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Hillary Says She Won’t Turn Over Benghazi Notes: Chuck Ross

In an interview during a media tour to promote her latest memoir, Hillary Clinton acknowledged that she kept extensive notes during the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi but said that she won’t turn them over to congressional investigators if asked.

“Did you keep a diary during your time?” NBC News’ Cynthia McFadden asked Clinton in an interview on Tuesday.

“I kept a lot of notes,” said Clinton.

McFadden followed up, asking the former secretary of state what she would do with the notes if they were requested by a House Select Committee appointed to investigate the attack — which left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

“If the committee wants your notes, would you turn those over?”

“They can read it in the book,” said Clinton, referencing her book “Hard Choices,” which was released amid much buzz on Tuesday.

“Let’s see whether this is on the level or not because that really matters to me. I don’t want to be part of something which, in any way, politicizes or demeans the sacrifice that we saw happen there.”

Clinton has already caused a stir with other comments she’s made about the Benghazi attack. In an ABC interview on Monday, Clinton said that the acrimony surrounding Benghazi provided “more of a reason to run [for President] because I do not believe our great country should be playing minor-league ball.”

“We ought to be in the majors,” she said. “I view this as really apart from — even a diversion from — the hard work that the Congress should be doing about the problems facing our country and the world.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio disagreed.

“I don’t think the issue of Benghazi is ‘minor-league ball’,” he told CBS This Morning. “Four Americans have lost their lives serving our country. We need to investigate it to understand what went wrong so that the people responsible for those decisions can be held accountable.”

Hezbollah and Israel’s Lawyers-in-Chief : Caroline Glick

The Middle East is rapidly changing. Indeed, it is convulsing. After generations of stasis, where strong, despotic central governments ruled with an iron fist and everyone knew who he was and who he was not, today everything – borders, regimes, identities – is in flux.
Take Iraq. Last week, residents of Mosul lived under Iraqi government control. On Tuesday, they lived under al-Qaida control.

Today national governments throughout the Islamic world are incapable of defeating strategically minded and aggressive jihadist militias like al-Qaida and proxy forces for the likes of Iran.

The most prominent example of an organization that is strategically flexible and capable of evolving and learning is Hezbollah. Since Iran founded the Shi’ite terrorist organization in 1982, Hezbollah has operated on multiple levels simultaneously.

Today it is an international terrorist organization with cells throughout the world. It is Iran’s foreign legion. It is a member of the Lebanese government.

It controls south Lebanon. And it fields its own formidable military force that now serves as the core of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s military forces in the Syrian civil war.

All of these disparate tasks require an enormous capacity for organizational flexibility and learning.

This brings us to Israel.


College tuitions continue to rise in excess of inflation. Student loans have doubled over the past seven years. Unemployment and underemployment among college graduates aged 22 to 27 stands at 45%. On Monday, President Obama signed an Executive Order expanding the 2010 “pay as you earn” (PAYE) program. In doing so, he made it clear that tuitions would continue to rise. With easier terms for borrowers, he has assured that loan volume would increase; however, terms will be easier, though not for taxpayers. And he did nothing to alleviate the employment situation.

What he did was to ensure college administrators that federal money would continue to flow, that taxes will continue to rise and that personal responsibility and thrift would not be part of students’ curricula.

While we must acknowledge the importance of a college education, we must also recognize that not everyone need go to college, nor is a college education necessary for a fulfilled and happy life. As many of today’s college graduates know, there are many jobs that don’t require knowledge of Chaucer or the Pythagorean Theorem. We should also keep in mind that while college costs have risen in excess of inflation, they have risen less than the Dow Jones Industrial Averages over the past 54 years. For example, tuition and fees at Harvard College cost $1,520 in 1960 and $42,292 in 2014 – a compounded increase of 6.3%. In the same period the total return to the S&P 500 has been about 8.5%. However, if Harvard’s tuition had risen in line with CPI (2.3%), today’s tuition would be $5,200 – such is the power of compounded returns, which are to our advantage when they reflect assets, but to our detriment when they represent liabilities.

The environment is tougher today. Starting salaries for college graduates have declined as a percent of tuition. In 1960, beginning salaries were about $4,000 – 70% above the cost of tuition. In 2013, they were about $45,000, or 6.5% above tuition costs. Life was simpler, and a moral sense was prevalent, including obligations toward debt incurred. Expectations for the future were more open-ended in those distant days. People expected their lives to be better than that of their parents. The world was at relative peace. The economy in the decade and a half since the end of World War II was strong, and the U.S. was the unquestionable leader of the free world. On the other hand, much of the Country was segregated and women were distinctly treated as second-class citizens, particularly in terms of the workplace. That period could be termed, “the calm before the storm.”

Salafi-Jihadists: “A Persistent Threat” to Europe and America by Soeren Kern

The other key reason for the growing threat, the report says, is due to American disengagement and a significant scaling back of counterterrorism efforts.

“A complete withdrawal of U.S forces from Afghanistan by 2016 could seriously jeopardize U.S. security interests…. The United States should also consider a more aggressive strategy…. The failure to weaken… jihadist groups will likely have serious repercussions for the United States.” — RAND report.

The European report also calls attention to the misuse of charities and other non-profit organizations to collect funds for terrorist entities.

In keeping with strict conformity to European multiculturalism and moral relativism, the European Union refused to classify two of the most high-profile terrorist attacks in 2013 as “religiously inspired terrorism.”

The threat to Europe and the United States from Islamic terrorism is serious and growing, and new attacks with unexpected targets and timings are increasingly likely, according to two new reports that provide insights and predictions about the threats posed by al-Qaeda and other Salafi-jihadist groups.

The reports — one by the US-based RAND Corporation and another by the EU-based Europol — show that al-Qaeda and related jihadist groups are evolving, splintering and morphing, and that the number of Islamic militants, especially from Western countries, is growing apace.

