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Israel Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Lies, and the Limits of U.S. Intelligence Advocating for a pact in 2015, John Kerry said American agencies had “absolute knowledge” about the regime’s past nuclear efforts. Oops. by Eli Lake

Since Iran and six world powers reached an agreement to pause Iran’s enrichment of uranium and allow weapons inspectors into declared facilities, Israel’s prime minister has argued the deal would give Iran a glide path to a nuclear weapon. On Monday he announced that he had proof.

If the West can verify the new Israeli intelligence that Iran had preserved its design and research work into a nuclear weapon, that’s a big deal — particularly now in light of the May 12 deadline that President Donald Trump has imposed on U.S. negotiations with Europe to come up with fixes to strengthen the nuclear bargain. The trove of data would be a blow not only to Iran’s credibility but also to the reputation of American intelligence gathering.

As negotiations with Iran came to a close in summer 2015, John Kerry, then secretary of state, assured reporters that American intelligence agencies had “absolute knowledge” about Iran’s past efforts to build a nuclear weapon.

It was a strange remark. As the intelligence assessments before the 2003 Iraq War showed, intelligence is never absolute. What’s more, the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, still had its own outstanding questions for Iran. Indeed, that agency could not give Iran a clean bill of health on the possible military dimensions of its nuclear program nearly six months later.

Israel Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Lies Huge intelligence find proves Trump’s suspicions correct. Joseph Klein

Israel now has proof of what many suspected all along about the disastrous nuclear deal that former President Barack Obama reached with the Iranian regime. “Iran did not come clean on its nuclear program,” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu charged, claiming that more than 100,000 Iranian documents Israel’s intelligence agents obtained from a secret “atomic archive” in Tehran prove the nuclear deal is “based on lies.” This latest development should make President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal a no-brainer.

Prime Minister Netanyahu announced in a press conference that the trove of secret nuclear weapons files came from a hidden Iranian site where they were moved in 2017. He said the files contain materials, which Israel has shared with the United States, that include “incriminating documents, incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos and more.” The prime minister added that the United States has confirmed its authenticity, a claim supported by Trump administration officials who have reviewed the secret documents.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a powerful presentation today of compelling new evidence documenting Iran’s determined pursuit of a nuclear weapon,” a senior Trump administration official said, as quoted by the Free Beacon. “It certainly would have been helpful to have this information when the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] was negotiated but the Iranians decided to lock it away in a secret vault for future reference. Only the regime knows what else they’re hiding, but the revelations today don’t give us much confidence in their protestations that they have never had interest in militarizing their nuclear program.”

The Iran-Israel Shadow War The 2015 nuclear deal has financed Iran’s Syria military buildup

The shadow war between Israel and Iran in Syria is heating up, and on Monday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised the stakes by revealing that Tehran is secretly maintaining its nuclear-weapons program.

In a presentation on national TV, Mr. Netanyahu revealed the country’s spooks had obtained “half a ton” of documents and CDs from a secret facility in the Shorabad District in southern Tehran. The Israeli leader claims the files “conclusively prove” that Iran lied about its nuclear-weapons program before signing Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear pact, and that it has since worked to preserve its nuclear-weapons related capabilities.

Mr. Netanyahu offered photographs, videos, charts and blueprints from the intelligence haul relating to Tehran’s Project Amad, which the Israeli leader called “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons.” The Iranians have always denied the existence of such a program, and the United Nations downplayed Tehran’s nuclear ambitions in 2015.

It’s no coincidence that Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif mentioned that 2015 U.N. assessment in a tweet Monday as evidence that Tehran should be trusted. Perhaps the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors would like to revisit those findings in light of this new evidence?

Mr. Netanyahu also claimed that the underground Fordow uranium enrichment facility was designed “from the get-go for nuclear weapons as part of Project Amad,” and misled the U.N. about its activities. The Iranians preserved Project Amad’s documentation and have kept its research team, headed by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, largely in place in a new organization housed within the Defense Ministry.

