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The Democratic Party Platform’s Disappearing Support For Israel Phrase after phrase of support once proudly expressed has vanished. Hugh Fitzgerald


Elder of Ziyon has taken a look at what the 2024 Democratic Party says about Israel, and compares it to the party’s platform statements about Israeli over the past 20 years. There has been a steady erosion of support for the Jewish state, as phrase after phrase of support once proudly expressed has disappeared — no more “shared values” and “common interests” and praise for the “only democracy in the region” — until we have today’s bland statement of lukewarm support that is little different from that offered to any other country in the world. And in fact, Israel is taken to task for its “settlers” and “settlements” and its attempt – the nerve of those Zionists! — to annex east Jerusalem. This platform statement is a harbinger, I’m afraid, of worse to come.

More on the results of Elder of Ziyon’s comparison of the last six Democratic platform statements on Israel can be found here: “The Democratic Party platform used to say Israel and the US shared common values and strategic interests. They removed that.,” Elder of Ziyon, August 19, 2024:

…To trly [sic] understand the Democratic Party’s evolution of its position on Israel, we need to compare the newer platforms with previous party platforms. The previous platforms are always the starting point for the newer ones, so what has been removed from the platforms it is often more significant than what is included.

 You can see what language has been removed from the Democratic Party platforms of years past.

Ruthie Blum: The art of the ‘no deal’ with Hamas The “window of opportunity” to secure the “last chance” release of the hostages isn’t closing. Yahya Sinwar never opened it.


Israeli negotiators returned home on Friday night, after two days in Doha with mediators from Qatar, Egypt and the United States. The one party absent was Hamas.

Nevertheless, President Joe Biden seemed to think that this was a minor detail not worth mentioning. Tardy to arrive at an event at the Oval Office—after signing a proclamation for the establishment of a national monument commemorating the 1908 Springfield Race Riot in Illinois—he told guests and reporters, “One of the reasons I was late for y’all is because I was dealing with the ceasefire effort in the Middle East. And we are closer than we’ve ever been.”

Adding a caveat, he said, “I don’t want to jinx anything. But, as my grandfather said, ‘By the grace of God and with a lot of luck, we might have something.’ But we’re not there yet. We’re much, much closer than we were three days ago.”

This particular trip to fantasy land can’t be chalked up to dementia. Team Biden has been consistent in its push to end “Operation Swords of Iron” since Oct. 7—weeks before any Israeli boots stepped on the ground in Gaza.

Leaving aside his administration’s open hostility toward the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and overt desire to topple the longest-serving leader in Israel’s history, America under this crew has an aversion to asserting its power in the world. This explains its refusal to step up to the plate on Oct. 8 and let Hamas honcho Yahya Sinwar know in no uncertain terms that he’d better cough up the hostages, especially those with U.S. citizenship, or else.

Democratic convention to push for Israel arms embargo Andrea Shalal


CHICAGO (Reuters) -Dozens of Muslim delegates and their allies, angry at U.S. support for Israel’s offensive in Gaza, are seeking changes in the Democratic platform and plan to press for an arms embargo this week, putting the party on guard for disruptions to high-profile speeches at its national convention in Chicago.

Calling itself “Delegates Against Genocide,” the pro-Palestinian group says it will exercise its freedom of speech rights during main events at the four-day Democratic National Convention convening on Monday to formally nominate Vice President Kamala Harris for president in the Nov. 5 election against Republican former President Donald Trump.

Group organizers declined to give details, but said they were encouraging supporters to wear Palestinian keffiyehs, or scarves, and to carry Palestinian flags, and would seek changes in the party platform, while urging delegates to speak on the convention floor.

President Joe Biden is due to speak on Monday and Harris on Thursday.

Pro-Palestinian delegates say they deserve a bigger role in the writing of the party platform.

The group wants to include language backing enforcement of laws that ban giving military aid to individuals or security forces that commit gross violations of human rights.

“We’re going to make our voices heard,” said Liano Sharon, a Jewish business consultant and delegate who signed an alternative platform along with 34 other delegates. “Freedom of expression necessarily includes the right to stand up and be heard even when the authority in the room says to shut up.”

This Week Today Current Events from Israel: Rabbi Ben Packer


Iran/Hezbollah/other evil crazies have still not retaliated for the recent assassinations of terrorist leaders. Why is that is the question that everyone is asking. Is it a strategic move? Are they scared of the repercussions? Are they waiting for a hostage/ceasefire deal in Gaza to get them out of the whole situation, at least temporarily? My bet is on the last one. As time has gone by, the pressure for a deal to free at least some of the hostages has intensified. Israel could try some kind of rescue attempt in the near future, but barring that, it would seem a deal is on the way, along with a way out for Iran/Hezbollah/Yemen and possibly Hamas, at least in the short term. I’m not saying I think this is a good idea, but I think this is where this is going. 

