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The 7 October deniers Jew hatred and conspiratorial thinking have always gone hand in hand. Tom Slater


Tom Slater is editor of Spiked England’s most pro-Israel journal. rsk

It’s one of the grim features of our age that before the bodies are even cold after a terror attack or mass shooting, someone, somewhere, with a sizeable audience, will begin to deny it. Will speculate that it was a fake – a false flag. The salt these conspiracy theories must pour into already gaping wounds. Grieving families are turned into ‘paid actors’, into targets for derision and abuse. The blackest moment in their lives is turned into mere fodder, into content, by those blinded by conspiracism or plain old grift.

After 7 October, Israelis had to endure this – the trauma followed by the denialism – on an unprecedented scale. Hamas’s pogrom in southern Israel – in which 1,200 people were butchered, the vast majority of them civilians – is the most deadly per capita terror attack since the Global Terrorism Database began keeping track in 1970. More than one person was killed for every 10,000 Israelis, calculates the Center for Strategic and International Studies. It would be as if 40,000 to 50,000 Americans had died on 9/11. You’d be hard-pressed to meet not only an Israeli, but also a diaspora Jew, who was not personally affected by the slaughter.

Plus, the manner in which this atrocity was conducted was designed to terrorise those who survived it for decades to come. The cold-blooded murders, even of infants. The rape, gang rape and sexual mutilation of women and girls. The horror that was visited upon one community after another – kibbutz to kibbutz, door to door. It was intended to evoke the racist barbarism, the unhinged murderous depravity, Jews founded Israel to escape from. This is why the terrorists filmed and broadcast their genocidal crimes.

7 October was the most documented attack ever, live-streamed from the GoPro cameras of its perpetrators. And yet still it was denied. ‘I’m shown video clips, and then I’m also told that they’re beheading babies. I’m also told that they’re raping women’, said Farhan Siddiqi, imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Washington, DC. ‘And when I go and I investigate those specific reports, I find out that they’re all lies.’ ‘Pro-Palestine’ outlets insisted that it was actually Israel who ‘killed many, if not most, of the civilians’. ‘How the hell did the Israelis not know this was going to happen?… I’m still a little bit down that rabbit hole’, said Roger Waters, a month after the pogrom, declaring there to be ‘something very fishy’ about 7 October. He floated the possibility it might have been a ‘false-flag operation’ – that is, staged by Israel to justify a military response.

One Year Later, Israel is Still in Agony But rather than sympathy, hatred grows for the Jewish state. by Michael Brown


One full year after October 7, the nation of Israel is still traumatized and many of its people are still in agony. One full year later, there are still scores of hostages languishing in Gaza, if not dead, and their families remain in daily agony. One full year later, the war with Hamas continues, but now there is also war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as possible war with Iran itself. One full year later, rather than sympathy for Israel growing it is hatred for Israel that is growing.

One year ago, the unthinkable happened on Israeli soil. A mass pogrom took place within the borders of this tiny state, the one place that was supposed to be safe for Jewish people. The nation’s vaunted security systems failed miserably and babies were slaughtered, women were raped, the elderly were executed, and whole families burned alive.

I remember waking up the morning of the 7th to the news that Hamas terrorists had flooded Israel and that as many as 100 Israelis had been killed. Impossible, I thought. Not today, in Israel. This cannot be. Then there were reports that several soldiers had been taken hostage. This, too, was unthinkable, with horrific potential consequences.

After all, IDF soldier Gilad Shalit had languished as a hostage in Gaza for five long years before his release, which required Israeli releasing 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for his life – yes, 1,027 prisoners, including Yahyah Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 massacre. What would Hamas do with several Israeli hostages?

But as that dreadful day unfolded, the news was far more devastating than anything we could have imagined. This is what I wrote one year ago as the news began to unfold: “Heartbreak. Shock. Agony. Devastation. Confusion. Rage. These are just a few of the emotions flooding the hearts of millions of Israelis in the midst of an unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas. This is a time to stop and pray for the merciful intervention of God.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Guide for the Perplexed, 2024 Yoram Ettinger

1. Yom Kippur is observed on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei (October 12, 2024), starting on the evening of October 11.  Yom Kippur is a Super Sabbath (Shabbat Shabbaton in Hebrew), concluding 10 days of soul-searching and spiritual self-awareness and self-enhancement, which begins on Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish year.

