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Positive coronavirus treatment news. Six critically ill Israeli coronavirus patients with organ failure are still alive after 1-week’s Pluristem’s PLX cell-therapy in three separate Israeli medical centers. Four show improved respiratory parameters – three of those could soon be weaned off ventilators with two showing clinical recovery.  

Latest – The first critically ill US coronavirus patient has received Pluristem’s treatment (in New Jersey).

Italy approves Israeli coronavirus treatment. (TY JNS) Italy has approved Opaganib from Israel’s Redhill Biopharma to treat some 160 severe COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory problems at three hospitals in northern Italy. Phase2 tests on 131 US patients were positive and two critically ill Israeli patients are improving.
Passive vaccine saves 29-year-old coronavirus patient. (TY Hazel) A 29-year-old coronavirus patient in Ashdod has improved from serious to serious but stable condition, after receiving multiple doses of plasma from a donor who recovered from coronavirus. Another patient who received plasma has also improved.
https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/29-year-old-among-first-to-be-treated-with-MDA-passive-vaccine-624353  https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israels-MDA-to-treat-coronavirus-patients-with-new-passive-vaccine-623172
Targeting coronavirus proteins. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute are working with a UK laboratory and others to develop an anti-viral treatment that targets Protease – a protein essential for coronavirus activity.  Meanwhile, Hebrew University of Jerusalem scientists are testing many chemicals against similar proteins.
Decoys to trap coronavirus. Technion scientists are using their NanoGhost technology(reported here) to send NanoGhost stem cells into the lungs. The coronavirus cells then bind with the NanoGhost decoy cells rather than the cells in the lung, thus reducing the ability of the virus to propagate.
Radar for the lungs. Israel’s Sensible Medical has developed a radar-based system that continuously monitors a patient’s lung fluid levels to prevent deterioration. It has already in operation in four Italian hospitals and a US hospital has bought 20 units. Israel is also about to adopt it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8v1GKdeKa0
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3804703,00.html  https://sensible-medical.com/
New coronavirus test is 10 times faster. Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed and implemented a new test for coronavirus infections that is much faster, cheaper and hasn’t the resource issues of current tests. It extracts RNA from swabs as now, but with a magnetic bead-based cleanup process called SPRI.
Recovered. The many critically ill Israeli coronavirus patients being cured include a couple from Ashkelon aged 90 and 87 who can now celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. Also, Eli Beer, CEO of Israel’s United Hatzalah has awoken from a coma.

Does Israel have a ‘no exit’ strategy from corona? Ruthie Blum


Hebrew memes circulating on social media poked fun at the current form of warfare, which involves not charging at the enemy with tanks and rifles, but rather binging on Netflix and junk food.
The battle between the Israeli Health Ministry and Finance Ministry over the lifting of coronavirus-spurred lockdowns is heated. Early on in the crisis, when schools, malls and office buildings closed last month, government officials projected that life would resume some semblance of normalcy in the immediate aftermath of Passover.
It was a mid-April date on which parents pinned hopes and to which everyone looked forward. But to no avail. The kids are still home, stores remain shut and freedom of movement feels like a thing of the distant past.
To counter bouts of anxiety, loneliness and cabin fever – amid a rise in COVID-19 deaths and a drop in employment – we Israelis initially turned to humor. Hebrew memes circulating on social media poked fun at the current form of warfare, which involves not charging at the enemy with tanks and rifles, but rather binging on Netflix and junk food.
Growing fat is not the only reason that our patience has begun to wear thin, however.
ALONGSIDE A general societal willingness to adopt inconvenient habits to contain the ultra-contagious virus that strikes “grandmas and grandpas” with a vengeance, there is a gnawing sense that health authorities are going a bit too far in their doomsday scenarios.

Defending their demand for increasingly stringent measures to “flatten the coronavirus curve,” these authorities often appear oblivious to the ills of a demolished economy and mass demoralization.
The perilous side effects are already evident. Indeed, in a matter of weeks, more than a quarter of the workforce suddenly found itself with no income, business owners became poverty-stricken overnight, domestic violence spiked drastically and the ERAN organization hotline for emotional first aid has been ringing off the hook.

Palestinians: Don’t Believe UNRWA, They Are Not Helping by Bassam Tawil


Those considering donating to UNRWA ought first to listen to the voices of the leaders of the Palestinians in Lebanon who are accusing the UN agency of negligence and failing to fulfill its promises to help the Palestinians battle the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese human rights activist Riad Issa alleged that UNRWA has for years failed to assist the Palestinian refugees, and that the problem did not begin with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. “The crisis is not related to lack of funding,” he said. “Palestinians have been complaining about UNRWA’s lack of services for many years.”

