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‘Israel’s Enemies Are Our Enemies’: Guatemala’s New President Sends Strong Message to Israel


JERUSALEM, Israel – Guatemalan President-elect Alejandro Giammattei affirmed his unwavering support for Israel while he met with President Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem on Sunday during his first trip to the Jewish state.

Rivlin welcomed Giammattei as a “dear friend” and said, “the friendship between our countries runs deep.”

Giammmattei promised that Guatemala will stand with those who stand with Israel, and oppose those who attack Israel. 

Guatemala has had a strong relationship with Israel before the modern state even existed. Guatemala is one of several countries to vote in favor of Israel’s creation at the UN in 1947. It is a vote Rivlin said Israel “will never forget.”

Guatemala has shown its self to be a faithful ally to Israel throughout its existence. 

The Central American country became the second nation behind the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move its embassy to the Holy City. 

CBN News sat down with Guatemalan Vice President Jafeth Cabrera last year to ask him what inspired his country to follow in America’s footsteps. He said the move was long overdue and even prophetic.

“Yes, we do share that idea, that prophecy is coming to pass and we are pleased that Guatemala is contributing to having that happen and we hope that it will soon be a reality,” Cabrera said.

Cabrera explained that the decision to move the embassy did not come without plenty of prayer first.

“This was key to us making the decision to express our Christ likeness and to express our faith. We did pray,” he said.

Europe No Longer Hides Its Hostility to Israel by Alain Destexhe


The European Union seems deliberately to fail to recognize that Israel, a sovereign state, is regularly under threat — even extreme continuous rocket fire from Gaza and Syria — and, for that reason alone deserves its full support.

The statement [by the European Union]… fails to mention that Israel had killed a terrorist belonging to an extremist group about to launch another attack. The statement also fails to mention the number of rockets fired on the country, or the right of Israel to defend itself.

Four hundred and fifty rockets in under 48 hours is not a skirmish or a minor attack; it is a large-scale military attack. Any similar attack on France or Germany — if they received even a single missile — would have sparked a major crisis.

By comparison, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman tweeted: “Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an Islamist terrorist org backed by Iran, is again attacking Israel with 100’s of missiles aimed at civilians. We stand w our friend & ally Israel at this critical moment & support Israel’s right to defend itself & bring an end to these barbaric attacks.”

The contrast speaks for itself. The United States is a friend of Israel. The European Union is not.

In other words, the EU, which is officially committed to fighting terrorism, supports the Palestinian Authority (PA), which supports terrorists and their families. Just try making sense of that.

The European Union, for its part, is proud to be “the biggest donor of external assistance to the Palestinians”. Since February 2008, more than €2.5 billion ($2.8 billion) have been disbursed. The EU provides core financial support to the Palestinian Authority, even though part of the PA budget is earmarked for terrorists and terrorists’ families, thereby actually incentivizing terrorism.

The European Union has, over the years, become increasingly hostile towards Israel. That attitude was confirmed in early November when the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that food products made in the so-called settlements of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights must be labeled as such and may not carry the generic label “Made in Israel.”

As rightly argued by the strategic studies expert Soeren Kern, there are many territorial conflicts all over the world, but the European Court singles out only Israel. Examples of the EU’s bias against Israel are numerous, particularly compared to the United States.

The EU seems deliberately not to recognize that Israel, a sovereign state, is regularly under threat — even extreme continuous rocket fire from Gaza and Syria — and, for that reason alone deserves its full support. No country in the world, especially one roughly the size of Vancouver Island, undergoes military attacks as perpetually as Israel does. On November 12 and 13, in under 48 hours, more than 450 rockets and mortars were fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli towns. Rockets fired from Gaza caused countless damage, injuring at least 63 persons, and reached as far as the Tel Aviv area.

