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Palestinian Incitement Against Israeli Journalists by Bassam Tawil


The Palestinian journalists’ group is angry not only because two Israeli reporters visited Ramallah. It is upset because the reporters dared to reveal an inconvenient truth: that Palestinians are enjoying themselves and that, despite the outbreak of the coronavirus, the economy in Ramallah is doing well.

This truth goes against the Palestinian leadership’s official and long-standing propaganda line: that the Palestinians are “suffering” as a result of the bad economy and therefore the world needs to continue providing them with hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

The only journalists the Palestinian leadership tolerates are those who do not question its policies and decisions and who do not ask embarrassing questions.

Will the International Federation of Journalists [the largest in the world; it represents more than 600,000 media workers from 187 organizations in 146 countries] condemn the Palestinians for threatening Israeli journalists on a regular basis? … International organizations rarely see any evil on the Palestinian side. The only culprit, for them, is Israel. The silence of the IFJ and other international media organizations and human rights groups is nothing short of a green light to Palestinians to physically attack the next Israeli reporter they see on the streets of Bethlehem or Ramallah.

At a time when Arab journalists from the Gulf are visiting Israel and saying that they are looking forward to working with their Israeli colleagues, Palestinians are continuing to incite hatred against the Israeli media and threaten Israeli journalists.

While the Arabs in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are working toward normalizing their relations with Israel, the Palestinians are continuing to threaten anyone who wants to make peace with Israelis.

The immoral inversion of victim and perpetrator Ruthie Blum


Dozens of demonstrators gathered on Saturday night at the entrance to the southern Israeli city of Arad to express solidarity with their friend and neighbor, Aryeh Schiff.

Schiff, 70, was arrested the previous week for killing 36-year-old Bedouin Muhammad el-Atrash, who had broken into Schiff’s car and was driving off when Schiff and his wife awoke to the noise. Schiff promptly drew a pistol and fired twice in the direction of the vehicle.

The first thing he did when he realized that the thief had been hit was to call the police and an ambulance. EMTs who arrived on the scene evacuated el-Atrash to the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, where he was pronounced dead from a bullet wound to the head.

Meanwhile, Schiff fully cooperated with police, acknowledging in his initial interrogation that he had not fired a warning shot in the air. He claimed, however, that he had aimed at the wheels of the car, not the driver.
“All my life, I will have to live with the fact that I killed a person unintentionally,” Schiff told the Beersheva Magistrate’s Court last Tuesday. “My grief is deep for taking a person’s life. … [W]hen I shot, I had no intention of killing him. I am very sorry for the tragic event. I have already received my punishment.”
When the court ruled to release him on house arrest for the duration of the investigation, police and prosecutors appealed. They claimed that video footage of the incident told a different story—one showing that Schiff had purposely pointed his pistol at the driver.

Moshe Phillips: Trump should let the Quartet die with James Wolfensohn see note please


James Wofensohn was also one of the philanthropists that had the hair brained idea of buying the productive and state of the art Jewish farms and agricultural machines and systems in Gaza, in order to persuade Israel to leave Gaza. As soon as the Israelis left, local Arabs trashed and burned every single appurtenance and every home, barn, greenhouse and all the produce…..rsk

A review of the Quartet’s website is instructive in examining just what’s wrong with the body. Its failures—and they are plentiful—stem from its entire approach to Israel.

James Wolfensohn, the former president of the World Bank Group, passed away on Nov. 15, and in the conclusion of his obituary, The New York Times quoted his “mission impossible” quip about his envoy experience with the Quartet on the Middle East.

“The Middle East turned out to be my mission impossible,” claimed Wolfensohn. He was tasked with working on Israel’s so-called disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair would succeed Wolfensohn in leading the Quartet and be the last leader of the Quartet to have any gravitas on the world stage.

The Quartet has outlived both the involvement of Wolfensohn and Blair, who ended his own involvement with his 2015 resignation and now has outlived Wolfensohn himself. But it has also quite literally outlived its usefulness, if it ever had any at all.



In the midst of so much gloom in the world-pandemic, catastrophic rise in global anti-Semitism and persecution of Christians, political upheaval and election tampering- I get hope and cheer from Michael Ordman’s compilations of Israel’s remarkable success and contributions. Happy Chanukah! (December 10-18) rsk


More accessible cancer treatment. The Car-T cancer therapy invented by Israel’s Professor Zelig Eshhar (see here) is curing thousands of blood cancer patients. But the manual effort is hugely expensive. Now Israel’s ADVA Biotechnologies is developing a simpler, automated process. More lives will be saved with less cost.

https://www.advabio.com/   https://www.jpost.com/health-science/adva-biotechnology-643385

AI in Israeli hospitals. Good to see that Israel’s six largest medical centers are using AI-based software from Israel’s Aidoc (see here) to analyze CT scans and pinpoint cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, stroke and C-spine fractures. They are Sheba, Hadassah, Sourasky (Ichilov), Rabin, Shaare Zedek and Assuta centers.



