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It’s not an electoral impasse per se, but a month of Jewish festivities in September and part of October that shuts everything down for a month.

While the world oohed and aahed with the news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was returning his coalition-building mandate to President Reuven Rivlin—who, in turn, would offer it to Blue and White Party chairman Benny Gantz—Israelis reacted with a shrug and a nod. During the weeks since the second round of Knesset elections on Sept. 17, it became increasingly clear that Netanyahu, the head of Likud, would not be able to cobble together a government under the current circumstances.

Netanyahu’s pact with the right-wing/religious parties that they would be part of a “package deal” in any coalition negotiations was unacceptable to Blue and White, which rejected any such “preconditions,” while also asserting that it would not join a national-unity government with a party led by someone under indictment. This is in spite of the fact that Netanyahu has yet to be indicted on any of the flimsy charges for which he has been under investigation.

Be all that as it may, Gantz probably won’t be able to succeed where Netanyahu failed, making a third round of elections likely, if not inevitable. Most Israelis have resigned themselves to such a scenario. Even Hebrew news outlets started relegating items about coalition-building to below-the-fold, inner-page or last-spot-before-the-weather-report exile. Until Monday evening, that is, when Netanyahu effectively placed the ball in Gantz’s court.

NY Times, B’Tselem Misinforms on Palestinians in Jordan Valley By: Gilead Ini


 This piece deserves special circulation for several reasons. 
First because if it wasn’t for CAMERA and the original research done by its Gilead Ini, none of these lies and mistruths would have ever seen the light of day. So, hats off to CAMERA.

Second, you need to read this in order to really understand the depth of the Israel hatred which allows people – and media giants – to blithely disseminate both flat out lies and apparent truths while withholding information which would change your mind about the part they did tell you.

Third, this incessant public flogging of Israel every minute of every day is getting more and more visibly successful. Which is why I am sending you yet another – this one extraordinarily well researched and written – piece about the New York Times’ Israel hatred. The haters are successful because not enough of us know enough to know when what we’re being told isn’t true.  DPS


The New York Times misinformed readers in two recent stories about Palestinians in the Jordan Valley — and although the newspaper promises to correct mistakes big and small, it has yet to correct its errors.

Access to Jordan Valley Land

In the first story, a Sept. 10 piece by Ben Hubbard, the paper erred about Palestinian access to the Jordan Valley, a stretch of land parallel to the Jordan River that runs along the West Bank’s eastern border. Citing the Israeli advocacy group B’Tselem, Hubbard told readers Palestinians are “barred from entering or using about 85 percent” of the Jordan Valley where it passes through the West Bank.

A United Nations map highlights the West Bank’s Jordan Valley area.

The claim that Palestinians are only able to enter 15 percent of the territory, though, is false.

Depending on where exactly one draws the boundaries of the Jordan Valley — there’s no single, official delineation of the territory — between seven and thirteen percent of the region is designated as Area A or Area B — the names given to West Bank territory in which civilian matters are administered by the Palestinian Authority, in line with peace agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinians. 

Israel’s Netanyahu Fails to Form New Government President Rivlin gives Benny Gantz 28 days to try to hammer out ruling coalition By Felicia Schwartz and Dov Lieber


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he failed to form Israel’s next government after a September election that saw no clear winner, giving rival Benny Gantz the opportunity to create a coalition that could end the tenure of the country’s longest-serving premier.

President Reuven Rivlin said he would begin consultations with the parties in the Knesset to initiate Mr. Gantz’s 28-day turn at trying to form a majority government of at least 61 seats in Israel’s parliament. However, Mr. Gantz will face many of the same political hurdles that sidelined Mr. Netanyahu’s efforts.

Mr. Gantz’s Blue and White party won the most seats in the September elections, 33 to Likud’s 32, but Mr. Netanyahu was given the first chance to form a government because he had more support from other smaller parties elected to the 120-seat Knesset. He faced a deadline later this week to form a government or return the mandate.

Mr. Netanyahu’s announcement, on his 70th birthday, marks a setback for the prime minister who has earned the nickname “the magician” for his ability to wiggle out of tight spots in a political career spanning three decades. After the attorney general announced in February his intent to indict Mr. Netanyahu on corruption charges pending a hearing, Mr. Netanyahu campaigned on his security credentials and strong relationships with President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders. But he failed to form a government after the April elections, triggering the second vote.

Bloody murder is not ‘normative’ Ruthie Blum

32-year-old Michal Sela’s killing is a perfect example of pundits and the public trying to make sense of it by adopting a socio-political stance before the ink of the printing presses are dry.

With new details emerging about the recent murder of 32-year-old social worker Michal Sela at the hands of her husband, Eliran Malul, many initial judgments about the case require reevaluating.

As frequently happens when faced with unfathomable evil in Israeli society, pundits and the public try to make sense of it by adopting a socio-political stance well before both the blood of the victim and ink of the printing presses are dry. Sela’s killing is a perfect example of this phenomenon.

