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Israeli researchers at Hebrew U develop faster, cheaper COVID-19 test By IDAN ZONSHINE  

The new test would supply results 4-10 times faster than the current method, and is made almost entirely from materials which are easily available for purchase within the country.

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced on Sunday that they have developed a new method of testing for COVID-19 which is not only 4-10 times faster than the tests most commonly used today, but also significantly cheaper, while supplying the same level of accuracy.

Moreover, most of the materials required to perform the new test are already available in Israel, easing significantly both the country’s dire shortage of testing materials and its heavy economic dependence on foreign commercial markets.


IDF’s Shayetet 13 develops solutions to compress oxygen to fight corona by Anna Ahronheim

The elite unit, which trains experienced divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in under-water breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method.

The Shayetet 13 naval commando unit is helping in the IDF’s fight against the coronavirus by developing advanced solutions to compress oxygen. 

The famed elite unit, which trains divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in underwater breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method and is playing a key role in the fight against the deadly disease. 

Israeli High School Develops Robot to Help Protect Doctors from Coronavirus By Yakir Benzion


Mentored by engineers from the Technion, Israel’s leading technology university, a high school robotics team in Haifa produced a robot to deliver equipment, medicine and food and help protect hospital medical staff from COVID-19.

The robotics club at a Haifa high school has teamed up with engineers at the world-class Technion-Israeli Institute of Technology and developed a robot that will help medical workers keep their distance from coronavirus-infected patients.

Dubbed the “COROBOT,” the remote control service trolley allows medicine and food to be delivered to patients without another person present, driving right up to the patient’s bed and complete with a computer tablet to allow two-way communication.

The robot was tested last week, showing officials at Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center how it can be also be used to carry equipment to the coronavirus isolation ward to the protective rooms. Like with a remote control car, an operator uses a radio control device to steer the robot.

Israel Greenlights Coronavirus Blocking Sticker Pilot


The Directorate of Defense Research and Development (Mafat) has greenlighted a sticker developed at Israeli research university Technion Israel Institute of Technology that attaches to surgical masks, adding an additional layer of protection against coronavirus (Covid-19), Technion announced Monday.

Called Maya, the 3D-printed sticker is made up of nanometric fibers coated with disinfectants and is meant to enhance the containment of nanoparticles and effectively neutralize viruses as they touch the mask, according to the statement.

Israel’s Ministry of Health has given initial approval for the use of the sticker by medical personnel and in the coming days, a pilot will begin at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya in northern Israel, to examine the sticker’s effectiveness and see if it reduces the incidence of infection among medical teams.

The technology behind the sticker was developed by Technion professor Eyal Zussman in conjunction with the Galilee Medical Center.

Hamas Top Dog Tells Israel to Deliver Ventilators, Or ‘We’ll Stop the Breathing of Six Million Israelis’ Where have we heard that number before? Robert Spencer


Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the jihad terror group Hamas, on Thursday boasted that if Israel didn’t come across with more ventilators for “Palestinian” coronavirus victims in Gaza, the jihadis “take them by force.” As if that weren’t enough, Sinwar added: “If ventilators are not brought into [Gaza], we’ll take them by force from Israel and stop the breathing of 6 million Israelis.” Of course, Sinwar wasn’t articulating any new imperative for the jihad group: a new genocide of the Jews has always been a cherished Hamas aspiration.

As The Palestinian Delusion explains, destroying Israel is, in Hamas’ view, a religious imperative — even an act of worship. In 2012, Hamas published a music video that included a lyric apparently inspired by the “drive them out from where they drove you out” command and the Hadith calling on Muslims to kill Jews in order to hasten the Last Day: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.”

To a Gaza imam, Ahmad Okasha, the only solution to the problems of the Palestinians was decreed by Muhammad himself in his own End Times prophecy of Muslims killing Jews. On Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV on November 5, 2018, Okasha said: “The most obvious Jihad on the face of the Earth is the Jihad in Palestine. There is no doubt or dispute about it. Muslims fighting Jews who occupied their land— there is no dispute here.”