Insane Israeli operation smuggled 110,000 secret nuclear files out of Iran by Philip Klein

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a dramatic news conference on Monday to accuse Iran of lying about its covert nuclear weapons program, the basis for his presentation was a vast trove of 110,000 files that were, insanely, smuggled out of a secret Iranian storage facility by Israeli intelligence agents.

At a time when some have questioned whether modern Israeli intelligence agencies are living up to their mythical status, this “Mission Impossible”-style operation is quite a message to its skeptics.

Last year, according to Netanyahu, Iran moved the files “to a highly secret location in Tehran” that from the outside looked like “a dilapidated warehouse” but that from the inside, was filled with large safes.

“A few weeks ago, in a great intelligence achievement, Israel obtained half a ton of the material inside these vaults,” Netanyahu said.

That’s not a misprint — a HALF A TON of materials!

The trove included: 55,000 pages of physical documents in binders; and another 55,000 files in 183 CDs.


“You’re an incredibly important partner [and] occupy a special place in my heart too,” Pompeo told Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise Sunset–Swiftly Fly The Years…Happy 70th, Israel! by Gerald A. Honigman

With the risk of sounding like Fiddler On The Roof’s Tevya…where did the time go?

Paraphrasing my late father, of blessed memory, whom I visited decades ago at Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital, “I was just a young man…how did this happen and how did I get here so fast?”

Edward Honigman, of blessed memory, returned home after spending four years as a gunner in the high casualty U.S. Navy Armed Guard in World War II, met my amazing mother, Sylvia Serota—or whom we are about to celebrate, thank G_d, her 90th birthday–and sired one of those baby boomers…me. While their timing wasn’t perfect, it was close enough.

I guess you could say that modern Israel and I have grown up together.

I made my debut on May 8, 1948, Harry Truman’s birthday. He was the President who fought his own Arabist-dominated, ARAMCO Big Oil-greased State Department, by recognizing the rebirth of Israel on May 14th on the Western calendar. Thirteen years later, I would become a Bar Mitzvah on that same date. And now, thanks to President Trump, Israel and I will both receive quite a 70th birthday present this coming May 14th…the recognition and opening of the American embassy in at least part of the city that put Zion in Zionism, Jerusalem. I’m still a bit nervous about what will become of the other part.

Seventy years ago, Israel arose from the ashes of the Holocaust and the subjugated, frightened Jewish quarters of the so-called “Arab” world (where one half of Israeli Jews originated from)–the risen phoenix of a millennially persecuted people.


My e-pal Michael Ordman sends a weekly compilation of good news from Israel. The accomplishments and the incredible contribution to the welfare of the entire world is dazzling. What can account for the proliferation of groups in the arts and academies that libel, defame and seek to boycott Israel, but benefit from all of Israel’s incredible technology and science? No answer, but in spite of it all Israel survives and thrives.

Here is what may be an apocryphal tale with the ring of truth:

In the late 19th century. Queen Victoria asked Prime Minister Disraeli the following question:

“Mr. Prime Minister, what evidence can you give me of the existence of God?”

Disraeli thought for a moment and then replied, “The Jew, your majesty.”



New pathway to treat Parkinson’s. An Israeli-led international study has discovered that proteins called BMP5/7 are essential for the latest stem cell replacement therapy for Parkinson’s disease. The proteins help to stimulate the production of dopaminergic neurons, which Parkinson’s patients lack.

New vaccine for Alzheimer’s. Professor Eitan Okun at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University has developed a vaccine that primes the body to attack amyloid beta protein accumulations in the brain, one of the signature signs of Alzheimer’s disease. He is also working on early diagnosis using MRI detection of amyloid protein in the brain.

US approval for stroke detection. I reported previously (28th Jan) that Israel’s Viz.ai had received the CE mark (European approval) for its brain scan analysis system for detecting strokes. Now the US FDA has also approved the system. http://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3736574,00.html

Treating bipolar depression. Tel Aviv University researchers have confirmed the effectiveness of bipolar depression sufferers combining mood stabilizers with anti-depressants. 81.7% of patients using both avoided re-hospitalization (for manic episodes), compared to only 57.6% of patients who did not receive the combination.