Taken together, the two reports thoroughly dispute claims by members of the Obama Administration and other policymakers that al-Qaeda has been severely weakened and no longer poses a major threat to the West.

The first report, entitled, “A Persistent Threat: The Evolution of al-Qaeda and Other Salafi Jihadists,” was prepared for the U.S. Defense Department and published on June 4 by the RAND Corporation, a public policy think tank based in California.

As the title implies, the report focuses on the Salafi-jihadist movement, a particular strand of militant Sunni Islamism which emphasizes the importance of returning to a “pure” Islam: that of the Salaf (an Arabic term which means “ancestors” or “predecessors” and refers to the first three generations of Muslims, including Mohammed and his companions and followers).

An Uncommon Reader Erich Auerbach and The Understanding of Literature: Joseph Epstein

T.S. Eliot thought that the first requisite for being a literary critic is to be very intelligent. The second, I should say, is to have a well-stocked mind, which means having knowledge of literatures and literary traditions other than that into which one was born; possessing several languages; and acquiring a more than nodding acquaintance with history, philosophy, and theology—to be, in brief, learned. To be both highly intelligent and learned is not all that common. Eliot claimed for himself—and this by implication, for he was a modest man—only the former.

Erich Auerbach (1892-1957) had both great intelligence and great learning. Born in Germany, Auerbach, along with other Jewish scholars of his time, was another of Adolf Hitler’s intellectual gifts to the United States. After being expelled from his academic post as professor of Romance philology at the University of Marburg during the Nazi purges, he spent 11 years, between 1935 and 1946, at the University of Istanbul. Arriving in the United States in 1947, he first taught at Penn State, was briefly at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and ended his career at Yale.

While in Istanbul, Auerbach wrote Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, which is the greatest single work of literary criticism of the 20th century. Auerbach worked on the book between 1942 and 1945, and it was first published in 1946. Part of the mythos of Mimesis has been that he wrote it without the aid of a serious library. This is somewhat exaggerated. The University of Istanbul was far from academically primitive, and Auerbach was in touch with friends who could send him such literary materials as he required.

That he didn’t have access to a library that stocked scholarly periodicals probably worked in his book’s favor. Mimesis is a scholarly work unencumbered by footnotes or other critical apparatus. At the close of the penultimate paragraph of the epilogue, Auerbach writes, “[I]t is quite possible that the book owes its existence to just this lack of a rich and specialized library. If it had been possible for me to acquaint myself with all the work that has been done on so many subjects, I might never have reached the point of writing.”

Erich Auerbach was a philologist. Once a standard academic discipline, philology is no longer in currency, let alone in vogue. In its traditional form, philology dealt with the structure—the grammar, syntax, and semantics—of language and its historical development. Philology has always seemed a more Continental than English or American enterprise. In America, scholars who in an earlier era might have taught philology taught, instead, what became known as comparative literature. In time, comparative literature fizzled out, taken over by literary theorists who turned out to be not all that much interested in literature in any language.

What distinguished philologists and comparativists was their polyglotism. They knew multiple languages, and an article of belief among them was that literary works can only be truly comprehended in the languages in which they were composed. If you read works in translation, you are, from the philological standpoint, a schmoozer, a potzer, a kibbitzer, and fundamentally unserious. In the prologue to his recent Musings on Mortality: From Tolstoy to Primo Levi, Victor Brombert, who for many years taught comparative literature at Princeton, notes that “in all cases, I have discussed only authors whose works I have read in the original.”

Erich Auerbach read eight languages: Greek, Latin, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hebrew. In Mimesis he remarks that he scanted a detailed discussion of the rise of realism in Russian literature because “this is impossible when one cannot read the works in their original language.” (I, the reader should know, read Mimesis in the excellent English translation from the German by Willard R. Trask.)

In his 1952 essay “Philology and World History,” Auerbach asserted that “the intellectual and spiritual history of the last several millennia is the history of the human race as it has achieved self-expression. It is with this history that philology concerns itself as a historical discipline.” The task of philology, he held, was to evaluate literature and language in such a way that it might contribute to that history, “and thus to realization of a unified vision of the human race in all its variety.” Auerbach felt this task all the more pressing given “the impoverishment of understanding associated with a concept of education that has no sense of the past”—an impoverishment, he added, that threatens to become “hegemonic.” He also accepted as “inevitable that world culture is in the process of becoming standardized.” About this, at a time when people are claiming the nation-state an anachronism, he was surely correct. Every time I hear the word “globalization,” I reach for my copy of Mimesis.


New Mexico: 2014 Candidates for Congress – Where They Stand


To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).

U.S. Senate

Martin Heinrich (D) Next Election in 2018.
Tom Udall (D) Incumbent

http://www.tomudall.com/ http://www.tomudall.senate.gov/



IMMIGRATION – Enacting a Fair Immigration Policy – People from around the world come to the United States in search of a better life for themselves and their families. They bring with them a hope for the future, a desire for success, and cultural vibrancy that makes America great. One of our greatest traditions as a nation, I believe, is our history of welcoming legal immigrants to our land to contribute. Comprehensive immigration reform is necessary to fix our broken borders and I believe that solutions to this problem need to also take into account the interests of families who have put down roots in our country.

I am encouraged by the Senate’s bipartisan proposal to secure our borders, bring undocumented individuals from the shadows and enhance our visa and employment verification systems. We have an extraordinary opportunity to pass a long-term, comprehensive solution to fix our immigration system. The law on the books today does not work and a piecemeal approach to reform will not result in the overhaul we need. There is much work ahead, but now is the time to work together to take meaningful action. America loses if we do nothing.

