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No Arab demographic time bomb :(Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Jewish State is not facing an Arab demographic time bomb; but, benefits from a robust Jewish demographic tailwind of births and net-immigration.

For example, between 1995 and 2017, the number of Israeli Jewish births surged by 74%, from 80,400 to 140,000, while the number of Israeli Arab births grew by 19% during the same period – from 36,000 to 43,000 births.

Moreover, contrary to conventional wisdom, the trend of Israeli emigration has slowed down. Thus, the number of Israelis staying abroad for over a year was expanded by 6,300 in 2016 (the lowest in ten years – a derivative of the growth of Israel’s economy), compared to 8,200 in 2015 and 14,200 additional emigrants in 1990. At the same time, Israel’s population surged from 4.8 million in 1990 to 8.8 million in 2018.

Since the end of the 19th century, the Jewish-Arab demographic balance has systematically defied the demographic establishment’s assessments and projections.

Who is the real extremist? By Michael Berenhaus


Dana Milbank calls Israelis “extremists” in his editorial ‘America’s Jews are watching Israel in horror” (9/23/18). Milbank adapts the perennial straw man approach, this time using his rabbi, whom Milbank brags comes from a long lineage of rabbis. Milbank quotes this rabbi as saying that under right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there is: “religious extremism and an upsurge in settler violence.” This, one week after an Israeli “settler” Ari Fuld was stabbed in the back and murdered by a 17-year-old Palestinian. The Palestinian would have killed more had it not been for the dying Fuld shooting at him as he went down. Is it really that hard to identify the extremists in this conflict?

Milbank claims that “Netanyahu, with President Trump’s encouragement, leads Israel on a path to estrangement and destruction.” He provides no evidence of this. The Washington Post and its editorial staff have been repeating this apoplectic warning about Israel causing its own demise for decades. Israel has only grown stronger!

Netanyahu, according to Milbank, “is dissolving America’s bipartisan pro-Israel consensus” along with Trump creating this “division.” Is it really Netanyahu and Trump causing the division or those who Milbank supports?

Why am I not surprised that Milbank adds a quote, that he says he agrees with, claiming that Israel “aims to advance its own expansion through seizure of land, violation of international law, exclusion and discrimination.” Israel is .1% of the Middle East, it violates no international laws, and has less discrimination than any country in the region, if not the world.

Trump Backs Two-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict U.S. leader shifts stance on conflict and promises to release a peace plan within four monthsBy Felicia Schwartz

President Trump said he backs a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in a shift from his previous stance, and promised to present his long-awaited peace plan in the next four months.

Mr. Trump, speaking ahead of a meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, previously has said he would back either one or two states, whichever the two sides decided between themselves.

On Wednesday, he changed tack. His support for the concept, which has undergirded efforts of American administrations for decades, is the most concrete detail available about his administration’s peace plan.

“I like two-state solution,” Mr. Trump told reporters Wednesday alongside Mr. Netanyahu. “That’s what I think works best.” He turned to the Israeli leader and added, “You may have a different feeling. I don’t think so.”

Mr. Trump said he expects to have something in the next “two to three to four months,” adding, “I really believe something will happen. It is a dream of mine to be able to get that done prior to the end of my first term.”

Mr. Trump’s comments forced Mr. Netanyahu to be more specific about his own stance on two states. After endorsing two states in 2009, he has since tried to keep his stance vague.

Mr. Netanyahu said in a briefing with reporters he would back a Palestinian state, but that it must be under Israeli security control. “I am willing for the Palestinians to have the authority to rule themselves without the authority to harm us,” Mr. Netanyahu said, adding, “I am sure that any U.S. peace plan will reflect that principle to a great extent, maybe even entirely.”

Palestinian leaders say the Trump administration isn’t an honest peace mediator, saying it’s biased toward Israel. They have refused contact with the Trump administration since December, when Mr. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced the U.S. would move its embassy there, a city which the Palestinians claim as their own future capital.

