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Hamas Targeted Tel Aviv And Israelis Murdered By Palestinian Terrorists Garner Little Attention By Lori Lowenthal Marcus


In the six short days I’ve been back in Israel following a month-long absence, there have been several attempts – one successful – to murder Israeli Jews by Arab Palestinian terrorists.

Israelis live their lives pretty much the way most Americans live theirs. One distinction, however, is that all Israelis’ telephones do more than just connect them to friends and family. They are, in fact, a source of immediate information about the terror attacks. These attacks disrupt everyone’s consciousness on a regular basis.

My friend with whom I’m traveling is a terror attack survivor; she has myriad sources from which she receives updates on a continuous basis. I also have many news sources from which I receive near-immediate news.

So, no surprise, we learned immediately that Sunday’s attack at the Ariel Junction was successful. At least one Israeli had been murdered, along with several wounded.

A 19 year-old soldier, Gal Keidan, was guarding the entrance to the community of Ariel. Ariel is a Jewish community, but its university has hundreds of Arab students as well.

At about 9:45 a.m. a 20 year-old Arab Palestinian, later identified as Omar Abu Lila who is from a nearby village, approached Keidan and stabbed him. As soon as Keidan was wounded, the terrorist wrestled away the soldier’s M-16 rifle and shot Keidan at point blank range, killing him.

The terrorist then used the stolen rifle to fire at three vehicles passing by.

Hamas War Crimes against Israel, Palestinians by Bassam Tawil


Suddenly, everyone was talking only about the rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, and Hamas seemed to have gotten away with its beating and shooting at peaceful protesters. It is also worth noting that many of the Palestinians who were brutally beaten by Hamas were children. In the view of many Palestinians, what Hamas is doing in the Gaza Strip is tantamount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Recently, in a grotesque allegation, UN human rights “experts” claimed that Israel may have committed war crimes by shooting at Palestinian demonstrators who tried to breach the Gaza-Israel border fence and infiltrate into Israel. The demonstrators who were shot were mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, as both organizations have openly admitted. In other words, Israel is being accused of war crimes for defending its border against terrorists attempting to infiltrate it in order to murder or kidnap Israelis.

Perhaps a small step, such as viewing easily available material, would set the record straight. These UN human rights “experts” might, for a change, glance at the videos and photos coming out of the Gaza Strip to see who is really responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity: Hamas. Its members are opening fire at peaceful protesters, who are taking their lives in their hands to end the harsh economic conditions created by their rulers’ catastrophic policies in the Gaza Strip. It is the leaders of Hamas, and only Hamas, who are committing war crimes in and around Gaza. They are committing war crimes against Jews and they are committing war crimes against their own people.

Hamas has again proved that it really is a terrorist group that oppresses its people and prevents them from expressing their opinions. It has also shown that when it is in trouble, it will do its utmost to divert attention from the problems it is facing at home.

As far as Hamas is concerned, one of the best ways to divert attention from the growing frustration with its rule is by attacking Israel and Jews. Then, Israel is forced to respond to defend itself. That will allow Hamas to tell its people that there is no room for internal fighting and disputes “because we are under attack by the Jews.” No Palestinian would dare to criticize Hamas while Israel is supposedly “attacking” Hamas. Anyone who did so would be accused of being a “traitor” and “collaborator” with the “Zionist enemy.”

Jason Greenblatt sets the record straight: Pay-to-slay is not welfareThe PA has made engaging in terrorism far more lucrative than pursuing productive employment.Dr. Alex Grobman (Arutz 7)


Those who have watched what passes for the Middle East peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have long recognized that there can be no peace until there is a complete renunciation of violence and terror as substitutes for negotiations.

Now, thanks to President Donald Trump’s special Middle East envoy, Jason D. Greenblatt, an equally valid corollary has been acknowledged: There will be no peace until the PA ceases its practice of financially rewarding terrorists and their families.

“We must acknowledge that peace can only be achieved by those who reject violence and terror,” Mr. Greenblatt told Adam Kredo in an interview for the Washington Beacon. “It is unacceptable for the PA to pay these terrorists and their families a reward for criminal acts. It is unacceptable for the PA to divert its funds and fail to pay the hard-working civil servants who teach in PA schools, patrol the streets in uniform, and provide medical care to the sick. The PA would rather pay terrorists than ordinary Palestinians and their families. What a shame.”

Withholding Funds

Last month, as punishment for the PA’s policy of continuing to pay stipends to Palestinian-Arab prisoners and to families of those terrorists who have been wounded or killed, the Israeli Security Cabinet announced it would suspend approximately five percent of the monthly funds the Jewish state transfers to the PA from specific taxes Israel collects from Palestinian Arabs.

