fur-lined water-proof boots, thick gloves and ski masks with which to confront the fierce winds. It was also a chilly environment for a teenager like me, who registered as a Republican in my second semester as soon as I turned 18, preferred Motown to what the kids on the block in my largely Hispanic and black neighborhood in Manhattan called “white music” and announced to my uber-liberal peers—all of whom read Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique and called marriage “no more than a piece of paper”—that I was in college to find a suitable husband.

As if that weren’t sufficient cause for being ostracized or not taken seriously, I openly argued against affirmative action and disagreed with the mantra that abortion is an issue of a woman’s right to reign over her “own body.”

Nor did I join the “amen crowd” ranting against the recently ended Vietnam War and looking askance at the lone veteran among us. He impressed me as a hero—manly in the way that I believed a guy should be, not someone whose flaws or misfortunes prevented him from dodging the draft. Nothing like the liberal Jewish boys I knew, whose way of impressing a date in those days was to let her pay for her own dinner.

Palestinians: Abbas Signs His Own Death Warrant by Khaled Abu Toameh


By courting Hamas, Abbas and Fatah are emboldening an Islamist movement that seeks to extend its control from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank. Hamas’s declared goal is to replace Israel with an Iranian-style Islamist state.

Abbas may also be using his renewed ties with Hamas as a way of pressuring the international community into providing him with more financial aid.

Hamas evidently wants to use the West Bank as a launching pad for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Hamas also does not appear to be headed towards recognizing Israel’s right to exist. As such, Abbas seems to be handing Hamas the noose that eventually will be tied around his own neck.

After renouncing all agreements and understandings with Israel and the United States, including security cooperation, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his ruling Fatah faction are now cozying up to their rivals in Hamas — a move that may prove to be counterproductive and pave the way for the resumption of massive anti-Israel violence.

By courting Hamas, Abbas and Fatah are emboldening an Islamist movement that seeks to extend its control from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank. Hamas’s declared goal is to replace Israel with an Iranian-style Islamist state.

Abbas may also be using his renewed ties with Hamas as a way of pressuring the international community into providing him with more financial aid. The message he is sending to Western donors is: “If you don’t fully support us and exert pressure on Israel, I will throw myself into the arms of Hamas.”

The apparent rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas began earlier this month when the two parties held a joint press interview by videoconference, during which they announced their intention to work together to “topple” both Israel’s plan to apply its sovereignty to parts of the West Bank and US President Donald Trump’s Peace to Prosperity vision for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The appearance of Jibril Rajoub, Secretary-General of the Fatah Central Committee, alongside senior Hamas official Saleh Arouri, a founding commander of Hamas’s military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was aimed at sending a message to the Palestinians and the rest of the world that when it comes to Israel and the US, the Palestinians are prepared to lay aside their differences and stand united against “conspiracies aiming to liquidate the Palestinian cause and national rights.”

Although he holds the title of “Deputy Chairman of Hamas’s Political Bureau,” Arouri, who is currently based in Lebanon, is anything but a politician.

In 2018, the US Department of State offered a reward of up to $5 million for information that would lead to the identification or location of Arouri and two senior Hezbollah military operatives. In addition to his political activity in recent years, Arouri has played a major role in forming ties between Hamas and Iran and Hezbollah. He also deals with the construction and handling of Hamas terrorist infrastructure in the West Bank, where Rajoub lives and works.




