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Arabs Are Fed Up With the ‘Ungrateful’ Palestinians by Khaled Abu Toameh


“It is stupid to burn my country’s flag and want me to salute you.” — Dr. Waseem Yousef, Emirati academic, on Twitter.

“When I see the flag of my country being burned by some Palestinians because of the peace treaty with Israel – I apologize to every Israeli man if I offended him in the past.” — Dr. Waseem Yousef.

“Imagine that in just 17 years, Saudi Arabia paid [the Palestinians] $6 billion and the UAE $2.5 billion. This means that in 40 years, we are talking about no less than $20 billion. I expect that had we spent this money on Israel, its people would have converted to Islam.” — From a UAE-affiliated account on Twitter.

The Palestinian leaders’ strong condemnation of the UAE and other Arab states that support normalization with Israel has also driven many Arabs to raise the issue of financial corruption of the Palestinian leadership. Some Gulf citizens pointed out that the personal fortunes of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal are worth at least $9 billion, while others claimed that Mahmoud Abbas’s personal wealth is estimated at $200 million.

Scenes of Palestinians burning and trampling flags of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and pictures of its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed, have sparked a wave of protests in a number of Arab countries. Their citizens are accusing the Palestinians of ingratitude, treason and hypocrisy.

The powerful reactions of many Arabs to the Palestinian campaign of incitement against the UAE — after its agreement establish relations with Israel — are yet another sign of the increased disillusionment in the Arab world with the Palestinians.

The message the Arabs are sending to the Palestinians is roughly, “We are fed up with you and your cause. You people are ungrateful, hypocritical and vindictive. Decade after decade, we pumped billions of dollars into your coffers — and now you have the arrogance to burn our flags and pictures of our leaders and hurl insults at us.”

As Emirati academic Dr. Waseem Yousef wrote on Twitter: “It is stupid to burn my country’s flag and want me to salute you.” In other posts, Yousef commented on the Israel-UAE deal: “When I see the flag of my country being burned by some Palestinians because of the peace treaty with Israel – I apologize to every Israeli man if I offended him in the past.”

Yousef also wrote: “The happiness of the Israeli people with the peace agreement shocked me. I was not expecting it – the peoples want peace”.

Most of the Arabs who feel offended and betrayed by the Palestinians are citizens of the UAE and Saudi Arabia who have taken to social media outlets and other platforms to express their disgust with the Palestinians and their Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In the Muslim world, the push is on to normalize ties with Israel By Andrea Widburg

Trump has cut the Gordian knot, showing Muslims that the Palestinians are their past and Israel is their future.

Osama bin Laden, a bad man who still understood the Arab and Muslim mind, said, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.” In slightly more than three-and-a-half years, Donald Trump has turned the United States-Israel alliance into a strong horse. That’s why the UAE made official its relationship with Israel, and that’s why other Arab and Muslim nations are signaling that they will follow.

President Trump, with help from Jared Kushner, did something extraordinary. When Trump entered the White House, the Middle Eastern status quo since 1967 had revolved around the Jewish state of Israel and its relationship with the Muslim Palestinians, a relationship that was often a pawn in the Cold War. In 1974, a new wrinkle occurred with the oil shortage, which elevated the importance of Arab backwaters in Western eyes.

Another wrinkle was the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which pitted Shia Iran against both Israel and various Sunni Muslim nations. Sunni nations were conflicted because Iran made them share a common enemy with Israel, yet they had a Muslim-based moral obligation to support the Palestinians – with the added wrinkle that the Arab nations intensely dislike the Palestinians, whom they view as whiny trouble makers. More wrinkles came along when Iran-funded Hezbollah aligned with the Palestinians against Israel.

At this point, the Middle East situation was as wrinkled as one of those shar pei dogs. And indeed, if I were inclined to bore and confuse you, I could throw in innumerable other wrinkles, including Chinese, Soviet/Russian, or Turkish interference and the effect of the two Gulf Wars.

The crowning wrinkle was Barack Obama’s and Joe Biden’s insistence on the Iran Deal. Iran was sinking economically, but Obama and Biden threw it a hefty financial infusion while greenlighting its nuclear program. Suddenly, a radical, unstable, apocalyptically-oriented theocracy was on its way to a nuclear bomb, courtesy of the United States of America.

The Jews’ Right To Statehood: A Defense by Ruth Gavison


Is it possible to justify the existence of a Jewish state? So asked the late Ruth Gavison back in 2003, and her answer resounds as strongly now as it did then.

This essay by the renowned Israeli legal theorist Ruth Gavison was originally published in the Israeli journal Azure in 2003. We are republishing it August 18, 2020 in the wake of her death on August 15.