Alerting patients to ALL relapse risk. (TY Atid-EDI) Israeli biotech Curewize successfully completed the clinical trial of its lead product ProALLBM on acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. ProALLBM reveals patients’ risk of relapse with just one bone marrow sample. They can then be given early treatment.

An atlas of the human genome. Scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have generated an atlas of the human genome. It includes the roles that genes play in health and disease, plus the effect of over 180,000 gene mutations. http://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/jerusalem/hebrew-u-scientists-use-stem-cells-to-generate-atlas-of-human-genome/2018/04/23/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-018-0088-1

Trauma training for South African medics. I reported previously (3rd Sep) on the work of Israeli emergency NGO United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit in Houston Texas. Now the unit, headed by its director Miriam Ballin, is travelling to Johannesburg, South Africa to train 60 Jewish EMTs there.

Ovarian failure patient has healthy son. Sigalit suffered from “premature ovarian failure” that typically causes loss of normal ovarian function, resulting in infertility. After many years of suffering she was about to have a hysterectomy. Then she discovered she was pregnant and, aged 40, gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Cornerstone laid for new Zaka HQ. The cornerstone has been laid for a new ZAKA volunteer organization’s world headquarters in Jerusalem. ZAKA’s volunteers assist ambulance crews, aid in the identification of the victims of terrorism, road accidents and other disasters, and ensure proper burial where necessary.


Annual Israeli-Druze festival. (TY WIN) Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and many Israeli politicians joined in the annual Druze festival celebrations. Many Druze traveled from afar to visit the Tomb of Jethro near the Sea of Galilee. Jethro (father-in-law to Moses) is one of the main prophets of the Druze religion.

$5.6 million for Israeli-Arabs hi-tech jobs. (TY UWI) Israel’s parliamentary committee for Arab affairs has allocated $5.6 million (NIS 20 million) to a new program that will provide thousands of Israeli-Arabs with jobs in the local tech sector. The funds will be used to establish tech workspaces and improve roads in Arab towns.

Israeli Arab lights Independence Day torch. I reported previously (Aug 2014) on Israeli Arab Professor Ahmed Eid who is Head of General Surgery at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center. Professor Eid proudly lit one of the twelve torches at the 70th Anniversary Independence Day ceremony.

A new lease of life. Another talk by Sivan Yaari, CEO of Innovation: Africa, this time at UK’s Manchester Grammar School. The solar electricity and water generating facilities provided by the Israeli NGO means no more famine in poverty-stricken African villages – and has even kick-started an entrepreneurial spirit.

Israeli solar power is vital to Liberia. I reported previously (Nov 2016) that Israel’s Energiya Global is to install Liberia’s first ever solar field. I hadn’t realized that the 10MW plant will supply 25% of the country’s generation capacity. Following its civil war, Liberia is rebuilding its power infrastructure from scratch.

250 US delegation for Embassy opening. A huge delegation of 250 American dignitaries will arrive in Israel to attend the official dedication ceremony for the US Embassy in Jerusalem on 5th May. They include Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt, and Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham.


Israeli gas and oil exploration. Geologist Eitan Aizenberg discovered Israel’s giant natural offshore gas field, Leviathan. He reveals that talented Israeli graduates are now exploring for oil and gas in South America, Malta, Ireland and the Philippines, using Israeli supercomputers to analyze 3D seismic tests.

Preventing the spread of forest fires. 17-year-old twins Gilad and Neta Drori have developed a system to identify wildfires before they spread. Their system takes aerial photos taken by satellite or cameras attached to observer balloons, which then analyses and compares them using an algorithm for image processing.
https://www.jpost.com/Jpost-Tech/Israeli-students-develop-tech-to-identify-wildfires-before-they-spread-552514 https://www.youtube.com/embed/-kDTIzAngGU?rel=0

Israel’s involvement in Orion space project. The launch date for EM-1 – the first of NASA’s Orion deep space exploratory missions – has been moved to Dec 2019 when it will test the innovative radiation protection suit from Israel’s StemRad. EM-2, scheduled for 2023, will use over 100 parts 3D printed by Israel’s Stratasys.

