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A Two State Solution — But on Both Sides of the River Jordan Victor Sharpe


The phrase “Two State Solution” has been embraced by politicians and journalists alike, repeated endlessly, and touted as the panacea for a “just and equitable” solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

It has assumed the repetitious role of a muezzin’s call to Islamic prayer. But it is based on erroneous geography and history, on a mixture of wishful thinking, naiveté and a brilliant Arab propaganda campaign of disinformation and falsehood. To understand why, it is necessary to learn a small but vital chapter of Middle Eastern history.

Shortly after the conclusion of the First World War and the total defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which had ruled most of the Middle East from 1517 to 1917, Britain was made trustee by the League of Nations for the whole of the geographical and non-state territory known as Mandatory Palestine. Incorporated within the Mandate was the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which specifically referred to the historical connections of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the moral validity of reconstituting within it the Jewish National Home.

The British Mandatory power, however, arbitrarily tore away 80% of the Palestine Mandate which lay east of the River Jordan in 1921 giving it to the Hashemites, a Bedouin tribe with links to Mecca. Only the land west of the River Jordan remained from the original Mandate territory promised to the Jewish people as a National Home.

Jewish residency was immediately forbidden in all the lands east of the River Jordan, which in time became known as Trans-Jordan and then as the Kingdom of Jordan.

The U.N. Partition Plan of 1947 proposed two states, Jewish and Arab, which were roughly equal in size. But these two states were to occupy only the remaining western geographic area of Mandatory Palestine – from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan – barely 40 miles wide and a mere 20% of what now remained of original Mandatory Palestine.

This plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership with deep reservations, but as a pragmatic solution to the plight of the 850,000 Jewish refugees who were being driven from Arab lands at the time of Israel’s rebirth.

The miniscule size of the state was also reluctantly accepted in order to facilitate the absorption of the surviving Jewish remnant languishing in European refugee camps following the Holocaust.

The State of Israel, thus reconstituted in part of its ancient and biblical homeland in May 1948, was immediately invaded by seven Arab armies in order to completely destroy it and drive the surviving Jews into the sea.

Palestinian vs. Saudi education – ignored by Foggy Bottom Yoram Ettinger


*The October 7, 2023 horrific Palestinian terrorism was committed by graduates of the hate-driven K-12 Palestinian school curriculum, which has been a most effective production-line of terrorists, since it was established in 1993 by Mahmoud Abbas. The tightly controlled Palestinian school curriculum, as well as the official Palestinian mosque sermons, constitute the most authentic reflection of the Palestinian culture, aspirations, strategy and policy.

*In contrast, the UAE school curriculum was thoroughly overhauled since the conclusion of the 2020 peace accord with Israel, highlighting peaceful coexistence, and reflecting the peace-driven vision of the UAE.

*Likewise, the substantial expansion of Saudi-Israeli defense and commercial cooperation has reflected the game-changing moderation of the Saudi school curriculum. It has been introduced by Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman in defiance of severe domestic opposition – including within the ruling family – with which the ruling families of the UAE do not have to contend. More on the Saudi school curriculum at the end of this article. 

*In contrast to the oppression of women by Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Saudi Crown Prince has also introduced a dramatic enhancement in the status of women, despite the strident opposition by the fundamentalist, puritan Wahabi establishment, whose support has been critical to the domestic legitimacy of the House of Saud.

*Middle East reality has demonstrated a direct correlation between the intensity of hate education and mosque incitement, on the one hand, and the level of violence, terrorism and hostility toward the Western and Jewish “infidels,” on the other hand. 

Abandoning Israel and the Jews Britain’s new Labour government is already playing to a despicable gallery, both within and without Melanie Phillips


Five days after Britain’s Labour party won an overwhelming parliamentary majority in the general election, we can see the outline of what this is likely to mean for British Jews and their country’s relationship with Israel. That outline is not reassuring.

The new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, is said to have purged his party of antisemitism and has persuaded many British Jews that he has made Labour safe again for Jewish voters. On Sunday morning, he told the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas — antisemite, Holocaust denier and fan of Hitler’s wartime ally in the Middle East — that an independent state was the “undeniable right” of the Palestinian people and that “financial support for the Palestinian Authority” was one of his “immediate priorities”. 

He did not tell Abbas that a condition of this financial support was that the PA must stop paying financial rewards to terrorists and their families for murdering Israelis. Nor did he say that a condition of receiving more British taxpayers’ money was that the PA must end its indoctrination of Palestinian Arab children in Nazi-themed demonisation of the Jews, teaching them that their greatest ambition should be to murder Jews and steal all their land. 

