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Palestinian Education Mirrors Policy and Vision Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

https://bit.ly/3lkaKHy, https://bit.ly/30HZ8Gw   

The 2020 Palestinian Authority’s Arabic Language, Vol 2, Grade 5, pp 51-61 and Social Studies, Vol. 1, Grade 9, p. 40 herald Dalal al-Mughrabi, who led – and participated in – the March 1978 massacre of 38 Israeli civilians (mostly passengers of two Haifa-Tel Aviv buses), including 13 children and wounding 72. The 5th and 9th graders are encouraged to become “martyrs” and follow in the footsteps of “the crown of the nation” and “the role model of Palestinian resistance… whose struggle portrays challenge and heroism, making her memory immortal in our hearts and minds.”

Education mirrors leadership and society

Education is the most authentic reflection of the identity, core values, culture, track record, worldview and vision of the architects of the education system and (subsequently) the society at-large. 

Education plays a major role in shaping the personality of individuals and society at-large, especially in non-democratic societies, such as the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian education system has been overseen by Mahmoud Abbas since 1993, when he established it in his capacity as Arafat’s deputy. The Palestinian education system is a byproduct of the 1959 and 1964/1968 Fatah and PLO Charters and the 1974 Palestinian Phased Plan, which stipulate the Palestinian vision.  

Education in non-democratic societies mirrors the worldview of its leaders much more credibly than diplomatic statements, briefings and media interviews. The latter constitute “screen savers,” aiming to conceal the real vision, which is lucidly expressed by the educational curriculum.

While free societies promote education in order to enhance enlightenment, expand information and upgrade the standard of living, rogue regimes employ education as a means to advance their brutal goals and brainwash the younger generation into full-submission, including the perpetration of terrorism.

While free societies foster education as a hothouse of tolerance, peaceful-coexistence and innovative ideas and technologies, rogue regimes exploit education as a hothouse of fanaticism and violent intolerance, as well as terrorism and suicide-bombing.

The 2020-2021 Palestinian school curriculum highlights

Is It Possible to Curb the Extreme Bias of the BBC? By Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld


For decades, there has been a steady stream of complaints about the BBC’s anti-Israel bias. Yet other than criticize the BBC publicly, there was little anyone could do. That may have changed. In June 2020, Tim Davie became the BBC’s new director general. He wants to make the BBC’s reporting impartial. This would be a good occasion for the publication of the secret 2004 Malcolm Balen report about BBC reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Former Israeli ambassador to the UK Zvi Shtauber told me in an interview in 2005:

The BBC is a problem in itself. Over the years I had endless conversations with them. Any viewer who looks at the BBC’s information on Israel for a consistent period gets a distorted picture. It doesn’t result from a single broadcast here or there. It derives from the BBC’s method of broadcasting. When reporting from Israel, the mosque on the Temple Mount is usually shown in the background, which gives viewers the impression that Jerusalem is predominantly Muslim.

Shtauber summed up his remarks by saying it was almost a daily task for him to react to BBC distortions about Israel.

There has been a steady stream of complaints for decades about the BBC’s anti-Israel bias—more than enough to fill a book. Camera UK maintains a special monitoring site solely to focus on the BBC’s anti-Israel bias.

Here are a few recent examples. Senior BBC producer Rosie Garthwaite is working on a new documentary critical of Israeli actions in East Jerusalem. She has admitted to sharing inaccurate pro-Palestinian propaganda on social media. She deleted a false map from her personal Twitter account that greatly overstated alleged Palestinian land loss to Israel, and she has been accused of sharing other false or controversial claims about Israel on social media. Garthwaite has wrongly suggested that Gaza has only one border, and that that sole border is controlled by Israel. This is just a sampling of her anti-Israel propaganda.

Ruthie Blum The ‘chemistry’ of anti-Israel propaganda This is not the first time that Ariel University has been targeted by left-wing academics who toe the Palestinian line.


 When the prominent Switzerland-based chemistry journal Molecules recently announced that its special January 2021 issue would feature a paper from a researcher at Ariel University in Samaria, a group of scientists immediately protested.

Their response had nothing to do with the content of Mindy Levine’s study, however. No, the academics—led by 2018 Nobel Chemistry Prize laureate George Smith and Royal Society of Chemistry fellow Malcolm Levitt—did not concern themselves with their colleague’s work.

All that mattered to them was the mailing address of the institution of higher learning, where Levine heads a lab that engages in toxicant detection, environmental remediation and supramolecular organic chemistry.

In their letter to the editors of Molecules, the group—made up of academics who support Palestinian academics’ non-recognition of Ariel University—demanded that Levine’s article be nixed unless the location of her academic affiliation is “correctly and factually” edited.