A simple robot to pick fruit and more. (TY Hazel) Researchers at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University have developed a low cost, low energy robot resembling a snake. It has applications from picking fruit to search and rescue to repairing satellites. https://www.israel21c.org/new-snake-robot-could-pick-fruit-or-fix-satellites/

Israeli agricultural novelties. Comedian Yuval Haklai takes us on a light-hearted tour of some of the latest Israeli agricultural innovations on show at the Arava 2018 Agricultural Exhibition. They include natural pesticides and pollinators, the world’s smallest tomato, winter-grown raspberries and medicinal plants.

Visual artificial intelligence. I reported previously (Aug 2012) about Israeli startup Cortica which had developed an image analysis system with marketing potential. Cortica has since applied its self-learning visual intelligence technology to autonomous cars, drones, media, robotics, smart cities and medical image analysis.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/1cZAAMk2GkI?rel=0 https://www.youtube.com/embed/a3qsoevtDiU?rel=0

Detecting when students cheat. Israeli startup Copyleaks Technologies has developed a system to help identify plagiarism (i.e. where students copy material and try to pass it off as their own without attributing the sources). Copyleaks’ system understands the ideas behind the texts – i.e. not just an exact word comparison.

Monitoring cargo in transit. Israel’s Contguard provides real-time data analysis for managing cargo in transit. It provides IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled shipment monitoring, real-time data and business intelligence to manufacturers and suppliers who ship goods globally. Contguard has just received funds from Citi Bank.

We deliver in 15 minutes. (TY Atid-EDI) Israeli startup GetPackage offers delivery services inside Israel within 15 minutes after the order is made. The company monitors each delivery and the route taken. It is now setting up infrastructure on the US East Coast, with a database of 7,000 registered delivery people.

Tools to develop AI products. Israel-based Allegro.AI offers a development and management platform for artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It simplifies the process of developing and managing AI-based services such as autonomous vehicles and drones, security, and logistics, with a special focus on computer vision.

Chocolate and ice cream for diabetics. Israeli startup A1C Foods develops chocolate and ice cream that do not impact blood sugar levels. Instead of substituting real sugar with artificial sweeteners, traditional ingredients like flour and sugar, are mixed with a patent-pending formulation that lowers their glycemic index.

3D-printed veggie burgers. (TY WIN) Israeli startup Chef-It is developing a 3D printer that can “print” and grill/bake/fry a hamburger made of cellulose plus plant-based proteins, fats and flavorings. Chef-It co-founder Professor Oded Shoseyov of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University has already made a prototype of the printer.


At 70 – Israel’s economy exceeds expectations. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger compares Israel’s situation now to that earlier in its history. The statistics are quite staggering. Population, GDP, employment, national debt, exports, foreign investment, inflation, life expectancy, women in work and much more.

Israel – Island of Success. Promotion video for a new book “Israel – Island of Success” by Noga Kainan and Adam Reuter. It asks and answers questions such as, “Why is Israel a success?”, “Is this success sustainable?” and “What is Israel’s probable future? “ https://www.youtube.com/embed/MnNEO9DIf1o?rel=0

The largest group of tech investors to visit Israel. A delegation of 300 international Kauffman Fellows to their Annual Summit is the largest contingent of global VCs ever to come to Israel as a group. The venture capitalists represent the likes of Microsoft, Intel, Google, BlackRock etc. and are invested in some 500 startups.

New health fund raises $200 million. Israeli life-sciences venture capital firm aMoon Partners has raised $200 million for a new fund aMoon II that will invest in digital health life-science companies. The final target for the fund is $500 million. The $200 million fund, aMoon I, was set-up two years ago and is invested in 16 startups.

Amsterdam to Eilat. Air France – KLM subsidiary Transavia Airlines is to fly twice weekly during the winter months from Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to Ovda, north of Eilat. 17,700 Dutch tourists entered Israel in the first quarter of 2018 – a 37% increase on 2017 and 80% up on 2016.