Securing our Borders – I serve as the head of the New Mexico Border Security Task Force. The men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol work hard to protect our national security, often with too few staff and limited supplies. I am fighting to see that Customs and Border Protection personnel receive the necessary surveillance equipment and resources to effectively monitor our nation’s borders. I helped pass bipartisan legislation to toughen penalties for smugglers using ultralight aircraft to bring drugs across the border. I also worked to pass an amendment to make it easier to fund the construction and maintenance of patrol roads along the border.

As Chairman of the Foreign Relations subcommittee in charge of fighting the narcotics trade, and a member of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, I will continue to press for international cooperation to stem the flow of drugs in the United States.


Afghanistan & Pakistan Our troops have served with distinction and honor in Afghanistan. The killing of Osama bin Laden marked the completion of a major goal since 9/11 and today Al Qaeda and their allies are both disrupted and damaged. I believe the progress we have made has paved the way for an accelerated transition of security in the country to Afghan forces.

We can’t deploy large forces of combat troops in Afghanistan forever. It’s simply unsustainable. An accelerated transition of our troops will give Afghans the incentive to take control of their country, while also showing the world that the U.S. is not an occupying power. It will also allow us to refocus our efforts on counterterrorism and other regional issues vital to our national security.

Middle East As a member of the House of Representatives, I voted against the war in Iraq. I believe it shifted our focus from the more important mission of targeting and disrupting the terrorists who attacked us from a Taliban-sponsored haven in Afghanistan. In 2009 we began a successful redeployment of combat troops out of Iraq and concluded combat operations in 2010. Across the Middle East, change is happening. Peaceful calls for democracy gave rise to new governments in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere, but have also led to violent reprisals in countries such as Syria. I believe we must continue to engage with countries, and supporters of democracy, in the region and work to ensure that the new democracies have the support they need to transition. We must also continue our work with all stakeholders in the Israeli/Palestinian peace process while supporting Israel’s ability to defend itself.

ENERGY Voted against construction of the Keystone Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Doing it all will allow us to take control of our energy security and spur job growth through a clean energy economy. A sustainable American energy future requires a diverse portfolio, including more renewable sources like wind and solar, efficiency and conservation, along with traditional energy sources like natural gas, domestic oil, and nuclear power. It also means facing the threat of global warming. As a member of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works, Tom supported creating a system of clean energy incentives and limits on pollution – policies that can reduce foreign oil imports and greenhouse gas emissions, while creating nearly two million jobs and billions of dollars in energy savings.

HEALTHCARE To provide every American with quality health care, control skyrocketing costs, and ensure that patients have choices, we need to improve our health care system. As the new health reform law, the Affordable Care Act, is being implemented, I continue to look for opportunities to assure access to affordable, quality health care, including health promotion and disease prevention opportunities, and building the health care workforce. Voted for and supports the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Opposed voting for malpractice reform.
Allen Weh (R) Challenger



NATIONAL DEFENSE In George Washington’s first annual address to Congress on 8 January 1790, he said, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” This fundamental truth is as appropriate today as it was more than 200 years ago. Moreover, the consequences of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of our nation’s enemies, who will not hesitate to use them, makes our vigilance and readiness more important than ever before.

Oftentimes, our national defense budget is the first place we look to cut to make room for non-defense spending. The Obama Administration cut the military and defense budgets to that of pre-WWII levels. According to the Heritage Foundation,” these cuts represent the largest and swiftest cuts to the American military and defense efforts that the world has seen in 75 years.” Fifty-percent of all budgetary cuts from the Budget Control Act of 2011 come from the Armed Forces, so our military is “suffering dramatically seeing as how only 17% of the overall budget is defense spending.”

The Heritage Foundation states that the Armed Forces will see $1.2 trillion in cuts to their budget over the next ten years under the Obama Administration. No other arm of the government has seen cuts this dramatic. In fact, every other arm of the government has grown exponentially under the Obama Administration.

The cuts to the military will hurt the United States’ ability to respond to a national crisis, terrorist attack, or global conflict. Our military leaders have warned that the budget cuts are preventing the Armed Forces from providing basic national security and defense. These warnings are not to be ignored. As soon as other countries see vulnerabilities in our national security, we become subject to conflict.

I believe the traditional role of military is what has served us best, so that our citizens and our allies are protected, and the United States Armed Forces preserves the reputation of being the strongest military in the world. Maintaining a strong national defense to protect peace and security is the best deterrence for a global conflict or threat to the United States and our allies.

HEALTHCARE Fixing the healthcare train wreck we’ve got now

GOVERNMENT AND REGULATIONS Ronald Reagan once said, “Government is not a solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Excessive government spending, high taxes and irrational regulations kill jobs and make us less competitive. If we want a healthy business climate, we need to stand up for small businesses and everyday Americans by letting them keep more of the money they earn. And in New Mexico, we want to encourage them to reinvest that money here at home.

I’ll work to get as many irrational and burdensome regulations as possible removed or rescinded, to get government off the backs of our businesses so they can do what they do best – provide services and goods, grow their companies, and create jobs.

District 1
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) Incumbent

http://www.michellelujangrisham.com/ https://lujangrisham.house.gov/

http://www.ontheissues.org/House/Michelle_Lujan-Grisham.htm **


HEALTHCARE Benefits of the Affordable Care Act

You can’t be denied coverage for pre-existing health conditions.
Your child can stay on your health plan until age 26.
Your health insurance company can’t cancel your health insurance just because you get sick.
You may be eligible to receive financial assistance to help you pay for your coverage.
You have a choice between different types of health plans with easy to use comparison tools.
You are guaranteed the right to appeal your health insurance company’s payment denials.
Women cannot be charged more than men for the same health coverage.
Most health plans must offer a set of preventative care services at no cost to you.
Health insurance companies must spend 80% of their premiums on beneficiaries; no more than 20% may go toward administration and profits.
New Mexico has the some of the lowest health insurance rates.
Much more!

