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Tel Aviv’s mayor should be drowning in tears Ruthie Blum


An unfathomable tragedy struck a young couple, and what followed were statements of self-defense and partisan squabbling, instead of proper sorrow for two families.

The response of Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai to the unfathomable death of a young couple in his city over the weekend is nothing short of a disgrace. When details emerged of the way in which 25-year-old childhood sweethearts Din Shoshani and Stav Harari lost their lives on Saturday, Israelis across the nation were shocked, horrified and in tears. All except for Huldai, that is, who was too busy defending himself to express any remorse.

The unfathomable tragedy struck when Shoshani and Harari left their apartment in Shchunat Hatikva—a poor neighborhood in the southern part of the city that has become increasingly attractive to students and struggling artists—and took the elevator to the underground garage, where their car was parked. They had moved into the brand-new building only a couple of months earlier, renting the “penthouse” on the top floor.

Water Leakage, Water Loss, Ends With Curapipe By Nurit Greenger


The state of Israel has become a world center for inventions and technology, cyber, science, and startup companies.

Ben Shenkar

Ben Shenkar, Curapipe CEO, is  deeply involved in our world’s ecosystem. Subsequently, he is involved in the developmental innovations, related to his advocacy in this field. In a Skype interview, I spent a longer than usual time with Ben and have learned  how large and worldwide is the loss of water problem.

Ben, an MBA economist, joined Curapipe four years ago. The company is based in Israel, founded by a group of PhDs in physics and chemistry in 2007. Ben’s textile industrialist family background is impressive, among which is worth mentioning the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, in Ramat Gan, Israel.

The family formerly operated a multi-million dollar value ‘made in Israel‘ textile items industry which sold its goods to major US brands. When the economy in Israel changed, 12 years ago, the family sold its factories and Ben, with manufacturing and large scale operations background, moved to other, more fitting businesses, such as renewable and solar energy, social media marketing and investment opportunities.

With that change in business direction, Ben came across Curapipe which he first joined as an investor. But with his business drive, he wanted to have more impact on the company’s direction, to contribute, in many aspects, to the way the startup Curapipe was heading.

Two years ago, a large South African mining company decided to divest from coal and venture into other business, investing a sizeable sum in Curapipe. That gave the company the impetus to be able to move forward with significant business steps.

What is Curapipe

What if water loss could be reduced by at least 75% and in the process save energy?

Immune from slogans The Left’s insistence on focusing on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s indictments only proves that it has little to offer voters on its own merits.


The prime minister deliberated quite a bit on the matter of immunity. Unlike previous chapters in the saga of his investigations, where he knew how to prepare the groundwork, the current development caught him almost entirely unprepared. He had a short deadline and his political rivals are waiting around the corner. While he was able to shrug off the police’s recommendation to indict him with a quick press conference in which he mocked the cops (“So there will be recommendations, so what?”) this time, the game is different.

It’s not only a legal matter, but also – even mainly – a political one. The fact that he failed to win two elections and was twice unable to put together a governing coalition has cracked his self-confidence. Benjamin Netanyahu is facing an election, and it looks like for the first time, he doesn’t know what approach to take. How can he overcome the polls and the previous two election results and bring the right-wing bloc the 61 seats it needs? The decision to request immunity from prosecution was another Hail Mary pass in the shaky morass of uncertainty in which he is sinking.


Now we’re really pumping. Israel is commencing production from Leviathan’s 22 trillion cubic feet of natural gas field, formally turning the Jewish state into an energy powerhouse. The milestone for the country will pave its way to “energy independence” and, via exports, to stronger ties with its neighbors.
Another multi-million fund for Israeli startups. Israel’s Aleph Venture Capital has raised a $200 million fund, for investing in Israeli startups. It previously raised a $180 million fund in 2016 and $150 million in 2013. It aims to support ambitious Israeli entrepreneurs who want to build global brands from Israel.
Third intake for TAU and Shin Bet accelerator. Tel Aviv University and Israel’s Shin Bet Security Agency have announced the 3rd cohort (intake) of its accelerator program Xcelerator. Its six new startups work in fields including speech recognition, real-time video analysis, and cybersecurity.
New IAI accelerator. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has opened an innovation center in Tel Aviv, in partnership with US-based accelerator Starburst Ventures. The Israeli teams chosen for the first class of the accelerator develop radar, robotics, and autonomous driving technologies.
Via to open second Israeli R&D center. Israeli-founded ride-sharing company Via (reported here previously) already has one Research & Development center in Tel Aviv, with 250 employees.  It has just announced it will be opening a second R&D center in Jerusalem, employing another 50 staff.