Lab for food-innovation startups. Israel’s Frutarom is setting up FoodNxt, a lab for startups and ventures specializing in food innovation to address obesity and diabetes, to find protein alternatives, natural, healthy foods and more. The lab in Migdal HaEmek will provide financing, advanced equipment, and a support team.

Smart videos for Chinese soccer teams. Israel-based startup Pixellot has sold its video production systems to Chinese Premier League’s Jiangsu Suning Football Club as the first of its deal with China Sports Media. Pixellot’s automated multi-camera system gives a panoramic view of sports events for coaching purposes.

The US’s 5th largest convenience store business. Israel’s Arko Holdings has completed a complex deal for the purchase and lease of 267 US fuel stations and convenience store sites, including E-Z Mart. Arko’s GPM subsidiary now controls 1,224 sites and fuels another 138 stations in 22 states – the US’s 5th largest operator.


Front row at Israel’s birthday show. My friend Sharon was in the Press stand at the 70th Anniversary Yom Ha’Atzmaut show on Mount Herzl Jerusalem. Here are her photos of the event and afterwards.

Tel Aviv’s new Independence trail. (TY Janglo & Jacques) Tel Aviv’s new day/night interactive 1km Independence Trail uses a unique mobile app to guide tourists past 10 heritage sites. A map is also available in Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

Israel loves The Backstreet Boys. (TY Hazel) Following their successful Israel concert in 2015 (see here)The Back Street Boys performed again in front of 15,000 enthusiastic fans in Rishon Lezion Live Park.

19 more Israeli summer concerts. Up-coming Israeli performances include Jamiroquai, Azealia Banks, Milky Chance, Enrique Iglesias, alt-J, Matisyahu, Jessie Ware, Sofi Tukker, The Stranglers, Ringo Starr, Avenged Sevenfold, Gilberto Gil, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice in Chains, Ziggy Marley, Beach Boys and Grandmaster Flash.
And (hot off the press) it’s certainly not “ironic” that Alanis Morissette is returning to Israel on 30th July.

Israel’s most advanced stadium. (TY Janglo) Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem is being upgraded. Its roof will be completed to make it Israel’s largest indoor stadium, with 32,000 seats. Other upgrades include to its sound system, dressing rooms and heating. It is already powered by a 686KW solar energy system.

2.1km tunnel – for cyclists. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat inaugurated Jerusalem’s 2.1km “Gihon” tunnel – Israel’s longest underground cycling tunnel. “We use tunnels for good purposes, such as sports, in contrast to Hamas,” Barkat told reporters. The tunnel connects Ein Lavan (Biblical zoo) to Kerem junction, near Hadassah.

The London Marathon in an Israeli exoskeleton. Simon Kindleysides of Norfolk, England became the first paralyzed man to finish the London Marathon when he completed the 26.2 miles in 36 hours wearing an Israeli Rewalk exoskeleton robotic suit. Simon raised £19,000 for charity and won the #SpiritofLondon award.
https://www.jpost.com/International/Paralyzed-man-finishes-London-Marathon-thanks-to-Israeli-robotic-suit-552678 https://www.youtube.com/embed/aB0pfAL6MdU?rel=0


How Israel evacuated Ethiopian Jews from Sudan. Great story on the BBC website about the Israeli scuba diving center on the Sudanese coast that was really a secret base from which Israel’s Mossad ran “Operation Moses” – flying thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel from their temporary camp in the Sudan desert.

The future of Israel looks good. Professor Efraim Inbar is President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies. He analyzes Israel positively in terms of its security, economy, society, democracy, and international relations. http://jiss.org.il/en/inbar-future-israel-looks-good/

70 years in 2 minutes. Quite amazing to see what Israel has achieved in such a short time.

Mezuzah for US Jerusalem embassy. As part of the May 14 ceremony to mark the official opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, a mezuzah will be affixed to the embassy building. The U.S. embassy will initially be situated in what is now the U.S. Consulate building, whilst a new building is being constructed.