Instead, Starmer proceeded to lecture Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin  Netanyahu, that there was a “clear and urgent” need for a ceasefire in Gaza as well as an immediate increase in the volume of humanitarian aid reaching civilians. As for the war being waged by Hezbollah in Lebanon against northern Israel, Starmer warned Netanyahu:

It was crucial all parties acted with caution.

What kind of “caution” does Starmer suggest is appropriate in the face of a threat of genocide by Hezbollah and its patron, Iran? Or to put it another way, with Hezbollah primed to unleash its armoury of 150,000 rockets and other missiles that can reach all of Israel, and with Iran itself along with Iraqi, Syrian and Houthi militias not to mention the terrorist armies of the “West Bank” all primed to attack Israel if it launches all-out war against Hezbollah, does Starmer really believe that Israel actually needs to be told to act “with caution”? 

The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet All sexual assault victims are equal – but some are . . . by Hugh Fitzgerald


Recently the White House issued a Fact Sheet providing what was supposed to be a comprehensive list of sexual assaults carried out in “conflict zones” all over the world. This Fact Sheet did indeed include a great many places where mass rapes have occurred, including sexual assault victims in Ukraine, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Iraq, South Sudan, Sudan, and Syria. But one place was unaccountably, and unacceptably, left out: Israel, where on October 7, 3,000 Hamas operatives from Gaza smashed through the border into the country’s south and proceeded to rape, torture, mutilate, and kill Israeli men, women, and children. A total of 1,200 Israelis were killed, and 260 were kidnapped and taken back to Gaza on the backs of pickup trucks, in cars, and slung over the shoulders of motorcyclists. The sexual assaults were sadistic in nature. Many consisted of mass rapes, followed by mutilation of the sexual organs of the victims, who only then were killed. In some cases, the breasts of women were sliced off and thrown about in a ghoulish game. Men, too, were subject to sexual assault and mutilation, including having their genitalia cut off. The Hamas perpetrators were having a high old time of it — what fun to rape, torture, and murder helpless Yahudim — and they proudly filmed their exploits, so as to be able to show their relatives and friends back in Gaza.

This horrifying assault became known at once all over the world. It certainly made a deep impression in Washington. Yet for reasons we do not know, when at the end of June, the U.S. government released its Fact Sheet on sexual assaults in conflict zones around the world, it left out any mention of the rapes, tortures, and murders of Israeli girls and women by Hamas.

Shame on the State Attorney for charging heroes with homicide Ruthie Blum


The only ray of light shining on this week’s revelation that three Israelis are under investigation for the Oct. 7 “murder” of a Nukhba terrorist is that most of the public is horrified that the men in question, who risked their lives to rescue victims while battling Hamas monsters, are being treated like criminals rather than heroes.

When the gag order on the case was eased on Sunday, and reports of the arrest of the trio emerged, two of the “suspects,” Saar Ofir and Yisrael Biton, came forward to identify themselves and present their version of events to local media outlets.

Their stories rang completely true. But even if they hadn’t, an account of the details shouldn’t have been necessary. Whatever way the Hamas barbarian met his death on Oct. 7, it was justified. It beggars belief that the State Attorney’s Office feels otherwise.

It’s particularly outrageous that the civilians who rushed to the south as soon as they realized that atrocities were being committed—during the hours that security forces were still waiting for orders to act—should be charged with anything, let alone homicide.

Given the behavior of State Attorney Amit Aisman, it’s a wonder that the guys in question weren’t also slapped with speeding tickets. Aisman and his crew don’t see it that way, of course.



Boy, have we done a great job educating the last few generations. DIE, CRT, woke progressivism. Now we have Queers for Palestine. It takes a certain kinda stupid to be Queer for Palestine. The West now celebrates gay marriage and parades with naked gay people.

Although naked people are not permitted to march in Israel, LGBT2+ is celebrated; including this year:

“LGBTQ+ supporters marched the streets of Jerusalem carrying rainbow flags, Israeli flags and yellow ribbons, a symbol for hostages still held in Gaza.”

Now, if these Queers for Palestine went to Muslim countries, they would probably be murdered – not disparaged, or demeaned or ignored. Nope. Murdered. And yet, these Queers for Palestine stand with those who scream INTIFADA – death to Israel.