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Voted against the Keystone Pipeline without limiting amendments.

New Mexico prides itself in its pristine land, natural beauty and world-class energy resources. As a twelfth generation New Mexican, my deep-rooted values in our state have taught me to appreciate our natural resources and protect our clean air, water and land. New Mexico is in the middle of a climate crisis. Our drought conditions remain the worst in the nation, and we’ve experienced some of the most costly and destructive wildfires in history. We have an obligation to act on behalf of future generations of New Mexicans and Americans to reduce our carbon footprint and lay the foundation for a cleaner energy future. Congress should invest in projects that are good for the environment and good for the economy, such as clean energy, green manufacturing and mass transit. As the home to Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories, New Mexico is unique in that our state has the potential to become the nationwide leader in developing clean energy technologies. I am determined to champion the development of clean energy technologies to protect our citizens and preserve the planet for generations to come.

WOMEN’S RIGHTS Michelle is more than just an ally or a reliable vote against the Republican War on Women. She brings a lifetime of experience and hands-on activism that prepared her to stand up to Republicans in Congress who are giving corporations more personal power and more personal freedoms than they’re giving women. Michelle will carry the torch for the future of our daughters.

Right to Choose – The right to choose has been a fundamental right enjoyed by women for more than two generations. But today that right is more tenuous than it has ever been in the last four decades because of repeated attempts by this Congress to turn back the clock on women and families. Michelle is life-long supporter of women’s reproductive rights. She will stand strong against attacks on the right to choose, women’s health care, and Planned Parenthood.
Mike Frese (R) Challenger


I’m running to free the American economy from job-killing regulation from Washington, DC. Only if we make our own economic decisions can we hope to leave our children, their children, and their children’s children the opportunity to prosper the way we hope they will. If we vote to allow our economic decisions to be made in Washington, we will watch this nation spiral down from economic vitality into economic stagnation, and, as regulation tightens from seemingly benevolent to increasingly oppressive, finally into tyranny.

A good friend once said to me that economics was too hard for him, and he wished that he could just turn the economy over to five wise men. Lots of people feel that way. However, the economy of a nation is too complex an enterprise to prosper when managed by anything less than the entire population. To achieve prosperity for all, we must each be free to choose what to do, what to make, and what to sell at prices freely agreed to between seller and buyer. In that way, we will all do better for ourselves than distant “wise men” could ever do for us. I believe with all my heart that you are wise enough to make your own economic decisions.

I believe that you would be better off if fewer decisions were made for you by the wise guys in Washington. And I believe that when you are better off, we are all better off.

District 2

Steve Pearce (R) Incumbent

http://www.peopleforpearce.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/house/Steve_Pearce.htm**



ENERGY Supports construction of the Keystone Pipeline without limiting amendments.

New Mexico is an energy-rich state, and we must allow Americans the freedom to capitalize on these unique resources. Burdensome regulations are killing jobs and driving up energy prices at a time when we can afford neither. I am working to encourage a broad approach that creates jobs and lowers the cost of energy for families and business. We should increase the supply of domestic gas and oil, while also developing greener sources of energy like wind, solar and nuclear power. We can protect our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil only if only we start harnessing all our sources of energy.

HEALTHCARE I am working to reverse the government takeover of healthcare and support careful, specific legislation that will help you get affordable access to the healthcare you need.

Finding affordable health care is a major concern for families in Southern New Mexico. But a massive government-run health care system is not the solution. Repealing the current government takeover of medicine is only one step-more work is still needed. I want to see careful, specific legislation that will fix individual problems with health care. We need to allow you to keep your insurance if you lose or change jobs. We need lawsuit abuse reform, and a ban on discriminating against pre-existing conditions. In Congress, I am fighting for Health Savings Accounts and have helped pass the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit program that lowered costs and saved money for millions of seniors. I voted to repeal the current Washington takeover of health care, and am working for the commonsense solutions that benefit New Mexicans.

BORDER SECURITY The people of southern New Mexico have dealt with the challenges of border security for decades. The violence, drug and weapons smuggling, and human trafficking that plagues our border must be put to a stop. I am working to advocate human solutions that reflect the sensitivity of border security issues. This is a complex issue, and all related groups must be engaged in the process of developing a strong policy for border security. Washington has ignored the needs of the border states for too long, and it is time that the federal government gives New Mexico the resources and solutions we need for a strong, secure border.
Rocky Lara (D) Challenger


District 3

Ben Ray Luján (D) Incumbent

http://www.benrlujan.com/ http://lujan.house.gov/#dialog



HEALTHCARE Rep. Ben Ray Luján voted in favor of health insurance reform that will lower costs, reduce the deficit, provide more insurance choice for families and small businesses, and stop insurance companies from denying and dropping sick patients. The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion in the first ten years and $1.3 trillion in the second ten years, and expand coverage for 32 million Americans, helping to ensure that 95 percent of Americans are covered. The legislation is the largest deficit reduction measure in 17 years, and it is fully paid for. The legislation was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010.

ENERGY Voted against the Keystone Pipeline without limiting amendments.

As a leading proponent of renewable energy on the PRC, Luján worked to increase renewable energy production by New Mexico utilities to 20 percent of their total production by 2020. He also pushed to diversify the renewable portfolio to include solar energy. With his colleagues in California, Oregon and Washington, Luján signed on to the Joint Action Framework on Climate Change on behalf of the state of New Mexico, bringing states together to fight global warming and change the way they generated energy. Rep. Luján is committed to a clean energy future that will eliminate America’s dependence on foreign oil and produce affordable, sustainable energy. Rep. Luján believes that we are headed toward a clean energy economy, an economy where homes and buildings are designed to meet new energy efficiency standards and our vehicles run on clean transportation fuels. Rep. Luján also believes that investment in energy development from renewable sources like solar and wind will contribute to the growing green economy and bring jobs home to New Mexico. Rep. Luján is a member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition and the Natural Gas Caucus.

