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Harvard’s Fundraising Crisis The president of America’s wealthiest university discovers that in the wake of its failure to defend its Jewish students, fundraising has been ‘disappointing.’


“Disappointing” is the word being used by Harvard University’s president, Alan Garber, to describe the plunge in financial contributions that the school has recorded this year. His comment, during an interview with the Crimson last week, previews the release later this month of the University’s 2024 financial report, which is expected to show a collapse in funding as a result of Harvard’s pusillanimity in the wake of the war against Israel. 

Mr. Garber may be disappointed, but he can hardly be surprised. Harvard, in the words of six Jewish students suing the school, has become in the past year “a bastion of rampant anti-Jewish hatred and harassment.” The university is in federal court fighting against, incredibly, these Jewish students over its failure to protect them from the “severe and pervasive” antisemitic discrimination that exploded on campus in the wake of October 7.

The university claims that it has taken “tangible steps” to address antisemitism and that the Jewish students’ “dissatisfaction with the strategy and speed” of the school’s efforts “does not state a legally cognizable claim.” The dismissal motion was denied by a district judge who ruled that Harvard had failed to respond to campus antisemitism. “In other words,” the judge wrote, “the facts as pled show that Harvard failed its Jewish students.” 

America’s Europeanizing Antisemitism American leftists are going the suicidal way of Europe. by Daniel Greenfield


America’s decline was a generation behind Europe. Now we’re where Europe used to be.

Why are Hamas rioters running around major cities? American cities are now also populated by unemployed grad students who alternate between sitting in cafes and throwing firebombs at police in their hip districts and mobs of foreign migrants squatting entire neighborhoods. The native working class is sinking into despair and drug abuse in the rural and industrial hinterlands even as those areas are being overrun by third worlders who dominate the local economies.

The older generation still remembers a glorious past while the younger generation never knew it. It exists in a world of transnational pop songs and has been taught that nationalism is the greatest evil. Military service and religious belief have become fringe attitudes to deplore.

An insecure middle class despairing of economic success has embraced socialism along with every cultural leftist fetish, and is alternately enthused and terrified of what it has unleashed. Every new degeneracy is added to the dogma of the ‘In This House’ lawn sign that defines what they have left behind and what they are headed toward. The latest addition is Hamas.

Europeanization has brought with it the cringing antisemitism that used to baffle Americans when they saw it in London, Paris and Berlin. Why did European elites celebrate ‘Palestinian’ terrorism? How could formerly great nations live in terror of what some Imam in the European version of Dearborn, Michigan thought about Israel, Mohammed cartoons or the next election?

Now we know.

The elimination of Jews from public life that began among European elites after 9/11 has come to America. It’s playing out in much the same way with furious denunciations of Israel and the normalization of Hamas. American college students in New York or LA chanting for Islamic terrorists are acting much the way their counterparts in London were doing 25 years ago.

Anti-Semitism? What anti-Semitism? The ‘anti-racists’ seem desperate to ignore the Jew hatred in our midst. Tom Slater


“The silence of the ‘anti-racists’ since 7 October won’t have surprised anyone who has been paying attention. But it must deprive the woke set of the moral high ground for good. After years of raging against cultural appropriation, microaggressions and inanimate objects, they clammed up when genocidal terrorists achieved the most deadly assault against Jews since the Holocaust, and anti-Semitic marches became part and parcel of British city life. They showed once and for all that they don’t care about racism, particularly when it’s levelled against Jews. Never let them forget it.”

If you take the mainstream media’s word for it, Britain and much of the West have been gripped in recent years by a long-overdue reckoning with our racist past and present. 2020 – the year Black Lives Matter went global – was supposedly a high watermark for ‘anti-racist’ activism, which was only bristled against by bigots or dumb proles oblivious to their own privilege.

None of that was true, of course. As was clear even at the time, the BLM convulsions had nothing to do with a bottom-up backlash against racism and everything to do with a top-down attempt to mainstream woke racial identity politics – an ideology that is by turns divisive (carving people up along racial lines) and trivial (insisting that the existence of a statue in Bristol was among the primary obstacles to black British success).