“Islam’s prohibition of homosexual acts is categorical, and its teachings on gender relations and sexual norms are foundational and inseparable from belief in Allah and His revelation. There is no room in Islam for the new direction in which the liberal culture appears to be dragging the West and, through its coercive ideological apparatus, the world as a whole.”




Reading Michael Ordman’s weekly catalogue is going beyond the bias and libel and visiting Israel without leaving home. Read about an expanding economy with advances in medicine, technology, agriculture, and innovations that benefit the entire world. Visit a nation plagued by war but sustained by democracy, patriotism and optimism and music and theater and vigor and youth.


Wounded ICU doctor vows to work again. Dr Yoav Bichovsky, of the intensive care unit at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, was wounded beyond recognition by Hamas in Gaza. He is now regaining his speech and motor skills at the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center in Ra’anana and is resolved to return to treating patients.

Family reunions, in Gaza. Several videos are circulating showing brothers in the IDF meeting up unexpectedly in Gaza.  Here is one where a father is reunited with his son.

Pittsburgh paramedic is back in Gaza. A video of Isaac Nadoff, a paramedic from Pittsburgh, is circulating currently where he explains his 2.5-week holiday in Israel on Oct 7 became 4.5 months including 50 days in Gaza. He returned to Pittsburgh for 3 months and now he’s “back in Israel for round two”. Kol Hakavod!

Donating shares to Oct 7 children. The fund, Valoo for the Kids, has so far raised around $20 million in stock donations to help support Israeli child victims of Oct 7.  Founders, angel investors, and employees donate shares in tech companies. As the company’s value grows, so does the value of their donation.

Outfitting IDF soldiers. (TY Yanky) Cousins Yael and Terri are known by IDF soldiers as “Terri’s Angels.” Since Oct 7 they have distributed hundreds of bags of gear to thousands of IDF reservists requesting gloves, tents, sleeping bags, scissors, medical kits, and more, supplied by donors and brought to Israel by volunteers.

Second Café Otef opens. Following the successful launch of Café Otef in Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market (see here previously), Cafe Otef – Re’im has opened in Tel Aviv’s Florentin neighborhood. It will sell Dvir Chocolates, the line of confections created by Re’im resident Dvir Karp, murdered on Oct 7.


Removing shrapnel with a metal detector. Removing metal fragments from the neck and head is complex. At the Galilee Medical Center, they use a small metal detector, purchased on-line from AliExpress, to locate the exact position of bullets or fragments of shrapnel, which are then removed without damage to vital tissues.

Doctor saves life on the way to work. Dr. Amir Orlev, director of the cardiology department at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center, was on the way to work when he noticed a man lying on the side of the road. He diagnosed that he was suffering from a massive blood clot in the lung, catheterized him, and saved his life.

Laser treatment saves leg amputation. Doctors at Netanya’s Laniado Medical Center have for the first time in Israel used an AURYON laser device from Eximo Medical (see here previously) to remove an arterial blockage in a patient’s leg and avoid amputation. Israel’s Eximo was acquired by US-based AngioDynamics in 2019.

Faster, clearer CT bone scans. The Veriton SPECT/CT system from Israel’s Spectrum Dynamics performs a bone scan in 12 mins instead of the usual 45. Image quality is also far better, thanks to its camera with 12 heads, each with a novel digital radiation detector that gets near to the patient. Used at Schneider hospital and globally.

A hormone-free birth-control pill. Rachel Teitelbaum moved to Israel from the USA in 2003 and founded Hervana Bio in 2008. It has developed a safe contraceptive tablet containing the bacteria lactobacilli found in yoghurt but enhanced to produce antibodies that bind to sperm, removing them from the fertilization process.

76 new ambucycles. United Hatzalah has inaugurated 76 new ambucycles (emergency motorcycles) – one for each of modern Israel’s 76 years. The vehicles were paid for in a matching partnership with philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson and will be deployed all over Israel. Several were dedicated to the memory of fallen medics.

Reading Michael Ordman’s weekly catalogue is going beyond the bias and libel and visiting Israel without leaving home. Read about an expanding economy with advances in medicine, technology, agriculture, and innovations that benefit the entire world. Learn a nation plagued by war but sustained by democracy, patriotism and optimism and music and theater and vigor and youth.