Rep. Luján is the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Task for on Task Force on Green Economy and Renewable Energy. Rep. Luján voted for the American Clean Energy and Security Act, which will create clean energy jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and save billions of dollars long term. The Act included language that Rep. Luján worked on to provide funding for clean energy job training and include Hispanic Serving Institutions and Tribal Colleges as Innovation Hubs for clean energy research. Rep. Luján also cosponsored the Solar Technology Roadmap Act, which will encourage job creation and innovation in the clean energy industry by requiring the Secretary of Energy to develop a comprehensive process for creating a roadmap for solar research and development activities.
Jeff Byrd (R) Challenger



REAL IMMIGRATION REFORM Our nation was built on immigrants coming from around the world seeking a better life for their families. I support legal immigration and will work to streamline our legal immigration system so that people from around the world can know and love the freedoms and greatness of America. New Mexico is a border state and we face the immediate threats that illegal immigration cause, such as drug running and other criminal activities. In order to begin dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country, we must first secure the border. We can secure the border with the necessary technologies and ground support provided by our border security agents and National Guard troops. When the border is sufficiently secure we can begin to address the other issues including penalties for employers who actively hire illegal immigrants.

HEALTHCARE I believe Americans should be able to buy their own healthcare coverage at an affordable rate, but I am opposed to the Affordable Healthcare Act passed by Congress. Despite the name of the bill, it actually does not make healthcare more affordable. This bill actually raises taxes on lower income families and cuts Medicare by $500 billion.

I would like to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act and address each issue separately. I believe health insurance providers should be allowed to compete in order to reduce prices, much like car insurance companies do now. I believe insurance should cover those who have pre-existing conditions. I believe we need to address tort reform in order to reduce frivolous lawsuits. I believe that states should be allowed to implement their own healthcare reforms, because New Mexico is much different than states like California or New York.

KEEP AMERICA SAFE A “peace through strength” approach has served America well for many generations. Keeping America safe is one of the fundamental responsibilities of our federal government. A strong American military is not only crucial for security here at home, but for our allies around the world. We must support initiatives to combat global terrorism and address threats in the Middle East and elsewhere.

We must stand up for our allies such as Israel who are at constant threat from these same organizations. We must take the necessary steps to prevent countries like Iran from creating nuclear weapons and prevent Afghanistan from being a safe-haven for terrorists. We must stand strongly behind our military and give our men and women in uniform every tool and capability they need to successfully protect our nation. The armed forces of our country have my upmost respect and gratitude and I will work hard every day to insure they are properly equipped to face the dangers presented to our country around the world.

The positions expressed in this roundup of the views of political candidates should not, in any way, be construed as the views of FamilySecurityMatters.org, or of the Family Security Foundation, Inc., in endorsing or rejecting any candidate or bill or law. The views espoused by the candidates in this series published in FamilySecurityMatters.org are those of the candidates, and no one else, and have been quoted from their campaign or web sites. These views therefore should not be construed as an attempt on the part of Family Security Matters, or the Family Security Foundation, Inc., to help or prevent the success of any political campaign for any public office.
Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/new-mexico-2014-candidates-for-congress-where-they-stand?f=must_reads#ixzz34VrNFB00
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution



All incumbents remain in place. In District 4, a Tea Party challenger Niger Innis lost his bid to be the GOP challenger to Democrat Steven Horsford. Here is the final slate:


To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).
U.S. Senate

Harry Reid (D) Next Election in 2016.
Dean Heller (R) Next Election in 2018.

District 1
Dina Titus (D) Incumbent Elected in 2012
She previously served as U.S. Representative for Nevada’s 3rd congressional district from 2009 to 2011, when she was defeated by Joe Heck. In 2012, she ran successfully for Nevada’s 1st congressional district.
http://www.dinatitus.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/house/dina_titus.htm**
HEALTHCARE Las Vegas, NV – Dina Titus, Democratic candidate for Nevada’s First Congressional District, released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act this morning:
“Today is a great day for children who can stay on their parents’ health insurance plans until they are 26, and people with preexisting conditions who had previously been discriminated against by private insurance companies. I was proud to vote for this legislation that ended the worst abuses of the insurance industry. While today is an important milestone in ensuring affordable, quality healthcare for Nevadans, we still have a lot more work to do in making healthcare more affordable for Nevada families. What we can’t do is what Mitt Romney, Dean Heller, and Joe Heck want to do, which is to end Medicare by turning it over to profit-first private insurance companies. In Congress, I will fight with President Obama and Shelley Berkley to create jobs and protect Nevada seniors from Washington Republicans trying to pull the rug out from under them.”
ENERGY Voted against the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Annette Teijeiro M.D. (R) Challenger
HEALTHCARE As someone who has been a longtime community leader in the medical field with substantial experience reviewing proposals before they become state laws, Annette has the best experience to navigate the pending legislative nightmare caused by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). She will fight to ensure people’s lives are placed before the politics already associated with the most intrusive legislation in history, until it can be overturned or overhauled.
ECONOMY AND JOBS As someone who has managed small medical practices as well as overseen large departments in the private sector, Annette understands the critical needs facing businesses, the importance of a low tax base, and the benefits of economic diversity. She will fight against uncontrolled government growth, against reactive tax increases, and propose economic initiatives and solutions to diversify the economy, attract new businesses, and put Nevadans to work.

