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Israel on the Golan Heights benefits the USA Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


In 1993, 1995 and 2005, Israel retreated from 40% of the Judea and Samaria mountain ridges (West Bank) and the entire Gaza Strip. It transformed these regions into platforms of unprecedented Palestinian terrorism and missile launches, supported by Iran, Turkey and North Korea. Moreover, it has intensified lethal threats to all pro-US Arab regimes, bolstering their security ties with Israel, which they perceived to be the most credible “life insurance agent” in the region. As expected, gestures to rogue regimes and terrorists fuel further violence!

“In November 1994, the peace process had seemed to be in full swing…. [But], an organized campaign began in the US against the idea of stationing US troops on the Golan Heights as ‘peace keepers’, in the event of an Israel-Syria [peace] agreement. The campaign was orchestrated by right-wing organizations and individuals in the Jewish community, with occasional participation of visitors from Israel… [such as] the former Minister for Congressional Affairs in our Washington Embassy, Yoram Ettinger…. The organizers conveyed the message that sending US troops as peacekeepers to the Golan was bad for the US [and that the Syrian armored mechanized divisions stationed between the Golan Heights and Damascus would be deployed to the border with Jordan, aiming to topple the pro-US Hashemite regime]…. The US could lose the lives of its soldiers and become entangled in a dangerous foreign arena…. That would no doubt lead to a rise in anti-Semitism in the US…. Senator Jesse Helms, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations [a friend of Bobby Jacobs] was openly critical of the Assad regime…. The Chairman of the House Committee on International Relations, Benjamin Gilman, was under pressure from voters in his own constituency…. This Congressional opposition had at least some negative impact on Assad’s motivation to move forward in his peacemaking with Israel….” (Prof. Itamar Rabinovich, former Israeli Ambassador to the US and Chief Negotiator with Syria, The Brink of Peace, 1999, pp. 164-167).

Israel Expels Human Rights Watch’s BDS Supporter How Human Rights Watch has failed its founder’s test. Joseph Klein


Human Rights Watch is in a lather because the Israeli government decided to expel Human Rights Watch’s “Israel and Palestine” director, Omar Shakir, on November 25th . Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, accused Israel of joining “the likes of Venezuela, Iran, and Egypt in barring Human Rights Watch researchers.” United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ spokesperson responded to Shakir’s deportation, saying, “We regret the decision taken by the Israeli authorities to deport him. The secretary-general supports the important work by human rights defenders around the world, and that work should be allowed to continue.” Several so-called UN human rights “experts” had previously criticized Israel’s decision to expel Shakir, which was upheld by the Israeli Supreme Court, as “a body blow to the protection of human rights defenders.”

Omar Shakir is neither an objective researcher or genuine human rights defender. Israel’s decision to deport him was based on his violation of a 2017 Israeli law that bars entry to people who advocate the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) against Israel. Shakir has a history of bashing Israel. Then again, the organization he works for – Human Rights Watch – has become a shill for the Palestinians’ campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel. No wonder it chose Shakir as its “Israel and Palestine” director and continues to defend him. Indeed, Shakir will remain Human Rights Watch’s “Israel and Palestine” director, delivering his propaganda from a neighboring country.

Omar Shakir was co-president of Students for Palestinian Equal Rights (SPER), the forerunner to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Stanford University. In 2011, he gave a  presentation entitled “Renewing the Call for Divestment: A Campaign to Divest from Companies that Profit from Human Rights Violations in Israel/Palestine.” In 2013, he introduced a BDS resolution to the undergraduate senate at Stanford.



The discovery could revolutionize how chemotherapy is used.

By United with Israel Staff

Researchers from Hebrew University recently published a new technique that singles out cancer cells from healthy ones, enabling cancer patients to receive less chemotherapy and thus suffer fewer side effects. The findings were published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.

The research team is headed by Professor Alexander Binshtok, head of the Pain Plasticity Research Group at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Faculty of Medicine and Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences.

“Most anti-cancer treatments are not sufficiently specific, meaning they attack healthy cells together with the malignant ones they’re trying to get rid of,” explained Binshtok, according to Arutz Sheva. “This leads to the many serious side-affects associated with chemotherapy. Eliminating cancerous cells while leaving healthy ones alone is an important step towards reduce patients’ suffering.”

The new findings allow chemotherapy drugs to directly strike malignant cells, bypassing healthy one.

It is hoped that the discovery will reduce the amount of chemotherapy doses a patient must endure. Many patients stop treatment due to the severity of chemotherapy side-effects. Additionally, cancer patients often die from the side effects of chemotherapy, such as malnutrition, rather than the cancer they are being treated for.

The study was performed on liver cancer cells using the selective expression of the TRPV2 protein by cancer cells. TRPV2 protein opens a canal inside cell membranes. The scientists were able to “insert a low dose of doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic agent, through the canal and directly into cancer cells,” according to the report.