But Levine, a new immigrant to Israel from the United States with a background from the University of Rhode Island, Columbia and MIT, had listed the school’s address as “Ariel University, 65 Ramat HaGolan Street, Ariel, Israel.”

The “chemical reaction” on the part of Smith, Levitt and their followers was rage born of believing that their scientific credentials award them automatic knowledge in fields far beyond their purview. They insisted, thus, that the address be changed to read: “Ariel University, illegal Israeli settlement of Ariel, Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

Netanyahu Warns the Mullahs “To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.” Joseph Puder


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the annual forum of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. In his speech from Jerusalem (due to Covid-19, worldwide leaders delivered their speeches via videos, not in person in New York City), he devoted the lion’s share of the time to the threat Iran poses to the international community and especially in the Middle East. He said that, “Iran is the greatest enemy of peace.” He also pointed out on a large map, the location in Beirut where Iran and Hezbollah placed their missile depot in the middle of a civilian neighborhood, next to gas works. Thus, using Lebanese civilians as “human shields.” He warned the Lebanese civilians of another impending tragedy as a result of Hezbollah’s actions, and urged them to demand that the Hezbollah remove the missiles from civilian homes and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon. Netanyahu added, “To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.”

Reflecting on the recently concluded peace treaties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, Netanyahu said that, “Israel and the states across the Arab world not only stand together in advancing peace, we stand together in confronting the greatest enemy of peace in the Middle East – Iran. Iran wantonly and repeatedly attacks its neighbors, and its terror proxies are directly involved in violence throughout the Middle East, including in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza, and of course Lebanon.”

Netanyahu reminded the leaders of the UNGA member states that in 2015, he stood alone among world leaders opposing the nuclear deal with Iran, arguing that the nuclear deal doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it actually paved its way to it. He stressed that the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program were only temporary and were not tied to Iran’s change of behavior. He then proclaimed that, “Iran has violated even those temporary restrictions.” Netanyahu warned that Iran will have enough enriched uranium in a few months for two nuclear bombs. He proceeded to call on all the members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), to stand with the U.S. against Iran’s aggression.  




Five patients saved by new Covid-19 treatment. Israel’s Enlivex Therapeutics reported positive results in its clinical Covid-19 trial of its Allocetra treatment (reported here previously) Five seriously ill patients made complete recoveries, an average 8.5 days after receiving the treatment.at Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital.
Israel’s largest Covid-19 treatment center. Haifa’s Rambam hospital has opened its fortified underground emergency hospital to accommodate the rise in Covid-19 patients in Northern Israel.  Its 770 beds include 170 for patients on ventilators – sufficient for almost the total of Covid-19 patients currently hospitalized in Israel.
Monitoring pain in Covid-19 patients. (TY Rachel F) Israel’s Medasense (see here) assesses levels of pain in non-communicative patients using its PMD200 pain monitoring device. The technology is now being advanced on ventilated COVID-19 patients. Medtronic is distributing the tech in Europe and FDA approval is in progress.
Israel & UAE join in fighting Covid. (TY Sharon) Medical professionals from Israel and the UAE attended the JLM-BioCity sponsored IGTCloud Online Conference, “How Big Data & AI Can Fight the COVID-19 Crisis”.  UAE and Israeli medical experts then presented sessions in a webinar on the UAE Healthcare sector.
First joint Israeli-UAE tech product. Israel’s SURE Universal and UAE’s Hamad Bin Khalifa (HBK) have launched HBKiCare – the first joint UAE-Israeli tech product. The homecare kit monitors temperature, ECG, pulse, blood oxygen, blood pressure and detect falls. It is marketed for the UAE and Middle East markets.
https://www.sureuniversal.com/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51B-1fsAC4w
Understanding immune peptides. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have uncovered the atomic structure of Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the immune system. It could lead to the design of similar artificial materials for technological and medical applications such as treating infections and even killing cancer cells.   
A healthier future.  The student projects exhibited at Israel’s Technion Faculty of Biomedical Engineering included systems for predicting epileptic seizures, mood tracking in cancer patients, and prevention of sudden death in athletes. First prize went to Lidan Fridman for her new technology to diagnose hearing loss accurately.
AI surgical platform for Tel Aviv hospital. Tel Aviv’s Ichilov (Sourasky) medical center is implementing the advanced AI surgical intelligence platform from US-Israel’s Theator (reported here previously). It extracts and annotates every key moment from a procedure to allow surgeons to review their work from every angle.
Treat sleep apnea and stop snoring.  Israel’s KeepMed is currently conducting clinical trials of its KeePAP device to help patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) open their airways and reduce snoring. The soft, lightweight, hose-less wearable is designed for comfort and to restore good-quality sleep.
https://keepap.com/   https://xenia.co.il/portfolio/ninox/
Predicting an epileptic seizure. Ben Gurion University’s Dr Oren Shriki has founded the Israeli startup NeuroHelp to develop the Epiness – a wearable device that combines EEG-based monitoring of brain activity plus machine-learning algorithms to generate a one-hour warning of an upcoming seizure.
Odor linked to repeat miscarriages. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have discovered that women who suffer repeated pregnancy loss (uRPL) process messages concerning male body odor in a different way than other women. Brain scans reveal they have smaller olfactory bulbs – the initial brain-relay for smell.
Preventing premature births. (TY Hazel) Some 1 million preterm babies die each year and many more suffer severe disabilities. Israeli startup PregnanTech has developed a silicone ring which can help prevent preterm births. A clinical trial for pregnant women at risk is planned at King’s College Hospital London.
Medics save mother and baby. 36-year-old Liron was 39-weeks pregnant with her first child when she collapsed unconscious. Within seconds, three paramedics from Israel’s United Hatzalah arrived. With CPR and a defibrillator, they restored Liron’s heartbeat. Liron, husband Yaron and baby Lior are now a happy family.