Meanwhile in Gaza
The IDF continues to hammer away at terrorists and terrorist infrastructure. In an attack on a terrorist headquarters located in a school, at least 31 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed. The Muslims and their allies have labeled the successful attack a massacre. Idiots. An Israeli soldier was killed in southern Gaza this week by a sniper. Despite this tragedy, there are many successes in the field. It all comes back to the original gamble by the head of Hamas Sinwar – how long can Israel continue to destroy Hamas before the international/domestic pressure stops it. If they get to Sinwar and his lieutenants, total victory can be achieved. Otherwise, Hamas remains a threat in Gaza. 

I read an interesting take this week that suggested that as long as the religious/right-wing community is willing to stay in reserve duty and fight in Gaza, the war will keep going. In essence, a grassroots situation where the lower ranking soldiers force the hand of the secular leftist leadership. A fascinating phenomenon indeed. 

Of course, occasionally the secular left will fight back, like they have in persecuting the reservists who are accused of abusing an imprisoned Nukhba terrorist from Oct. 7th. They even brought in the terrorist to testify! Let’s just say that in traditional Judaism we invalidate the legitimacy of testimony of a witness for much less than the hideous crimes of  Oct. 7th. As of now the soldiers have been released to house arrest. It’s a nice attempt to kill the morale of the other reservists, but unlikely to work. 

Finally, the top brass of the army and other security services (ie. secular leftists) are currently very publicly emphasizing their approval of any hostage deal, even one requiring a full pull out of Israeli forces from Gaza, including the border area with Egypt. Obviously, it’s not their job to support or oppose any deal, so it makes such behavior even more suspicious. They want this war over so they can start planning their asylum in Portugal. They might be surprised at how much of Israel would support such a move by them, but want the war to continue, without them in charge. 

Iran’s Mullahs and Their Deadly Serious Plan: The Total Annihilation of Israel and the US by Majid Rafizadeh


This conflict is a battle for survival not only for Israel but for the region, and ultimately for Europe and the United States.

Israel understands the stakes: Iran’s belligerency requires an unequivocally committed response from the United States. In that part of the world, wishy-washy means a green light, open season. The consequences are assumed to vary from minimal to non-existent – and often even a profit!

Iran has no interest in becoming a sand dune. That is why it has proxies, so that they will do the attacking and take the incoming retaliation, ensuring that their devoted patron, Iran, will not have to. Iran’s proxies are its human shields.

“Now, ask yourself, which country ultimately stands in the way of Iran’s maniacal plans to impose radical Islam on the world? And the answer is clear: It’s America, the guardian of Western civilization and the world’s greatest power. That’s why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy…. That’s why the mobs in Tehran chant ‘Death to Israel’ before they chant ‘Death to America.’ For Iran Israel is first, America is next…. When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…. [that] threaten every American city…. we’re not only protecting ourselves. We’re protecting you.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Address to US Congress, July 25, 2024.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… has gone as far as proclaiming to the youth of Iran that they will soon witness the downfall of both Israel and American civilization.

Has anyone noticed how Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat of using nuclear weapons succeeded in intimidating the Biden-Harris administration? Why wasn’t the Biden-Harris administration intimidating Putin?

As [General Hossein] Salami [chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] boasted, Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to such an extent that it now has the capability to “wipe out Israel” on its own. — timesofisrael.com, January 28, 2019.

The US should make it unequivocally clear that any entity that attacks Israel will face costs it cannot even imagine.

The Iranian regime and its proxies appear to believe they have the perfect opportunity to eradicate Israel. They perceive a weak administration in the United States under President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris: the US has released billions of dollars that mainly assist Iran in arming its proxies.

The stakes could not be higher. The United States must prevent Iran’s unfathomably dangerous prophecy from becoming a lethal reality.

The war initiated against Israel on October 7 by the Iranian regime, along with its proxies and terrorist groups — Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iraqi Shia militias — is far more than a minor skirmish or an isolated act of aggression.



