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Covid-19 antibody treatment is now available. Israel’s Kamada (reported here previously) has completed manufacturing the first batch of its plasma-derived Immunoglobulin G (IgG) product for Covid-19 patients. Initial vials of the antibody have been made available for compassionate use in Israel.
Human trials for possible Covid-19 cure. (TY Dick) In a world first, a trial of Ivermectin – an antiparasitic treatment – has been launched at Sheba Medical Center on Covid-19 patients. Ivermectin has been available since 1981 and in the laboratory was recently found to kill the coronavirus within 48 hours.
Remote detection of Covid-19 complications. Israel’s Clew Medical (reported here previously) has just received US FDA emergency use authorization to remotely identify patients who are likely to experience common coronavirus complications, including respiratory failure and hemodynamic instability.
Adapting virus test for Covid-19. (TY Hazel) Israel’s MeMed (reported here previously) identifies whether an infection is viral or bacterial. MeMed is now working with hospitals in Israel, the Netherlands and elsewhere to identify Covid-19 patients and the potential severity of the infection.
Israeli progress combating Covid-19. Good video summarizing some of Israel’s latest projects to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68uvUsUAxGI
More telemedical devices. Israel’s Beecardia connects patients, doctors and remote specialists. The startup of ex-Ukrainian immigrants has developed a portable cardiograph, a wireless ECG recorder, a digital stethoscope, a portable spirometer (measuring lung capacity), a pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor and glucometer.
https://beecardia.com/products  https://beecardia.com/about
Donating blood saves lives. New video featuring Magen David Adom’s blood donation service and how vital it is for use in surgical operations and medical research. Also, blood plasma helps patients with compromised immune systems. Finally, construction of the world’s first underground blood bank is proceeding well.
Self-healing electronic artificial skin. Muhammad Khatib, PhD student at Israel’s Technion. has developed a polymer that is strong, water resistant, conducts electricity and is super elastic. Furthermore, when it is cut and put into water it will repair itself! Future applications include robotic skin, prosthetics and wearable devices.
Focusing protons to kill cancer. (TY I24 & WIN) A new video from Israel’s P-Cure (reported here previously) that is using its focused proton radiation therapy device to destroy cancer tumors.

Are US international agreements carved in stone? (e.g., The “Deal of the Century”)


Do commitments made by a US president bind his successors? History proves that these commitments do not even bind the president who signed them.

Even when the US commitments are driven by the purest of intentions, one should recognize certain features – a derivative of the US Constitution and the power struggle between the Legislature and the Executive – which have characterized all US international agreements, pacts, memoranda of understandings and guarantees since 1776 (thoroughly researched by Hebrew University Prof. Michla Pomerance).  These inherent features are designed to subordinate the implementation (or non-implementation) of all US international commitments to the overriding US interests, as defined by the implementing president, not necessarily the president who signed the commitments.

Take for example, the feature of vagueness and non-specificity, as demonstrated by “the Deal of the Century.”  The Deal stipulates Israeli security control in the entire area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. But, who defines “control?”  Will it be President Trump and his team, or the more pro-Palestinian team of President Biden? Obviously, each team will have a different interpretation, reflecting their different worldviews and ideology, minimizing or maximizing the scope of “control,” which could render Israeli “control” highly-constrained and quite ineffective.

The Palestinians No One Tells You About by Khaled Abu Toameh


“The animals that live in European countries have a better life than us… [The] UNHCR lied a lot to us…. Even the [Israeli] enemy has not acted in this way.” — Palestinians in Iraq, Al-Youm newspaper, May 28, 2020.

Before the downfall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003, there were about 34,000 Palestinians living in Iraq. Only a few thousand Palestinians are now living there, and many face harassment, threats of deportation, media scapegoating, arbitrary detention, torture and murder.

The Arab states unremittingly subject Palestinians to apartheid and discriminatory measures. Yet the heads of the UN and its member states seem too busy with their obsession with Israel to attend to their pleas of these Palestinians, who are being deprived of basic rights in Iraq and throughout the Arab world.