But if you were still labouring under the misconception that our cultural elites are now all dogged anti-racists, entitled to indulge in their incessant moral preening, witness their stony, silent reaction to the sulphurous re-emergence of anti-Semitism over the past year. Following Hamas’s pogrom in Israel, Jew hatred has made a devastating comeback on Britain’s streets, and the knee-takers have had bugger all to say about it.

What do Men Want? It Sure Isn’t Harris Roger Franklin


The rain that devastated  Appalachia’s hollers was petering out by the time what was left of Hurricane Hellene barrelled up the Mississippi Valley’s eastern flank and ran out of puff for good in northern Ohio. But we still got five inches in half that many days — drizzle when it wasn’t pelting and a chill at dawn that recommended a jumper for the first time in what is a fast-faltering Indian summer.

Another downpour was hammering the motel when the TV news cut to footage from New York of thousands filling Fifth Avenue, waving Hamas flags and mourning among so many other unholy recent martyrs the man who in 1983 sent a fellow death cultist to blow up 238 of their fellow Americans in their Beirut barracks. Decades later, back in 2001, thousands dusted white with shock and ash trudged north along the same Fifth Ave from the piles of the Twin Towers. But today, not even a full generation later, people who might quietly have cheered those earlier  massacres were openly and aggressively making common cause with the latest iterations of the original 9/11 monsters. You see and hear some odd and wonderful things in New York, but a 20-block ‘*f***  you’ never seemed likely, especially in this most Jewish of diaspora cities. Not until October 7, 2023, when anti-Semitism came out from under its rock.

Here in Toledo, though, all is quiet. Well almost quiet, the News from Detroit, two hours to the north over the nearby Michigan border, tells of anti-Semitic pamphlets turning up on scores of driveways in the comfortably middle-class suburb of Farmington, about 20 miles from Motor City’s gutted heart. But it wasn’t much more than a police blotter item as far as the papers’ news editor was concerned. Nothing much to dwell upon, not when the country’s best universities are seeing the same and worse displays of enthusiasm for rapists and butchers. So the pamphlets, which also turned up in their hundreds in two other nearby towns, weren’t man-bites-dog stuff, just business a bit more than usual in a state where pro-Hamas/Hezbollah barrackers were chanting  ‘Death to America’ in gorgeously multicultural Dearborn. Also  getting a run on that recent afternoon’s Koranic concert card, a reminder that Allah wants Jews to get what’s good for them wherever they be found. You can understand why the Detroit News back-benchers gave the story just eight column inches and buried it on page four. When something is commonplace, what’s the news in it?

As Kamala Harris and the census-crunchers running her ground game see it, being nice about Islam is a requisite courtesy on the path to Inauguration Day.

Now they won’t even let Jews grieve in peace This week, Columbia students intruded on a vigil for the victims of 7 October – a sick new low. Brendan O’Neill


Remember the Westboro Baptist Church? They were the fundamentalist fruitcakes who would picket vigils for slain American soldiers with technicolour placards declaring ‘God Hates Fags’ and ‘Thank God for Dead Soldiers’. Well, there’s a new mob of grief-intruders in town. There’s a new gang of hateful trespassers on other people’s sorrow. They’re not quite as God-bothering, not so homophobic, but they’re every bit as ghoulish. It’s the ‘pro-Palestine’ set on university campuses.

This week, something truly appalling took place at Columbia University in New York City. A vigil for the 1,200 people butchered by the fascists of Hamas in southern Israel on 7 October was noisily interrupted by the Hamas fanboys of the cranky Columbia left. ‘Fanboys’ is not hyperbole. Some were chanting ‘Resistance is glorious!’. This was on Monday, on 7 October, the anniversary of Hamas’s pogrom. If you are singing the praises of a ‘resistance’ one year after that ‘resistance’ slaughtered more Jews in one day than anyone else has since the Nazis, then you are a Hamas fanboy, you are a fellow traveller of fascism.