If the Palestinians are saying that UNRWA hasn’t been helping them for years, why are the agency’s heads appealing to donors for urgent financial aid?

The Palestinian public is trapped: Arabs appear to care nothing for their Palestinian brothers, while UNRWA appears to care only about collecting funds to pay the salaries of its managers and workers.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) claims that it is on the “frontlines of responding to COVID-19,” and its officials are appealing for donations to help Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. According to an UNRWA statement from April 5:

“UNRWA is doing its part to flatten the curve and has mobilized a number of prevention and control measures across its field of operations, including the issuing of hygiene products and protection gear to UNRWA staff, the distribution of educational pamphlets to refugees, the regular sterilization of camps and UNRWA facilities, and the support of students at home through our Education in Emergencies programme. UNRWA is committed to providing emergency relief and maintaining essential services like food assistance, education, and primary health care for the millions of Palestine refugees that depend on us, but in order to do so, we need your help.”

While UNRWA is boasting of its services to Palestinian refugees and asking for donations, the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are accusing the UN agency of doing nothing to help them face the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.

Those considering donating to UNRWA ought first to listen to the voices of the leaders of the Palestinians in Lebanon who are accusing the UN agency of negligence and failing to fulfill its promises to help the Palestinians battle the pandemic.

The Palestinians’ complaints against UNRWA are embarrassing for the agency’s administration and expose its attempt to mislead donors into believing that UNRWA is making a herculean effort to assist the refugees in Lebanon.

Locked-Down Tel Avivians Dance on Balconies to Celebrate City’s Birthday


Tel Aviv celebrated its 111th birthday on Tuesday, amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis that has ground the city to a halt.

“To mark the festive occasion our truck set off to roam the city blasting the city’s unofficial anthem (Tel Aviv Ya Habibi Tel Aviv!) as residents waved from their balconies,” the Tel Aviv municipality tweeted.

Tel Aviv is celebrating it’s 111th birthday today!

To mark the festive occasion our truck set off to roam the city blasting the city’s unofficial anthem (Tel Aviv Ya Habibi Tel Aviv!) as residents waved from their balconies

Ruthie Blum: Corona curfew, coalition deadline Apparently, the two sides are close to resolving the dispute. We’ll believe it when we see it.


As the clock was ticking on Monday evening towards his midnight deadline to form a government, Blue and White Party leader and temporary Knesset Speaker Benny Gantz addressed the Israeli people.

Ostensibly explaining to the public why a national-emergency coalition was imperative at this time, he behaved more like someone running for election. Or defending himself to those former members of his bloc who dumped him for agreeing to make a deal with the Likud Party under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

His peculiar speech came on the heels of Netanyahu’s latest coronavirus message: that there would be a countrywide curfew during the first half of the end of the Passover holiday, from 5 p.m. on Tuesday until 5 a.m. on Wednesday—and then a resumption of the regular distancing limits about going outside.

In addition, according to the restrictions, no bakeries would be open to the public for an additional 12 hours or more. In other words, all those Israelis desperate for some fresh bread after a week of eating only matzah will have to wait another day.



Israeli researchers at Hebrew U develop faster, cheaper COVID-19 test By IDAN ZONSHINE  

The new test would supply results 4-10 times faster than the current method, and is made almost entirely from materials which are easily available for purchase within the country.

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced on Sunday that they have developed a new method of testing for COVID-19 which is not only 4-10 times faster than the tests most commonly used today, but also significantly cheaper, while supplying the same level of accuracy.

Moreover, most of the materials required to perform the new test are already available in Israel, easing significantly both the country’s dire shortage of testing materials and its heavy economic dependence on foreign commercial markets.


IDF’s Shayetet 13 develops solutions to compress oxygen to fight corona by Anna Ahronheim

The elite unit, which trains experienced divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in under-water breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method.

The Shayetet 13 naval commando unit is helping in the IDF’s fight against the coronavirus by developing advanced solutions to compress oxygen. 

The famed elite unit, which trains divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in underwater breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method and is playing a key role in the fight against the deadly disease. 