Myth, Fact, and the al-Dura Affair Nidra Poller


This past June, Wafa Samir al-Bis, an aspiring twenty-one-year-old shahida, or “martyr,” was apprehended by Israeli guards at the Erez checkpoint in Gaza and found to be carrying 20 pounds of explosives in her underwear. The young woman intended to make a last trip to the Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, where she had been receiving medical treatment for severe burns incurred in a domestic accident. Her goal this time was to blow herself up and kill as many young people as possible. Asked why she was aiming specifically at children, she replied that she wanted to retaliate for the death of Muhammad al-Dura.

Wafa Samir al-Bis is but one in a long line of shahids and would-be shahids inspired by the image of a twelve-year-old Palestinian boy whose death scene was broadcast worldwide at the very onset of the so-called al-Aqsa intifada that broke out in September 2000. Televised images of the boy, reportedly killed by Israeli soldiers, instantly ignited anti-Israel and anti-Jewish passions all over the world, provoking a wave of violence from the lynching of two Israeli reservists in Ramallah to synagogue burnings in France. In the ensuing years, the story of Muhammad al-Dura has attained near-mythic stature in the Arab and Muslim world. In the West, though its essence is largely forgotten, it has fired the political imagination of many who accept it as emblematic proof of Israeli culpability for the outbreak of the armed conflict and even for Palestinian “martyrdom operations” against Israel’s civilian population.

The killing of Muhammad al-Dura is not the only long-lived accusation against Israel in the last five years. Another tale of atrocity, perhaps even better known, is the Jenin “massacre.” In the spring of 2002, the Israeli army moved into that West Bank city to wipe out a nest of terrorists responsible for a particularly intense sequence of murder and mayhem. Immediately, Palestinian sources claimed a figure of 5,000 dead (later reduced to a more modest 500) and an entire “refugee camp” bulldozed to rubble. By the time the truth emerged—Palestinians themselves finally confirmed a total of 56 dead, most of them in armed combat, and aerial views demonstrated the pinpoint nature of the Israeli operation—the damage had been done. Still today the Jenin “massacre” endures, out of reach of rational refutation.

But at least there is reliable information on what really happened in Jenin. That is not the case with the death scene of Muhammad al-Dura.

UN Human Rights Council Ignores Real Abuses to Attack Israel Arsen Ostrovsky


This week, while world leaders and heads of state spoke by video at an unprecedented annual United Nations General Assembly meeting, their ambassadors met at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

However, instead of focusing on China’s ethnic cleansing of Uighur Muslims, Iran’s merciless execution of wrester Navid Afkari or Russia’s poisoning of pro-democracy opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the council will once again focus its attention on the democratic state of Israel with a series of predictable condemnations.

In 2018, when the United States announced its withdrawal from the UNHRC, citing the council’s “unconscionable” and “chronic” bias against Israel, Ambassador Nikki Haley noted it had become “a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias.”

She was entirely right.

Just last year, the Council elected Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuela, one of the world’s most repressive and human rights abusing regimes, as a member. This is not a joke. This is inexcusable and unconscionable. It is also on par for the UN’s top human rights body, which according to reports, is now set to elect China, Cuba, Russia and Saudi Arabia this October.

The Human Rights Council was formed in 2006 to tackle human rights abuses in light of the failures of its discredited predecessor, the UN Human Rights Commission.

The commission was widely criticized for its one-sided obsession with Israel and the make-up of its membership, which included some of the most atrocious regimes in the world. At one point in 2003, Libya—then still ruled by Muammar Gaddafi—even chaired the commission.

Hopes were high that the council would herald the dawn of a new era, when the persecuted would finally have a voice and their persecutors would finally be held to account for their crimes.