Celebrating a decade of life-changing Israeli inventions From Waze to cancer-busting nano-ghost cells and 3-D printed hearts, The Times of Israel takes a dive into tech that helps us get where we’re going and keeps us safe and healthy By Shoshana Solomon


As we enter 2020, The Times of Israel has taken a look at some of the coolest Israeli technologies and inventions of the past 10 years — those that are already hugely impacting the way we live and those that have the potential of changing our lives and health.

The list is of course purely subjective, and there are so many other Israeli technologies and startups out there that are making a difference to our world.

Driving with your personal navigator: Waze

This GPS navigation software works on smartphones or car screens, providing turn-by-turn information to drivers about how best to get to their destination, including estimated length of travel and time of arrival.

The software has revolutionized how people drive: like old-school GPS systems, it does away with printed maps and recalculates if you make a mistake, but this unflappable piece of software also smoothly updates its instructions based on real-time conditions and bases its advice partly on user input relating to traffic jams and other road pitfalls.

Palestinian ‘Moderates’ Celebrate Terror by Bassam Tawil


It is worth noting that the published statements made in the past few days by the Fatah group in the Gaza Strip are almost entirely consistent with the Hamas ideology [of replacing Israel with an Islamic state through violent jihad (holy war)].

“We will continue the struggle until the liberation of the entire Palestine lands from the filth of the Zionist occupation.” – Fatah, Kataeb Shuhada Al-Aqsa – Liwa’ Al-Shaheed Nidal Al-Amoudi, November 13, 2019.

Those who continue to refer to Fatah as a “moderate” Palestinian faction need to take into account that it speaks in different voices in Arabic and English and sends conflicting messages as to its true intentions.

Either… Fatah members in the Gaza Strip are convinced that the talk about a two-state solution is purely a ploy to gain international funding and sympathy, or because they want to ensure that Abbas continues to provide them with financial aid….

One thing remains clear… Abbas and the Fatah leaders who are talking about a two-state solution are at the same time endorsing the strategy of their military wing to destroy Israel.

The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction, headed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, is celebrating the 55th anniversary of its first terrorist attack against Israel by reminding everyone that it remains committed to the “armed struggle as the only way to liberate Palestine.”

Thousands of Fatah supporters took to the streets in the Gaza Strip on December 29, 2019 to celebrate the anniversary. The celebration was organized by the armed wing of Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – Nidal Al-Amoudi Battalion, a rogue Fatah splinter group. Hundreds of masked Fatah gunmen dressed in military uniforms marched through the streets of Gaza City. Some carried rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons.

Immunity and the Bibi boom The gall would be startling if it didn’t illustrate so perfectly the atmosphere in which prime minister has been forced to function while handling affairs of state. Ruthie Blum


Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu’s announcement on Wednesday night that he was submitting a request to the Knesset to grant him immunity from prosecution came as no surprise. During the week leading up to the deadline for his final decision on the matter both the rumor mill and reliable sources reported that he was on the verge of doing so.

Nevertheless, the 10-minute televised speech he delivered from a podium at the Orient Hotel in Jerusalem was riveting. Not only was it better in tone and craftsmanship than many other of his recent statements, but it served as a reminder to anyone distracted by his indictments that his long-standing tenure is due to a lot more than his gift of the gab or clever manipulation of the political system.

He began by highlighting the latest, and in some ways most impressive, cause for a countrywide celebration: the launch of operations at the Leviathan natural-gas reservoir, discovered in 2010 in Israel’s territorial waters.

Addressing the “citizens of Israel,” Netanyahu said, “Today marks… the best decade in Israeli history.”

The Myth of “Palestine” By Fred Miller ****


The idealized “Progressive” narrative for the Israel/”Palestine” impasse is that these are two legitimate, equally worthy peoples, each yearning for a homeland of their own. What compassionate observer of this conflict could object to a two-state solution? Two nice neighbors, side by side, like Ozzie & Harriet next door to Ricky & Lucy.

The problem is that one of these parties has actually created a nation, a free society boasting wondrous achievement,  civilized living  for its ethnically diverse citizenry (including Muslims), not to mention providing a wildly disproportionate contribution to the good life on this planet. No nation, save the United States, has earned its beneficial, rightful place of honor in this world more dramatically than Israel.

The other proposed neighbor is a loose confederation of angry Arabs constantly goaded, exploited and tyrannized by their own Mafia overlords on the permanent take. This deliberately rootless Arabic entity, planted within the confines of the Israeli nation and capital, exists only to annihilate and conquer its host and continues to state as such. Not the stuff of peaceful coexistence.