Trump Declares American-Israeli Bond ‘Unbreakable,’ Blasts ‘Radical Lawmakers Who Support the BDS Movement’ by Benjamin Kerstein

https://www.algemeiner.com/2019/12/08/trump-declares-american-israeli-bond-unbreakable-blasts-radical-lawmakers-who-support-the-bds-movement/President Donald Trump declared the American-Israeli alliance “unbreakable” and slammed anti-Israel Democratic lawmakers at a major conference of pro-Israel activists on Saturday night.

At the Israeli American Council’s national conference in Florida, Trump said of the alliance between Israel and the United States, “It’s unbreakable, unbreakable.”

“The Jewish state has never had a better friend in the White House than your president, Donald J. Trump,” he added.

Without mentioning their names, Trump also appeared to hit out at Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who support boycotting the Jewish state and have been accused of antisemitism.

“You’ve got to be very careful, make no mistake, radical lawmakers who support the BDS movement are advancing anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda,” Trump stated.

Why Is The Holocaust Museum Attacking JNF? By Moshe Phillips


The official journal of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has just published an article depicting the Jewish National Fund (JNF) as a colonialist exploiter of the Palestinian Arabs. The article was authored by Amy Weiss, a young Holocaust scholar from New Jersey. It appears in the latest issue (Fall 2019) of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the museum’s official journal, which is edited by Richard D. Breitman.

Weiss accuses the JNF of secretly plotting in the 1930s to plant more pine trees and fewer olive trees in its forests, thereby “alter[ing] a Palestinian landscape to resemble a European one more familiar to Jewish pioneers and Holocaust survivors.”

According to Weiss, the JNF continued this European-colonialist conspiracy after the 1948 war, too. “Erecting JNF forests where Palestinian villages and olive groves once stood promised to erase the connection to that land of the former residents who had fled or been expelled,” she writes.

In rebuke to Trump and Netanyahu, US House passes resolution supporting 2 states Measure that condemns any West Bank annexation passes mostly on partisan lines and comes after two leaders discussed prospects of extending Israeli sovereignty over Jordan Valley By Eric Cortellessa

Measure that condemns any West Bank annexation passes mostly on partisan lines and comes after two leaders discussed prospects of extending Israeli sovereignty over Jordan Valley.

US House lawmakers issued a strong rebuke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump on Friday, passing a resolution opposing Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank and supporting a two-state solution.

Earlier this week, Netanyahu spoke to Trump about potentially annexing the Jordan Valley. Since March, the prime minister has vowed to annex the West Bank region and has recently intensified those calls as he remains in a fierce battle to maintain his grip on power.

The nonbinding resolution, known as H.Res.326, calls on the Trump administration to “expressly endorse a two-state solution as its objective and discourage steps by either side that would put a peaceful end to the conflict further out of reach, including unilateral annexation of territory or efforts to achieve Palestinian statehood status outside the framework of negotiations with Israel.”

It passed Friday mostly on partisan lines — by a vote of 226-188-2 — with the overwhelming support of House Democrats and some Republicans.

VIDEO:Victor Davis Hanson—Israel & the Muscular Spirit of the West



Israelis and Israeli innovations that save lives are so prominent in this week’s positive Israel newsletter. Medical research breakthroughs and programs; vital medical devices and emergency responders; global initiatives to reduce hunger, poverty and drought; rescue operations, doctors and surgeons treating non-Israelis overseas; technology to prevent plane crashes, maintain emergency services and reduce CO2 levels; and organizations and activities that rescue animals.