Since then the U.S. has taken a series of punitive measures aimed at pressuring the Palestinians to return to discussions, including slashing $250 million in bilateral assistance, cutting off aid to the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency and closing the Palestine Liberation Organization’s office in Washington.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday cited those actions and rejected the U.S. as a mediator to the conflict. “It has become important to convene an international peace conference that would lead to the formation of an international mechanism to sponsor the peace process,” he said, according to the Palestinian official news agency.

Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, chief negotiator Jason Greenblatt and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman have been formulating a plan for more than a year. But they haven’t revealed any details.

American officials said the plan is near completion, and includes political and economic components. One important consideration on when to present the plan will be the timing of Israeli elections, which are expected at some point in the next year.

Naftali Bennett, a frequent challenger of Mr. Netanyahu’s to his right and the education minister, criticized Mr. Trump’s backing of two states, saying that as long as his Jewish Home party is part of Mr. Netanyahu’s coalition, “there will not be a Palestinian state, which would be a disaster for Israel.”

The comments come a day ahead of what are expected to be dueling speeches at the U.N. from Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Abbas, who will speak first.

An Israeli official said Mr. Netanyahu had requested a meeting with Mr. Abbas on the sidelines of the U.N., but the Palestinians declined to meet. A U.S. official said that the Palestinians also didn’t accept requests from the Trump administration to meet on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

Still, Mr. Trump said Wednesday that he believed that Palestinians will eventually talk to the U.S. about its peace plan.

“They want to come back to the table,” he said.

The Palestinians’ Three No’s: What They Mean by Bassam Tawil


When Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad talk about “paying a political price,” they are referring to demands that the Palestinian terrorist groups lay down their weapons, halt terrorist attacks on Israel, and abandon their dream of eliminating Israel. These are terms, of course, to which no Palestinian terrorist group could ever afford to agree.
Accepting such conditions would make them look bad in the eyes of their supporters, who would then accuse them of betraying the Arabs and Muslims by failing to fulfill their promise of destroying Israel. As far as these groups are concerned, keeping their weapons is tremendously more important than improving the living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
To be clear: when the Palestinian terrorist groups talk about “resistance,” they are referring to terror attacks on Israel. These include suicide bombings, launching rockets towards Israel, and hurling explosive devices and firebombs at Israeli soldiers and civilians. These groups do not believe in any form of peaceful and non-violent protests. For them, there is only one realistic option to achieve their goal of destroying Israel: the armed struggle.
Why are the Palestinian terrorist groups conducting indirect talks with Israel to reach a new truce agreement in the Gaza Strip under the auspices of Egypt and the UN? The answer is simple. They want a truce, or period of calm, so that they can continue preparing for the next war against Israel without having to worry about Israeli military operations.

What does Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules the Gaza Strip, mean when it says that it “won’t pay any political price” in return for a truce agreement with Israel? Answer: No to recognizing Israel, no to abandoning the dream of eliminating Israel, and no to disarming.

In recent weeks, several Hamas leaders and spokesmen have repeatedly been quoted as saying that their group will not make any political concessions as part of a truce deal with Israel. The statements came as Egypt and the United Nations continue their effort to reach a truce that would end the ongoing violence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

“We want a decision to end the blockade on the Gaza Strip,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a recent speech marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of his group. “Any understandings that are reached to end the blockade will not be in return for a political price.”

Haniyeh’s remarks were echoed by several Hamas leaders and officials belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ,) the second largest terrorist group in the Gaza Strip.

In an interview with the Gaza-based Al-Istiklal newspaper, senior PIJ official Nafez Azzam claimed that the Egyptians and the UN were recently close to achieving a truce deal that does not require the Palestinian terrorist groups to “pay a political price.”

A Tribute to the Israeli Defense Forces By Harold Goldmeier


The Israel Defense Forces are so much more than the picture of raw power perceived in news stories and war-centered history books. The IDF functions on a daily basis employing stealth and deception in the battle against Israel’s unremitting enemies.

Pre-1967, the state and military were perceived as underdogs fighting the good fight against all odds. The devastating effectiveness and efficiency with which the IDF knocked out and embarrassed Arab armies changed the perception of the IDF and the Jewish people into a conquering military machine. The success was so decisive that it altered the mindset of the Jewish people from ragtag refugees and the world’s piñata into a “don’t mess with me” poster child. Jews are now tough and invincible.