Wounded ICU doctor vows to work again. Dr Yoav Bichovsky, of the intensive care unit at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, was wounded beyond recognition by Hamas in Gaza. He is now regaining his speech and motor skills at the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center in Ra’anana and is resolved to return to treating patients.
Family reunions, in Gaza. Several videos are circulating showing brothers in the IDF meeting up unexpectedly in Gaza.  Here is one where a father is reunited with his son.
Pittsburgh paramedic is back in Gaza. A video of Isaac Nadoff, a paramedic from Pittsburgh, is circulating currently where he explains his 2.5-week holiday in Israel on Oct 7 became 4.5 months including 50 days in Gaza. He returned to Pittsburgh for 3 months and now he’s “back in Israel for round two”. Kol Hakavod!
Donating shares to Oct 7 children. The fund, Valoo for the Kids, has so far raised around $20 million in stock donations to help support Israeli child victims of Oct 7.  Founders, angel investors, and employees donate shares in tech companies. As the company’s value grows, so does the value of their donation.           
Outfitting IDF soldiers. (TY Yanky) Cousins Yael and Terri are known by IDF soldiers as “Terri’s Angels.” Since Oct 7 they have distributed hundreds of bags of gear to thousands of IDF reservists requesting gloves, tents, sleeping bags, scissors, medical kits, and more, supplied by donors and brought to Israel by volunteers.
Second Café Otef opens. Following the successful launch of Café Otef in Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market (see here previously), Cafe Otef – Re’im has opened in Tel Aviv’s Florentin neighborhood. It will sell Dvir Chocolates, the line of confections created by Re’im resident Dvir Karp, murdered on Oct 7.
Removing shrapnel with a metal detector. Removing metal fragments from the neck and head is complex. At the Galilee Medical Center, they use a small metal detector, purchased on-line from AliExpress, to locate the exact position of bullets or fragments of shrapnel, which are then removed without damage to vital tissues.
Doctor saves life on the way to work. Dr. Amir Orlev, director of the cardiology department at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center, was on the way to work when he noticed a man lying on the side of the road. He diagnosed that he was suffering from a massive blood clot in the lung, catheterized him, and saved his life.
Laser treatment saves leg amputation. Doctors at Netanya’s Laniado Medical Center have for the first time in Israel used an AURYON laser device from Eximo Medical (see here previously) to remove an arterial blockage in a patient’s leg and avoid amputation. Israel’s Eximo was acquired by US-based AngioDynamics in 2019.
Faster, clearer CT bone scans. The Veriton SPECT/CT system from Israel’s Spectrum Dynamics performs a bone scan in 12 mins instead of the usual 45. Image quality is also far better, thanks to its camera with 12 heads, each with a novel digital radiation detector that gets near to the patient. Used at Schneider hospital and globally.
A hormone-free birth-control pill. Rachel Teitelbaum moved to Israel from the USA in 2003 and founded Hervana Bio in 2008. It has developed a safe contraceptive tablet containing the bacteria lactobacilli found in yoghurt but enhanced to produce antibodies that bind to sperm, removing them from the fertilization process.
76 new ambucycles. United Hatzalah has inaugurated 76 new ambucycles (emergency motorcycles) – one for each of modern Israel’s 76 years. The vehicles were paid for in a matching partnership with philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson and will be deployed all over Israel. Several were dedicated to the memory of fallen medics.

Where Are the Weapons? Israel is Defending Freedom against Tyranny for All of Us; It Needs the Weapons Promised It by Nils A. Haug


[I]t clearly looks as if the Biden administration just wants to please its terrorist-sponsoring adversaries, Iran and Qatar, by allowing their prized client, Hamas, to win the war.

Regrettably, Iran does not seem to be guided by the same humanitarian, ethical, or “natural law principles” embraced by Israel and the West.

A jihadist in Iran’s premier militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)… probably sees the job of the IRGC as driving the US out of the Middle East so that Iran can continue to “Export the Revolution” without interference.

It is with good reason that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu complains that the US is withholding, or “slow-walking,” military supplies. In Ukraine, for instance, badly needed arms are always “being delivered” but somehow never manage to arrive until long after they might actually have helped.

Although Israel’s leaders are well aware of the immense danger presented by Iran, the US and other Western allies evidently cannot be relied upon to prevent Iran from completing its nuclear weapons program. The US appears to like talking, and talking about talking, diplomacy backed up by talking, verbal “understandings” so long as they have no teeth, then paying what looks like bribe money for adversaries not to “make waves,” presumably at least not before the America’s upcoming November election.