The best test for Covid-19 antibodies. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a serological test that from one blood sample can, for the first time, identify all three of the key antibodies that counter Covid-19. The test is extremely sensitive and accurate to around 98-99 percent, better than current tests.
Another fast Covid-19 test. Israel’s AID Genomics has developed a coronavirus test kit that gives results in just 30 minutes. It uses different enzymes from current tests with much higher sensitivity. AID Genomics has partnered with the Chinese-owned BGI Group, which will be distributing the test in Israel and globally.
Fix the heart before treating cancer. Researchers at Israel’s Technion Institute have made a breakthrough discovery that cancer progresses much faster in patients with heart problems. To improve their survival chances, these patients should have their heart treated first before beginning cancer therapy.
How deep we sleep. Neuroscientists at Tel Aviv University working with others at Israel’s Weizmann Institute, UK’s Bristol and France’s Montpellier universities, have discovered the brain’s mechanism for deep sleep. The locus coeruleus in the brainstem secretes the chemical noradrenaline and too high levels prevent deep sleep.
https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/how-did-you-sleep-through-your-alarm-tau-study-reveals-how-deep-we-sleep-634118   https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/15/eaaz4232
Innovative gastro stent technology. (TY Hazel) Gastro stents are essential for clearing clots in the bile ducts and pancreas. Israel’s Endo GI Medical has received US FDA approval for its Stenting Placement Delivery Systems that reduce risk of infection from repetitive insertions of singular stents.
https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israeli-medical-company-receives-fda-approval-for-life-saving-tech-633756   https://www.endo-gi.com/
Breakthrough device for dialysis patients. (TY Atid-EDI) The US FDA has awarded breakthrough designation to the VasQ from Israel’s Laminate Medical (reported here previously). The device provides safe connections to dialysis machines.  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vasq-external-support-awarded-breakthrough-device-designation-by-the-fda-301071728.html
Monitoring cancer post-surgery. (TY Atid-EDI) At its Israeli R&D center, C2i Genomics has developed a personalized, real-time solution for monitoring recurrence and treatment response for various types of solid cancers. It employs a breakthrough tumor DNA pattern recognition approach for liquid biopsy.
Mobile X-rays for five more countries. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Nanox (reported here previously) has signed multiple new deals to deploy over 1000 of its mobile X-ray devices to Russia, Belarus, Taiwan, Singapore and Italy.  Previous deployments include to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea and Vietnam.
Autism Research and Treatment. The latest Ben-Gurion Briefing, “Autism Research and Treatment” featured 4 leading Israeli experts from Ben-Gurion University and Soroka University Medical Center. They discussed whether early autism diagnosis can lead to the eradication of symptoms of autism later in life.
Saving lives is vital. An exciting article about a United Hatzalah paramedic who, on the eve of her final chemistry exam, rushed to save the life of a heart-attack victim.

Peter Beinart’s Israel-Palestine Fantasies by Jerold Auerbach


Nearly a decade ago, Peter Beinart, a journalist with impeccable leftist credentials, authored a New York Times column titled “To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements.” His settlement animosity, admirers will appreciate, remains undiminished. But his salvation solution has now reached the outer margins of fantasy. His newest iteration, once again in the newspaper that eagerly embraces any critique of Israel, testifies to his abiding discomfort with the very idea, let alone the reality, of a “Jewish” state in the Biblical homeland of the Jewish people.

Once upon a time, Beinart hoped that he “could remain a liberal and a supporter of Jewish statehood at the same time.” That time has clearly passed. The pivotal “event” in his transformation has been the return of Jews to Judea and Samaria, previously known as Jordan’s “West Bank,” following the Six-Day War in 1967. Some 640,000 Jewish “settlers” now inhabit East Jerusalem and the West Bank — for Beinart, forbidden territory to Jews. And the West Bank even “hosts Israel’s newest medical school.” A shanda!

Since, in Beinart’s view, Israel has decided to become “one country that includes millions of Palestinians who lack basic rights,” it is “time to imagine a Jewish home that is not a Jewish state.” His imagination leads Beinart to fantasize that “equality could come in the form of one state that preposterously includes Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.” He cites Palestinian advocate Edward Said — more than once — as his favored source.

Beinart fancifully imagines that his plan “is not fanciful.” Rather, he has decided, “one equal state” is the preference of “young Palestinians” and “young Americans, too.” Young Israelis are inconsequential. The reason it can work is that Israel “is already a binational state” where two peoples “live under the control of one government.” Beinart’s cited models for success are Northern Ireland and South Africa.