Is it possible to justify the existence of a Jewish state? This question, raised with increased frequency in recent years, is not just a theoretical one. Israel will endure as a Jewish state only if it can be defended, in both the physical and the moral sense. Of course, states may survive in the short term through sheer habit or the application of brute force, even when their legitimacy has been severely undermined. In the long run, however, only a state whose existence is justified by its citizens can hope to endure. The ability to provide a clear rationale for a Jewish state is, therefore, of vital importance to Israel’s long-term survival.1

Over the many years in which I have participated in debates about Israel’s constitutional foundations and the rights of its citizens, I did not generally feel this question to be particularly urgent. Indeed, I believed that there was no more need to demonstrate the legitimacy of a Jewish state than there was for any other nation state, and I did not take claims to the contrary very seriously. Those who denied the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state were, in my eyes, little different from the radical ideologues who dismiss all national movements as inherently immoral, or who insist that Judaism is solely a religion with no right to national self-expression; their claims seemed marginal and unworthy of systematic refutation.



he Israeli right is wrong to see the prime minister’s deal with the UAE as a capitulation to foreign pressure. He is creating optimal conditions for the Jewish state’s road ahead.

Anyone wondering what had become of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ostensible July 1 target date to begin the process of extending sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria received an answer last Thursday.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement on Aug. 13 that Washington had brokered a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates—and accompanying reports that the deal precluded “annexation of the West Bank”—put the question to rest.

Once it emerged that Netanyahu had been busy for the past few weeks negotiating the terms of the treaty with Trump and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, his sudden silence on sovereignty became clear. Ironically, the weekly protests outside of the Israeli premier’s official residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem included the chanting of slogans and waving of banners decrying his “annexation” plans.

Israel again denies itself sovereignty in its ancestral heartland Victor Sharpe


The Arabs have finally learned the secret: say nice words to the Jews and they will fall over themselves to give away their own heritage.

There would be nothing more wondrous than true peace by an Arab state with Israel. What you will read below, however, is why my growing suspicion and fear about this peace with an Arab state was immediately confirmed when I realized that this “breakthrough” was not anything to be congratulated, but rather to be criticized.

Jared Kushner may have wrought the means by which an eventual Palestinian terror state will be carved out of the heart of Judea and Samaria. This is a catastrophic and blatant denial of Jewish sovereignty within its Biblical and ancestral heartland.

Note that Mohammed bin Zayed uses the word, “annexation” and describes the ancestral Jewish heartland as “Palestinian territories.” A native people, the Jews, do not annex what is their own historical, Biblical and spiritual land. Nor is this Palestinian territory, for there has never existed a Palestinian state and there has never been a separate Palestinian Arab people throughout all of history.

All of Judea and Samaria is the ancestral and Biblical Jewish heartland, and restoration of Jewish villages and towns in the historical, spiritual heartland is not “annexation” but liberation and redemption.

It’s Official: Palestinians Join Iran-led Anti-Peace Camp by Khaled Abu Toameh


By holding a political protest at the compound of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestinians are not only desecrating the sanctity of the site, but also sending a warning to citizens of UAE not to visit Jerusalem or the mosque, as many apparently hoped to do.

The Joint Statement of the United States, Israel, and the UAE on August 13 points out that according to President Donald J. Trump’s Vision for Peace, “all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem’s other holy sites should remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths.”

This warning shows that the Palestinians believe they have exclusive control over Islam’s third-holiest site and are free to decide who can visit the site and who cannot. It is therefore the right time for Arabs and Muslims to step in to demand an end to Palestinian hegemony over the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites in Jerusalem.

By declaring war on the UAE, the Palestinian leadership has chosen to align itself with those who seek the elimination of Israel: Iran, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. The Palestinian leadership has again demonstrated its determination to act against the interests of its own people, who could have benefited from the UAE-Israel deal by seeking financial aid from the Arab countries and jobs in the Gulf states.

The Palestinians have spent the past few months trying to persuade the international community, including Arab countries, to help prevent Israel from applying its sovereignty to portions of the West Bank.

Now that one of these countries – the United Arab Emirates – succeeded in striking a deal with Israel, according to which the Israeli plan to extend Israeli law to more land would be suspended, the Palestinians are waging an unprecedented campaign of defamation against the UAE and its de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed.

Instead of thanking the UAE for managing to suspend the Israeli plan, Palestinians are protesting against the UAE because of its decision to normalize its relations with Israel. Palestinians have been burning UAE flags and photos of Bin Zayed and denouncing him as a “traitor,” as well as accusing him of “stabbing the Palestinians and Arabs in the back” and “betraying Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause.”