Israeli High School Develops Robot to Help Protect Doctors from Coronavirus By Yakir Benzion


Mentored by engineers from the Technion, Israel’s leading technology university, a high school robotics team in Haifa produced a robot to deliver equipment, medicine and food and help protect hospital medical staff from COVID-19.

The robotics club at a Haifa high school has teamed up with engineers at the world-class Technion-Israeli Institute of Technology and developed a robot that will help medical workers keep their distance from coronavirus-infected patients.

Dubbed the “COROBOT,” the remote control service trolley allows medicine and food to be delivered to patients without another person present, driving right up to the patient’s bed and complete with a computer tablet to allow two-way communication.

The robot was tested last week, showing officials at Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center how it can be also be used to carry equipment to the coronavirus isolation ward to the protective rooms. Like with a remote control car, an operator uses a radio control device to steer the robot.

Israel Greenlights Coronavirus Blocking Sticker Pilot


The Directorate of Defense Research and Development (Mafat) has greenlighted a sticker developed at Israeli research university Technion Israel Institute of Technology that attaches to surgical masks, adding an additional layer of protection against coronavirus (Covid-19), Technion announced Monday.

Called Maya, the 3D-printed sticker is made up of nanometric fibers coated with disinfectants and is meant to enhance the containment of nanoparticles and effectively neutralize viruses as they touch the mask, according to the statement.

Israel’s Ministry of Health has given initial approval for the use of the sticker by medical personnel and in the coming days, a pilot will begin at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya in northern Israel, to examine the sticker’s effectiveness and see if it reduces the incidence of infection among medical teams.

The technology behind the sticker was developed by Technion professor Eyal Zussman in conjunction with the Galilee Medical Center.

Hamas Top Dog Tells Israel to Deliver Ventilators, Or ‘We’ll Stop the Breathing of Six Million Israelis’ Where have we heard that number before? Robert Spencer


Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the jihad terror group Hamas, on Thursday boasted that if Israel didn’t come across with more ventilators for “Palestinian” coronavirus victims in Gaza, the jihadis “take them by force.” As if that weren’t enough, Sinwar added: “If ventilators are not brought into [Gaza], we’ll take them by force from Israel and stop the breathing of 6 million Israelis.” Of course, Sinwar wasn’t articulating any new imperative for the jihad group: a new genocide of the Jews has always been a cherished Hamas aspiration.

As The Palestinian Delusion explains, destroying Israel is, in Hamas’ view, a religious imperative — even an act of worship. In 2012, Hamas published a music video that included a lyric apparently inspired by the “drive them out from where they drove you out” command and the Hadith calling on Muslims to kill Jews in order to hasten the Last Day: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.”

To a Gaza imam, Ahmad Okasha, the only solution to the problems of the Palestinians was decreed by Muhammad himself in his own End Times prophecy of Muslims killing Jews. On Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV on November 5, 2018, Okasha said: “The most obvious Jihad on the face of the Earth is the Jihad in Palestine. There is no doubt or dispute about it. Muslims fighting Jews who occupied their land— there is no dispute here.”

Indeed, Okasha added, Jerusalem itself “shall only be liberated in the way decreed for us by Allah: ‘Judgment Day shall not come until you fight the Jews, and the trees and the rocks will say: “Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”’”

Hamas: A New Pretext to Attack Israel by Khaled Abu Toameh


These Hamas leaders, who have done virtually nothing to provide basic healthcare in the Gaza Strip, are now trying to hold Israel responsible for the shortage of the ventilators in Palestinian hospitals.

Since 2014, Hamas has invested about $120 million in the terror tunnels. According to various estimates, a terror tunnel costs anywhere from three to 10 million US dollars — depending on its length and depth.

One might ask: What have Sinwar and other Hamas leaders done to help their hospitals and people in the past 12 years?… What about the responsibility of the Palestinian Authority government for the safety and health of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip?

The leaders of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that has been controlling the Gaza Strip since 2007, say they are worried about the shortage of medical ventilators during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

These Hamas leaders, who have done virtually nothing to provide basic healthcare in the Gaza Strip, are now trying to hold Israel responsible for the shortage of ventilators in Palestinian hospitals.

Hamas leaders are, in fact, threatening to use terrorism to force Israel to provide the Gaza Strip with ventilators.

These are the same leaders who until recently were authorizing rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip against Israeli communities. These are the same leaders who never miss an opportunity to remind everyone of their wish to destroy Israel. These are also the same leaders who never accept responsibility for the well-being of their people and constantly search for ways to blame Israel for the miseries of Palestinians.