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Dems and Jewish Groups pick wrong side on Omar-Tlaib

Should the Netanyahu government have barred “Squad” members and BDS advocates Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the country? Chattering classes in both countries quickly took sides. Surprising is how quickly major American Jewish organizations—those one would most expect to defend Israel—jumped to condemn its decision, arguing that it should have rolled out the red carpet for the two congresswomen. While their argument is that keeping the women out harms the Jewish State, it is their position that damages Israel and strengthens its enemies.

“A good-faith visit to Israel is the best way to be exposed to its democracy, complexities, and range of views. And so while we absolutely disagree with the pro-BDS positions of Reps. @IlhanMN & @RashidaTlaib, keeping them out is counterproductive,” tweeted ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt on Thursday, echoing a nearly identical tweet sent out less than half an hour earlier by AIPAC, which declared “every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand.”

The problem is that Omar and Tlaib weren’t visiting Israel. They were visiting a fictitious country called “Palestine,” which Arabs hope will replace Israel. Their itinerary, titled “U.S. Congressional Delegation to Palestine,” was loaded with meet-and-greets with Palestinian Authority officials. The only Israel representative was the group B’Tselem—a radical organization that last made headlines condemning Israel at the U.N. Security Council. Israel’s ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer described the itinerary as a “BDS circus.”

America’s Other ‘Special Relationship’ Remains Worth Preserving By Kevin D. Williamson


There is no convincing argument that the destabilized Israel sought by the Ilhan Omars and Rashida Tlaibs of the world would serve U.S. interests.

Clifford May tells this story about George Schultz sending off newly confirmed ambassadors as secretary of state: “He would show them a very large globe. And he would spin the globe, and he would say, ‘Show me your country.’ And with great pride, they’d point out Brunei or Equatorial Guinea or some place in Latin America. And he would invariably shake his head and say, ‘No, that’s not your country. Your country is the United States of America. You should never, ever forget that.’”

“America First!” is the slogan of the day, and not only on the right, though populist Democrats generally prefer a slightly different rhetorical formulation. (Barack Obama called for “nation-building here at home” and complained about “free riders” abroad, and even tried to rehabilitate Theodore Roosevelt’s “New Nationalism.” To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to.) One might be forgiven for wondering how seriously people take that slogan: Democrats do not act as though, e.g., our immigration policies should be shaped according to the interests of the American people; Republicans’ “America First!” proclamations often end up meaning “Boeing First!” or “Nucor First!” But we all, it is supposed, know which one is our country.

Of course, Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) doesn’t believe that. She has argued in the past that American Jews suffer from divided loyalties vis-à-vis Israel, an ancient anti-Semitic libel that should be obvious enough to Representative Omar, who no doubt is aware that certain knuckle-dragging elements in our national life believe roughly the same thing about Muslims, that they can never really be good citizens and good Muslims both.

Israel is the other special relationship. The original “special relationship,” the one we have with the United Kingdom, has received some attention from President Donald Trump and his administration, partly because Trump believes he sees his watery reflection in the Brexit movement, which is at least a little bit true. (Who, then, is the Nigel Farage of U.S. politics? Steve King, maybe?) But Israel is much more on the political map.






A nano-vaccine for melanoma. Scientists at Tel Aviv University have developed a novel nano-vaccine for melanoma (skin cancer) that has proved effective in laboratory tests. Tiny particles made of bio-degradable polymer were packed with two “safe” cancer-expressed peptides for the body to develop immunity against.




New test for Alzheimer’s. The SRY subsidiary of Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center has developed Vizamyl, a radioactive agent that can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Used in a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan, it estimates amyloid neuritic plaque density in the brain – the main indication of Alzheimer’s.


Good results for anti-radiation vaccine. I reported previously (see here) on the PLX-R18 stem cell treatment for radiation sickness from Israel’s Pluristem. Animal trials by the US Department of Defense demonstrated that PLX-R18, administered before and after radiation exposure increased survival rates by 46-70%.


US approval for antibacterial dental fillings. I reported previously (Aug 2018) about Israel’s Nobio and its nano-polymer that causes bacteria to die immediately on contact. Nobio has just received FDA approval to market its antibacterial material for dental fillings.


