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Gaza, Israel Reach Cease-Fire After Days of Deadly Clashes Calm descends after a weekend of rocket fire from Gaza and explosions on both sides of the border By Felicia Schwartz


TEL AVIV—Militant groups in Gaza said Monday they had reached a cease-fire with Israel after two days of the deadliest fighting since the 2014 war.

Israel lifted security restrictions in the south near Gaza in a sign that it expected calm, though it didn’t officially confirm the truce. Four Israelis and 27 Palestinians were killed since Friday evening after militants launched nearly 700 rockets, and Israel said it hit more than 350 military targets in Gaza in response.

The latest conflagration sparked fears of a wider war after a year of violent flare-ups and periodic cease-fires. But calm descended across Gaza and Israel on Monday after a weekend of rocket fire from the strip, blaring sirens over southern Israeli communities and explosions on both sides of the border.

Islamic Terror Rocket Hits Israeli Kindergarten (VIDEO) Daniel Greenfield


There were no children in this room in an Israeli kindergarten when the rocket hit. But you can only get lucky so many times.

In the latest round of Islamic terror attacks on Israel, some got lucky, others did not. One man is dead. A number of others were wounded by the terror rocket attacks. And this kindergarten video of the aftermath of a rocket attack shows what might have happened.

The video shows what happened after a rocket landed in the yard of a Sderot kindergarten and shrapnel from the strike pierced the classroom.

Why isn’t the Iron Dome stopping these deadly rocket attacks? Yaakov Amidror tells the ‘Post’ that if a rocket is shot at a location less than a few kilometers away, “we don’t have enough time to intercept it.” By Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman


Yaakov Amidror tells the ‘Post’ that if a rocket is shot at a location less than a few kilometers away, “we don’t have enough time to intercept it.”

Israel has a critical gap in its protection system, said Yaakov Amidror, a former head of Military Intelligence’s Research Department and currently a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies.

He told The Jerusalem Post that if a rocket is shot at a location less than a few kilometers away, “we don’t have enough time to intercept it.”

Amidror explained that there is nothing unique about these particular rockets – “they are within the capabilities of the Iron Dome.”

The challenge is that sometimes, such as in the case of the rocket that hit the vehicle near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, “from the point of view of the system, this was an open area without people. We don’t intercept such rockets.”

Amidror said that the rockets currently being fired at Israel had either been smuggled into the Gaza Strip before the 2013 regime change in Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood to General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, or are being produced on the Gaza side but using a manufacturing system that was built during that same time frame.

“Before the change of regime,” Amidror explained, “Egypt informally but practically allowed terrorist groups to bring in all the facilities needed to produce these rockets.”

He said that the rockets are paid for by Iran.

How can Islamic Jihad manage to launch so many rockets in one day?

According to Amidror, “It is very easy to launch rockets when you are launching them at close range and you don’t really need to be accurate.”

Netanyahu declares ‘special situation’ as IDF upgrades air strikes to target Gaza terrorists

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has ordered more “massive attacks” on Gaza terrorist targets. IDF moves additional tanks to the Gazan border.

By David Jablinowitz, World Israel News

In response to the massive air attacks from the Gaza Strip, the IDF says that the Israel Air Force (IAF) has struck back by hitting terror targets in Gaza.

Terrorist targets include rocket launchers, terror tunnel shafts, weapons manufacturing factories belonging to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), as well as a PIJ training compound and command center located inside a mosque, and a Hamas weapons depot.

The IDF says that it attacked arms and ammunition warehouses located in the home of Hamas terrorists in Rafah and Khan Yunis and another warehouse in Gaza City in the home of a member involved with Hamas’ rocket infrastructure.

By midnight Saturday, the Israeli military said that it had carried out some 220 air strikes and that the attacks were continuing.

On Sunday, the IDF said that it was starting to attack arms and ammunition depots placed “purposely” by the terrorists in areas populated by civilians and was targeting terrorists themselves.