District 2
Mark Amodei (R) Incumbent
http://amodei.house.gov/#dialog http://www.ontheissues.org/house/Mark_Amodei.htm**

HEALTHCARE Vigorous opposition to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
This law mandates that all uninsured Americans purchase health insurance or face a financial penalty, creates complex regulations for health care providers and insurers, imposes unfunded mandates on states and small businesses, dramatically expands Medicaid coverage and cuts Medicare funding, all while permitting the Obama Administration to issue waivers for those groups it chooses to exempt, raise taxes on successful individuals and some health services, and raise fees on insurance companies.

The ACA fails to accomplish real reform and instead harms health care, job creation and the federal deficit at a time when our country can ill-afford such government inflicted damage. The ACA will cause premiums to skyrocket, forcing millions of Americans off of their current coverage and putting unelected Washington bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. With respect to the uninsured, ObamaCare drives up the cost of health care and takes us further away from real solutions to improve health care access.
Cosponsored legislation:
• H.R. 6079, the Repeal of ObamaCare Act, which passed the House.
• H.R. 582, the Healthcare Tax Relief and Mandate Repeal Act
• H.R. 763, to repeal the annual fee on health insurance providers enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
• H.R. 2022, to prevent the targeting for political reasons or on the basis of political views as related to the enforcement of ObamaCare
ENERGY Unleash American energy – Strong support for the Keystone XL Pipeline.
The energy sector is crucial to our economic growth and high energy costs have a major impact on job creation. We have an abundant supply of natural resources in Nevada and across the country that we must use to meet our nation’s energy requirements. We need policies that allow us to harness our own resources, develop new sources of energy, and create jobs here at home. Over the past 220 years, America has created the greatest economic success story in the history of the world. Our innovative society has dramatically improved the length and quality of life for billions of people around the globe. This same ingenuity must be unleashed to meet our energy and employment challenges. House Republicans are taking immediate action through our American Energy Initiative by passing bipartisan legislation to expand energy exploration and production. This will help create American jobs, grow our economy, and enhance our security.
In Nevada, new sources of energy, such as solar and geothermal are showing promise. Geothermal in particular brings jobs and growth to Nevada with 20 plants in operation providing clean, reliable electrical capacity to the grid and significant additional capacity under development. Beyond Nevada, I believe that we need to take action on the bipartisan Keystone XL energy project, which would immediately create 20,000 jobs, with the potential for 100,000 to 200,000 additional jobs. This project should also lower the price of oil and gasoline and enable us to increase trade with our ally Canada, as opposed to hostile regimes in the Middle East.
IMMIGRATION Immigration reform and border security are complex, emotional debates, with passionate beliefs on all sides. Some view the issue as one of humaneness. Many see it from a perspective of fairness. And still others approach immigration on the basis of practicality. We are a nation of immigrants. My Irish and Italian forebears made their way to Nevada in search of a better life. We are also a nation of laws with the right to control our borders. While I don’t think any of those perspectives are mutually exclusive, it seems the one thing all sides can consistently agree on is that our immigration system, as presently constituted, is not working.

Kristen Spees (D) Challenger
HEALTHCARE The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – I am a proponent for the increased quality and affordability of healthcare. Nevada has accepted Medicaid expansion. Healthcare is too expensive and hard to obtain. I personally pay for healthcare and I still have high premiums. I broke my foot last year and I didn’t want to go to the doctor because I would have to pay for the x-ray and visit out of pocket, despite having insurance. The PPACA is not perfect and has many flaws, but it is a step toward affordable healthcare. I am open to alternative ideas for affordable and quality healthcare.
IMMIGRATION We need a solution to our broken immigration system that strengthens our workforce and economy, keeps families together, and provides the generation to come with equal opportunities to education. I support the DREAM act and I think that immigration needs to be reformed in the US. The immigration reform should allow for a pathway to citizenship contingent on security checks, expanding visa options and an expanded and improved employment verification system for employers to confirm employee work authorization. We need comprehensive and responsible immigration reform that strengthens our immigration laws. The must be a way for undocumented workers to get right with the law and have the opportunity to earn citizenship. Immigration reform will boost our economy and keep it strong.
ENERGY Renewable Energy: I want to make Nevada a leading state for renewable energy. When intaking such an endeavor it is important to weigh the factors of the impact on the environment, the community and the economic impact of each particular project. Investing in renewable energy may boost our economy, provide new jobs, save money and protect the environment by tapping into wind energy, solar energy, biomass Energy and cellulosis ethanol and biogas energy. Nevada’s population is increasing as well as our energy consumption. This could be a powerful tool in economic development which will help further develop instate resources and will expand Nevada as a key player in the energy market. Promoting renewable energy may create more jobs as well as reduce pollution and balance energy rates.

