Progressive Hebrews promote the national liberation movements of all victims of imperialism and oppression…as long as those folks are not the world’s longest surviving victims of imperial conquest and oppression—Jews.
They absolutely love Tikun Olam—healing the world—as long as Jews, as JEWS, aren’t included. And as if believing Jews have not been in the forefront of such endeavors for millennia. The latter are expected to simply remain G_d’s Suffering Servant—as the Bible called Israel. With the above in mind, now let’s proceed…
A good friend asked me if I ever asked folks like “Progessive” professors—especially Jewish ones—why they oppose such things as President Trump’s potentially very positive decision to issue a new Executive Order on December 12th regarding aiding and abetting antisemitism, in all of its overt and camouflaged forms, in academia. The following is a result of that conversation…
President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order on December 12, 2019 which has the potential, if properly enforced, to change “business-as-usual” on too many campuses these days. Unfortunately, this subject brings back very bad memories from my own doctoral studies in Middle Eastern Affairs—which have been written about elsewhere.
Fast forward to President Trump’s new Executive Order…
No sooner than the ink dried, “Progressive” Hebrews condemned it. They did likewise when President Trump recognized the same city that King David purchased for his capital 3,000 years ago—before most other peoples made their historical debuts—as the capital of the sole, resurrected Jewish State…Jerusalem. And then failed to ask them permission to move America’s embassy there as well.