Go barefoot to reduce foot pain. Tel Aviv University researchers have discovered a simple cure for people suffering from osteophytes (bone spurs) – lumps that grow on the heels of the feet. A 1-month controlled study of 50 patients found a 10-30 minute daily barefoot walk at home, or on a treadmill, significantly reduced pain.


Not heart-stopping at all. Israel’s Mitrassist Medical (reported here previously) has advanced to human trials of its innovative heart valve implant that avoids the risks of stopping the heart during open heart surgery. Mitrassist has just raised funds to recruit more employees and tackle additional structural heart diseases.

https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3878551,00.html   http://mitrassist.com/

Blood test analyzers for Australia. (TY Hazel) Israel’s PixCell Medical (reported here previously) will be deploying its blood test analyzers in labs and emergency departments in New South Wales, Australia. PixCell’s HemoScreen low-cost portable hematology analyzer can perform a complete blood count at the point of care.


Relieving the pressure on Cypriot hospitals. (TY Hazel) Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem will accept non-Covid patients from Cyprus with serious and life-threatening medical conditions to relieve local hospitals under strain from Covid-19. Hadassah also wants to build a hospital complex and rehabilitation center in Cyprus.


Israeli masks are good for you. (TY Uri) Nice article in TravelTrend about how the SonoMask facemasks from Israel’s Sonovia (reported here previously) protect their wearers and the public against the coronavirus.

https://www.trvltrend.com/technology/sonovia-antiviral-facemask/   https://sonoviatech.com/

An Anti-Semite Asks and Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? Thought crimes are nobody’s business in free societies. By Ilana Mercer


Some months ago, a gentleman who pens anti-Semitic tracts approached me for an interview. I agreed. Being a naïve methodological individualist, I never generalize about individuals. That my interlocutor writes crude anti-Semitic boilerplate did not mean I would not give him a chance to reveal himself as someone other than a crude anti-Semite. 

After I had already answered his written questions in full, however, he bailed. 

Here, then, is my reply to one of many loaded and leading questions I was asked and had answered in good faith. 

A leading question is one that suggests an answer. Since I am Jewish, I was considered a priori guilty. Of what? Well, you know: “nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more,” as goes the Monty Python skit.

In his case, the fact that I married gentiles twice was not enough to clear me from charges of “Jewish supremacy.” I was pelted with uncouth, inappropriate, bias-confirming questions such as, “Do you think that marrying a non-Jew was a mistake and you should only marry another Jew?” 

One of the less flighty questions was, “Do you believe Israel is a racist state?” 

I’ve been deconstructing the construct of racism in my latest American Greatness columns, showing analytically that, at worst, racism is a worldview, a state of mind—often spoken or written, and entirely the prerogative of a free people, just so long as no corporeal aggression is committed.  

Bahrain Minister Loves Jerusalem, ‘the Most Spiritual City in the World’By Yakir Benzion


Visiting minister sneaks out of hotel to see for himself: “The most spiritual city in the world … I felt it,” he told Times of Israel.

With the two countries basking in the warm glow of their new peace accord, Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem this week welcomed the second visit by a high-ranking official from the government of Bahrain.

Bahraini Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani had a packed schedule, meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, four other Israeli cabinet ministers and dozens of Israeli business and industry officials.

But the eloquent minister needed to see the city for himself,. He told Times of Israel that he took an unscheduled evening stroll in Jerusalem’s magical and intriguing Old City – and he was immediately smitten.

“I’ve always spoken to people who’ve been to Jerusalem. And they always told me: It’s probably the most spiritual city in the world. I felt it last night. I felt it,” he told the Times . “And the closer you get to the holy sites — I don’t know, maybe it was a weird feeling, maybe it’s just me — I felt there’s more spirit.”

“Last night I personally went out to walk around the city, on my own, with a couple of friends. I kind of snuck out because I wanted to go and see and feel for myself, as a normal citizen, not as a government official. I spent an hour walking in the Old City, and I went to the shopping mall across the road. I didn’t feel threatened, I didn’t feel any security issues.”