Facing discrimination, poverty, and misery, Palestinians residing in Iraq have finally broken their silence in an attempt to draw the world’s attention to their predicament. The Palestinians are accusing the Iraqis and the United Nations of taking a series of measures that have further aggravated the conditions of hundreds of Palestinian families in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.

In a letter to the Iraqi newspaper Al-Youm, Palestinians complained that “the animals that live in European countries have a better life than us.”

These animals, the refugees said, “have someone to defend them, protect them and provide them with housing worthy of human beings. As for us, the Palestinians, there is no local or international official or organization that inspects our conditions.”

The Palestinians’ complaint was mainly directed against the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR), after its decision to halt financial aid to Palestinian families in Iraq.

“UNHCR lied a lot to us,” the Palestinians wrote. “We have become victims like sheep surrounded by wolves. Even the [Israeli] enemy has not acted in this way.”

The Palestinians pointed out UNCHR had informed a large number of Palestinian families in Iraq of its decision to cease disbursement of rental allowances starting March 2020.

If Black Lives Matter, then don’t Palestinian Lives? Nothing is sacred and all is fair game when it comes to the “woke” generation taking personal or political offense. By Ruthie Blum


Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters across the West are on a rampage against cultural and historical symbols that they deem racist. No book, film, play or monument is safe from their scrutiny and disdain.

Minnesota removed Mark Twain and Harper Lee novels from its schools’ curricula. HBO pulled Gone with the Wind from its movie line-up.

The Paramount Network canceled the new season of the popular reality show Cops before its June 15 premiere. Other studios and companies are rushing to follow suit with everything from sit-coms to old classics.

Statues of American founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have been defaced. Even the legacy of Britain’s lionized late prime minister Winston Churchill is under assault.

Indeed, nothing is sacred and all is fair game when it comes to the “woke” generation taking personal or political offense.

Given the unapologetic ignorance displayed by students everywhere these days, it is heartening to discover that the young people demonstrating from California to Melbourne are remotely familiar with the iconic figures they’ve been trashing since the horrific killing of George Floyd on May 25 by a Minneapolis police officer. While most are able to rattle off the names of every Kardashian, sports star and Instagram influencer, few appear to be versed in much of anything other than fashionable slogans and platitudes about the world in which they live.

To ‘Annex’ West Bank Land or Not to ‘Annex’: The Hour Draws Near By P. David Hornik


July 1, which is fast approaching, is the day on which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been saying Israel will start the process of applying sovereignty to the strategically vital Jordan Valley and the Israeli communities throughout the West Bank.

The issue remains fraught with controversy. The Trump administration, which seemed to green-light the move with its “Peace to Prosperity” plan, is still giving mixed signals and has a lot else on its plate. Rumors are flying about whether and what Netanyahu plans to “annex” (a convenient misnomer since the lands in question were not part of a recognized sovereign state before Israel regained them in the 1967 war).

The Trump plan is not, of course, just a plan for an Israeli application of sovereignty. It envisions Israel taking permanent control of about 30 percent of the West Bank (historically known as Judea and Samaria) while the other 70 percent would go to a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Not only are the Israeli right and left divided (predictably) on the merits of the plan, but there’s sharp disagreement even within the Israeli right.

For its more ideological wing, any talk of a Palestinian state is heresy. For its more pragmatic wing, a prospective demilitarized Palestinian entity (a “state minus” as Netanyahu calls it) would make sense because Israel cannot and should not annex over two million Palestinians to itself.

More significant, though, is the heated right-left dispute on the issue.

Jewish Studies Professors for Palestine Welcome to an odious, virtue-signaling screed. Richard L. Cravatts


Seeming to give credence to what wry Professor Edward Alexander referred to as the “explosive power of boredom” among some members of the professoriate, around 400 “professors of Jewish Studies in North and South America, Europe, and Israel” recently published and signed “A Letter on Annexation and Apartheid in Israel.”