Indeed, Okasha added, Jerusalem itself “shall only be liberated in the way decreed for us by Allah: ‘Judgment Day shall not come until you fight the Jews, and the trees and the rocks will say: “Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”’”

Hamas: A New Pretext to Attack Israel by Khaled Abu Toameh


These Hamas leaders, who have done virtually nothing to provide basic healthcare in the Gaza Strip, are now trying to hold Israel responsible for the shortage of the ventilators in Palestinian hospitals.

Since 2014, Hamas has invested about $120 million in the terror tunnels. According to various estimates, a terror tunnel costs anywhere from three to 10 million US dollars — depending on its length and depth.

One might ask: What have Sinwar and other Hamas leaders done to help their hospitals and people in the past 12 years?… What about the responsibility of the Palestinian Authority government for the safety and health of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip?

The leaders of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that has been controlling the Gaza Strip since 2007, say they are worried about the shortage of medical ventilators during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

These Hamas leaders, who have done virtually nothing to provide basic healthcare in the Gaza Strip, are now trying to hold Israel responsible for the shortage of ventilators in Palestinian hospitals.

Hamas leaders are, in fact, threatening to use terrorism to force Israel to provide the Gaza Strip with ventilators.

These are the same leaders who until recently were authorizing rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip against Israeli communities. These are the same leaders who never miss an opportunity to remind everyone of their wish to destroy Israel. These are also the same leaders who never accept responsibility for the well-being of their people and constantly search for ways to blame Israel for the miseries of Palestinians.

Ruthie Blum : Is a request for economic patriotism taking Israel’s lockdown too far? The prime minister, of all people, understands the workings of the free market.


Towards the end of his latest address to inform the Israeli public of increased lockdown measures due to the coronavirus crisis, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added words of cautious optimism ahead of the Passover holiday.

“There is a real possibility that if the positive trends in Israel continue, we will gradually exit the lockdown after Passover,” he said on Monday evening. “[This] will breathe new life into the economy. It will give hope to employers and employees, and to small and big businesses. … As soon as we begin to change direction—the minute that economic activity is increased—everything will begin to change. In the meantime, in order to get through this chapter, we in the government reached a decision to inject NIS 90 billion [into the economy] … ”

Before extending a wish for a “happy and kosher Pesach,” along with the hope that “we will get through this hardship together and emerge from quarantine to freedom,” he concluded with a request.

“One more important thing that I ask of you,” he implored. “Especially during these times, I ask that you buy Israeli-made products.”




Testing coronavirus treatment. As reported in the 22nd Mar newsletter, Israel’s Pluristem is developing a treatment for severe coronavirus patients. Latest news is that Pluristem has begun human testing in Israel.


Treatment for ARDS. The US FDA has approved a Phase 2 compassionate care trial of Aviptadil by the US-Israeli biotech NeuroRx at Rambam Medical Center on coronavirus patients. Aviptadil combats coronavirus- triggered Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in the lungs, which is fatal in 50% of sufferers.



UV light kills the coronavirus. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has developed a machine that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to kill viruses and bacteria on hospital surfaces. This will allow medical centers to speed up the sterilization of rooms (previously used chemicals) and make them ready for new patients.


MyHeritage to perform coronavirus testing. Last week, Israeli genealogy company MyHeritage.com announced it is donating 66,000 swabs to boost Israel’s coronavirus testing efforts. Now it is building a COVID-19 testing lab (at its own expense) and will perform at least 10,000 tests a day from 9th April.

https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Chinese-Israeli-labs-team-up-to-build-emergency-COVID-19-testing-facility-622647 https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3804577,00.html

Anti-viral sticker can transform surgical masks. The Galilee Medical Center is testing Maya – a 3D-printed sticker that Technion Professor Eyal Zussman has developed. When stuck on a surgical mask, it adds the extra layer of a biological filter. Its nanometric fibers are coated with disinfectants to effectively neutralize viruses.



Israeli-Arab bus driver released from hospital. The bus driver (see 22 Mar) who caught the coronavirus from Greek tourists has now been released from hospital. The 38-year-old Israeli-Arab was the first person who required a ventilator in Israel to recover from the virus. He had been treated with Remdesivir.