Centuries-long persecutions of the Jewish people, the Enlightenment culminating in the Holocaust, paved the way for implementing the revolutionary thinking called Zionism. A homeland by legal authority, defended by a Jewish army, morphed into a political ideology, then a state. Yet there is room for those who also believe in diplomacy, democracy, and prayer.

Security and safety are the central missions, but the IDF is also the vehicle to assimilate and acculturate refugees, immigrants, and native residents of other races and faiths. The IDF accepts people from disparate cultures arriving from the far corners of the world…white, black, brown, religious and secular, Jew, Bedouin, Arab, Christian, or Druze, educated and illiterate, survivors and sabras. They meet in IDF tents, on IDF training grounds. Their lives literally depend on one another.

It’s the IDF that is responsible for the Jewish condition today that among the world’s 65M refugees, there is not one Jew for the first time in 2,000 years. Yoav Limor and Ziv Koren offer the best examination of the IDF in their new book, Snapshot: The IDF as Never Seen Before. “Either [the IDF] is fighting, or else it is preparing for war.” In between battles, “the purpose of this state is to carry out quiet activity to eliminate the enemy’s capabilities and prevent an all-out war.” Special units travel the world and inside the country to fulfill this mission against unremitting enemies.



Fast route to new treatments. (TY ILTV & NoCamels) Technion scientists have developed an Artificial Intelligent system for faster and cheaper discovery of new medical treatments. An algorithm identifies molecules with potentially beneficial therapeutic properties. It amazed delegates at London’s KDD conference.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/vJks-dumpBc?rel=0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q_XyURjxww

Breakthrough melanoma treatment. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann and Technion Institutes have found that each melanoma patient has a different profile of neo-antigens (mutated peptides) on their tumors. Doctors can then extract and grow the T-cells best suited to target the neo-antigens on both primary and secondary cancers.

Canadian partner for research program. (TY Atid-EDI) A new clinical research program has been launched in Israel that will trial cannabinoid-based IBD treatment and other products from Israel’s SciCann. The program partners SciCann with Canada’s FSD and Mor – the technology transfer arm of Israel’s Clalit HealthCare.
https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fsd-pharma-and-scicann-therapeutics-launch-clinical-research-program-in-israel-300698081.html https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fsd-pharma-reports-positive-pre-clinical-results-for-proprietary-cbd-combination-product-300701239.html

Alternative to steroids. Israel’s Stero Biotechs has received a US patent for its Cannabidiol based treatment for over 100 autoimmune & chronic inflammatory diseases. Stero’s first product ST-101 for AutoImmune Hepatitis – a liver disease which requires long-term steroid treatment – is shortly to begin Phase 2 trials. (TY Atid-EDI)

US approval for migraine treatment. I reported previously (see here) on the AJOVY fremanezumab migraine treatment from Israel’s Teva. The US FDA has just given approval for AJOVY – the only anti-CGRP treatment for the prevention of migraine. About 40% of migraine sufferers may be candidates for this treatment.

Israeli diagnostics for cervical cancer. I’ve now reported (see here) on five Israeli bio-techs that have developed devices for diagnosing cervical cancer. Biop Medical (see here)has just raised $22 million in funds.

Afghan girl has heart treatment in Israel. 5-year-old Noorina was brought by her father to Israel where she will receive life-saving surgery by doctors from Israeli charity Save A Child’s Heart. Noorina is the fifth child from Afghanistan to be brought to SACH thanks to the efforts of “Jangzapali” – an anonymous Afghan man.