The opening paragraph of this odious, virtue-signaling screed reveals that these so-called professors of Jewish Studies are either ignorant of history, law, and fact or are so biased against the Jewish state that they are unable to assess what is strategically and politically necessary for Israel to do to secure its rightful sovereignty.

When they say that they “write in opposition to the continuation of the occupation and the stated intention of the current elected government in Israel to annex parts of the West Bank, thereby formally (de jure) creating apartheid conditions in Israel and Palestine,” they use the very language of those waging a cognitive war against Israel. Only propagandists or people who are naive and ignorant of history and fact use the word Palestine to describe a factitious state that exists only in the minds of Israel’s enemies, and the fact that it is used here, along with references to an illegal occupation and a state of apartheid rule that Israel will supposedly impose after the annexation, indicates that these professors are on the wrong side of the ideological fence when they are assessing Israel’s diplomacy and politics.

The letter, specifically, claims that “the establishment of Jewish settlements in occupied territories captured in 1967 already stands in direct violation of the consensus view in international law,” but that legally-incorrect opinion is held only by a “consensus” of mistaken diplomatic, political, and anti-Israel elites in the West who have contorted international law to support their own biased interpretation of Israel’s legal rights..

The Palestinian issue: the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Yoram Ettinger


In 2020, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other pro-US Arab countries base their national security policy on issues which substantially transcend the Palestinian issue. These issues include lethal threats posed by Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Turkey’s Erdogan, the spillover of the civil wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, the potential implosion of all Arab countries, etc.  

In 2020, these countries view Israel’s posture of deterrence as a most valuable asset in the face of the aforementioned lethal threats. They value Israel as a most productive resource to diversify their economy and enhance their standard of living. 

At the same time, they consider the proposed Palestinian state a potential rogue regime, which would add fuel to the Middle East fire.  Therefore, they are expanding their defense and commercial ties with Israel in an unprecedented manner, in defiance of Palestinian protests and irrespective of the paralysis of the Palestinian issue.

In 1979 and 1994, Egypt and Jordan concluded peace accords with Israel, in order to advance their national security – not as a gesture toward Israel – regardless of Palestinian threats and protests. Notwithstanding occasional anti-Israel Jordanian talk, the Hashemite Kingdom’s walk (militarily and commercially) reflects a realization that Israel makes an irreplaceable and critical contribution to the survival of the Kingdom in the face of domestic and external clear and present threats. Against the backdrop of these threats, the establishment of the proposed Palestinian state would be the straw that breaks the Hashemite camel’s back. 

Travesty of Justice at the International Criminal Court? Prosecutor Bensouda Should Be Disqualified. by Michel Calvo


The Prosecutor’s Response seems to create new international law where non-binding resolutions can change legally binding agreements in order to prosecute Israeli leaders and Israeli Jews for war crimes….

The limitations of the Palestinian Authority’s jurisdiction in the Oslo Accords do not permit transferring jurisdiction to the ICC. Those limitations cannot be changed or disregarded.

There is no crime and no case for the Prosecutor to investigate those who returned to their ancestral land, who are the indigenous people. Judea and Samaria are not occupied territories.

“Palestine”, according to the International Court of Justice (ICL), is not a state.

There is no occupation by Israel of the territory of another state. There was no “Palestinian” state before 1967. Israel liberated Judea Samaria from Jordan after a war of aggression, in which Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 – for the second time (the first time being in 1948). Jordan finally abandoned all claims to the territory in 1988.

The Jews were expelled or killed during Jordan’s 1948 aggression. Their houses were taken by Arabs….”Palestine” is the Jewish Home as codified in international law. It is not a terra nullius [“nobody’s land”]. It belongs to the Jewish people. The “Arabs” of Judea and Samaria are the settlers, colonizers, who invaded the land.

The Jews hold the right to that land from the Bible, the Qur’an, and from several international instruments: the Balfour Declaration (1917), the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), the British Mandate (1922), the San Remo Resolution (1920), and the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) created International law, recognized and re-established the historical indigenous rights of the Jews to their Land…. Moreover, the Jewish people is entitled to its land under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples….