Jerusalem embassy for Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is to start moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Czech President Miloš Zeman, ended his speech at a Prague Castle event to celebrate Israel’s 70th anniversary with “Next Year in Jerusalem”.

$70 million for Taglit-Birthright. On the eve of Israel’s 70th Independence Day, Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson surprised the 650 audience at the 18th annual Taglit-Birthright Israel gala by donating $70 million to the project. Since its inception in 2000, Taglit-Birthright has brought over 600,000 Jewish youths to Israel.

Keeping the Land beautiful. (TY Avi) The Beautiful Land Initiative (BLI) aims to clean up the litter in Israel through the help of volunteers and businesses. Israel is holy and needs to be kept clean and beautiful. Their Pesach video shows them cleaning up the Kinneret shore.

American Greatness in the Mideast Means Protecting Israel By Brandon J. Weichert

The American-led Middle East order is collapsing. Rival powers and regional actors now jockey for position in the region, in an attempt to form the next order there. While America’s position as the de facto regional hegemon has imploded, we still retain an immense amount of power—and, through our traditional allies in the Sunni Arab states and Israel—can help shape whatever comes next in that geostrategically vital place. For the United States to help establish a new regional order that remains relatively amenable to American national interests, the United States must protect Israel—and not just with rhetoric.

Israel is a fellow democratic state facing the same enemies that we face: Sunni jihadism and Iranian imperialism. Israel is also home to one of the world’s most capable militaries and houses one of the most dynamic economies. The United States effectively served as midwife at the birth of Israel as an independent country, so in addition to interest, we have sentiment and affection with Israel.

A Mideast without Israel would be a region that is still vitally important for the global economy and one lacking any conduit for real American influence. Loss of influence there would be a serious threat to our ability to preserve our own national independence. And make no mistake: an Israel-free Middle East is precisely what Iran (and even some of the Sunni Arab states) want.

Iran’s Genocidal Ambitions
Whereas Sunni Arab states with histories of exporting terrorism (such as Saudi Arabia) are now moving toward reform, Iran has made no effort to restrain its Islamist fervor. In fact, Iran’s constitution giddily declares that its armed forces “will be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God’s way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God’s law [Sharia] throughout the world.” As Ilan Berman observed, “Iran’s radical vision of Islamic governance . . . was intended from the start to be an export commodity.”

Antisemitism and anti-Americanism, not oil, are the true the lifeblood of Iran. More recently, the regime in Tehran has denied that the Holocaust ever happened—while simultaneously promising to usher in a new Holocaust (only this time with nuclear weapons). After the disastrous U.S. “war of choice” in Iraq, followed by our equally moronic support for regime change in Libya, Egypt, and (until Trump’s arrival) Syria, along with the Obama Administration’s foolish nuclear agreement with Iran, Israel’s position has never been more tenuous.

Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas Jimmy Carter’s unstinting hatred for Israel paved the way. Robert Spencer

The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that the Zionist Advocacy Center is alleging in a suit that former President Jimmy Carter’s nonprofit organization, the Carter Center, “has used taxpayer funding to provide material support to international terrorist groups, including Hamas.” Given Carter’s longstanding and abundantly established hatred for the Jewish state, this allegation is no great shock. Nonetheless, the specter of an American President’s foundation funding a jihad terrorist group demonstrates how far we have fallen.

The Zionist Advocacy Center further alleges that the Carter Center “received more than $30 million in taxpayer grants while violating federal statutes barring it from using the cash to provide material support to terror groups.” Not only that: “The plaintiffs maintain the Carter Center has violated the law by hosting designated terrorists at is facilities, as well as by providing various forms of assistance to the Palestinian terror group Hamas and other known terror entities.”

No one who has watched Carter over the years can really be surprised. Back in 2008, Carter claimed that Hamas was prepared to accept the right of Israel to “live as a neighbor next door in peace.” He had no grounds for saying so, and it wasn’t remotely true, but this claim helped him perpetuate the fiction that the Israelis, not the Palestinians, were responsible for the failure of all peace talks and the ongoing tensions between the two.