New treatment for day blindness. Israeli scientists (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Volcani Institute) used a virus to restore the sight of a herd of Awassi sheep suffering hereditary day blindness (achromatopsia). The virus replaced a missing gene. The US FDA has now approved human trials.
http://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/promising-gene-therapy-for-visually-impaired-sheep-now-safe-for-human-trials/2018/09/18/ http://cowry.agri.huji.ac.il/Gootwine2016.mp4

Kidney donations triple. (TY WIN) The number of live kidney transplants performed per year in Israel has nearly tripled since 2010 mainly due to increased donations from healthy orthodox Jewish Israelis. Key to the increase is Israeli NGO Matnat Chaim (“Gift of Life”) which both publicizes the need and facilitates donation.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5992728/ https://kilya.org.il/en/

Bringing closure. I reported previously (see here) on TopClosure from Israel’s IVT Medical. The innovative wound closure technique is now saving lives in China and Africa. IVT has also developed Vcare Alpha – a suction device to remove infectious materials from wounds and accelerate wound recovery.

Aid To Israel Isn’t Foreign Aid; It’s An Investment By Yoram Ettinger


Israel faces increasingly tight restrictions on its Foreign Military Financing from the U.S., as Breaking D readers know. In the past, when the US provided Israeli with grants under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, Israel could convert 25 percent of the aid from dollars into shekels to buy Israeli products and support local R&D. The new 10-year FMF agreement signed in 2017 decrees that that will gradually drop to zero. In this commentary, former minister for congressional affairs at Israel’s Embassy here, Yoram Ettinger, argues that America gets a great deal in return for the aid and assistance it provides Israel. Read on! The Editor.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, US-Israel relations have outgrown their one-way-street mode (the US gave and Israel received with much appreciation), evolving into a mutually-beneficial, two-way street mode, providing the US a well-deserved high-return on its annual $3.8 billion investment in Israel, conventionally defined as “foreign aid.” However, Israel, unlike all other recipients of foreign aid, is neither foreign, nor does it receive aid.

Yoram Ettinger

The US-Israel strategic compatibility is underlined by their national security orientation, allocating 3.6 percent and 4.7 percent of their budgets, respectively, to defense, much more than any European country: Britain 2.1 percent, France 1.8 percent, Germany 1.1 percent and Italy 1.1 percent, etc.

The scope of US-Israel strategic cooperation has surged since the 1991 demise of the USSR, which transformed the bi-polar globe into a multi-polar arena of conflicts, replete with highly unpredictable, less controllable and more dangerous local and regional threats. Israel’s experience and capabilities in facing such threats has provided the US a unique reinforcement in the face of three critical challenges, which impact the national and homeland security of the US: the megalomaniacal vision of Iran’s Ayatollahs; the clear and present threat of Islamic terrorism; and the need to bolster the pro-US Arab regimes, which are lethally threatened by the Shi’ite Ayatollahs and Sunni terrorist regimes.

The Future of the Nation A historical description—and intellectual defense—of nationalism Daniel P. Schmidt Michael E. Hartmann


“Nationalism was not always understood to be the evil that current public discourse suggests,” philosopher Yoram Hazony notes in the introduction to his new book, The Virtue of Nationalism. Hazony is president of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem and director of the John Templeton Foundation’s Jewish Philosophical Theology project. His previous books include The Jewish State: The Struggle for Israel’s Soul and The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture.

In The Virtue of Nationalism, Hazony defines nationalism principally by distinguishing it from imperialism. He begins by offering an overarching historical framework, describing how English, Dutch, and American Protestants in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries revived the Old Testament’s strong affinity for individual liberty, thereby freeing large parts of the world from the system of universal empire promoted by Holy Roman Emperors under the aegis of the Catholic Church. This individual-centered vision gave birth to an intellectual current against empire-building after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, according to Hazony, resulting in the rise of independent nation-states worldwide.

Since the middle of the last century the tide has turned against nationalism. “Globalists” argued that nationalism brought about two world wars and the Holocaust. Their primary solution has been the promotion of the idea of world governance, either to a limited or more total extent, ordered by a set of liberal democratic values devised by experts, and run by professional administrators. Hazony persuasively argues that this internationalist approach represents a return of the imperial, totalizing vision of the world, which, rather than initiating a golden age of peace and humanism, has aroused old sectarian hatreds, and sown chaos and revolt across the globe. We will soon be forced, Hazony predicts, to make a stark choice between a world in which people, upholding their natural and inalienable rights, are able to choose their destiny within the framework of nation-states; or a renewal of universal empire—probably in the form of the European Union, or the hegemony of America or China. “The debate between nationalism and imperialism is upon us,” he writes.