Her story, or at least what we know of it so far, is one that lends itself to individual and collective speculation for seemingly contradictory reasons.

On the one hand, the young wife and mother – whose social media photos and posts show a beautiful and vibrant woman beaming with gratitude for her blessings – could be any one of us. Or any of our married daughters. We therefore identify with, if not partly envy, her life.

On the other, her tragic end is incomprehensible. Beyond the pale. The stuff that crime novels and movies are made of. After all, Sela was stabbed multiple times and left to bleed to death in her home by the father of the ostensibly happy couple’s eight-month-old baby girl. An infant not yet weaned from breast milk, who witnessed her daddy slash her mommy with a butcher knife and then turn the weapon on himself.

Ruthie Blum A cautionary cannabis tale for globe-trotting Israelis


As well-traveled as they are, Israeli millennials are so conditioned by the freedoms they enjoy at home—and so enamored of cultures other than their own—that they frequently miscalculate the consequences of their actions abroad.

After spending six months in jail on the outskirts of Moscow, a young Israeli woman named Naama Issachar was sentenced on Oct. 11 to seven-and-a-half years of imprisonment in Russia.

Both the extreme sentence and trumped-up charges of drug-smuggling not only have traumatized the 26-year-old from Rehovot—and inflicted great anguish on her family and friends—but also has spurred the entire Israeli legal and political system into action.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, pleading with him to pardon Issachar. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently discussed the matter with Putin in person when the pair met in Sochi in September, made another plea on Tuesday.

Issachar was detained in April while boarding a connecting return flight to Israel from India, where she had been trekking around with a friend for a few months. As she was about to get on the plane, she was stopped by Russian airport security on the grounds that 9.5 grams of cannabis had been found in her suitcase as it was being transferred from the belly of one plane to another.

Issachar’s plight so grips the nation that it now occupies the top news slot, overtaking the massive reportage of the Turkish incursion against the Kurds in northeastern Syria. It also is garnering serious social-media attention and legal-fee crowdfunding.

The European Union Commission’s war against Israel Moshe Dann


Moreover, according to EUC spokespeople, the EUC supports “non-military” branches of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria through transfers of funds to those governments.

According to the European Union Commission’s website, during the last decade the EUC has given over two billion euros to Palestinians in the “West Bank” and the Gaza Strip. This does not include extra payments for health, welfare and education, and legal services to assist claims against Israel. Additionally, the EUC is funding illegal Arab building in Area C, which is under Israeli control via the authority of the IDF and its civilian branch, COGAT. This includes assistance to Palestinian Authority residents who infiltrate into Area C and build illegal homes in Arab villages.

The EUC’s stated purpose is to promote an independent sovereign Palestinian state based on the 1949 Armistice lines (the “two-state-solution”) and “end the occupation of Palestinian territory.” Oblivious of the fact that the PLO/PA and Hamas are corrupt, brutal dictatorships which support and engage in terrorism, the question is:  Why does the EUC waste so much money to advance a goal – Palestinian statehood – which threatens the State of Israel? Is the European community using Arab Palestinians as proxies in a renewed attempt to wipe out as many Jews as possible in Israel? Are EUC policies intended to promote eliminating Israel and genocide? 

Moreover, according to EUC spokespeople, the EUC supports “non-military” branches of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria through transfers of funds to those governments. There is, unfortunately, no accountability for how these funds are used.



The Jewish festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles) celebrates Israel’s fruit harvest. The latest positive Israel newsletter includes many examples of the fruits of Israeli labor. Lives saved by new medical treatments, innovations and humanitarian activities; new vegan foods, successful startups, record numbers of tourists and reviving endangered species.I will publish my next newsletter, hopefully, on Sun 27th Oct.  Wishing a Chag Sukkot Sameach / Happy Tabernacles to all who celebrate it. Michael Ordman


Positive results in human trial of ALS treatment. As reported (here)previously, the stem cell ALS therapy developed by Israel’s Kadimastem showed promise in the lab. Now, early results from human trials at Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem show that it has significantly slowed down disease progression without major side effects.
Helping doctors focus on treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Maverick Medical AI has developed software for reading patient notes to analyze chronic conditions and risk factors. US Health Systems (USHS), in partnership with Arizona Complete Health, is to deploy Maverick’s software within its organization.
Predicting high-risk cardiac patients. (TY Atid-EDI) As reported (here)previously, the algorithms of Israel’s Medial EarlySign detect disease early. Its latest algorithm identifies cardiac patients with a high risk of complications after hospital discharge following a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) procedure.
Blocking bone cancer in children. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have had promising results in the lab with experimental treatments for Ewing sarcoma – a bone cancer common in teenagers with a specific defective gene. Mifepristone – a glucocorticoid receptor blocker – stopped the cancer spreading to other organs.
Another early warning of Alzheimer’s. As reported (here) previously, there are at least two signs of the early advance of Alzheimer’s disease. Now doctors at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center have developed Clara – an AI chatbot that questions the patient and compares the answers to a baseline. It is 95% accurate.
https://www.pnas.org/content/112/52/16024.short https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2018-23212-001