Sleep app offered free to boost immune system. As reported (here) Israel’s Dayzz and its app help diagnose sleep problems. Now Dayzz is offering the app free to organizations and individuals, in the hope it will boost immunity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Lack of sleep also increases anxiety levels (& vice-versa).


Special MDA ambulances to protect medics. (TY UWI) MDA has 50 ambulances that are sealed inside, to protect the driver and paramedics from being infected by coronavirus patients they are transporting to hospital. The only need to be in physical contact with the more serious cases, when they wear full protective suits.


Yuli Edelstein and the struggle for Israel’s democracy The implosion of the Blue and White Party clearly demonstrates why the High Court’s impulsive intervention was wrong, and explains why Edelstein’s resignation was a wise decision. By Moshe Dann


In order to understand the political drama of former Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein’s resignation, one needs to put it into the context of three on-going political struggles: 1) recent inconclusive elections in which there was no clear majority for either major party; 2) a highly aggressive High Court, legal advisers and state prosecutors which sought to impose their agenda on the executive and legislative branches of government; and 3) efforts to depose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Faced with an ultimatum by the High Court to convene the Knesset and vote on his replacement, Edelstein’s dilemma was considered a “constitutional crisis.” Condemned by many in the media and his opponents, he risked his political career. It was for him a moment of Truth that also created the possibility of healing and reconciliation.      
The implosion of the Blue and White Party clearly demonstrates why the High Court’s impulsive intervention was wrong, and explains why Edelstein’s resignation was a wise decision. The High Court demanded that Edelstein accept Blue and White’s claim that it had the support of 61 members of Knesset and was entitled to replace Edelstein with its own candidate.

The V-Shaped US-Israel Saga Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


The US-Israel bond is a unique bottom-up phenomenon in the sphere of international relations, with most elected officials in the House, Senate and the White House following the positive state of mind of most constituents on the issue of Israel, the Jewish State.

Ordinarily, international relations constitute a top-down phenomenon, with elected officials shaping policy toward another country, which is then endorsed – or opposed – by the constituency.

The roots of the positive attitude toward Israel, by most Americans, are 400 years old, dating back to the 1620 “Mayflower,” as described in my March, 2020 1st video in a series of nine, and my March, 2020 eBook on Amazon and Smashwords.

Thus, according to a most recent Gallup poll, Israel’s February 2020 favorable ratingamong Americans is 74% – the highest since 1989. It is second only to a January 1991 poll (79%), when Israel was targeted by Iraq’s Scud missiles during the First Gulf War. While Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Japan and India are ahead of Israel, none of them has experienced Israel’s systematically coarse treatment by the US State Department establishment, the US “elite” media (e.g., the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and the three “major” TV networks), as well as much of the US academia.  While Israel benefits from a substantial level of public support, the Palestinian Authority’s favorable rating in February 2020 was 23%, slightly ahead of Iran (11%), North Korea (12%), Afghanistan (18%) and Iraq (19%).

No coronavirus vaccine can inoculate against anti-vaxxers As the world ails, the movement against vaccinations is alive and well. By Ruthie Blum


In a televised address on Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the latest of what have become additional near-daily directives aimed at preventing the contracting and spreading of COVID-19.

“Citizens of Israel, we are still at the height of an international tsunami,” he said. “The coronavirus pandemic is washing powerfully over continents and countries…. All of us are making a gargantuan effort to overcome the virus… but this doesn’t mean that the danger is behind us. We cannot fall into the trap of complacency.”He added that Israeli is at a crossroads from which it either can progress or regress.

“Over the past day in New York alone, a person died every four minutes. In Spain, the situation is similar…. We are doing everything in our power not to reach that point.

I know that this has caused severe economic damage… but our first priority is to save the lives of thousands and thousands of Israelis.”

Netanyahu then demanded that everyone wear masks in public. Those who don’t possess store-bought ones can improvise with scarves or other face-coverings, he said, “to minimize the spread of the virus to others.”

He also stressed that only family members already sharing a household may celebrate Passover together, even if it means forfeiting the presence at the Seder of daughters, sons, siblings and particularly grandparents, who are in the highest risk group.