The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America has published a new monograph: “Indoctrinating Our Youth,” a case study of the bias in the high school curriculum in one U.S. city when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and teaching about Islam.
The booklet is of interest because it helps explains a dramatic shift in the attitudes toward Israel among younger Americans.
According to a study by the Brand Israel Group, in just six years, support for Israel has dropped from 73% to 54% among U.S. college students. The drop-off in support among Jewish college students has been particularly steep — from 84% to 57%. It is no great secret that the environment for pro-Israel students on many if not most college campuses has become quite hostile. The movement to create an intersectionality of interests among various purveyors of identity politics — the LGBT community, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims, among others — now seems to have adopted anti-Zionism among its key tenets. The exclusion of Jewish women in Chicago from various rallies because they carried rainbow flags with the Star of David is typical of the increasingly fierce attempts to banish anything remotely connected to Israel from the movements on the Left.
Elements of the organized Jewish community have been working to fight the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement on college campuses and to support, train and educate pro-Israel activists. It is clearly difficult for pro-Israel students to isolate themselves from accepted ”wisdom” or belief among their peers and push back with an alternative viewpoint.
But the CAMERA study reveals that the problem begins earlier than college. The pattern of indoctrination and pressure to adopt narratives hostile to Israel are now common in high school, if not even earlier.
In a typically comprehensive, carefully footnoted study, CAMERA staffers took the time to evaluate all the materials used in teaching about Israel, as well as the Islamic faith, in the two high schools in Newton, Massachusetts, an affluent, heavily Jewish suburb of Boston. In some cases, materials had to be obtained through Freedom of Information requests. School administrators did what they could to impede efforts by local parents and a few local groups who pushed back after learning about the heavily slanted curriculum. Promises were made about changes in the class materials that proved to be false. The school system seemed committed to advancing a point of view, if not just circling the wagons when challenged.
One has to ask how this happened, and why. Newton, of course, is part of the Boston metropolitan area, which is densely populated with colleges and universities, including some of the most elite institutions in the country, if not the world. Not surprisingly, given the current orientation toward Israel on campus, the Newton school system relied on materials from the Outreach Center at Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and invited a BDS supporter from the center, Paul Beran, to conduct teacher training activities to help develop the curriculum in the Newton high schools. The center also mainstreamed a textbook, “The Arab World Studies Notebook,” by Audrey Park Shabbas, as a resource for teachers and students. This notebook was described as “replete with factual errors, inaccuracies and misrepresentations” in a study by the American Jewish Committee after parents in Anchorage, Alaska, complained about the book’s bias against Israel back in 2004.