The Biden administration, it seems, would rather deal with threatening situations via… worthless promises from Iran, Russia, China, the Taliban, the Palestinians or whoever else will offer appeasements.

The critical point is that Israel is fighting to safeguard not just its own nation, but the West and the Free World as well. The battle at the moment seems between preserving freedom or having it extinguished by the forces of barbarism, autocracies and theocrats, but most of all by the passivity of the West…. Silky, stealth aggressors include Qatar — the consigliere of all Islamic terror groups — which uses money and its media network Al-Jazeera, not military aggression, as its means of persuasion.

Sadly, the Biden administration appears to view Israel not as a sovereign nation but a US satrapy. It is hardly a secret that the US has been trying to oust Israel’s elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and replace him presumably with a subordinate. That US puppet would supposedly be delighted to have a terrorist Palestinian state next door administered by the terrorist godfather, Qatar, and be delighted to see Iran have as many nuclear weapons as it likes.

Egypt—Israel’s Strange, Warlike “Peace” Partner A government press that calls for Israel’s demise. P.David Hornik


“The Al-Aqsa Flood [the October 7 massacre] caused an earthquake whose repercussions are still rocking the very foundations of the loathsome occupation state. Despite the piercing pain we feel over the victims of the Gaza war, [which is a war of] collective extermination, I am convinced that the Al-Aqsa Flood will be the most important and influential juncture in the history of the Palestinian struggle…. The Palestinian resistance has proved that the spirit of the struggle has not died, that the dream of national liberation has not dissipated and that the dream of an independent Palestinian state is close [to being realized]. As for the Zionist occupation state, its fate is to disintegrate and cease to exist.”

This is not the latest piece of Iranian or Hamas propaganda; it’s from a column by Atef Zaidan that appeared on June 22 in Akhbar al-Yawm, an Egyptian weekly government paper. As MEMRI, the Jerusalem-based Middle East Media Research Institute, notes:

Articles published in the Egyptian government press in the last few weeks praise Hamas’ conduct in the Gaza war and predict the demise of Israel and of the U.S. as a world power. Titled “The End of Israel,” “Israel Has No Future,” “Israel Self-Destructs,” “A World Without America,” and more, the articles describe Hamas’ fighters as “brave” and as “heroes….” Meanwhile, IDF soldiers are described as helpless cowards who are “weaker than a spider’s web.” They describe Israel as a constant threat to the Arabs that must perish if the Arabs are to survive, and predict that its end is indeed near…. [T]he position expressed in these articles—praise for Hamas and justification of its October 7, 2023 attack, alongside gloating over Israel’s woes—has been taken by the  Egyptian government press since the attack itself and the outbreak of the Gaza war.

Can Israel afford NOT to defy State Department pressure? Yoram Ettinger


The current pressure on Israel

*Since Israel’s establishment in 1948 – which was ferociously opposed by the State Department, and tenaciously realized by Israel’s defiant Founding Father, David Ben Gurion – The State Department has systematically pressured Israel to act against its own assessment of its own national security requirements.  In fact, in most cases, Israel’s compliance with State Department pressure undermined the US’ own interests, while a defiant Israel spared a major setback to the US’ own interests.

*Since the horrific Hamas terrorism of October 7, 2023, the State Department – which subscribes to a worldview, contending that terrorism is driven by despair, and therefore should be confronted diplomatically and financially, not militarily – has intensified the pressure on Israel to refrain from militarily preempting Hezbollah, the chief proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs.

*In addition, the State Department has pressured Israel to switch from fighting – to negotiating with – Hamas, a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs and a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood, which is the largest Sunni terror organization in the world.  The pressure has been exerted, notwithstanding Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ commitment to fanatic, Islamic anti-US ideologies – which transcend financial and diplomatic benefits – mandating the toppling of all pro-US Arab regimes, bringing the “infidel” West, and especially “the great American Satan” to submission. Moreover, Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ ideologies are committed to the uprooting of the “infidel” Jewish state – which is deemed by them as the Middle East beachhead of the US – as evidenced in Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ school curriculum, mosque sermons and systematic regional and global terrorism, which extends to Latin America and the US homeland.

*The State Department pressures Israel into another round of negotiation with Iran-controlled Hezbollah and Hamas, despite the fact that all previous agreements were violated, intensifying terrorism, transforming these two terror entities into the most fortified above-ground and under-ground terror states in the world, and paving the road to the October 7 massacre and the current Iran-orchestrated Hamas and Hezbollah wars on Israel.