Translating the Trump-Biden travesty into Hebrew Ruthie Blum


Israelis were both bemused and comforted by the display of raised voices and ill manners at Tuesday night’s debate.

Israelis geared up for the US presidential debate on Tuesday night almost much as Americans, but the seven-hour time difference forced those of the former to stay up – or wake up – at 4 a.m. to watch it live. Others waited until later in the morning to view the full 90-minute broadcast on YouTube or enjoy snippets of the spectacle on social media.

“And what a spectacle it was; on this there seems to be universal consensus. Pundits across the political spectrum, while in dispute about who the “winner” was, agree that the behavior exhibited at the event – cohosted by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic both in Ohio – was unbecoming. And that’s putting it mildly.

It was immediately obvious during the debate which sound bites would be highlighted in newspapers and on Twitter. In this respect, the rhetorical battle between the Republican incumbent and Democratic contender Joe Biden was like a lush tree with an abundance of low-hanging fruit.

Indeed, the proverbial clicking of keyboards could be heard around the globe when Biden said to Trump, “shut up, man,” and after Trump responded to moderator Chris Wallace’s question about whether he would condemn white supremacy with the curious retort: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” That Wallace, a seasoned Fox News anchor and show host, ended up sounding like a cranky teacher in a rowdy classroom contributed to the cringe factor. His irritation – particularly with Trump – was as painful to witness as the Cheshire Cat-like grin that Biden flashed whenever challenged.


You can see this for yourself by looking at the below links featuring Herut’s work in Israel, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and the United States:

— NEWS —

Herut in the fight against Leila Kahlid at San Francisco State University (SFSU)


This was Herut’s 2nd rally in California in September, here’s a news article about the first rally: https://jewishjournal.com/los_angeles/321396/end-jew-hatred-at-usc-protest-held-at-the-grove/ 

Herut Mexico is now on Twitter. This is our 2nd branch in Latin America joining Herut Argentina 




Karma Feinstein Cohen’s recent op-ed received attention from Professor Vershawn Ashanti Young in his op-ed published on multiple major international websites including The National Interest and Yahoo Canada:




Herut letter in The Washington Times



Karma Feinstein-Cohen’s op-ed about Seth Rogen was featured on the Canadian news website TheJ.ca


Herut op-ed on Arab Dictators featured in print and online by The Jewish Press 

Questions for American Jewish leaders about the Israel-UAE deal op-ed from Herut’s Joshua Goldstien


Herut’s “Zionist History Book Of The Month” feature was published in the Rosh Hashanah issue of this leading Australian Jewish newspaper The Sydney Jewish Report
See page 20 here: https://issuu.com/thejewishreport/docs/btbjewish0920p-hires

Herut op-ed by chair Joshua Goldstein “Shofar sounds and Jewish unity” published in Florida

The new website Israel365News featured a Herut op-ed by Moshe Phillips


The Israel News website in Israel included a Herut op-ed by Moshe Phillips in German

Herut op-ed on the Jewish Press website about the Israel-UAE/Bahrain agreement & Palestinian Arab extremists.


The Washtenaw Jewish News in Ann Arbor, MI published Herut’s tribute to the late Dr. Edward Alexander Z”L last week

https://washtenawjewishnews.org/PDFs/WJN-10-20-web.pdf see page 25

Herut op-ed on the World Israel News website about Arab Dictators

A Herut op-ed was included by The Foundation for Defense of Democracies / FDD on their Overnight Brief

Angela Van Der Pluym from Chicago is a part of the Young Leaders Cabinet of Herut North America and she has had four op-ed columns published in recent weeks:




Opinion: Why is Israel forcing frontline medical staff to stay home? September 30, 2020 Instead of battling back corona, they’re pushing strollers around the neighborhood. By David Isaac

http://World Israel News: News From Israel worldisraelnews.com

Every day Israeli citizens are treated to worrying stories about the country’s health system straining under the weight of the pandemic. There aren’t enough doctors, nurses, beds – you name it – to go around.

These cries of woe have been met with sympathy thus far by the Israeli public. That sympathy will turn to irritation if more discover that desperately needed medical staff are stuck at home because they can’t find adequate child care for their kids.

Instead of battling back corona, they’re pushing strollers around the neighborhood and playing Hebrew Monopoly with the twins. As the coronavirus rages, Israel’s frontline fighters are playing nanny.

It shouldn’t be that hard to open a nursery at a hospital. In the States, they have nurseries at movie theaters. But instead of finding a solution to this problem, the government is begging doctors past their prime to come out of retirement and pulling paramedics into corona wards.

The problem wasn’t as serious during the first wave. Local solutions still existed. But Israel’s child care centers have shuttered as the pandemic caught up with them, like with so many businesses.