Saying goodbye to Benny Gantz once the government falls -Ruthie Blum


The assertion that Netanyahu spends all his time fretting over his legal troubles and none handling affairs of the state is especially ridiculous in light of recent events. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Wednesday’s passage of the first reading of the Knesset dispersal bill by reminding the public that politics is secondary to policy.
He did this not merely by stating – as he and his key coalition partner, Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz, have been doing ad nauseam – that ministerial rivalries need to take a back seat to the needs of the country as it grapples with the health-related and economic ramifications of the coronavirus crisis. Rather, he highlighted his own recent achievements, both in spite of and in relation to the pandemic.

This is not to say that he didn’t finish his oratory without attacking Gantz. On the contrary, he let his defense minister/alternate premier have it.

Blaming Gantz for “being dragged to elections” by opposition leader Yair Lapid and Yamina MK Naftali Bennett, Netanyahu accused him of having formed an “opposition within the coalition.”

EUCOM or CENTCOM for Israel? Shoshana Bryen


The United States is Israel’s ally of first choice. And Israel remains one of the few countries the US can rely on to defend itself by itself and in coordination with American interests. Today, Israel lies in EUCOM – the United States European Command – while some analysts suggest it belongs in CENTCOM – the Central Command, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Southwest and Central Asia.

Historically, having Israel in EUCOM had its downsides – American military personnel in CENTCOM were, at one point, prevented from visiting Israel despite common interests. Their knowledge of Israel was skewed by Arab states with which they worked.  I had the honor for years of accompanying recently retired American Flag and General Officers to Israel – and tried to choose CENTCOM officers to “right the ship” a bit. One Marine general was a tough sell, ultimately convinced to go by another participant.  About three weeks after the trip, he called; it went like this:

Him: I didn’t want to go on your trip.

Barack Obama’s Visceral Dislike of Israel, the Jewish State, Revealed in his Latest Book By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


Though we have not over the years accused Barack Obama of anti-Semitism, we did feel even prior to his election in 2008 that Obama was uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty, as well as Jewish rights in and of themselves, disconnected from intersectionality.

In his recent book, Promised Land, it is crystal clear that Obama is uncomfortable, perhaps even hostile to a specific Jewish state in the Land of Israel and used his tenure as president to undermine the proud and glorious history of Zionism. He spent excessive zeal and capital to reshape American and world policy so as to establish the Palestinian Arab narrative as the only legitimate political outlook and forum.

Had his book been written by someone else, many would have easily characterized the author’s anti-Zionism and non-regard for the right of the Jewish people to possess and control their land as bordering on anti-Semitism. As with many in the anti-Zionist movement, Obama grants credibility to all salutary comments for the Palestinian Arabs, portraying them as innocent victims in a Martin Luther King-like struggle, while caricaturing Israel and her Jewish inhabitants as oppressors.

Obama never seems shaken by the reality of Israelis bombarded in their kindergartens and homes by Palestinian Arab missiles. He refuses to acknowledge the restraint undertaken by Israelis against her attackers. He fails to recognize the enormous concessions that Israeli prime ministers offered, almost foolishly, to Palestinian Arab representatives in Israel’s quest to find peace. He is unmoved by the massive return of beleaguered Jews in pogrom-filled Europe that rebirthed the Land of Israel; a revived and resurrected land that provided opportunity for Muslims from other enclaves to find work, health, and civil rights absent in their own countries. He is guilty of revisionist history and indifferent to the Jews’ ancient and historical linkage to this land. To him, it seems, the region only came into being with the advent of the newly formed P.L.O.

A Visit to Dubai Shows the Enduring Power of President Trump’s Peacemaking Shillman Fellows open a new front in the fight against terror and BDS on campuses. Daniel Greenfield


While the Biden campaign was announcing a slate of radicals sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood to stack its foreign policy desk if it ever takes over the government, a very different sort of trip was underway in the middle east that clarified how wrong and dangerous they were.

In an event that would have been inconceivable under Barack Obama, the Shillman Fellows of Reservists on Duty, an organization founded by Israeli military veterans that tours college campuses to speak about the realities of fighting terrorism, were on their way to Dubai.

Dubai, as part of the United Arab Emirates, had formerly banned Israeli travelers, but was now welcoming them in as part of the Abraham Accords overseen by the Trump administration.

Amit Deri, the executive director of Reservists on Duty, who had served in command and combat positions, and is a major in the Israeli reserves, had been searching for a way to push back against the hatred he was seeing from the BDS movement. Now, even as support for BDS hate is growing in America and Europe, Amit and his fellow Reservists on Duty were on their way to one of the countries that had been boycotting the Jewish State for generations.

Reservists on Duty had been set up with the generous support of Dr. Robert Shillman to fight the good fight on college campuses, but now its Shillman Fellows were bound to where few Israelis had gone before in a flight that would have been impossible before President Trump.