It is hoped that the findings will eventually allow precision delivery of chemotherapy to cancer cells, thus lowering doses and relieving patients of the drug’s harsh side effects.

Trump and Netanyahu: Both Being Investigated for Made-Up Crimes by Alan M. Dershowitz


The most striking similarity is that both are being investigated for actions that their legislatures have not explicitly made criminal.

Politicians always seek good coverage and many vote with that in mind. Some even negotiate good coverage in advance of voting. That is why they have press secretaries and media consultants.

Nor could a reasonable statute be drafted that covered Netanyahu’s alleged conduct, but not that of other Knesset members who bartered their votes for good coverage. That is why no legislature in a country governed by the rule of law has ever made positive media coverage the “quid” or “quo” necessary for a bribery conviction, and that is why the bribery indictment of Netanyahu should not be upheld by the courts.

[I]t is simply not a crime for a President to use his power over foreign policy for political, partisan or even personal advantage. Imagine Congress trying to pass a law defining what would constitute a criminal abuse of the foreign policy power, as distinguished from a political or moral abuse…. Presidents have even engaged in military actions for political gain.

The central aspect of the rule of law is that no one may be investigated, prosecuted or impeached unless his conduct violates pre-existing and unambiguous prohibitions. Neither Congress nor prosecutors can make it up as they go along, because they, too, are not above the law.

There are striking similarities, as well as important differences, between the investigations being conducted against American President Donald J. Trump by the US Congress, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was just indicted.

The most striking similarity is that both are being investigated for actions that their legislatures have not explicitly made criminal. Moreover, no legislature in any country governed by the rule of law would ever enact a general statute criminalizing such conduct. The investigations of these two controversial leaders are based on using general laws that have never previously been deemed to apply to the conduct at issue and stretching them to target specific political figures.

Netanyahu indictments are shifting few Israeli voters Ruthie Blum


The only move has been among some of his supporters who fear having the greatest and longest-serving leader in Israel’s history end his career on a low note.

According to a poll released this week by Israel Hayom, 64 percent of Israelis say that the indictments against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Nov. 21 will not affect how they vote in the next Knesset elections. The same survey revealed that 44 percent of the public considers Netanyahu the leader best suited to be prime minister, compared to only 37 percent who feel that way about Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz. The same poll predicts that Gantz’s party would maintain the single-seat lead over Netanyahu’s Likud that it gained on Sept. 17.

The seeming inherent contradiction in terms—that Gantz is far less popular than Netanyahu, yet his party would still beat Likud by a sliver—sheds light on the Israeli political system and the predicament in which the country has been thrust since the first of what is likely to turn out to be three legislative elections in less than a year.

Ahead of the April 9 election, polls also showed Netanyahu beating Gantz as a preferred candidate for prime minister, yet indicated a neck-and-neck race between the parties of the two. When the votes were counted, the victory appeared to be clear. Though Likud and Blue and White tied, with each garnering 35 out of the total 120 Knesset seats, the right-wing bloc was much greater than the left. A government headed by Netanyahu seemed to be in the bag yet again.

Wikipedia’s anti-Israel editors unmasked by Adam Kredo


A pro-Israel organization has exposed the identities of top Wikipedia editors who use the online encyclopedia to promote anti-Israel bias and causes, a first-of-its-kind effort that is unmasking a global online network of Israel critics.

The Israel Group, a nonprofit organization that combats anti-Israel bias, is set to launch next year a database that will expose the true identities of many leading Wikipedia editors who harbor anti-Israel bias and have implanted this viewpoint across the website through more than 325,000 edits during the past 10 years. It has already listed the identities of several of these editors.

The new effort, dubbed Wiki-Israel, seeks to provide accountability for the numerous and often anonymous editors who control all of the content that exists on Wikipedia.

Leaders of the Israel Group accuse these individuals of acting as “a cabal of virulently anti-Israel anonymous editors” who are “responsible for decimating virtually the entire pro-Israel editing community.”

Leaders of the Israel Group view Wikipedia, with its global reach and wide readership, as a central battleground in the fight to combat the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

The Democratic Party Faces a Choice on Israel by Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel see note please


This time it is not only about Israel: it is about national sovereignty and open borders; it is about the trashing of our culture and history with politically correct drivel about gender, heritage, fake history, fake victims, destruction of statues of national heroes, and promoting false narratives and unequal justice. For the moment Israel is blessed by the President of our nation whom these fake prophets of the Democratic party libel and conspire against…..rsk

A few years ago, it would have been unimaginable: the Democratic Party, the party supported by the overwhelming majority of American Jews and with a long record of pro-Israel figures — Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Frank Church, Daniel Patrick Moynihan and so on — is now fielding presidential candidates calling for cutting aid to Israel.