2. Ten, which represents wholesomeness, has a special significance in Jewish history: God’s abbreviation is the 10th Hebrew letter (Yod – י); the 10 Commandments; the 10 Plagues of Egypt; Yom Kippur on the 10th day of Tishrei; the 10 spheres of the spiritual universe, which were highlighted during the Biblical Creation; 10 reasons for blowing the Shofar (ram’s horn) on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; the 10% Biblical gift to God (tithe); the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tevet commemorates the beginning of the 586-589 BCE siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar; the 10 Martyrs (Jewish leaders), who were tortured/murdered by the Roman Empire; the 10 generations between Adam and Noah and between Noah and Abraham; the 10 divine tests passed by Abraham; the 10-person-quorum (Minyan in Hebrew), which is required for a collective Jewish prayer service; the 10 sons of Haman and the 10 Nazi leaders, who were hung; etc.   

3. According to Leviticus 23:26-32: “The Lord said to Moses, that the tenth day of this seventh month [Tishrei] is the Day of Atonement…. Do not do any work on that day…. This is a lasting ordinance for generations to come….”
Yom Kippur commemorates the day of divine forgiveness for the sin of worshipping the golden calf idol, and the introduction of the Moses-made second set of the Two Tablets (Ten Commandments). It induces human beings to marshal the capacity to learn from mistakes, while warning against a recurring human fallibility: the temptation to sacrifice spiritual values on the altar of materialism.

4. The astrological sign of the months of Tishrei is Libra (♎), which symbolizes the scales of justice, truth, optimism, humility and tolerance. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (Noga – נגה in Hebrew – is the name of my oldest granddaughter), which represents divine light and compassion. 

5. The Hebrew word Kippur [כיפור] means atonement/repentance – a derivative of the Biblical word Kaporet [כפורת], which was the dome/cover of the Holy Ark in the Sanctuary, and the word Kopher [כופר], which was the cover/dome of Noah’s Ark and the Holy Altar in the Jerusalem Temple. 



Can one name another country with war on its borders and terrorism within its cities, constantly bombarded with missiles and rockets, that works 24/7 to continue research and development of  state of the art  science, technology, medicine, and defense that benefit civilization itself?  The answer, cleared of bias, libel, defamation and anti-Semitism  is simply no. Only Israel does the foregoing, and Michael Ordman proves it every week.  rsk