Agreement for psoriasis treatment. I reported previously (see here) on the small molecule treatments from Israel’s Can-Fite for psoriasis, liver and inflammatory diseases, and cancer. Can-Fite AND South Korea-based Kyongbo have just signed a distribution agreement for Can-Fite’s psoriasis treatment Piclidenoson (CF101).


Innovation hub for hi-tech medicine. Israel’s Innovation Authority and the National Digital Israel Initiative are setting up an innovation hub dedicated to computational biology, digital health, pharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence. They are asking for bids worth up to NIS 32 million to build the hub.


Ultrasound skin therapy. Israeli startup SofWave Medical is developing non-invasive ultrasound technology for skin tightening. It targets specific layers of skin to reduce wrinkles and has received CE (European) approval. SofWave has just raised $8.4 million of funding.  https://alon-medtech.com/portfolio/



Facial recognition of genetic diseases. Israeli-founded FDNA has developed artificial intelligence to detect physiological patterns (phenotypes) that reveal disease-causing genetic variations. With one of the fastest growing and most comprehensive genomic databases, FDNA is changing the game for precision medicine. https://www.fdna.com/

First response training for medics in Chile. (TY Hazel) Israel’s emergency service Magen David Adom is helping to train municipal security personnel as first responders to medical emergencies in the Chilean capital Santiago. It is in preparation for Chile hosting two major international conferences at the end of the year.


Israeli-Druze officer saves Jordanian boy. (TY Hazel) Kalai Housam Tarif, an Israeli Prison Officer of the Druze community, donated half of his liver to an unrelated eight-year-old boy from Jordan. Surgeons at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petach Tikvah transplanted around half of Tarif’s liver to save the boy.


Enlisting Arabs for the Nazi Cause The mufti urged the Arabs to “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.” Dr. Alex Grobman

Part III of The War of Words

From 1941-1945, historian Antonio J. Muñoz estimated that about 5,000 Arab and Indian Muslims volunteered to serve in the German armed forces, hardly sufficient to constitute an army of liberation. Their worth as a military force was negligible compared with units created with Muslims in the Balkans and the USSR. Though the Germans failed to conquer the region, the units did have propaganda value which the Nazis exploited.

Joseph Schechtman credited the mufti in helping establish espionage networks to provide information about British troop movements. His news transmissions to the Middle East reported acts of sabotage that would normally have been censored. His agents, who infiltrated the Middle East by land or by air, cut pipe and telephone lines in Palestine and Transjordan and destroyed bridges and railways in Iraq.

He also organized an Axis-Arab Legion known as the Arabisches Freiheitskorps that wore German uniforms with “Free Arabia” patches Schechtman said. As part of the German Army, the unit guarded communications facilities in Macedonia and hunted down American and British paratroopers who jumped into Yugoslavia and were hiding among the local population. The legion also fought on the Russian front. Another major success was el-Husseini’s recruitment of tens of thousands of Balkan Muslims into the Wehrmacht.  Moshe Shertok (Sharett), chief of the political department of the Jewish Agency, reported that on a visit to Bosnia in 1943, the mufti appealed to local Muslims to join the Moslem Waffen-SS Units and met with the units that were already operational.

Brother and Sister Seriously Injured in Car-Ramming Terror Attack in West Bank


Two Jewish siblings were seriously wounded when a Palestinian rammed his car into them at a bus stop in the West Bank on Friday morning.

Dramatic video showed the car, driven an assailant later identified as Ala Harimi, speeding off the road and slamming into the brother and sister before turning over.

Harimi, who was shot and killed as he emerged from the overturned vehicle, had been imprisoned in Israel in 2014 and 2015 for “popular terrorism.”

The victims were identified as Nachum Navis and his sister, Noam, both of Elazar, a Jewish community in the West Bank.

After being treated at the scene, Nachum was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital with “severe” injuries, while Noam was sent to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem with “moderate” injuries.

MDA paramedic Lior Levy said that when they arrived at the scene they found a 17-year-old male and 19-year-old female behind the bus stop.