Terrorist’s second victim, a rabbi, dies from wounds


Rabbi Ettinger, a father of 12, perished from a head wound a day after the attack.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger is the second victim to die at the hands of the terrorist, who shot at civilians at the Ariel junction in Samaria on Sunday.

Ettinger, 47, who was sitting in his car at the junction during the attack, drew his weapon and was about to fire at the terrorist when he was struck in the head by bullets.

Ettinger leaves behind a wife and 12 children, ages one to 20. The eldest serves in an elite IDF unit.

He lived in the town of Eli in Samaria.



No escape from new leukemia biosensor. Tel Aviv University scientists have devised a novel biosensor that can isolate and target all leukemic stem cells – the most malignant of leukemic cells. Previous therapies missed many types of these stem cells, allowing them to evade destruction and subsequently multiply.
https://www.jewishpress.com/news/on-campus/israeli-scientists-create-biosensor-to-isolate-leukemic-stem-cells/2019/03/12/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41375-019-0386-z

European approval for lung collapse warning. I’ve reported previously (see here) on Zebra Medical Vision and its technology that helps radiologists spot acute conditions in scans and X-rays. Zebra has just received European CE certification for detecting pneumothorax – a sign of imminent lung collapse.

Square-fiber endoscope is outside the box. The miniature endoscope from Israel’s Zsquare is made from layers of square fiber. The unique technology provides 3D high resolution, hyper-spectral imaging. Then after use, just throw it away so no chance of cross-infections. Zsquare has just raised $10 million of funds.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3757236,00.html https://www.z-squaremedical.com/

Israeli doctors bring expertise to Africa. Several Israeli doctors have spent decades changing the nature of healthcare in Africa. Ori and Britta Shwarzman established a mobile clinic in Ghana; Professor Zvi Bentwich has been eradicating diseases in Ethiopia and Dr Morris Hartstein treats hundreds at his eye clinics in Ethiopia.

Why you need to sleep. Researchers from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University have shown that individual neurons in the brain need sleep to give the chromosomal repair system a chance to clear out daily debris accumulated during wake time. At night, neuronal traffic is light and damage caused by activity or environment can be fixed.

Boosting the gut’s immune response. I reported previously (Feb 2013) on the research of scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute into the gut’s immune cell training system. They now have discovered that gut bacteria slow the immune response. Increasing the level of antigens boosts the response, also enabling oral vaccines.
https://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/revealing-gut%E2%80%99s-b-cell-training-program-may-point-new-means-developing-oral-vaccines https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-019-0325-1

Breaking: Double shooting in Samaria, one dead, two wounded reported


Two shootings took place in the Samaria region. Three victims are reported. One is confirmed dead. Two are in serious condition.

By World Israel News Staff

Two shootings took place in the Samaria region. One dead is reported. Two more are in serious condition. IDF forces are in pursuit of the killer.

Early reports say that the terrorist stabbed his first victim and stole his weapon, shot him and fled.

The same attacker then stole a car, traveled to nearby Giti junction, and opened fire.

Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated two of the victims to Beilinson Hospital, including a 35-year-old man and a 20-year-old man.

Ram Shagai, deputy director of Beilinson Hospital, said one of the wounded is in very serious condition and the other in critical condition. “We are fighting for their lives,” he said.

Emergency medical technician MDA Hananel Hess recounted that when he was passing through the Ariel intersection he noticed a commotion.

Israel Strikes Hamas After Rockets Fired From Gaza Hit Tel Aviv First rocket attack against Tel Aviv in five years prompts robust but measured Israeli response. Ari Lieberman


Sirens echoed throughout Tel Aviv and its suburbs on Thursday as two rockets, Identified as Fajr-5 missiles, were fired from Gaza at Israel’s second largest city causing no injuries or damage. Five people were treated for shock. The rockets fell in open spaces. Iron Dome, Israel’s point-defense missile system, which calculates the rocket’s trajectory and pre-determines its flight path, did not launch to intercept. It was the first time a rocket was fired at Tel Aviv since 2014.

It’s difficult to say which Gazan group fired the rockets. Hamas, the terror group that governs Gaza immediately denied responsibility and said it would find and punish those responsible. A smaller terrorist group known as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) also denied responsibility. A PIJ spokesman called reports blaming its group for the attack as “baseless lies and claims.” The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denied involvement of any of its operatives. There are also rogue Salafist and Islamist splinter groups that operate in Gaza and the possibility of their involvement cannot be discounted.

Last month, the PIJ showcased part of its rocket arsenal with boasts that its rockets are capable of reaching Tel Aviv and beyond. The PIJ stated that the rockets were manufactured with technical assistance from Iran.