IDF soldier saved by his prayers. An IDF soldier was praying in Gaza, wearing tefillin (phylacteries). When warned about a nearby Hamas terrorist, he removed his tefillin, but had no time to remove the metal night vision support plate on his helmet.  The terrorist shot 3 bullets at his head, which were absorbed by the plate.
Pre-school program to treat PTSD. NGOs SASA Setton (see here previously) and Alumot Or have partnered Israeli bank Hapoalim to set up early-years centers of educational excellence in areas most affected by Oct 7. The program will help hundreds of children aged 3 to 6 who have experienced trauma, along with their parents.
https://sasasetton.org.il/en/  https://www.alumotor.org/en
Galvanizing Jewish advocates. Eitan Chitayat, creative director and founder of Tel Aviv-based international Natie Branding Agency, has dropped all his commercial work to focus on promoting Israel to the world. He created the slogan “I’m that Jew” and urges his 100,000+ followers, and all of us, to be advocates for Israel.
Quiet heroism is everywhere. Reporter Canaan Lidor lives in the north of Israel. He was looking for ordinary brave people who are inspiring others. He found people eating outside bomb shelters; zoom-learning schools; sharing safe rooms with neighbors; plus ex-pats returning to Israel to defend the country.
Starlink for the north. Dozens of satellite internet stations from Elon Musk’s Starlink have arrived in Israel’s north for government offices, hospitals and emergency centers. Israel’s Communications Ministry approved Starlink’s use, enabling Israelis to access broadband services if ground-based communications are disrupted.
Quiet diplomacy at work in Europe. Israel has many supporters in Europe, “but they are in need of relevant information,” says IDSF’s Brig-Gen Amir Avivi. Meetings between IDSF and Italian Chamber of Deputies officials resulted in the Italian Parliament’s lower house passing a multifaceted pro-Israel resolution in July.
Protein missing in lung cancer patients. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have discovered that the protein RBM10 is absent or has mutated in 40% of lung cancer patients. The protein helps the body to repair damaged DNA. The scientists inhibited the WEE1 gene to eradicate RBM10-deficient lung cancer in mice.
ALS treatment slows progression. A 12-months Phase 2b trial of PrimeC from Israel’s NeuroSense (see here previously) showed a 73% improvement over placebo in slowing ALS progression among patients. It also achieved a 63% increase in survival rates.
The remedy is skin deep. Israeli startup Dermab.io is developing personalized biologic therapies for people suffering from chronic and autoimmune diseases. It aims to produce tailored, precision treatments, based purely on individual biomarkers gathered in a simple, non-invasive skin swab.   
Early warning of Parkinson’s. (TY Ron M) Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a method to detect protein aggregation in cells that are the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease. With super-resolution microscopy, they analyzed skin cells on patients with gene mutations on specific cells .
https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/molecular- neuroscience/articles/10.3389/fnmol.2024.1431549/full
Wolt rider delivers baby. Remember last week when MDA began the medical training of 1,000 Wolt delivery drivers. Well Ilan had already been trained, so when he was called while delivering pizza, he knew what to do.  He didn’t deliver pizza, he delivered a baby instead.  Meanwhile, the ambulance team ate the pizza.
1-2-3. Motti, a United Hatzala volunteer EMT, rushed to an Ashdod apartment to deliver a baby – the second in two days (to different mothers of course!). It is rare for an EMT to deliver one baby at home, and extremely unusual for two on consecutive days.  It was also the third birth that he had helped deliver in the same month!
11th down. Einat had already brought 10 children into the world.  But her 11th was the first to be born underground. The maternity ward at Israel’s Rambam Medical Center had been relocated to the level minus 3 car park. Nevertheless, a healthy baby was born and all 10 siblings came to visit mother and newborn.
A better MRI. Researchers at Israel’s Technion Institute have used new materials to enhance Magnetic Resonance Imaging signals by up to 4 times and preserve the signal for 10 mins (previously only 1 min). This gives doctors time to track metabolites in the tissues – important clinical markers for diseases including cancer.
US approval for heart ultrasound system. Israel’s AISAP (see here previously) has received US FDA approval for its CARDIO point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) platform. It allows accurate diagnosis of up to 90% of the most common cardiac parameters within minutes, either in an incident or during treatment.
Why he developed stroke therapy device. Yaron Segal’s son Lear was born with familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome). Yaron established the startup BrainQ (see here previously) to search for a solution. His brainwave helmet doesn’t help Lear, but its low-intensity electromagnetic field is curing many stroke patients.
Treating knee replacement infections. 2% of the millions of knee replacements each year result in untreatable infections due to the bacteria protecting themselves with an impenetrable biofilm. Israel’s Dimoveo Medical has developed a process using nanoparticles to “sandblast” the biofilm and allow antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
https://dimoveomedical.com/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLHrdDoTZQ8
Keeping mosquitoes away. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed a cellulose-based gel that dries on the skin and blocks mosquitoes from detecting human scents. Even those mosquitoes that get through are unable to lay eggs due to the effects of the gel.

Eitan Fischberger 365 Days of October 7 The defense of Israel and of Western civilization are one.


How do you commemorate something still unfolding? That question looms large, on the 365th day since October 7, as we grapple with the brutal reality of a world irrevocably changed. How do we honor the lives lost on that terrible day and in the ensuing war for Israel’s survival, while also committing to build a future defined not by tragedy but by strength and resilience? We might never find a satisfactory answer. But to begin our search for one, we must recognize that the struggle spans both physical and ideological battlefields.

First is the literal battlefield. The horrific attack by Hamas on October 7 was not just a terrorist assault; it was an attempt to break the spirit of a nation, to humiliate and destroy it. That day will be forever etched into our collective memory, a deep national wound. But out of that darkness, and perhaps because of it, Israel has risen with a fierce resolve, fighting an existential war that has now spread far beyond its original borders, as the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies besiege the Jewish state from all sides.

And yet, the tragedy of October 7 has been followed by victories that nobody could have imagined. Hamas, whose brutality knows no bounds, is now on its knees. Hezbollah, until last week viewed as an existential threat to Israel, has been defeated in what will inevitably be viewed as the most jaw-dropping counterterrorism campaign in history. The targeted killings of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran serve as a stark warning to the Grand Ayatollah that nowhere, not even within the heart of Iran, is safe.

The Palestinian Tradition of Celebrating the Death of Jews by Bassam Tawil


Palestinians have a custom of celebrating in the streets every time Israel is attacked or a Jew is murdered by terrorists.

It is hard, if not impossible, to find one senior Palestinian official who is willing to criticize his own people for celebrating terrorist attacks. It is also hard, if not impossible, to find one senior Palestinian official who is willing to condemn the October 7 atrocities and massacres against Israelis. Palestinian leaders have good reason not to speak out: they are afraid of being killed by their own people.

Last month, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, ignored the Hamas attack and instead accused Israel of committing “massacres,” “crimes,” and “genocide” against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Needless to say, Abbas also ignored the fact that a large number of Palestinians expressed support for the Hamas-led October 7 attack and took to the streets to celebrate the brutal mass-murder of Israeli women, children and the elderly.