With the fall approaching violent anti-Israel campus protests will resume abetted by new “free speech” rules crafted by biased and craven administrators and faculty. This list is the best antidote to the ignorance and bias of academia and media. Welcome back Michael Ordman. rsk

The most moral army in history. The High Level International Military Group comprises former NATO chiefs of staff, generals, senior officers, political leaders and officials. Its July 2024 analysis of the IDF’s war against Hamas was sent to the International Criminal Court. It praises the IDF’s moral conduct of the war.
New bullet-proof ambulances. The Israeli Police has inaugurated its first bullet-proof ambulances. They will enhance the safety of search and rescue forces, particularly in high-risk areas. They were funded and supported by non-profits Israel Friends and Let’s Do Something (LDS) which have both raised millions since Oct 7.
https://israfan.com/p/israel-police-bulletproof-ambulances  https://israelfriends.us/
Survivor rates. IDF medics are measured by the metric CFR (case fatality rate) – the percentage of wounded soldiers evacuated from the battlefield whom they failed to save. In the Second Lebanon War in 2006, the CFR stood at 15%. In the Gaza War, the CFR is 6.5%, due to more medics, faster evacuation and blood products.
2,000 BGU student hospital volunteers. More than 2,000 medical, nursing, and social work students from Ben-Gurion University volunteered in hospitals throughout Israel in the days immediately Oct 7. They provided medical and psychological assistance to the thousands of injured Israelis and their families.
Brothers saved thousands. (TY Miller Group) On Oct 7, South African brothers Keith and Brett Isaacson risked their lives to protect Gaza border communities. Brett, defended the Mivtahim Junction, the main access point to 7 moshavim. Keith, head of security for 32 Eshkol region communities, blocked further attacks.
Turning a parasite into a brain healer. Israeli scientists from Tel Aviv and Glasgow Universities have engineered the parasite Toxoplasma gondii to deliver protein-based medical treatments through the blood-brain barrier. Their example delivered the protein MeCP2, to remedy a deficiency associated with Rett syndrome.
Step sensor measures brain disease progression. Researchers in Tel Aviv have developed a wearable step sensor to monitor the wellbeing of the elderly and patients with cognitive decline or neurological diseases. Reductions in step length are important indicators for assessing patients with Parkinson’s, MS, etc.
Smartwatch software monitors stress levels. The NeuroSpeed AI analysis software from Israel’s NeuroBrave (see here previously) uses the photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor on the back of a smartwatch to measure he length of time between heartbeats. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a good indicator of overall mental health.
Proven to prevent pre-term deaths. Recent trials of the Lioness device developed by Israel’s PregnanTech (see here previously) showed a high rate of full-term births among women at high risk of pre-term birth. A US trial next year is planned, to help the company obtain FDA approval.
Better chances for fertility treatment. Israel’s BAIBYS uses Machine Vision (MV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to select the best quality sperm for IVF success. It autonomously selects and collects the sperm to microinject into the egg. It uses high magnification and morphology (shape, structure, size, etc.).
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/hyu7zxgqa  https://www.baibys.com/
Going beyond. Israel’s Dr. Linda Rubinstein moved from NASA to Sheba Medical Center and from Outer Space research to Inner space research. Her work focuses on mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse). Stopping it from aging could contribute to the eradication of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
50 blood infusers donated. Harvard University Business Professor Regina Herzlinger has donated 50 life-saving blood infuser devices to about 20 Israeli hospitals and trauma centers. They replace blood lost during hemorrhaging and are especially crucial in the treatment of those wounded in the current war.
Making US hospital treatment more affordable. Israel’s PayZen has developed a fintech platform that allows hospitals to receive payment in advance for medical treatment invoices, thereby enabling US patients to benefit from interest-free payment plans without additional costs for their medical care.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sjwbj1y9a  https://payzen.com/




This newsletter was misplaced by me and much has happened since it was posted by Michael Ordman. Israel’s citizens continue to receive blood curdling threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, and biased, ignorant an outright anti-Semitic threats in the academies and media. Nonetheless, on a visit to the great scientific, technical and medical institutions reveals 24/7 research and development that brings hope and security to all citizens in every country. rsk