Somewhere along the way, some canny Mafiosi came up with the notion of organizing these nationless squatters into a perpetually angry mob of the dispossessed, coining a name with Biblical authority, “Palestinians,” thereby kicking off the Middle East’s version of  a Democratic Party Inner City money funnel. Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/Maxine Waters/Black Congressional Caucus, meet your Muslim counterparts Yasser Arafat’s PLO and their PA/Hamas/Hezbollah successors. Bigtime shakedown artists all, separated at birth, different only in place of business.

With all those billions & billions & billions in humanitarian aid and naïve expressions of sympathy pouring in to these perpetually perceived victims of “occupation,” what’s to be gained by giving up the profits of the Victim Scam and getting what they claim to want? Becoming law-abiding Israeli citizens? Setting up and running a nation that supports itself? Are you kidding?

Those sensible individuals among the local Arab population wishing to become Israeli citizens can no longer do so, having been thwarted by the “Palestine” hucksters with everything to lose by allowing their angry rabble to leave the “Palestinian” fold. The offer for citizenship has all but been rescinded by Israel in the face of continued acts of war from the PA leadership.

If the world’s Leftists insist “there is no answer” to this “historical dispute,” it is because they do not like the relatively clear-cut solution of letting the Israelis go their way and the Arabs going theirs. One look at the map above demonstrates that this is not about having a place to live. It’s about a group of criminals being called out for a major money-making, power-accruing operation. Being forever shilled as victims of those bullies America & Israel is simply too profitable for the terrorists running the “Palestine” boondoggle to give up.

In a World of Uncertainty, Standing Up For Oneself and Others, a Necessity By Nurit Greenger


In a world of uncertainties, it is necessary to stand up for oneself and others.

And that is what I learned when I participated in a few hours-long course at Caliber-3: to defend myself when the occasion arises and in the process have the ability to protect others.

On my recent visit to Israel, during November-December 2019, I accepted an invitation to visit Caliber-3, extended to me by Sharon Gat, Caliber-3 CEO/Founder when we met during Caliber-3 USA inauguration ceremony. I dedicated the day to learn, firsthand, what is Caliber 3’s work scope.

I traveled on the roads of the historical Shomron region’s hills, sensing the Bible era, and drove the lone road leading to the Caliber-3 facility, which made me feel as if I was entering a James Bond type movie setting.

I rang the walled facility’s bell to identify myself and be allowed in. Inside, the activities were going on strong and everywhere. I entered the world of its own institute.

Sharon Gat was not present, apparently away on a military reserve service mission while rockets were fired, once again, at Israel’s south from the terrorists’ enclave in Gaza. My host was the lovely Yael Gat, Sharon’s wife.

What is Caliber-3?

Established in 2007 by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Col. Sharon Gat (Res.), Caliber-3 has since become the largest and leading counter-terror & security training academy in Israel.

When all of the evidence is collected together, it is as if Amnesty has declared war on Israel Researcher David Collier sets out the findings from his new 200-page report on the NGO


I have just published a forensic 200-page report on Amnesty international, the world’s largest humanitarian NGO.

The overarching conclusion is that Amnesty International has an institutional hostility towards Israel that borders on obsession, with the NGO visibly attacking Israel more frequently and with far more energy, than it does any other nation.

When all of the evidence presented is collected together, it is as if Amnesty has declared war on Israel.

The research was some of the most detailed I have carried out and it was commissioned by Jewish Human Rights Watch. I followed over 50 Amnesty social media accounts and monitored the output of over 40 staff and volunteers who work or have worked for the NGO.

I poured through 100,000s of social media posts. The process took several months and involved rigorous checks to try to identify what Amnesty were doing and how much of their time was spent focusing on Israel.

I was shocked by the findings. I knew when I started that accusations of bias against Amnesty were not new.

NGO Monitor, an Israel-based NGO that analyses anti-Israel bias has frequently been critical of Amnesty. Even having read their detailed analysis, I was still unprepared for what I found.

The report provides examples from the absurd to the foul. One Amnesty human rights researcher publicly asked non-Jewish citizens of Israel not to vote in an election. How cruel a twist is this, in a world where voting rights are so frequently denied.

An Amnesty media manager for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region was found advising Palestinian terror groups like Hamas not to publicly identify their martyrs if they were lost in an action, but rather to have the west believe the fallen were innocent civilians.

An Amnesty consultant tweeted an image of two Islamic Jihad terrorists, with a love heart — and she wrote the word ‘heroes’ above the images. In the same week she tweeted that others in Gaza should be careful about what they say publicly — so as not to harm ‘the resistance’.