Palestinian leaders who do not have the courage, or are unwilling, to denounce terrorism will never be able to call on their people to recognize Israel’s right to exist, let alone make peace with it. Palestinians who celebrate the murder of their neighbors are not ready for a state, which will undoubtedly be used as a springboard to slaughter more Jews and to try to destroy Israel.

There is no excuse for celebrating murder. A society that celebrates murder will never be a partner for peace. True peace will only come when Palestinian leaders values their people’s lives more than celebrating the murder of Jews.

Palestinians have a custom of celebrating in the streets every time Israel is attacked or a Jew is murdered by terrorists.

The latest Palestinian celebrations took place on October 1, 2024, when Iran launched hundreds of ballistic missiles at Israel. The celebrations occurred even though some of the missiles fell in Palestinian areas in the West Bank and the only person killed was, ironically, a Palestinian man in the city of Jericho.

In one West Bank village, Palestinians erected a monument from the tail of an Iranian missile to celebrate Iran’s attack on Israel.

Similar celebrations took place in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and in many countries when Iran launched its first direct missile and drone attack against Israel in April. According to a report by Iran’s Tehran Times:

“It was also a sleepless night in Ramallah and other cities in the occupied West Bank, that saw excited crowds of Palestinians gathering in the streets and pointing to the skies amid the visible trails of Iranian missiles flying, with a celebratory mood until the early hours of Sunday morning.”

The largest celebrations occurred a year ago, on October 7, 2023, when thousands of Iran-backed Hamas terrorists and “ordinary” Palestinians invaded Israel from the Gaza Strip and murdered 1,200 Israelis. During the attack, thousands of Israelis were raped, tortured, and burned alive, while more than 240 others were kidnapped into the Gaza Strip. A year later, 101 Israeli hostages are still being held by Hamas terrorists.

Hundreds of Anti-Israel Protesters Demonstrate at Columbia on Anniversary of 10/7 By Alex Welz


Anti-Israel demonstrations returned to Columbia University on Monday, marking one year since Hamas’s 2023 massacre and kidnapping of innocent Israelis.

These came as part of a wider protest known as Students Flood NYC for Gaza, organized by the pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime. This followed a coordinated student walkout in support of the Palestinians that included hundreds of students. Nearby, pro-Israel demonstrators could be seen waving Israeli flags and calling attention to the hostages taken by Hamas. Pro-Palestinian protesters later swarmed the 110th Street subway station, expanding their activities beyond campus.

In the days leading up to the protests, Columbia University interim president Katrina Armstrong introduced additional security measures in anticipation of campus clashes. “We anticipated and have been preparing for a period of uncertainty in the coming days,” university spokeswoman Samantha Slater told the Columbia Spectator. Barricades were erected across campus in an attempt to quell any ensuing unrest.

In preparation for the event, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, another pro-Palestinian campus organization, encouraged attendees to conceal their identities. This included wearing all-black clothing, covering up any tattoos/piercings, and wearing masks (allowing one to be “protected from surveillance”). The organization even urged students to avoid using the university Wi-Fi or their Columbia-affiliated email addresses to communicate.

Inside The October 7th War What really happened then and what is really happening now. by Daniel Greenfield


On Oct 7, 2023, thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. Their mission was to wipe out the Jewish population in the nearby towns, secure them and use them as forward operating bases for the next phase of the war. While the atrocities they committed in that initial assault, entire families burned alive in their homes, women raped and kidnapped, and babies killed, made it look like a terrorist attack on a large scale, Oct 7 had not been meant as a hit and run operation.

Hamas had risked too much and put too many men in the field for it to be anything other than an invasion. Its plans to continue advancing into Israel appear unrealistic only out of context.

The thousands of terrorists from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah had been meant as the tip of a larger spear. Thousands of Hezbollah and allied terrorists had been in position on Oct 7. Had Hamas been able to hang on to Israeli territory, they would have invaded the Galilee, but after the initial shock and long delays throughout that first day, the Israeli military regrouped.

The Hezbollah invasion was postponed until it was briefly revived by the Islamic terror group around the time of the pager attacks and then shut down by targeted Israeli strikes.

Oct 7 had been Hezbollah’s plan before it was executed by Hamas. Hezbollah had even spent years boasting about using its network of tunnels to invade and conquer the Galilee, but the funding and plans had come out of Tehran. Yet when push came to shove, Hezbollah hesitated.