WATCH: Gaza terror groups fire nearly 300 rockets into Israel VIDREO


Palestinian Leaders and Inconvenient Truths by Khaled Abu Toameh


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas understood that he had made a grave error in calling out his Arab brothers for their tightfistedness. This was a massive mistake because his Arab brothers do not tolerate any form of criticism. For them, Abbas should only be criticizing Israel and the US.

This is the old Palestinian blame game: always make Israel or the U.S. appear responsible for the suffering you inflict on your own people.

Like most Palestinians, Abbas is well aware that the Arab states are no longer willing to serve as a cash machine for ingrates. Under the current circumstances, the Palestinians are more likely to succeed in cajoling money from duped Western donors than from their loving brothers. From the Palestinian leaders’ point of view, however, this is an inconvenient truth best hidden from their people.

The Arab states continue to lie to the Palestinians. At the last meeting of Arab foreign ministers in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, the Arabs “affirmed their commitment to support the budget of the state of Palestine by activating the resolution of the Arab summit in Tunisia to provide a $100 million safety net [to the Palestinians] each month.”

The Arab foreign ministers announced their decision after listening to a speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who complained that his government was facing a financial crisis because of Israeli and US measures.

Right from Wrong: No wonder antisemites hate us Jews cannot escape targeted hatred by changing their address. By Ruthie Blum


It was horrifically fitting that Israel marked Holocaust Remembrance Day mere days after a crazed Jew-hater went on a shooting spree at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego, killing 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye and costing Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, 57, his index finger. In an additional tragic twist, the two other congregants who miraculously survived with shrapnel injuries were 34-year-old Israeli Almog Peretz and his eight-year-old niece, Noya, whose parents fled incessant Hamas rocket fire in their hometown of Sderot to live in the United States. You know, for a little peace and quiet, away from blood-thirsty terrorists trying to murder them for being Jews. That was eight years ago.

Sadly for the Dahan family, the synagogue attack was not their first brush with antisemitism in America. In 2012, their house in Sunny southern California was spray-painted with a swastika.

This unfortunate but age-old fact hit home again hard in two new reports, one by the Anti-Defamation League, and the other by Tel Aviv University’s Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry in conjunction with the European Jewish Congress, or EJC. According to the ADL report, which was released on Tuesday, “The US Jewish community experienced near-historic levels of antisemitism in 2018, including a doubling of antisemitic assaults and the single deadliest attack [the Tree of Life Synagogue slaughter in Pittsburgh] against the Jewish community in American history.”

The Reality of the ‘Two-State Solution’ Shoshana Bryen


Last week, Jared Kushner, one of the administration’s point men on the Middle East, dispensed with the term “two-state solution” in its impending peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians. “The two-state solution has failed,” he said.

Not for lack of trying.

The “two-state solution” does not appear in the 1993 Oslo Accords, which called only for “interim self-government” for the Palestinians. The goal was a negotiated final status agreement, in which independence was not specified.

The phrase was intended to create the aura of equality between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority. It was born of the belief that Israel, the strong party, had to offer the Palestinians, the weak party, a certain status — or at least potential status. After that, the Palestinians acquired many of the attributes of statehood — an office in Washington called an “embassy,” a designated U.S. diplomatic facility in Jerusalem called an “embassy” and full status in a number of international organizations.

A Hatred Of Israel Is The One Thing All Anti-Semites Have In Common The only Jew-hatred still acceptable in public discourse is the kind masquerading as “anti-Zionism.” By David Harsanyi


“The past few days provide a useful case study,” the New York Times’ Bari Weiss wrote this weekend. “Thursday: an anti-Zionist cartoon is published in the Times. Saturday: a white nationalist guns down Jews in synagogue. Sunday: Javad Zarif appears on Fox. The three strands of modern anti-Semitism: far-left, far-right and Islamist.”