The UAE Deal Shows Middle East Peace Doesn’t Depend on the ‘Palestinians’ The ‘Palestinian’ scam is dying. Daniel Greenfield


The big lie that peace in the region could only come from a ‘Palestinian’ state was a scam that diplomats, leaders, and experts bought into and on which they built our relationship with Israel.

The agreement between the UAE and Israel showed that the experts were once again wrong.

We were told for generations that the region was one more negotiating session between whichever Islamic terrorist leader was running things in Ramallah and whichever Israeli prime minister had cobbled together a democratic coalition in Jerusalem away from peace.

The big lie died with a single Trump tweet announcing the deal between Israel and the UAE.

The generals, the diplomats, the pundits, and the professors, some of whom had really been working for Islamic oil states all along, had sold America and the world a big lie.

The big lie depended on a myth that was part antisemitic and part philosemitic, by turns orientalist and anti-imperialist, that everything in the region revolved around Israel. All it took to puncture that myth was the Iraq War, and the rise of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS.

 What Missiles Can Tell About The Arab/”Palestinian”-Israeli Conflict…  by Gerald A. Honigman


Let’s start with opening the following link and taking a good look at the name on the missiles in the picture: https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/hamas-launches-missiles-towards-the-sea-in-warning-to-israel-638088. Please note that those fired recently were most likely advanced versions of these older Qassams.  

In the article, Hamas complains about being blockaded–but never mentions (of course) why that’s so.  

Ships from Iran have repeatedly been intercepted carrying advanced missiles, mortars, and other weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad to attack Israel and kill Jews from Gaza with. This does not include the hundreds of thousands of more advanced weapons that Iran has supplied to Hizbullah in Lebanon with, just across Israel’s northern border. 

That’s not exactly what Israel had in mind when it unilaterally uprooted thousands of Jews–who also have history in Gaza–in 2005 for the sake of peace…land that has been used since the days of the Pharaohs to attack Israel from. 

Ever since Israel withdrew from Gaza in August 2005, adjacent towns in Israel proper have come under repeated attack. Qassam/Kassam rockets have been frequently fired into communities such as Sderot and Ashkelon, deliberately aimed at terrorizing civilians. Highly destructive incendiary kites and balloons—also aiming to kill Jews, slaughter domestic animals and wildlife, property, and burn land–have been added to that mix. 

While Israel tries its best to carefully target those responsible for such attacks, the Arab targets of choice are usually the most innocent.  

Israel-UAE Deal is a Win-Win for Peace by Alan M. Dershowitz


The United Arab Emirates will derive many benefits from closer relationships with the Middle East’s most stable and advanced county. These include economic and technological partnerships, military and intelligence sharing, mutual tourism and better relationships with the US and much of the rest of the world.

The deal also demonstrates how quickly changes occur in this volatile part of the globe. It was only a few decades ago when Israel’s strongest allies were Iran and Turkey, and its most intractable enemies were Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf states. Now the reverse is true. The only constant constructive element in the region is a democratic Israel, with its close ties to the United States.

The other constant — but a destructive one— has been the Palestinian leadership. They constantly say no to everything that involves normalization with Israel. This stance goes back to the 1930s when they rejected the Peel Commission recommendation that would have given them a state in the vast majority of the British Mandate. But because it would also have given the Jews a tiny, non-contiguous state, the Palestinians said no. They wanted there not to be a Jewish state more than they wanted there to be a Palestinian state. This naysaying… continues today with their refusal even to negotiate over the Trump peace plan.

The agreement by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalize relations with Israel bodes well for the future of Israel and the dangerous region in which it lives. It was not the first such agreement — there were peace treaties with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) — but it will probably not be the last. It is likely, though not certain, that other Gulf nations may follow. Even the president of Lebanon, Michel Aoun, has “hinted at the possibility of peace talks with Israel.” In any event, he has not precluded eventually joining other Arab countries in normalizing relations with Israel.

Although the Palestinian leadership opposed the deal — it always opposes everything — it too may benefit from it. The UAE will press for a two-state solution and its voice will be more influential both in the United States and in Israel. A two-state solution that assures Israel’s security would require a demilitarized Palestine with an Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley and territorial swaps that keep the current settlement blocks as part of Israel. This would allow for a contiguous, viable Palestinian state that could thrive if it maintained peace with Israel. The Palestinians could secure such a state if they agree to negotiate with Israel over the current Trump plan that is now on the table.