District 3
Joe Heck M.D.(R) Incumbent
http://heck.house.gov/ http://www.heck4nevada.com/
Rated -2 by AAI, indicating anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
HEALTHCARE The Obama health care take over hurts patients and cuts $500 billion from Medicare. Joe Heck is fighting for a better alternative. Joe Heck’s solution supports Nevada’s families by protecting the patient-physician relationship and reducing health care costs. Joe Heck is working to protect Medicare for Nevada’s seniors and preserve it for future generations.
ENERGY On numerous occasions the House has voted to approve the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline project which would bring crude oil from Canada to refineries in the southeastern United States. I believe that this project would have a profound impact on the economy – both by creating jobs and increasing domestic energy supplies – which is why I have voted in favor of its construction. Unfortunately, its construction has been repeatedly delayed by the Administration despite strong bipartisan support in Congress. I will continue advocate for the approval of the project.
IMMIGRATION As the grandson of Italian immigrants, I welcome the debate on immigration reform and the opportunity to find real solutions for our broken immigration system. As the debate over this important issue continues, there are several provisions I will be looking for in legislation. Those provisions are improved border enforcement, a modern e-verify system, a more sustainable guest worker program, and improvements in the current legal immigration system. Finally, while I oppose blanket amnesty, I am open to considering proposals that address earned citizenship.
ISRAEL I am concerned about the ever-increasing instability throughout the Middle East. During this time, the U.S. must remain committed to supporting our greatest ally in the region. I believe that U.S. assistance to Israel is vital to her security, and will do all I can to ensure that Israel maintains her qualitative military advantage.
The Administration must reject any Palestinian government that fails to renounce violence or refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist. President Obama’s speech on May, 19, 2011 endorsed a key Palestinian demand that the borders of any future Palestinian state be based on the 1967 lines. I was extremely disappointed with President Obama’s statement. The mere suggestion that a two state solution be based on borders prior to the Six-Day War significantly undermines Israel’s ability to negotiate a practical and workable peace settlement. Additionally, retreating to the borders of 1967 would create an Israeli state only 8-10 miles wide, significantly inhibiting Israel’s ability to defend itself. I will continue to take a strong stance against any action that undermines this critical alliance.
IRAN As a strong supporter of Israel, I believe that we must work to prevent Iran from acquiring the technology to develop nuclear weapons. I am a co-sponsor of H.R. 850 which further strengthens sanctions against Iran by closing loopholes in the energy and financial sanctions. It denies visas to individuals who engage in Iran’s energy sector and increases the number of sanctions the Administration is required to impose. Additionally, it targets capital markets and activities by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and its affiliates significantly involved in the development, extraction, production, transportation, or sale of petroleum, oil, or liquefied natural gas in Iran.
This bill serves as a strong reminder to rogue states, such as Iran, that the U.S. will not stand idly by as they threaten the safety and security of our country, as well as the rest of the world. Please be assured that I will continue to support legislation that protects our national security and keeps countries such as Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR Providing for the common defense is one of the federal government’s most important responsibilities, and as an active member of the Army Reserve for over 20 years it is a responsibility that I take very seriously. The clear national security objectives in Afghanistan and Iraq required our presence there, and the efforts of coalition forces have resulted in substantial improvements to the security situation in those countries. Due to those improvements, we are in the midst of drawing down conventional troop levels in Afghanistan. Under the current strategy, 23,000 troops will leave by the end of the summer of 2012. At that point, the drawdown will continue and our mission will move from combat operations into a support role. We must ensure that any force reductions are conditions-based, reflect the conditions on the ground, and are supported by our military commanders – not any specific timeline. We must ensure victory and do not undermine the successes our troops have fought so hard to achieve.

Erin Bilbray (D) Challenger
HEALTHCARE Health care costs continue to be too high for both patients and small businesses. The Affordable Care Act contains a lot of common sense solutions, such as protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, lowering drug costs for seniors, and allowing young people to stay on their parents’ insurance plan for a longer period. But the results of full implementation remain to be seen. I believe we still need to do more to contain costs. I’m proud that my husband and I created Nevada’s only completely free pediatric health clinic.
ENERGY Nevada is the nation’s leader in renewable energy. I will support policies that allow Nevada businesses to continue to be in the best possible position to research, innovate, and create thousands of good-paying, green energy jobs. Nevada’s clean energy industry provides a strong, diverse source of economic growth that makes us less dependent on foreign oil.
Environment – I will fight to protect Nevada’s tremendous natural beauty for generations to come, while balancing the opportunities that it provides for economic growth. I’ll oppose any attempt to ship nuclear waste through our communities to Yucca Mountain.
IMMIGRATION I support comprehensive immigration reform that is tough, fair, and practical. First, we need to increase border security and enforcement. I support bringing people back into the immigration system legally through a path to citizenship for those without criminal records. Reform must include a reasonable plan for paying back taxes and fines, securing education, and gaining employment.

District 4
Steven Horsford (D) Incumbent
http://www.stevenhorsford.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/house/Steven_Horsford.htm**
HEALTHCARE Horsford Leads Effort To Stop 50th House Republican Attempt To Repeal The ACA
Mar 5, 2014 – Press Release – WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Steven Horsford (NV-4) introduced a motion to prevent House Republicans from attempting to undermine or repeal the Affordable Care Act for the 50th time.
IMMIGRATION Steven believes that immigration reform is the civil and human rights issue of our time. Our system is broken, and unless we do something, immigrants will continue to be forced to live in the shadows, families will continue to be torn apart, and our country will suffer.
It’s time for a comprehensive immigration reform policy that protects families, strengthens our economy, and provides a real pathway to citizenship.
ENERGY Voted against the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Cresent Hardy (R) Challenger
HEALTHCARE The Federal Government should not be forcing unfunded mandates such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) upon the states. This sort of top-down legislation from the Federal Government comes with many unintended consequences, and places tremendous burden upon the businesses and employers that drive our economy.
Management of healthcare policy at the state level would help to mitigate fraud and abuse, while ensuring that each state develops programs that best suit the needs of their residents. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work on an issue as complex as healthcare coverage. Reform is needed. However, the ACA is far over-reaching, expensive, and detrimental to our fragile economy.
BALANCING THE BUDGET / SIZE OF GOVERNMENT The Federal Government has got to learn to live within its’ means. We must immediately balance the overly bloated federal budget, and actively work toward reducing our trade deficit.
As a long-time businessman, I have had to keep a sharp eye on the bottom line of my businesses to ensure that employees and vendors are paid on time. The government should operate by this same basic standard. We cannot spend money that we do not have!
The periodic raising of the nation’s debt ceiling is not a long-term solution. Government must provide for the essential responsibilities of national defense, maintenance of federal highways, preservation of Social Security, and welfare programs for our most needy citizens. Aside from these core responsibilities, most functions of government are more efficiently handled at the state and local levels.
JOBS / ECONOMY Job creation and retention are the key elements to getting our stagnant economy moving again. Employers will not invest in new businesses or expand existing ones when taxes are high and the federal government is saddling them with expensive unfunded mandates and burdensome regulations. Congress is not directly a job creator. However, the federal government can and should be instrumental in creating a business climate in which employers are willing to invest in business expansion, new business start-ups are encouraged, and invasive regulations are kept to a minimum.
Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/nevada-2014-candidates-for-congress-where-they-stand?f=must_reads#ixzz34KW0Sctv