“The boy was unconscious and had a head injury with general trauma and the young woman was partially conscious,” Levy said. He said that the MDA gave the pair “life-supporting treatment” at the scene.

The brother and sister were waiting to take a bus to join their parents on vacation.

Hamas praised the terror attack claiming “the growing rage of our people and the stabbing and car-ramming events are a response to the breaking into the Al-Aqsa Mosque. If such events continue in the West Bank there will be a flare-up in the region.”

Elazar is near Migdal Oz, where Yeshiva student Dvir Sorek was found stabbed to death last week in an apparent terror attack.



Unveiling an Islamic culture founded on nihilistic hate.

This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Dr. Jason D. Hill, a professor of philosophy at DePaul University in Chicago, and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His areas of specialization include ethics, social and political philosophy, American foreign policy and American politics. He is the author of several books, including We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People. Follow him on Twitter: @JasonDhill6.

Dr. Hill sheds disturbing light on The Palestinian Death Cult, unveiling an Islamic culture founded on nihilistic hate.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Dr. Hill discuss Jewish People – The Creators of Time — where he puts forward an ethical defense of Zionism. It is the blockbuster interview from which the above clip is taken.

‘BDS Is a Bullsh*t Purity Test’ for Democrats: Bill Maher Rants Against Boycott Israel Movement VIDEO


omedian Bill Maher lashed out at the Boycott Israel movement and its popularity among some progressive Democrats, saying “BDS is a bullshit purity test” within the party.

His comments came after a days-long public furor over the planned visit to Israel and Palestine by Muslim Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (Minn.), who are vocal BDS supporters. Their visit was foiled after the Israeli government backtracked on its initial approval a month ago and decided to block the pair from entering after President Donald Trump publicly encouraged the country to do so. (Israel later flip-flopped once more, to allow the Congresswomen in, but both Tlaib and Omar ultimately chose not to go.)

Maher, not holding back, slammed the boycott efforts as mere virtue signaling.

“BDS is a bullshit purity test by people who want to appear woke but actually slept through history class,” he said, to both cheers and jeer. “It’s predicated on this notion, I think, it’s very shallow thinking that the Jews in Israel, mostly white, and the Palestinians are browner, so they must be innocent and correct, and the Jews must be wrong. As if the occupation came right out of the blue, that this completely peaceful people found themselves occupied.”

Foreign investment keeps seeking Israel’s hightech Yoram Ettinger


The sustained growth of Israel’s economy for 15 consecutive years – 3.1% and 3.3% growth projected for 2019 and 2010 respectively – the flow of foreign investment to Israel’s hightech industries, the expanding production of natural gas in Israel and low unemployment (3.6%), have led Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency to reaffirm Israel’s AA- rating with stable economic outlook, notwithstanding Israel’s growing budget deficit (3.8% of GDP) and the current electoral turmoil (The Marker, August 5, 2019).

2. The downturn of Arab economies is presented by Dr. Adam Reuter, Chairman and Founder of Financial Immunities, Israel’s largest financial risk management firm. According to Dr. Reuter, more than ¾ of the Arab countries face a severe economic crisis, which has also afflicted the wealthy Persian Gulf countries due to the significant decline of the price of oil, their over-reliance on oil production, and the intensified lethal threat by Iran’s Ayatollahs. Seven Arab countries face the potential of insolvency (Morocco, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Lebanon), and six additional Arab countries experience a de-facto bankruptcy (Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia and Algeria).

The reduced price of oil has been generated, substantially, by the dramatic expansion of oil and natural gas exploration in the US (e.g., shale oil, directional and horizontal drilling, fracking, etc.), which has transformed the US from the world’s largest oil importer to the largest oil and natural gas producer and the third largest oil exporter. The US is increasingly becoming the leader of the global oil industry, which has minimized the impact on the price of oil by the collapse of two major oil exporting countries, Iran and Venezuela (Globes, August 6).