Nothing can top the announcement of the forthcoming establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. And it is possible that there could be similar news from other Arab countries in the near future.

In comparison, some “merely” exceptional Israeli news items include the installation of an Israeli aircraft safety system at Qatar’s Hamad International Airport;  an Israeli hospital performing Phase 3 testing of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine; 3 new Israeli irrigation projects in India; Israeli electric vehicle charging systems for Europe and another major boost for Israel’s prospects in the Tour de France. Michael Ordman

Covid-19 passive vaccine cures 3 Israelis. Three of the first critical Covid-19 patients treated with the new IgG plasma-derived “passive vaccine” product developed by Israel’s Kamada and Hadassah Medical Center (reported here previously), have made a rapid recovery and have now been discharged from Hadassah hospital.
Pluristem’s Covid-19 Phase 2 Germany trial. Israel’s Pluristem Therapeutics (reported here previously) has been approved by German’s health regulatory authority to conduct a Phase 2 clinical trial of its PLX PAD stem cells on 40 serious Covid-19 patients. Pluristem is already conducting a 140-patient Phase 2 trial in the US.
Previous TB vaccinations help young Covid-19 patients. Researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion and Hebrew Universities have found that vaccinations given against Tuberculosis (BCGs) in the last 15 years reduced death rates and infection rates in COVID-19 patients under 24 years of age. Data from 55 countries was analyzed.
Hadassah tests Russia’s Covid-19 vaccine. Professor Zeev Rotstein, CEO of Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center, has revealed that its clinic in Skolkovo, Moscow is involved in clinical safety trials of the new Russian Covid-19 vaccine. Phase 3 trials are still ongoing, even while Russia’s President Putin inoculated his family.
The Israeli at Moderna’s vaccine project. This 30-minute video features Israel’s Dr. Tal Zaks – chief medical officer of Moderna, a front-runner in the race for a COVID-19 vaccine. He summarizes the progress of the latest trial, and how his education at BGU’s Joyce and Irving Goldman Medical School shaped his career.
Approval to test treatment for advanced cancer. Israel’s KAHR Medical has received US FDA approval to begin Phase 1 & 2 clinical (human) trials of its DSP107 treatment of advanced solid tumors (reported here previously). The trials will assess DSP107 both by itself and in combination with Roche’s atezolizumab.
https://www.jpost.com/health-science/fda-gives-jerusalem-based-company-go-ahead-to-start-cancer-drug-trials-638355   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2NLNV3CB2U  https://kahr-medical.com/technology/pipeline/
Stress relief pre surgery reduces metastatic risk. Tel Aviv University researchers reduced secondary cancer following colorectal tumor removal. Deralin and Etopan were given before and after surgery. 3 years later the cancer had spread significantly less than in a control group. Now pancreatic cancer patients will be tested.
https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-08/afot-tau080720.php (latest trial)
https://english.m.tau.ac.il/news/cancer-stress (2017 trial on breast cancer patients)
Moses 2.0 launched. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel-headquartered Lumenis (reported here previously) has launched a superior version 2.0 of its Moses platform for minimal and non-invasive laser removal of urinary (bladder) stones and other stones.  https://lumenis.com/medical/holmium-products/lumenis-moses-pulse-120h/
Home ultrasound for pregnant Israelis. Israeli healthcare provider Clalit, with 4.6 million Israeli members, has authorized the use of the PulseNmore home ultrasound device (see here) for expectant mothers. It will reduce numbers of unnecessary hospital visits (average two per pregnancy) during the Covid-19 pandemic.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/clalit-to-offer-pregnant-members-startup-pulsenmores-at-home-ultrasound-kit/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLskCQS79P4
From drip irrigation to diagnosing diseases. Kibbutz Hatzerim is famous for founding drip-irrigation innovator Netafim. It has now co-founded Picodya – developer of the B-Matrix in vitro diagnostics (IVD) platform. B-Matrix gives 15-30min test results for cancer, cardiac dysfunction and viruses (including Covid).
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3844490,00.html   https://picodya.com/
Signs of the times. The vital signs monitoring tool from Israel’s Binah.ai (reported here previously) is to be used by 4 Japanese companies. NTT Data – Health Data Bank; Alm’s MySOS – emergencies & new Covid-19 cases; Macnica Networks – monitoring Covid-19 re-infections; SOMPO – insurance policyholder checkups.
Canon partners Zebra. Israel’s Zebra Medical Vision (reported here previously) has partnered with American radiology system distributor, Canon Medical Systems USA (part of the Canon empire). Zebra’s disease analysis platform will be made available to many more locations across the United States.