In this debate, the defense of a centralized global order based on the familiar rationales of either economic efficiency or security is “too narrow to provide an adequate answer to the question of the best political order. In reality, much of what takes place in political life is motivated by concerns arising from our membership in collectives such as families, tribes, and nations.” In this alternate vision of human collectivity, religion, culture, and tradition are primary motivating influences and provide the major sources of value, rather than strictly economic or security factors. This implicit acknowledgement of the importance of national identity—though Hazony never uses that term—is a virtue of The Virtue of Nationalism. In large part because of that recognition, he quite cogently argues in the book that anyone who values his freedom should reject universalism and fight for a future of nations.

Tensions Mount at Israel-Gaza Border as Talks Stall Hamas militants organize protests amid worsening conditions that end with several Palestinian deaths in clashes with Israeli forces By Felicia Schwartz in Tel Aviv and Abu Bakr Bashir in Gaza City


Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza, is stepping up protests at its border with Israel to signal frustration with stalled talks with its neighbor, prompting new deadly clashes with Israeli forces.

In recent days, the Palestinian group has organized more frequent protests, including one involving 10,000 people on Friday in which one person was killed and 41 injured, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health. Two Palestinians were killed on Tuesday during a protest against Israel and Egypt’s longstanding economic blockade on Gaza. A demonstrator was killed Wednesday in a separate demonstration.

Israel’s military defends its response to the protests, saying it is necessary to defend its borders from explosive devices, flaming kites, rocks thrown at Israeli forces and attempts to breach the border security fence.

Abdelateef Al Kano, a Hamas spokesman, said Israel is “burning time” and that the uptick in protests is aimed at demonstrating frustration in the Gaza Strip, as prospects dim for a long-term calm with Israel and an easing the blockade.

Talks this summer between Israel and Hamas—with Egypt as an intermediary—aimed at calming tensions that have bubbled up after relative calm since the end of the 2014 war between them haven’t yielded results. The two sides remain at an impasse over a prisoner exchange and other issues.

The Palestinian Authority, which leads Palestinians in the West Bank and is the international community’s only recognized negotiating partner, has refused to engage in a peace process led by the Trump administration, which they say is biased toward Israel and has taken unduly harsh measures against them.

Refusing study in Israel is a bitter lesson in discrimination By Alan M. Dershowitz


Imagine a white university professor telling a highly qualified African-American student that he refused to recommend her for a year-abroad program to an African country because he disapproved of the way that country treated its white minority. That professor would be ostracized, boycotted, reprimanded, disciplined or fired.

Well, now the shoe is on the other foot: A left-wing professor at the University of Michigan, John Cheney-Lippold, has refused to recommend a highly qualified Jewish student for study in Israel. How do we know she was qualified? Because the professor already had agreed to recommend her. Then he noticed that she wanted to study in Israel, with whose policies he disagrees. So he withdrew his offer to recommend her based on his support for the boycott of Israeli universities.

This pernicious boycott tactic is designed to cut off all academic, scientific, cultural and other contacts with only one country: the nation state of the Jewish people. Many who support singling out Israel will actively encourage academic contacts with Russian, Cuban, Saudi, Venezuelan, Chinese, Belarusian and Palestinian universities, despite the horrid human-rights records of these undemocratic countries and the discriminatory policies of their universities. Israel is one of the world’s most democratic nations, with one of the best human-rights records and among the freest, most diverse universities. Yet it is the only target of this bigoted academic boycott. And the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) tactic applies only to Jewish Israelis, not Muslims.

This hypocritical professor probably would not hesitate to recommend his student to universities that discriminate against gay and transgender, women, Jewish or Christian students. Israeli universities do not discriminate against anyone; on the contrary, they have affirmative-action programs for Muslim and black students. They are on the forefront of scientific, technological and medical innovations which benefit the entire world, and would be set back by boycotts.