Jewish students and their allies had gathered to pay tribute to the dead and stolen of 7 October. They prayed for the Jews murdered by Hamas and demanded the release of the Jews Hamas still holds captive. They assembled on Columbia’s South Lawn. They displayed giant milk cartons featuring images of the Israeli hostages and a collection of teddy bears covered in red paint symbolising those who were murdered. Their lamentations were soon interrupted, though. Their murmured grief was punctuated by the shrill cries of Columbia’s legion Israelophobes. ‘Israel go to hell!’, these radical Westboro Baptists screamed.

The Antisemitism Is the Point By Jim Geraghty


What ‘Anti-Zionist’ Really Means

This planet is full of people who just want to kill Jews, and this country has no shortage of people who just want to cheer on the murderers.

I hate to begin your Monday morning with such a bracing statement, but that’s the lesson of the past year.

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Chinese government’s ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs? (Perhaps the students are just following the guidance of billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya: “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, okay?”)

Russia has kidnapped an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Ukrainian children over the course of the war, sending them deeper into Russian-occupied territory or to Russia, and a couple hundred have been shipped off to a boot camp, where the Russians are training them to become child soldiers against their own homeland. This is separate from the 11,743 Ukrainian civilians killed during the war through August, the 24,614 injured, and the 168 summary executions of civilians, including five children, committed by the invading forces.

Anybody on campus want to march in the quad about that?

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Taliban and its nightmarish oppression of women? How many college students even know that the Taliban has now banned all women from public spaces — banned their faces, banned their voices?

Anybody seen any campus protests against the Iranian government’s rapidly increasing rate of executions — in August, 29 executions in one day?

Have you seen any college protests against the Houthis’ “partial and limited reintroduction” of slavery and child marriages?

There are ongoing “atrocities against Black African ethnic groups in Sudan — wrenchingly similar to the Darfur genocide here two decades ago.” Nicholas Kristof reports:

After two military factions started a civil war in 2023, one of them — a descendant of the janjaweed called the Rapid Support Forces, armed and supported by the United Arab Emirates — tried once again to drive Black Africans from Darfur. Naima recounted the same pattern I heard from so many people: The militia surrounded her village, lined up men and boys, then shot them one by one.

“We’re going to get rid of this Black trash,” she quoted the Arab gunmen saying.

Then the gunmen went house to house to kill, plunder and rape. Mostly, those they raped were girls and women, she said, but they also raped at least one man.

Do these black lives matter? Apparently not, judging from the lack of reaction of the overwhelming majority of America’s college students.

The 7 October deniers Jew hatred and conspiratorial thinking have always gone hand in hand. Tom Slater


Tom Slater is editor of Spiked England’s most pro-Israel journal. rsk

It’s one of the grim features of our age that before the bodies are even cold after a terror attack or mass shooting, someone, somewhere, with a sizeable audience, will begin to deny it. Will speculate that it was a fake – a false flag. The salt these conspiracy theories must pour into already gaping wounds. Grieving families are turned into ‘paid actors’, into targets for derision and abuse. The blackest moment in their lives is turned into mere fodder, into content, by those blinded by conspiracism or plain old grift.

After 7 October, Israelis had to endure this – the trauma followed by the denialism – on an unprecedented scale. Hamas’s pogrom in southern Israel – in which 1,200 people were butchered, the vast majority of them civilians – is the most deadly per capita terror attack since the Global Terrorism Database began keeping track in 1970. More than one person was killed for every 10,000 Israelis, calculates the Center for Strategic and International Studies. It would be as if 40,000 to 50,000 Americans had died on 9/11. You’d be hard-pressed to meet not only an Israeli, but also a diaspora Jew, who was not personally affected by the slaughter.

Plus, the manner in which this atrocity was conducted was designed to terrorise those who survived it for decades to come. The cold-blooded murders, even of infants. The rape, gang rape and sexual mutilation of women and girls. The horror that was visited upon one community after another – kibbutz to kibbutz, door to door. It was intended to evoke the racist barbarism, the unhinged murderous depravity, Jews founded Israel to escape from. This is why the terrorists filmed and broadcast their genocidal crimes.

