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JCC Harlem By Marilyn Penn

In a curious yet obvious decision, the JCC (Jewish Community Center) has announced the January opening of a new facility named JCC Harlem, on the upper west side in a neighborhood commonly known as Morningside Heights. Located on West 118th street, in proximity to Columbia, Barnard, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Bank Street College of Education, Teachers College and the Manhattan School of Music, this JCC is in a neighborhood with a majority white population of 46%, followed by 23% Hispanic and 13% African American (2010 census). Though it is technically within the geographic borders of Harlem, this neighborhood shares little to nothing with the majority black community commonly referred to by that Dutch name, an enclave we associate with the Apollo Theater and Sylvia’s restaurant, among other icons of black cultural references.
I said that this decision is an obvious one since according to Rabbi Joy Levitt, the executive director of JCC Manhattan, a)this neighborhood differs from the upper west side with its large Jewish population and b) the JCC Harlem intends to participate with other civic groups in joint social justice programs. (Jewish Week Sept 30)
I said curious because there is a 67% majority of whites on the upper west side followed by 15% Hispanic and 7% African American (all percentages are rounded out since fractions are meaningless for the purpose of this article) The demographic in both neighborhoods is that whites predominate while blacks are in the distinct minority. Considering the number of universities and other educational institutions, there is a significant Jewish presence in Morningside Heights that may exceed its residential population Also, many Jewish families have moved into the neighborhood because the cost of real estate is marginally lower than the extremely expensive neighborhood below 96th street, so it’s not clear how significantly this neighborhood differs from the upper west side.

As for joining with black social justice groups, the JCC must know that Black Lives Matter has deemed Israel an apartheid state that practices genocide and that Jewish groups that are pro-Israel are automatically excluded from joining in solidarity with BLM which stands together with Students for Justice in Palestine and supportive of the BDS movement against Israel. Of course there will always be Jews who will bow before their enemies and blame themselves or their brothers for this irrational anti-semitism. By identifying their group with a ‘black’ pedigree, the leadership of JCC hopes to curry favor much as the Jews who marched for civil rights expected to be appreciated for their front line solidarity with black leadership. Yet the lessons of black hatred of Jews were manifest in the platform of the Black Panthers, in the race riots of Crown Heights, in the sermons of the Reverend Wright and in current BLM policy and propaganda.

Terrorists On Campus Jerusalem University’s “Crossing the Line 2” exposes the campus war on Israel and Jewish students. Frontpagemag.com

SEE THIS VIDEO http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/264342/terrorists-campus-frontpagemagcom

Editor’s note: The following documentary, “Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus,” exposes the growth of the anti-Israel movement on North American university campuses and the rise in violent anti-Semitism that has followed. The documentary was produced by Jerusalem University. For more information, visit StepUpForIsrael.com.

Georgetown University’s Errant Priest-Professor : Andrew Harrod

Who writes of the “stubborn, feckless resistance of Hamas,” an anti-Israeli jihadist terrorist group? Astonishingly, it is Georgetown University ethics professor and Catholic priest Drew Christiansen, a man like many Georgetown academics who pairs distinguished credentials with abiding antipathy towards Israel and apologetics for Islam.

Christiansen is the former Jesuit weekly America’s editor-in-chief and director of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Office of International Justice and Peace. His resume can thus impart considerable authority to his causes. Accordingly, he recently addressed on September 12 yet another event against “Islamophobia” at Georgetown’s Saudi-funded Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU).

Notwithstanding Christiansen’s erudite pedigree, his views concerning Islam and Israel are not at all nuanced. His priestly colleague, the late eminent conservative scholar and commentator FatherRichard John Neuhaus, already discerned in 2008 that America “under its editor, Fr. Drew Christiansen, has an apparently irrepressible urge to engage in bashing Israel.” The same outlook dominates a National Catholic Reporter blog column begun in 2014 by him and his coauthor Ra’fat Aldajani, described by Christiansen as a “Palestinian-American who represents the majority Palestinian view.”

The pair unequivocally describe Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians as the “West’s last colonial war.” Apparently oblivious to longstanding Arab attempts to destroy an Israel condemned as illegitimate, these authors claim that “Israeli occupation of Palestinian land” after Israel’s 1967 Six Day War victory is the “root cause of the conflict.” This occupation is “illegal,” they proclaim, even though it resulted from Israel’s defensive war and is legitimated by United Nations Security CouncilResolution 242. As properly interpreted, this resolution calls upon Israel to make undefined territorial withdrawals while receiving in return “secure and recognized boundaries.”

Not heeding Israeli legal claims to the Jewish ancestral heartland of Judea and Samaria captured by Israel in 1967, Aldajani and Christiansen deem Israeli settlements here “more properly ‘colonies’ as the French call them.” This Israeli “predatory land grab” also includes Jerusalem and “Israel’s illegal and internationally rejected claim” to the entire city unified by Israel’s 1967 victory. “No amount of insisting that all of Jerusalem is Israel’s ‘undivided and eternal capital’ will change the reality that it never will be,” the pair writes, who call for renewed division of the city into the capitals of Israel and a future Palestinian state.

Benjamin Netanyahu Booed at ‘Hamilton’ Performance By Tom Teodorczuk

Hamilton, in addition to being an award-winning Broadway phenomenon, is notoriously bipartisan show.

“I feel like this really crosses political lines,” Lin-Manuel Miranda told me a year ago. “Dick Cheney and his wife came to the show and said wonderful things about it. I had a wonderful talk with Laura Bush and [a] Bush daughter about the show. Peggy Noonan has seen it. The reminder that our Founders were human is something that everyone can get behind regardless of our political affiliations.”

Yet that wasn’t the case last Saturday when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in New York to attend the UN General Assembly, went to see the show.

When he took his seat, accompanied by Secret Service guards and allegedly Mossad, Netanyahu was booed and heckled over Palestine as well as being loudly cheered.http://heatst.com/entertainment/benjamin-netanyahu-booed-at-hamilton-performance/?mod=hsnewsletter_dd