Is there any sicker, viler, more demonic movement in the world today than the Hamas terrorist organization?
The latest from them is that Hamas’s terrorists, fresh from murdering 1,400 people on October 7, blood undoubtedly still dripping from their hands, made a tape of themselves describing how they “played” with severed heads of their Israeli victims:
According to William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection:
Audio was recovered of the terrorists admitting they played with decapitated heads while at Kibbutz Nirim:
“They cut off their heads with knives…. take photos of the heads as the guys are playing with them.”
And of course, they took selfies of themselves doing it.
These savages are depraved beyond belief. Did someone ask them if they had fun? They have a funny idea of fun.
It’s not the first we have heard of Hamas’s depravities and atrocities in that horror attack they conducted on innocent Israeli civilians on that terrible day last October.