7 October was the most documented attack ever, live-streamed from the GoPro cameras of its perpetrators. And yet still it was denied. ‘I’m shown video clips, and then I’m also told that they’re beheading babies. I’m also told that they’re raping women’, said Farhan Siddiqi, imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Washington, DC. ‘And when I go and I investigate those specific reports, I find out that they’re all lies.’ ‘Pro-Palestine’ outlets insisted that it was actually Israel who ‘killed many, if not most, of the civilians’. ‘How the hell did the Israelis not know this was going to happen?… I’m still a little bit down that rabbit hole’, said Roger Waters, a month after the pogrom, declaring there to be ‘something very fishy’ about 7 October. He floated the possibility it might have been a ‘false-flag operation’ – that is, staged by Israel to justify a military response.

Anti-Semitism in the Antipodes Gavin Silbert


The appearance of anti-Semitism in Australia, a country remarkable for its absence of anti-Semitism, raises several questions. Ignited by the Israel Gaza war and fuelled by a combination of ignorance, the current anti-Western zeitgeist of the Left, and some major failings by the Australian Jewish community and by Israel itself, the result has been an upsurge in anti-Semitism in social media, left-wing politics and the public domain. We have seen blatant breaches of the law by way of public demonstrations and damage to property both public and private. The encampments on Australian university campuses, aping those in the United States, and the damage caused to politicians’ electoral offices, have continued unabated since October 7, 2023.

Three fundamental propositions should be stated at the outset. First, we have a right of freedom of political expression which lies at the root of our democracy and, subject to well-established legal constraints, should never be interfered with.

Second, where the exercise of such legal expression contravenes the law, the perpetrators should be charged and prosecuted. The current public displays of support for Palestinian solidarity are notable for their blatant breach of state laws criminalising hate speech, unlawful assembly and causing damage to property, and also of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act of the Commonwealth. It is beyond belief that no prosecutions have been instituted by state or federal police forces, which calls into question our faith in the rule of law.

Third, criticism of Israel, however ill-informed, is not anti-Semitic. We are currently hearing repetition of the words genocide and apartheid. Genocide has a specific meaning in law and its use to describe the horrific civilian deaths in Gaza is not accurate. Similarly, the use of the term apartheid to describe Israel, which has over two million Arab citizens enjoying full civil rights and an Arab justice on its supreme court is also not accurate. Both terms are pejorative and ignorant, but not anti-Semitic.

Perhaps more interesting is the relationship between Australian Jews and the State of Israel. The vitriolic debate between Sir Isaac Isaacs and his supporters and Professor Julius Stone over Zionism and a home for the Jewish people came to an end with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Jews have lived in Australia since the arrival of the First Fleet and numbered approximately 25,000 at the time of the Second World War. They were mainly born in Australia or Britain, and considered themselves Australians of the Jewish faith. Their Judaism centred on synagogue membership and religious worship in a country which was highly sectarian, with a division between Protestant and Catholic. Multiculturalism was a term as yet uninvented. Post-war immigration introduced large numbers of European immigrants including European Jews who were the survivors of the Holocaust. By the 2021 Census the Jewish population of Australia was estimated to be around 117,000 or roughly 0.5 per cent of the population. The existence of over 300,000 Australians who are not Jewish but have a Jewish ancestor indicates the extent of assimilation.

At the time of the 2021 Census 57 per cent of Australian Jews were Australian-born, which is smaller than for the general population, which was at 71 per cent. It follows that most Australian Jews are post-war immigrants or their descendants. This makes them conscious of a need for a Jewish refuge as a protection from anti-Semitism, an attitude embedded in their psyches. Some Jewish schools and Jewish youth groups foster a love of Israel as a central part of Jewish identity, which reinforces a cultural as opposed to a religious affiliation. It is not surprising, therefore, that a study carried out by Monash University in 2017 of 8621 Australian Jews found that 69 per cent identified as Zionist and that the security of Israel was the most immediate issue of concern unifying them. The fact that 81 per cent of respondents ranked Israel above a belief in God (46 per cent) demonstrates the move away from religion and towards cultural identity.