Regardless of which terror gang fired the rockets, it is Hamas that controls what goes on in Gaza and the Israeli government’s policy is to hold Hamas accountable for belligerent actions originating from Gaza. Israel has applied the same doctrine to Syria’s warlord Bashar Assad, holding his regime responsible for any hostile fire emanating from Syria. It is a sound doctrine and one that deters governing hostile entities from using proxies to attack Israel while simultaneously and disingenuously denying responsibility.

Middle East reality and the Palestinian issue Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


In 2019, the national security policy of all pro-US Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, other Gulf States, Egypt and Jordan – including their burgeoning ties with Israel – is a byproduct of the rapidly intensifying lethal threat posed to them by the still-raging Arab Tsunami, Iran’s Ayatollahs and Sunni Islamic terrorism.

The tectonic reality of the Middle East, in general, and the intensifying lethal threats to every Arab regime, in particular, compelled the Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, the UAE and Bahrain to convene in Amman, Jordan during January 30-31, 2019. They discussed the top priorities on their national security agenda: the clear and present threats of Iran’s Ayatollahs (whose subversive/terroristic/military involvement is expanding beyond Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain and eastern Saudi Arabia), the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS. No Palestinian representative was invited, nor was there a discussion of the Palestinian issue, which has always ranked at the bottom of inter-Arab priorities.

In fact, these six countries, in addition to Oman, respect Israel’s posture of deterrence (which would be abandoned if Israel were to retreat from the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria), and therefore they perceive Israel as the most effective “life insurance agent” in the region. In addition, they consider Israel a source of essential and advanced irrigation, agricultural, health, medical, telecommunications and cyber technologies and systems. Consequently, their defense, intelligence and commercial ties with Israel have expanded unprecedentedly.

In 2019, the pro-US Arab countries have realized that the well-documented Palestinian track record (e.g., intra-Arab betrayal, subversion and terrorism, collaboration with international terrorism, Saddam Hussein, the USSR, No. Korea and Nazi Germany) would produce a Palestinian state, which would exacerbate regional instability. A Palestinian state would provide a tailwind to Iran’s Ayatollahs, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood terrorism, escalating the deadly threats to their own regimes, while advancing the national security interests of Russia, China and Turkey’s Erdogan, at the expense of vital US national security and homeland security interests.

Rockets fired at Tel Aviv, triggering air raid sirens By Samuel Chamberlain

Two rockets were fired at the Israeli city of Tel Aviv Thursday night, triggering air raid warning sirens, the country’s military said.

Sources told Fox News one of the rockets was intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. People living in the area reported hearing an explosion in addition to the sirens.

The Israel Defense Forces confirmed in a Hebrew-language tweet that two rockets were fired into Israeli territory from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.Israel’s Channel 10 news, citing anonymous military officials, said the rockets were Iranian-made Fajr rockets. It said one of the rockets were intercepted and the other landed in an uninhabited area, and that there were no reports of injuries.Tel Aviv has not been attacked by rocket or missile fire since a 2014 war with Hamas militants. There was no immediate claim of responsibility Thursday night.

Israel vs. its Enemies in Europe by Ruthie Blum


Ireland’s Senate recently voted to support organizations, many headed by terrorists, in imposing a boycott on Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. This, while hardly ever uttering a critical word about countries such as China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Turkey, Mauritania, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Nigeria, Sudan or South Sudan.

The singling-out of Israel probably tells more about Ireland’s longstanding history of anti-Semitism than about the country it has been targeting.

It is time for the world to cease and desist in its efforts to demonize Israel, and to admit to its use of and reliance on the innovation and technology for healing that Israel — turning no one away — always graciously provides. It would be a welcome change if its adversaries were half as ethical.
Ireland’s Senate recently voted to support organizations, many headed by terrorists , in imposing a boycott on Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. This, while hardly ever uttering a critical word about countries such as China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Turkey, Mauritania, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Nigeria, Sudan or South Sudan. The singling-out of Israel probably tells more about Ireland’s longstanding history of anti-Semitism than about the country it has been targeting, particularly since it ignores that state’s major contributions to world, including in the field of medicine. Take, for example, cancer research.

The national executive director of the Israel Cancer Research Fund, Mark A. Israel, recently explained why a tiny country such as Israel — in which the “rate of cancer deaths for Jews… is among the lowest in the world” — has made so many important strides in the fight against the deadly global disease for which there is not yet a cure.

“Israel’s scientists are bringing to the cancer fight the same breathtaking innovation, urgency, breakthrough thinking, tireless determination, and adroit use of resources that have been the hallmark of Israeli science and technology for the last 70 years,” wrote Israel, professor emeritus from the Dartmouth Medical School.