Another breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research. Israeli scientists and doctors have induced the self-destruction of pancreatic cancer cells in mice. A small molecule, PJ34, normally used to treat stroke victims, reduced cancer cells by up to 90 percent a month. There were no adverse effects. Normal cells were unaffected.
US approvals for AI image analyses. Israel’s Zebra Medical has received several approvals from the US FDA. They include detecting heart disease, (see here) pneumothorax (lung trauma – see here), intercranial hemorrhages (brain bleeds – see here). It has just received another for detecting fluid on the lungs.
Green light for finger prick blood test. As predicted previously, (13th May) the OLO finger prick blood test device from Israel’s Sight Diagnostics flowed through the US FDA approval process.  It enables use of the CBC (Complete Blood Test) device in laboratories run by hospitals, diagnostic providers, and outpatient clinics.
Israeli doctor runs Canadian AIDS clinic. (TY Robert) To coincide with World AIDS day, Robert Sarner wrote this article about Israeli-born Dr Neora Pick. As medical director of Canada’s only multidisciplinary clinic for women and children with HIV, she treats some of the 63,000 (and increasing) Canadians with HIV.
Increasing US-Israeli medical cooperation. (TY Janglo) 21 bipartisan US lawmakers have requested that the US establishes an FDA office in Israel to facilitate collaboration in life-saving research. They wrote that Israel’s world class medical research programs have positively impacted the global health system.
Teva partners Israeli universities for new cancer treatments. (TY Nocamels) Israel’s Teva and Tel Aviv University have signed an R&D agreement in the fields of cancer and brain studies. Teva has also partnered with Israel’s Weizmann Institute to identify the next generation of innovative antibodies for cancer treatment.
Showcasing Israeli digital health tech. Over a thousand participants gathered in Tel Aviv for the second annual Digital.Health.Now conference. It focused on showcasing advanced Israeli innovations in telemedicine, digital healthcare, and general wellness aided by technology.
How blind people use Smartphones. One Israeli startup at the Digital.Health.Now conference was RightHear. (see here). This video shows how the blind use its technology to access the functions on a Smartphone. Also, (TY Jacques) RightHear is supporting the first official blind-friendly street in Israel, and possibly the world.
Calm down. Another Israeli product showcased at Israel’s Digital.Health.Now conference was Calmigo. Its advanced technology provides immediate, drug-free relief for moments of distress, anxiousness, and stress by regulating your breathing patterns and stimulating your senses.
https://calmigo.com/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ktjXiRCGOo
Reducing injuries. Zone7, founded by IDF veterans, uses AI to foresee and prevent injuries to sports people. It advertises an 80% reduction in injury days and provides coaches, trainers and sports scientists with intervention strategies. Zone7 is partnering its platform with global medical company Garmin Health.
https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zone7-raises-2-5-million-seed-round-to-help-professional-sports-franchises-and-ncaa-athletic-departments-predict-injury-risk-300803592.html  http://zone7.ai/
A day in the life. Last week 50 members of our synagogue were privileged to be given a tour of Emergency Service United Hatzalah’s headquarters in Jerusalem.  United Hatzalah’s volunteer EMTs arrive at the scene of an incident within three minutes, often saving lives in Israel.  Click the link to read a recent typical example.
https://israelrescue.org/blog/early-cpr-intervention-saves-truck-driver/   https://israelrescue.org/

Sanctuary for Gays: Ignored or Jeered at by West by Khaled Abu Toameh


“Israel has always embraced this path [of liberty] in a Middle East that has long rejected it. In a region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted, Israel stands out. It is different.” – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the U.S. Senate, 2011.
Adam and Rami are among scores of Palestinian members of the LTBGQ community who, in the past few decades, have fled their homes to seek shelter in Israel. Yet, their plight is totally ignored not only by human rights organizations, but by but by people who purport to be advocates of gay rights. This is part of a far more malignant story: when Israel looks good, the international community looks away.
Hate for Israel has blinded people to the point where they align themselves with their own executioners.
alQaws pointed out that some Palestinian groups actually celebrated the police threat against the LTBGQ community, “raising (yet again) disturbing questions about the Palestinian Authority’s commitment to human rights.”
Palestinian gays have two choices: hide their sexual preferences and lead double lives in their villages, or flee to Israel and live as normal human beings. Groups such as Queers for Palestine, though, are too busy bashing Israel on college campuses and the streets of San Francisco to take much notice of the sanctuary to which their gay Palestinian friends have chosen to relocate.

Members of the Palestinian LTBGQ community continue to flee to Israel, where, unlike under the Hamas and Palestinian Authority regimes, they are free to lead normal lives.