Lifting our spirit. (TY Sam Kramer) Ziv Shilon lost an arm in Gaza in 2012, but he didn’t lose his spirit. Here, he performs hagbah (lifting the Torah scroll) in the Chabad of Savyon, Nothing stops these heroes – they are now a defining and meaningful part of the fabric of Israeli society. See also Ari Spitz, wounded in Feb 2024.
https://sparksofanation.com/sparks/ziv-shilon-lost-an-arm-but-he-didnt-lose-his-spirit-here-he-performs-hagbah-in-savyon-fortitude-and-faith-fueling-him-forward/  https://zivshilon.com/en/about/
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9NaGEct2GG/  https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/388392
A modern day prophet & hero. Another article describing the actions of Rami Davidian (see here previously) who saved hundreds from the Hamas terrorists. The author writes, “Our people are Maccabees and prophets, warriors and angels. There have been many heroes, but Rami Davidian…must be remembered for generations.”
Defense innovations from startups. Once you skip the negative section of this article, there are several key initiatives and innovations that will help the IDF in future conflicts. The MAFAT program, Tel Aviv University problem-solving, Unit 81, MAMRAM’s tech commando unit, 
Be’eri dairy makes cheese again. The dairy at Kibbutz Be’eri is producing its famous cheeses again, nine months after the devastating Oct 7 attack. Despite losing his business partner, Dagan Peleg bowed to pressure from Israelis craving for Be’eri cheese – especially those from the kibbutz evacuated to Dead Sea hotels.
Patient “speaks” using the power of thought alone. A historical first. A 37-year-old male neurosurgical epilepsy patient at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov (Sourasky) Medical Center was implanted with depth electrodes. He silently controlled a computer-based vocalizer in a natural way to voluntarily produce 2 vowel sounds.
Non-invasive glucose monitoring. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s HAGAR’s GWave is the world’s first non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring technology that uses radiofrequency (RF) waves to measure glucose levels in the blood. Its latest trial had 97% accuracy compared to blood tests (see here). See other Israeli monitors here.
https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211123005227/en/HAGAR-GWave-Awarded-FDA-Breakthrough-Device-Designation  https://www.hagartech.com/
How good are your arteries? Israel’s AccuLine is developing CORA – an accurate, non-invasive, swift, and low-cost test for early detection of coronary artery disease and prevent heart attacks. It detects 2 novel bio-signals in combination with AI-powered signal processing and proprietary augmented waveform display.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sjp00jnzdc   https://acculine-medical.com/
Replacing open-heart surgery. (TY Ron M) US giant Edwards Lifesciences’ acquisition of Israel’s Innovalve Bio Medical will enable its innovative catheterization system to replace the diseased mitral valves of millions of patients, avoiding open-heart surgery. The system was originally developed at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center.
https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/b1fsw8sua   https://www.innovalvemed.com/
The hub of the brain. (TY UWI) Researchers from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem have identified the brain’s claustrum as vital for controlling behaviour e.g., responsiveness and impulsivity. It also regulates sleep and the new knowledge can open up new pathways for treating ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD, and addictions.
One-day retreat to prevent PTSD. (TY Yanky) Israeli NGO The Protective Partnership has started a free one-day retreat in Herzliya, called the Villa. Led by Dr Ronny Simons, it uses Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to strengthen the brains of IDF soldiers to protect against suffering PTSD.
https://the-villa.co.il/en/main/  https://the-villa.co.il/en/who-we-are/
Cancer care for Anglo Israelis. (TY Yanky) Sharsheret Israel helps English-speaking women in Israel with breast cancer to navigate treatment and support. Based on the US model, Sharsheret Israel is piloting its services including psychosocial support, cancer treatment navigation, education, support groups and more.
https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-808079  https://sharsheret.org/israel/
Boosting health tech in the North. Israeli NGO Startup Nation Central is helping Tzafon Medical Center (Poriya hospital) near Tiberias become a regional leader in health tech innovation and entrepreneurship. It will also support the new Helmsley Rehabilitation Center at the hospital.
Has your medicine expired? The expiry date printed on many medicine bottles is not relevant once you open it – you must record the date it was opened. Israel’s Innocap has a special cap with a simple dial that records the day and month of opening. It also connects to a smartphone which displays information about the medicine.
Almost life-like. (TY Atid-EDI) The new J5 Digital Anatomy™ 3D Printer from Israel’s Stratasys enables the creation of biomechanically accurate, highly realistic anatomical models for medical purposes. These mimic bone structures, tissues, ligaments, & complex vascular structures, respond like organs, and much more.
Sisters! Take care if you ask to see the “Sister” at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. Nurses Yamit and Inbal are identical twins. Their older sister Sima (another nurse) looks just like them. They grew up in a house with 10 children – nine girls and one boy. Their parents must have needed a lot of patience, or is it patients?

Double Effect and Human Rights in War The flawed moral reasoning of the ICC’s panel of legal experts would have approved the arrests of Churchill and Eisenhower. Nigel Biggar


When, in June, the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor sought arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence minister over their conduct in Gaza, the Conservative government objected that the ICC lacks jurisdiction over Israeli citizens. Last week, the new Labour incumbents of No. 10 abandoned that challenge. 

But lack of jurisdiction is only the weakest ground for objection. Had the reasoning of the panel of legal experts invited to justify the prosecutor’s action been applied to the Allies’ invasion of Normandy in June 1944—the eightieth anniversary of which we have just celebrated—it would have approved the arrests of Churchill and Eisenhower. 