On the Moral Restoration of Israel Netanyahu’s biggest challenge ahead. Jason D. Hill


As I wrote in my prescient article a few months ago: A Moral Philosopher’s Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Netanyahu’s victory was inevitable. A moral and political mandate has indeed been issued to the great patriarch of Israel and, at least for now, Israel’s implosion has been forestalled. As the looming October deadline bears down on him to form a coalition government, Israeli’s and all who regard  themselves as defenders of Israel and allies of Netanyahu must face tough fundamental challenges and ask the question: What ultimately must he do to convince the Israeli people that he is indeed their moral and political leader?

First, he must continue to use the moral force of his convictions to form a coalition by communicating directly to the Israeli people that failure to do so will result in the country’s implosion. Netanyahu is a born leader, a man of moral convictions and, like all moral leaders, one possessed of a formidable and charismatic character. It would be in his rational self-interest to point out to his petulant and soulless rivals who have implacably stated that they will not form a coalition union with him what Israel will rightfully become and be seen as in the eyes of the world if they fail to partner with him: a politically failed state and an incompetent democracy. The only beacon of light in a dark and politically primitive and regressive Middle East would have been extinguished. With the ugly presence of the Joint List, the Arab backed third largest party in the 20th Knesset, the country is ripe for a Third Intifada, and a large-scale strike from Gaza.

The Washington Post doesn’t let facts get in its way The Post gives inordinate space to the tiny fraction of Jews who are against the right of Jewish self-determination, consistently omits context, and casts Israeli concerns as overblown and the Arabs as victims.Sean Durns


The overwhelming majority of American Jewry has a positive view of Israel. Yet, the overwhelming majority of opinion pieces and reporting from major US news outlets doesn’t reflect this reality. Instead, the media promotes a small and unrepresentative minority. The Washington Post offers a case in point.

Ninety-five percent of American Jews have a “strongly positive” view of Israel, according to an August 2019 Gallup poll. The pollster noted that this was “significantly more pro-Israel than the overall national averages of 71% favorable views of Israel and 21% favorable views of the Palestinian Authority.”

Similarly, a 2013 Pew survey observed: “76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.”

In short: American Jewry is, except for a minuscule minority, pro-Israel. Yet, the American media often chooses to give a megaphone to Jews that actively oppose, or are hypercritical of, the Jewish state.

The Washington Post, for example, gives inordinate column space to the tiny fraction of Jews, American and otherwise, who are against the right of Jewish self-determination. In a Sept. 20, 2019 tweet, Mairav Zonszein of +972 magazine cheered that her publication was “all up in The Washington Post opinion pages today,” with two pieces from the same organization appearing on the same day. Zonszein proudly noted that editors of “mainstream outlets” were no longer editing out or tweaking her use of the term “apartheid.”

The U.S. Alliance with Israel Cannot Be Sacrificed to Ideological Purity By Seth Cropsey & Harry Halem


Contrary to what Robert Kagan implies, America cannot sacrifice a critical strategic alliance on the altar of ideological purity.

On September 16, in advance of Israel’s elections, the Washington Post published a long and vitriolic attack by Robert Kagan, a respected writer, on Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu. The gravamen of the accusation is that Israel and its leadership have abandoned its principles. Kagan argues that by “embracing” such caudillos as Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, and Vladimir Putin, Israel is helping to destroy the liberal international order.

This is like blaming Octavius for the Roman republic’s demise — a baseless charge, since civil conflict and competing strongmen had ended the Republic years earlier. While the U.S. remains strong enough — if its citizens possess the will — to salvage what is left of the international order, Israel has no such option. It is a regional power that has existed for 70 years in a very dangerous neighborhood. If it cannot survive, it cannot sustain its founding principles, including democracy, toleration, and respect for minority rights. Israel’s future as well as that of other states demands looking at the world clearly.

The greatest danger a nation can face is political delusion on the part of its elites. An unwillingness to face geopolitical realities jeopardizes a nation’s interest and survival.

The most pernicious form of delusion occurs when the political class cannot rid itself of paradigms stemming from heretofore extant distributions of power. Rather than recognizing a systemic change, it clings to an obsolete understanding of the balance of power. Throughout the 1920s, Britain’s policymakers were convinced that France, rather than Germany, posed a threat to European peace. Even before appeasement, they tacitly encouraged the growth of German power, while restraining Britain’s closest Great War ally.

One must look to the small to detect geopolitical change. Great powers like America can cling to old paradigms, relying on their latent strength to mitigate misperception’s consequences. For small states, however, politics is existential — political death is a persistent possibility. Small states survive by anticipating, rather than reacting to, international events.