Though Weiss correctly identifies the three strands of contemporary Jew-hatred, none of them are truly modern. To various degrees, Islamic anti-Semitism has been prevalent for a long time. Left-wing anti-Semitism is old as Marx (and, really, even older.) And right-wing nationalist anti-Semitism has been with us since the concept was birthed in Europe.

The only truly modern component found in all three strands is Israel. Anti-Israel sentiment is already the predominant justification for violence, murder, and hatred against Jews in the Middle East and Europe. Now it’s coming here. Sometimes it’s merely a transparent excuse for animosity, other times it’s the spark for that hatred.

The Passover shooting at the Poway Chabad synagogue in suburban San Diego was perpetrated by a 19-year-old gunman who seems to have acted alone. The man hadn’t cooked up his ugly ideas reading “Mein Kampf” in a cabin in the deep wilderness of Red America, but rather in a comfortable home in Southern California using the internet. The shooter wasn’t raised under the shadow of a Robert E. Lee statue or a Confederate flag, but rather in a substantially diverse area in a deeply liberal state.



The first 3D printed heart. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have unveiled the world’s first 3D-printed heart using human tissue that contains cells, blood vessels, ventricles and chambers. Although there are still many challenges ahead, fully working 3D printed hearts will one day be available for transplant into patients.

First bone transplant using 3D printed implant. Surgeons at Israel’s Hillel Yaffe Medical Center performed the first reconstruction of a bone segment with a custom titanium implant, printed on a 3D printer. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/455124

You’re full, so don’t binge eat. Israel’s Epitomee Medical is developing an orally administered “shape-shifting” capsule that works on the stomach through mechanosensory stimulation. It is intended to prolong the gastric emptying process of prediabetics and moderately obese patients, giving them the sensation of being full.

Why Parkinson’s patients are unstable. Tel Aviv University researchers have discovered why Parkinson’s patients have difficulty transitioning from walking through turning around to sitting. It has led to new advice for patients that when turning to sit down, they should first turn, briefly stop, and then sit down.

A partnership to beat cancer. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Weizmann Institute is partnering Institut Curie in Paris to advance knowledge and discovery in life sciences, physics and chemistry, focusing on cancer research. The new partnership also extends to cellular biology, epigenetics, genetics, immunology, single-cell sequencing.

Blocking cancer-spreading proteins. Hebrew University of Jerusalem scientists have designed molecules that stop cancer-promoting proteins from accelerating tumor growth. These molecules (called oligonucleotides) bind with the proteins, preventing them from binding with RNA molecules in cancer cells. The tumors then die.

Certification for cancer radiation treatment. (TY OurCrowd) I reported previously (see here) on Israel’s Alpha Tau and its Alpha DaRT radiation therapy for cancer patients. It has just obtained UK certification following an audit by the British Standards Institution – the UK’s independent compliance body.

Early detection of colon cancer. I reported previously (see here) on Israel’s Medial EarlySign’s and its use of AI to search the data of Israeli health company Maccabi to detect patients with colon cancer. In the last 18 months, Medial’s algorithms have flagged 67 patients with colon cancer and 250 in a pre-colon cancer state.

The best antidepressant. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Taliaz is partnering with Psychiatry UK to deliver artificial intelligence-driven genetic testing to depression sufferers. Their Predictix service aims to reduce patient suffering by helping psychiatrists better identify the right antidepressant medication earlier.
https://www.psychiatry-uk.com/predictix-genetic-testing/ https://www.taliazhealth.com/

A factory for gene therapies. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Stem Cell Medicine (SCM) uses gene therapy to develop new treatments for neurological indications and rare diseases. Israel’s Ministry of the Economy is funding SCM’s new gene therapy facility in Jerusalem. SCM’s first product is to treat neuropathic pain.

Bacteria can “sense” pregnancy. Scientists at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University have proved that the bacteria Bifidobacterium in a woman’s intestine can “sense” her pregnancy. It then grows quickly, to assist babies in breaking down the sugar in mother’s milk. The bacteria’s growth is triggered by the hormone progesterone.