According to the experts’ report, there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that the Israeli ministers have committed war crimes in Gaza. This is because they have “intentionally” used the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare against Hamas, by depriving civilians of “objects indispensable for their survival” and so of their “fundamental rights.” They have done this by “deliberately” impeding the delivery of humanitarian relief and by “attacks directed against” facilities that produce food and clean water, civilians attempting to obtain relief supplies, and humanitarian workers and convoys. “Either … the suspects meant these deaths to happen,” write the lawyers, “or … they were aware that deaths would occur in the ordinary course of events as a result of their methods of warfare.” As for the crime of extermination, “the number of deaths resulting from starvation is sufficient on its own to support the charge.”

Objections to the panel’s report could be raised on factual grounds, since responsibility for the failure of aid to reach its intended recipients and the question of whether or not Gaza has in fact been on the brink of starvation at all both remain hotly contested. But I shall let these pass, since my own objection is ethical rather than factual. 

Iranians Rooting For Israel Against Their Monstrous Regime And what will happen if Israel delivers a decisive blow? by Hugh Fitzgerald


Some revealing man-in-the-street interviews in Iran, where hatred of the regime has put many people on the side of Israel, and made them receive with pleasure the news of Ismael Haniyeh’s assassination, can be found here: “Iranians side with Israel, even against their own regime,” by Emily Schrader, Ynet News, August 5, 2024:

For 45 years, the Iranian people have been subjected to a dictatorial Islamic government that prioritizes support for terrorism and enables rampant levels of corruption, over the wellbeing of the people, the Iranian economy, and the future of the state itself….

While Iranians endure a cratering economy, with the leaders of the regime have been enriching themselves. Ayatolah Khamenei now controls a “financial empire” worth $95 billion, according to a six-month investigation by Reuters. How much of that he has pocketed for himself and his immediate family is unknown. But he’s likely to have far exceeded even the three greedy leaders of Hamas, whose net worth— four billion dollars for Khaled Meshaal, three billion for Mousa Abu Marzouk, and four billion for the late Ismail Haniyeh — all comes from aid money that foreign donors intended for the people of Gaza, but instead it went to a handful of thieves living in Doha.

How bad is that Iranian economy? Consider only this: in 2015 a dollar was worth 32,500 Iranian riyals. Today, a dollar is worth 650,000 riyals. The riyal has thus depreciated to one-twentieth of what it was valued at less than a decade ago. Many Iranians have seen their life savings evaporate. And they are enraged not just at the corruptions at the top, among the ayatollahs and the IRGC commanders, but also at the spectacle of their government spending billions of dollars to supply their proxies in the Middle East — the Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza, and especially, Hezbollah in Lebanon — with money and expensive weaponry. How much, they wonder, of Iran’s wealth has gone to supplying 200,000 rockets and missiles for the Lebanese terror group?

That is why Iranian protesters shout not the slogans favored by the regime: “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” but, rather, “Death to Palestine,” “Help us, not Gaza,” and “Leave Syria alone and deal with Iran.”

Ynetnews spoke with Iranians in the aftermath of the historic assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil to see their feelings and reactions regarding a potential war against Israel. As there are currently Iranians on death row for speaking to Israeli media, we cannot publish the names of the Iranians interviewed for their own protection.

How the West Bank became an ‘occupied Palestinian territory’ – opinion ICRC’s rulings have distorted and confused the issue of Israel’s legitimate claims to the territories, and are used to condemn Israel. By Moshe Dunn


Shortly after the Six Day War in 1967, the United Nations asked the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – a private Swiss organization that is the official guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention (FGC) – for its opinion on the legal status of the territories that Israel had conquered, including Judea and Samaria, known as the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Unilaterally, the ICRC decided that Israel had violated international law (meaning the FGC) and declared the disputed areas to be Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). This decision was adopted by the international community as law. The basis for the committee’s decision, however, was, and still is, secret – as are many things in Switzerland.

The ICRC later claimed that its decision was based on the Hague Regulations (1907), particularly Article 42, which defines occupation. It chose to ignore Article 43, however, which stipulates that occupation occurs when “the authority of the legitimate power… passe(s) into the hands of the occupier…” Since neither Jordan nor Egypt were the sovereign legitimate powers in the territories, Israel’s claims are not illegal.

In fact, earlier decisions of the international community, such as the San Remo conference (1920), which supported the idea of a “Jewish national home” in Palestine, validate Israel’s claims.

A Palestinian state did not exist at the time, nor has one ever existed.