Those include Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D–MA) and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg. All three have called for making US annual military aid to Israel conditional on Israel embracing the so-called “two-state solution” — that is to say, establishing an unreconstructed, unreformed Palestinian Arab terror state on Israel’s doorstep.

Senator Sanders has said that he would “absolutely” consider cuts to American military aid to Israel in order to pressure Israel, which he described as having “an extreme right-wing government with many racist tendencies … $3.8 billion [a year] is a lot of money, and we cannot give it carte blanche to the Israeli government. If you want military aid, you’re going to have to fundamentally change your relationship [to Gaza].”

Senator Warren has said: “Right now, [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu says he is going to take Israel in a direction of increasing settlements. That does not move us toward a two-state solution. It is the official policy of the United States of America to support a two-state solution, and if Israel is moving in the opposite direction then everything is on the table.”

DAILY RECAP: Likud Backs Netanyahu; Startup Nation Impresses Time; UNRWA Faces Financial Ruin


Are Palestinians Not Entitled to Human Rights? by Bassam Tawil


“The protection of rights and freedoms requires that the right to human rights be guaranteed to judges. Judges have the right to express their opinions freely in the media and social media. Al-Haq, while condemning the violation of the right of judges to express their opinions freely, calls on [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas to ensure an environment conducive to the reform of the judiciary and the justice system in Palestine.” – Al Haq, Palestinian human rights organization, based in Ramallah, West Bank.

These human rights violations continue in the face of the PA government’s pledge to stop any violation of press freedoms. Ibrahim Milhem, spokesman for the PA government, was quoted earlier this year as saying: “The government will exert all efforts to make the media work environment in Palestine more open and free and to stop any violation of press freedoms.”

Unless the Palestinians manage to rise up against their abusive and corrupt leaders — which they can only do with the backing of the international community and media — their hope of building a democratic society will remain nothing more than a dream.

The international community, particularly those countries that provide financial aid to the Palestinians, should at least speak out against human rights violations committed by Palestinian leaders. That way, the Western donors will embolden reformists and other Palestinians who are working to end corruption and dictatorship. The donors should also make their financial aid to the PA leadership conditional on halting human rights violations and persecution of political opponents.

While Palestinian officials repeatedly condemn Israel for violating Palestinians’ freedom of expression, it is actually the Palestinian Authority (PA) that continues to harass, intimidate and detain Palestinians for expressing their opinions on social media or being affiliated with rival political groups. Business as usual.

The latest victims of the PA’s ongoing assault on public freedoms, particularly freedom of expression, are Palestinian lawyers, judges, political activists and university students.

There are No Settlers on the West Bank Only noble and heroic pioneers re-founding sacred Israel. Jason D. Hill


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently announced that the U.S. would no longer consider civilian settlements in the occupied territories of the West Bank as a violation of international law. Many Israelis have warmly embraced this U.S. move as a great moral victory for the Jewish state. And to be sure, Pompeo’s declaration reversed a forty-decade US policy that regarded the settlements as a violation of international law.

The only proper response to Pompeo’s announcement is: it’s a long time coming. And, along with the U.S. announcement, moral citizens of the world must begin a radical reversal of certain anti-Israeli and anti-Jewry references to the so-called “settlers” of Judea and Samaria (The West Bank) and what has been mistakenly referred to as “Occupied Territory.”

To begin with, the Israeli Jews are not settlers in Judea and Samaria. From here on, they should be referred to as heroic pioneers on re-founded land in Holy Israel. This is the land of Moses, a nation unified under King David, the only nation blessed by God in the Bible renamed Palestine by the Romans in the second century and later artificially divided into three states. This is the nation occupied and destroyed, and its people exiled and conquered immorally under the Egyptians (1523 BCE—1313 BCE); Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar (423 BCE-372 BCE); Persia/Media (372 BCE—140 BCE); Greece (371 BCE—140BCE); and Rome (69 CE—Present).

Under the Roman Empire we witnessed the apocalyptic and most devastating blow to Jewish sovereignty that lasted for 2,000 years. It allowed for, among other dastardly intrusions, occupation under the Ottoman and British Empires. Let us not forget a few historical minutiae:

With the legal re-founding of the state of Israel in 1948, the local Palestinian militia groups along with Egypt, Jordan (then Transjordan), Syria, Iraq, Lebanon fought a vicious war—along with contingent forces from Saudi Arabia and Yemen—to annihilate tiny Israel. Jordan confiscated Judea and Samaria which it illegally annexed in 1950. In a 1967-Six Day defensive war against Jordan, Israel retook its Holy lands of Judea and Samaria from Jordan. Let us remember that Judea and Samaria historically belonged to Holy Israel and the Jewish people. It never belonged to a “Palestinian state” nor to a political entity known as “the Palestinians”.