Iran had planned for an Oct 7 that would have dealt a catastrophic blow to Israel. The original plot would have seen coordinated Hamas and Hezbollah invasions backed by heavy rocket campaigns not only by Hezbollah, but by the Houthis in Yemen and Iran’s militias in Iraq targeting Israeli bases, military assets and infrastructure. Terror groups in the West Bank would have launched their own assaults creating a multi-front guerrilla war deep inside Israel. Even if Israel had beaten back the attacks, many of the Jewish communities would have been in ashes.

Let Israel Decide How To Respond To Iran’s Missile Attack Lawrence J. Haas


President Biden pushes Israel not to respond to Iran’s ballistic missile attack by targeting its nuclear or oil sites, while former President Trump blasts Biden and suggests that, in fact, Israel should hit Iran’s nuclear sites.

Their public disagreement over Israel’s proper course reminds us that, notwithstanding Senator Arthur Vandenberg’s dictum of the early Cold War years that politics should stop “at the water’s edge,” it rarely has.

Presidents have long shaped their foreign policy with domestic politics in mind. FDR promised the nation just days before his re-election in 1940 that “your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars,” though he knew that America’s entry into World War II was both necessary and inevitable. JFK planned to withdraw U.S. forces from Vietnam but not until his second term, fearing an earlier withdrawal would ignite a “who lost Vietnam” backlash that threatened his re-election in 1964.

Now, a month before our Election Day, Israel is battling Iran and its terror proxies on multiple fronts, civilian lives are at risk in multiple nations, global leaders are pushing for ceasefires and “de-escalation,” and Vice President Kamala Harris is battling Trump for Jewish and Muslim votes in a razor-close contest.

But, however understandable in political terms, Biden and Trump’s comments are nevertheless badly misguided in geopolitical terms because they undercut our closest regional ally at an ominous moment.

Consider, by way of historical example, the absurdity of such public counsel to any nation under siege.

“We shall carry the attack against the enemy,” FDR told Congress a month after Pearl Harbor, with nearly 2,500 service members and civilians dead and the United States now at war with both Japan and Germany. “We shall hit him and hit him again wherever and whenever we can reach him.”

Niall Ferguson: My Journey From a Jerusalem of Ghosts to the Living Jerusalem To make sense of this bloody year, I had to go back to Lithuania. By Niall Ferguson


To make proper sense of the bloody events of the past 12 months in the Middle East, I had to go to Vilnius. 

That may strike you as bizarre, as Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and roughly 1,600 miles from Tel Aviv. But Vilnius was once “the Jerusalem of the North”—that’s what Napoleon called it when he passed through in 1812.

It is a pretty city today, with all kinds of charming eighteenth- and nineteenth-century buildings, many of them creatively renovated since Lithuania regained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Yet Vilnius is a city of ghosts. That so much of its baroque architecture survived the brutalities of first Soviet, then Nazi, then Soviet occupation is remarkable. The Jewish inhabitants were not so fortunate.

To understand Israel today, you must first understand what befell the Jews of Europe. It is the story of what can happen to a people without a nation state. It is the story of a people without an army of their own. And it is a story of what could happen again if the enemies of the Jewish people are given a chance, once more, to fulfill their fantasies.

What today is Vilnius was once Vilna, a part of the Pale of Settlement in the Tsarist empire, and then, between 1918 and 1939, Wilno in the Republic of Poland. The condition of much of the Jewish population was impoverished and insecure. A British member of Parliament who toured the Pale of Settlement in 1903 was appalled by Vilna’s “pestilent” cellars. 

Yet the city was also the most important Jewish cultural hub in Eastern Europe—a center of Jewish learning and culture from the 1560s until the 1930s. The greatest Talmudic scholar of the eighteenth century, Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, was known as the Vilna Gaon. The man who pioneered the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, studied in Vilna. That cultural vitality did not abate after the city’s incorporation into the Polish republic. YIVO, the center for Jewish studies that is now based in New York, was originally founded in Wilno in 1925.

In 1939, when Poland was partitioned between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, the city was handed over to Lithuania. This seemed providential. For Jews fleeing Nazi and Soviet rule, Vilnius looked like a sanctuary. Indeed, many of the city’s Jews celebrated the end of Polish rule. 

But the celebration was premature. In June 1940, along with neighboring Latvia and Estonia, Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union. A year later, the regime changed once again—this time fatally. 

With the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the fate of the Jews of Vilnius was sealed. Between 190,000 and 196,000—more than 90 percent—of Lithuanian Jews were murdered: a higher share than in any other country the Nazis occupied. Their destruction was swift: Most Lithuanian Jews perished before the end of 1941.