The woke dehumanisation of Jews Why the ‘anti-racist’ left keeps making excuses for anti-Semitic barbarism. Frank Furedi


That there is more to identity politics than just preferred pronouns or demanding more culturally sensitive university courses has been amply demonstrated since the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October 2023. Woke activist groups – including LGBT activists, Black Lives Matter, feminists and eco-zealots – responded to this barbaric event by becoming Hamas cheerleaders. They had no hesitation in communicating their hatred for Israel in a language riddled with anti-Semitic tropes.

The narrative promoted by the identitarians rarely recognises Jews as a historically oppressed people. On the contrary, Jews are frequently cast in the role of oppressors and even as white supremacists. This outlook echoes the age-old trope that asserts that Jews possess vast global power. It fuses this traditional claim about Jewish power with contemporary identitarian obsessions about white privilege and white supremacy.

Since the ascendancy of identity politics, Jewishness has become what sociologist Erving Goffman characterised as a ‘spoiled identity’. A spoiled identity is one that lacks any redeeming moral qualities. It is an identity that invites stigma and scorn.

Since the turn of the century, anti-racist activists have gone to great lengths to associate ‘whiteness’ with negative characteristics and unattractive features. Mention the term ‘white men’ on a university campus or TV show and it will be met with groans and sneers. This negative framing of white identity has also impacted how Jewish identity is perceived and represented. In an interesting account of this development, Pamela Paresky has coined the term the ‘hyper-white Jew’. Jews are often portrayed as a unique, hyper-white community who have far more privileges to check than others – including other white people.

The West has turned its back on Jews A year on from 7 October, the Jewish diaspora has rarely felt so isolated. Joel Kotkin


In the wake of last year’s 7 October pogrom, and amid rapidly rising anti-Semitism, most Jews are even more convinced of the importance of the Jewish State and the need for greater solidarity. As researchers such as Tufts Eitan Hersh and others have demonstrated, the Hamas assaults have led many in America to emphatically embrace their Jewish identity.

Yet, increasingly, these same Jews find themselves isolated and widely demonised. This reflects how much Jewish influence in the US, as I suggested almost a year ago, is itself ‘peaking’. Certainly it’s clear that Jewish media power has faded, as evidenced by the consistently biased coverage against Israel in places like the New York Times, the BBC and the Washington Post. Similar bias has become embedded in the internet, as seen by Wikipedia’s new negative description of Zionism.

As Israel faces an existential challenge, diaspora Jews confront a rising wave of anti-Semitism unseen since the 1930s. Politicians and the media alike emphasise the parallel rise of Islamophobia. Yet two-thirds of all religious hate crimes in America were directed at Jews, despite them accounting for just two per cent of the population. Last year in New York, there were over 100 anti-Semitic crimes in November and December, almost 10 times the number of equivalent crimes committed against Muslims.

Jews are frequently discovering that any sympathy for Israel now means cancellation. The progressive political and cultural establishment increasingly seeks to eliminate ‘Zionists’ and elevate those Jews, like journalist Joshua Liefer, who excoriate the Jewish state, and non-Jews like Ta-Nehisi Coates, who embrace a radical, anti-Israel perspective.

Even in traditional haunts, such as Brooklyn bookstores, elite campuses and big Jewish cities like Los Angeles, Jews no longer feel safe. Today, they are inextricably identified with Israel, whether they like it or not.

This merging of Jewish and Israeli interests seems inevitable. Already, a majority of all Jewish children live in Israel. By 2030, Israel could become, for the first time since early antiquity, the home to a majority of all Jews. This is somewhat hard to digest for left-of-centre or secular Jews, given the nature of the current Israeli government with its dependence on messianic nationalistic and ultra-religious allies. Yet, despite the relative unpopularity of Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration, the vast majority of diaspora Jews – 80 per cent in America – support the Jewish State, as do the vast majority of Jewish college students.