The gay community in the West, however, has evidently chosen to ignore the plight of their friends living under the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and under Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Remarkably, rather than reaching out to help the Palestinian LTBGQ members, several gay groups in the West, including in the US, continue to spout hate against Israel, the only country in the Middle East where the LTBGQ community feels safe and secure.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a 2011 speech to the US Senate:

“Israel has always embraced this path [of liberty] in a Middle East that has long rejected it. In a region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted, Israel stands out. It is different.”

Groups such as “Queers for Palestine” and “Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism” have long been inciting against Israel, even as Palestinian gays are fleeing persecution and the threat of death under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Both groups, rather than helping gays, noisily advocate financial divestment from Israel, and their members regularly demonstrate at gay pride marches and collaborate with extremist Muslim organizations.

The Western members of the LTBGQ community are eagerly joining forces with the very parties who are persecuting and killing their Palestinian allies — as long as that advances the anti-Israel agenda of those who hate Israel more than they care about gays.

Right from wrong: Politics and indictments aside Whether Netanyahu’s political acumen and personal ambition enable him to survive the current storm seems to be questionable at the moment. Ruthie Blum


Something uncanny is happening in Israel. Though plagued by an unprecedented political deadlock that is almost certain to guarantee a third round of Knesset elections in less than a year, the so-called “interim” government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is engaging in crucial high-level diplomacy and meeting serious military challenges without skipping a beat.

This is no small feat due to a number of factors, chief among them Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit’s announcement that he intends to indict Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. As if this didn’t make the incumbent PM’s job any harder than it already was, it coincided with the failure of Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz to form a coalition – following weeks of negotiations – and a decision within Netanyahu’s Likud Party to hold new leadership primaries.

In other words, Netanyahu has been forced to focus, simultaneously, on interrogations, internal politics and international policy. It is a rare statesman who can pull all that off with such apparent aplomb. But then, Netanyahu is sui generis – as even his fiercest critics grudgingly admit – which is why he has been in power longer than any of his predecessors, including the country’s first and previously most legendary leader, David Ben-Gurion.

Another Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity? Michael Galak


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has declared that Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria will, for the US, no longer be regarded as illegal. This reversal of long-standing policy is no less than a change of paradigm. This declaration, however, does not change the US position on Judea’s and Samaria’s jurisdiction – it is for the parties to determine. 

This seemingly unexpected announcement in mid-November triggered a firestorm of condemnation, denunciations and threats around the globe, including from morally upright, ‘woke’ Australians. The shock and ensuing venom with which anti-Israeli mobs reacted cannot be overestimated. It ranged from hysterical proclamations of ‘Death of the peace process, irresponsible behavior and the breach of international law’ by the Palestinian Authority ‘moderates’, to traditionally blunt Iranian threats to annihilate the Jewish State, and to further barrages of the Gaza Strip jihadis’ rockets.

The supposedly pro-Western Jordanian Government’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi,was ‘concerned’ about ‘dangerous consequences’ and warned that “Israeli colonies in occupied Palestine ignore international law and prevent the possibility of conflict resolution by the creation of two states for two people.”

He did not explain under which international law Jordan has occupied Judea and Samaria for 20 years and then settled these areas with then Jordanian citizens. The paradoxical aspect of this hypocrisy is that he will claim that Jordan did not break any international law by moving citizens to disputed areas. He will be correct, because no law prohibits settling in a territory under no-one’s jurisdiction.

Judea and Samaria have always been the historical heartland of the Jewish people. They have maintained an unbroken record of connection to this land since Biblical times, some three thousand years ago. They have never formed part of any Arab state, which could possibly have legitimately claimed them – because there were no Arab states. International law, often cited as being broken by Israel, does not apply to areas under nobody’s jurisdiction, the legal status of these territories when Israel re-conquered them. 

This situation has an historical precedent – the Reconquista of  Spain. The Christian armies, after their loss of the Iberian Peninsula and after centuries of Moorish rule, defeated the  occupiers and retrieved their native land by force of arms.