3. The San Francisco-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tech giant,Salesforce, acquired the Francisco Partners-owned Israeli company, Clicksoftware, for $1.35BN. Francisco Partners acquired Clicksoftware in 2015 for $438MN.  Previously, Salesforce acquired the following Israeli companies: Datorama – $850MN in July 2018, Bonobo – $50MN in May 2019, Implisit – tens of millions in May 2016 and Navajo – $30MN in August 2011 (Globes, August 9). Amazon acquired Israel’s E8 Storage for $50MN-$60MN, which will be integrated into Amazon’s Israeli research and development center – Annapurna Labs, which was acquired for $350MN in January 2015. In January 2018, Amazon acquired Israel’s CloudEndure for $250MN (Globes, August 1).

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Partnered with Vicious Anti-Semites to Plan Their Trip to Israel By David French


This should be a national scandal.

To the extent that I care at all about Israel blocking entry to two U.S. congresswomen who partner with anti-Semites who seek its destruction, I agree with critics who argue that Bibi Netanyahu should not appear to bow to Donald Trump’s tweeted demands and that blocking Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel handed them a short-term propaganda victory. But that’s not the most important part of the story.

The most important element of the story is the fact that two American congresswomen shunned a bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel to go on an independent trip to Israel sponsored by vicious anti-Semites. Another important element of the story is that, as of today, the mainstream media have whitewashed Omar and Tlaib’s vile associations.

Writing yesterday, the Washington Post said that “Omar and Tlaib’s trip to Jerusalem and the West Bank was planned by Miftah, a nonprofit organization headed by Palestinian lawmaker and longtime peace negotiator Hanan Ashrawi.” The New York Times described it as an organization “headed by a longtime Palestinian lawmaker.” In its editorial, the New York Times editorial board identified it as a group “that promotes ‘global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities.’”

Is the Palestinian Authority Preparing for a New Intifada? by Bassam Tawil


Needless to say, none of the Jews visiting the Temple Mount was involved in violence or any kind of “provocation.” The only violence that took place at the holy site came from Palestinians, who attacked the policemen with stones and chairs and hurled insults at the Jewish visitors.

By calling the visits “incursions” and “raids,” the Palestinians are trying to create the false impression that Jews are violently storming an Islamic holy site. The Arabic word Palestinians use to describe the visits: Iktiham (storm or break in). This rhetoric is meant to imply that the “extremist settlers” are carrying out a violent action against innocent Palestinians and their holy sites, thus signaling the Palestinians to rise to defend themselves and their mosque.

In the eyes of Palestinian leaders, Jews are always the “aggressors,” while Palestinians are the perpetual “victims”… in the Palestinian lexicon, a Jew peacefully touring the Temple Mount is an “aggressor,” while a Palestinian who throws stones and chairs at police officers and abuses the visitors is the real “victim.” This is the image Abbas, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are seeking to create in the minds of their people and the rest of the world.

The total number of Palestinians killed in Syria since 2011 now stands at 3,989. Where is the outrage from Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip about that? It is reserved for a Jew peacefully visiting the Temple Mount. For them, such visits are far more important than 250 Palestinian children killed in any Arab country. This sums up the Palestinian leaders’ attitude – ruinous disregard for the lives of their own children, and malign intentions for the Jews and their children.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) spent the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha this week inciting against Israel because of Jewish visits to the Temple Mount, or Haram al-Sharif in Arabic, in Jerusalem. The site is also sacred to Jews and Christians: it is where the First and Second Temples had stood before being destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BCE and by the Romans in 70 CE. (The Western Wall, or so-called Wailing Wall, sacred to Jews, an ancient retaining wall of the Temple Mount, is all that remains of them.)

Depicting the peaceful visits as “incursions by Jewish settlers and extremists,” PA officials and media outlets accused the Israeli government of repeatedly carrying out “provocations and assaults against holy sites in Jerusalem, particularly Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Mahmoud Habbash, religious affairs adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, went as far as describing the Jews visiting the Temple Mount as “terrorists.” Habbash, who also serves as Supreme Shari’a Judge, also accused the Jewish visitors of “defiling the Haram al-Sharif and provoking the feelings of Muslims.” He further appealed to all Muslims to “defend Al-Aqsa Mosque against Israeli conspiracies and barbaric violations.”