It is not enough to complain and wring hands about the BDS movement against Israel with the futile hope that this vile movement will just go away. Please read it and post a review at Amazon. This is a yeoman effort to expose and delegitimize this anti-Israel movement posing as a “human rights” issue.rsk

“From the day of its founding, Israel has been under attack—with tanks, rockets, and horrific terrorism against civilians. But despite it all, the Jewish State remained unbowed, and its democracy has become stronger as its adversaries have sunk deeper into poverty, political chaos, and totalitarian depravity. In need of new tactics, Israel’s foes have opened up a new front: A well-funded, global campaign to demonize Israel as a racist, “Apartheid” state. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has captured the attentions of idealistic youth and dedicated radicals around the world, either unaware or uncaring that they are being cynically manipulated by Islamicists and their sympathizers in the West. An alliance of some of the worst state and non-state actors on the world stage, BDS represents an existential threat to the future of Israel—one that cannot be ignored by her or her allies. ”


The BDS War Against Israel: The Orwellian Campaign to Destroy Israel Through the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions… by Jed Babbin and Herbert I London (May 28, 2014)

JED BABBIN:Why Does President Obama Want to Empower Hamas?

Given President Obama’s most recent action in the “peace process” between Israel and the Palestinians, it’s reasonable to ask if the president believes that Israel has the right to exist.

That’s not a question to be posed casually. From the time it became a nation, Israel – the only democracy in the Middle East – has always been able to count on America to come to its defense. Until now.

The State Department has announced that it will not only work with but will also continue to fund the Palestinian “reconciliation government” sworn in last week. The “reconciliation” was between Fatah – the political party of Palestinian president Mahmood Abbas – and the Hamas terrorist group which has, as its primary raison d’etre, the destruction of Israel.

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The Hamas charter declares, “The purpose of Hamas is to create an Islamic Palestinian state throughout Israel by eliminating the State of Israel through violent jihad.” If Hamas had changed its charter to renounce jihad and accept Israel’s existence then and only then could Abbas’ Palestinian Authority have reconciled with it without endorsing its goal of destroying Israel.

But Hamas never made any change to its charter, its beliefs or its dedication to the violent destruction of Israel. The only conclusion that can be reached is that Abbas and his group have accepted Hamas’ goals and methods and modified their own to suit them.

That point compels another conclusion: that the State Department’s announced intent to accept the Hamas-Fatah government into the peace process – and to continue funding it – is that the president and Secretary of State John Kerry have also accepted the legitimacy of Hamas, its goal and its chosen method of reaching them. They have legitimized Hamas just as they have legitimized the Taliban by negotiating with it and releasing five of their top commanders.

Obama’s disdain for Israel has been no secret. In March 2010, Obama treated Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the sort of rudeness presidents had previously reserved for America’s enemies. As detailed in my new book, The BDS War Against Israel, Obama’s anti-Israel attitude must have been formed when, as a college student, he studied under the late Edward Said, a Palestinian activist with whom Obama maintained a relationship for two decades.


After presiding for six years over a war in which over 1,600 Americans were killed fighting the Taliban, Obama did not mention the enemy during his West Point Commencement Address.

That wasn’t unusual. Obama has a curious habit of avoiding the “T-word” in his official speeches.
Even when delivering his Rose Garden speech about Bergdahl’s return, the Taliban were never mentioned.

Obama’s mentions of the Taliban vary by context. When speaking to the military he will sometimes say that the United States is at war with the Taliban. In international diplomatic settings however there is a subtle shift in his language that emphasizes that the conflict is really a civil war between the Taliban and the Afghan government with the United States there to act as a stabilizing force.

When discussing the Qatar process, his language suggested that the United States was only there to facilitate an understanding between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

The President of Afghanistan claimed that Obama had told him, “The Taliban are not our enemies and we don’t want to fight them.”

Vice President Joe Biden had expressed similar thoughts, stating, “The Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical.” White House spokesman Jay Carney awkwardly defended Biden by arguing that the United States was fighting the Taliban, but was there to defeat Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda in Afghanistan however had already been defeated by Bush.

During the campaign and once in office, Obama had proposed outreach to the “moderate” Taliban. Biden estimated that only 5% of the Taliban were incorrigible while 70% and then another 25% could be reasoned with.

According to Biden, these Taliban were expected to end all ties with Al Qaeda, accept the Afghan constitution and offer equal treatment to women. Obama issued the same demand last year. The Taliban who hold strict religious beliefs about the evils of democracy and the inferiority of women did not rush to take Obama and Biden up on their offer.

Obama’s dual views of the Taliban made for an incompatible policy. When playing the role of commander, he delivers applause lines about “pushing the Taliban back” and large numbers of American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan. But the rest of the time he views the Taliban not as an enemy, but like Boko Haram or Hamas, as a group that is acting violently only because their legitimate political needs are not being met.

Some might say that it was as a commander that Obama sent Bowe Bergdahl to Afghanistan, but that it was as an appeaser that he brought him back. And yet both Obamas are the same man. Obama sent Bowe Bergdahl to Afghanistan for the same reason that he brought him back.

This is the discontinuity that bedevils modern liberal foreign policy which fights wars it does not believe in, rejecting war, while still attempting to use force as an instrument of diplomacy.

When Bush sent American soldiers off to war, it was because he believed that there was a real enemy to fight. Obama, as we have seen, never believed that the Taliban were our enemy and his own intelligence people had told him that Al Qaeda had a handful of fighters in Afghanistan.