Contrary to the Jewish people being the indigenous people, the “Palestinian people” has been invented to oppose the Jewish people.

The ICC cannot be a forum for the diversion of international law and for a travesty of justice…. The Response of the Prosecutor follows a political agenda and is based on law created by the Prosecutor to enable the prosecution of Israeli Jews/leaders for crimes they never committed. Ms. Fatou Bensouda’s impartiality can reasonably be doubted and she should be disqualified pursuant to article 42-7 of the Rome Statute and Rule 34 (d) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor’s Response to observations of more than 50 amici curiae, legal representatives of victims and States, is 60 pages long.[1] It makes an abstraction of history; misleadingly refers to Judea and Samaria as the “West Bank” of the Jordan River (which includes Israel), and falsely called “Occupied Palestinian Territories” that were liberated in 1967 from the Jordanian occupation.

Annexation of Judea and Samaria is a Reality and Vision Whose Time Has Come


June 15, 2020 – Conference of Jewish Affairs spokesman Rabbi Aryeh Spero made the following statement today:

“The Conference of Jewish Affairs looks forward to the day when Israel will annex the portions of Judea and Samaria that from time immemorial have been part of the Land of ancient Israel.  The Jewish people were bequeathed this land and the name of Judea and Samaria was always its official name, even throughout the years of the British Empire. 

“There is and has been an historical and biblical attachment of these lands as a valve in the heart of Israel.  It is legitimately, by law, part and parcel of Israel and was never considered legally apart from the Jewish homeland until very recent years when enemies and bureaucrats hostile to the establishment of a Jewish state in its homeland began finagling international laws. 

“It must be observed that though this land lain mostly fallow since Roman times and no other empire or people developed it, it has been the Jewish people who have restored its cities and made its land productive and a flourishing place.  This achievement,” Rabbi Spero stated,  “was done by no other people except the Jewish people who loved the land, in contrast to other people who make claims on the land but have not dealt with it with love, sacrifice, ingenuity, and destiny.  And that is because the only nation that has been devoted to its fulfillment in and of itself are the Jewish people who are biblically and intrinsically married to it, as opposed to those who make claims for it but never had a history entwined with it.

“Historically there was no Palestinian people except for the Jews who were so named during Roman occupation; and there never was an Islamic state, flag, language, and peoplehood connected with Judea and Samaria.”

Rabbi Spero added, “We wish to acknowledge the singular vision of President Donald Trump and his courage and sense of truth in being the first world leader to finally bring this verity to sovereign reality.  We thank Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his steadfast strength in carrying out the wishes of President Trump.  As we began saying two years ago when President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, there has not been a greater friend to the State of Israel and the Jewish people than Donald Trump, surpassing even the legendary King Cyrus.”

Palestinians: Pursuing War on Their Media by Khaled Abu Toameh


“The case of Sami [Al-Sa’i] and what he was exposed to drove concern regarding the attempts of Palestinian Security Services… of torturing Palestinian Journalists, that may enhance the intimidation of journalists and the practice of self-censorship,” MADA said. It also called on the PA to launch an investigation into the torture and ill-treatment of Al-Sa’i and other Palestinian journalists.

These are extraordinary violations of press freedoms and freedom of expression. Perpetrated anywhere else in the world, the international community would be up in arms. Because they are being committed by Palestinians against Palestinians, however — and because the Palestinian leadership has not yet found a way to blame Israel for these particular crimes — the torture of a Palestinian journalist is considered a no-news story.

We do not know how pro-Palestinian groups feel about the abuse: they never object to it. What they only seem to find objectionable is Israel. No wonder Palestinian leaders feel they have a green light to continue persecuting journalists and anyone else who utters a word against Abbas and his associates.

While the Palestinian Authority (PA) appears to have suspended security coordination with Israel in accordance with PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s May 18 announcement, it has not ended its long-time policy of harassing, intimidating and arresting Palestinian journalists.