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On Wednesday, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations rejected J Street’s bid for membership. Of the 42 out of 50 members present at the vote, 17 were in favor, 22 opposed and three abstained.

Needing 34 supporting votes to gain entry “into the tent,” J Street would have lost even if the eight groups absent, together with those who had refrained from casting a ballot, had backed its entry.

It was, in other words, a resounding defeat.

Since its inception in 2008, J Street’s goal has been to compete with, undermine and eventually replace the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as the most influential Jewish lobby on Capitol Hill. And though initially this seemed to be too tall an order for the fledgling organization that called itself “pro-Israel and pro-peace” — a euphemism for pro-Palestinian and pro-Arab world — J Street began to gain momentum.

It certainly received media coverage for every one of its events, no matter how poorly attended; and its director, Jeremy Ben-Ami, became prominent on the lecture and panel circuit. This provided him the opportunity to attack Israel in the guise of defending it against the policies of its government, while accusing J Street’s critics of stifling healthy and robust debate.

Liberals are always suckers for such blackmail. Ben-Ami knows this and has tried, often successfully, to use it to his advantage.

But there is one crack in his armor and calculations: His operation is funded by radical left-wing billionaire George Soros.


That awkward moment when the guy you put in a key position flees to Pakistan

The Point has covered the tale of Amer Ahmad before.

Ahmad was the Ohio Deputy State Treasurer who, among other crimes, helped out Mohammed Noure Alo, a lobbyist and immigration attorney with six figures in legal fees and helped his wife get a job announced only at the mosque.

Ahmad, who served as Ohio’s deputy treasurer and chief investment official, pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery, wire fraud and money laundering. He was hired in Chicago by Mayor Rahm Emanuel after the crimes in Ohio were committed. Mayor Emanuel has said that he knew nothing about the infractions and that nothing criminal was done in Chicago.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration on Monday produced a letter showing it knew about questions surrounding Amer Ahmad and a controversial government contract in Ohio before the mayor hired him as Chicago’s comptroller in April 2011.

So Rahm hired a guy who was set to be charged for bribery and fraud… as comptroller. Claimed not to know anything and then presented a letter showing that the issue was well known.


Then Amer Ahmad pleaded guilty and made a run for Pakistan.


As promised in my previous column on the reception by the press and news media of Justice John Paul’s new book, Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, I have read his book and now can review it here.
There is a prologue, an appendix containing the Constitution, and six chapters, each chapter devoted to one of Stevens’s recommended amendments. At the end of each chapter, after lengthy and often in-depth discussions of the history and role of the existing amendment in Supreme Court and other federal court decisions, Stevens states his amendment. Stevens is an excellent writer. His prose is clear and unburdened by jargon and legalese. One supposes that is a natural consequence of having written numerous 100-page or more opinions during a six-year stint on the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, and then over a 35-year career on the Supreme Court.
Readers accustomed to encountering a concluding, assertive statement, followed by an explanation for the conclusion (e.g., at the beginning of a trial, a prosecutor would say, “The State will prove that John Doe murdered Bob Smith.”), will experience a reversal of that usual order of reasoning, which employs deduction and often induction. Stevens instead explains first, and concludes with his opinion at the end of each chapter (e.g., “Here is what happened, and why, this is what X said and this is what Y said, and the timetable; and the jury, in the end, must find John Doe guilty of murder.”).
Stevens’s writing style, however, is double-edged, for his hostility towards the existing amendments to the Constitution, three of which he wishes to rewrite, and three new ones he wishes to be added, is made clearer. That hostility is not disguised by verbose and affected discourse or by a sophist’s bewildering labyrinth of irrelevancies and false turns that would flat-line the mind of the sharpest reader. The six areas Stevens discusses are the “anti-commandeering” rule, political gerrymandering, campaign finance, sovereign immunity, the death penalty, and the Second Amendment (gun control). I shall address these subjects in the order in which Stevens presents them.
It would be fair to say up front that, in all cases and all issues he discusses, Stevens champions federal power and authority over that of the individual states (and, indirectly, over individual rights). In his Prologue, after briefly discussing how the withdrawal of federal troops in the Southern states in 1877 engendered the rise of the Ku Klux Klan (with the approbation of Southern Democrats), he inadvertently demonstrates how destructive Constitutional amendments can be.


Will the April, 2014 accord between Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas and Islamic Jihad transition these two Islamic terrorist organizations to moderation, or does it shed light on Mahmoud Abbas’ core ideology?

Unlike Western policy-makers and public opinion molders, Arab leaders never doubted Mahmoud Abbas’ core ideology. Therefore, they deny him adequate financial support, while the Arab oil-producing countries provide Egypt multi-billion dollar assistance. Similarly, during the 1980s, Saudi Arabia provided Afghanistan’s Muslim rebels a billion dollars in annual aid, while extending Arafat a mere $100 million annually, which was cut off following Arafat’s and Mahmoud Abbas’ betrayal of Kuwait in August 1990, when they collaborated with Saddam Hussein’s invasion of the Sheikhdom. Moreover, Arab countries did not support the PLO and Hamas during their grand confrontations with Israel: the 1st and 2nd Intifadahs, the Lebanon War and the series of wars in Gaza.

The Arab attitude towards Abbas is driven by Abbas’ track record of intra-Arab subversion and terrorism. For example, during the late 1950s, Abbas and Arafat fled Egypt because of their subversive and terrorist activities, carried out as key Muslim Brotherhood operatives. In 1966, they fled Syria to Jordan, following their murders of a number of Syrian intelligence officers. In 1970, they were expelled from Jordan to Lebanon, following their attempt to topple Jordan’s Hashemite regime, which ignited a brutal civil war. By 1975, they had plundered large parts of Southern Lebanon, attempting to overthrow the central regime in Beirut, which triggered the Syrian invasion of Lebanon, a series of civil wars and the destruction of Lebanon. In 1990, Palestinian intelligence cells in Kuwait and Palestinian battalions in Iraq facilitated Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, which since 1960 had been the preferred safe haven for 300,000 Palestinian relatives and allies of Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. As a result of that egregious betrayal, Kuwait expelled over 200,000 Palestinians. No Arab leader protested that expulsion!

Leftist Extremists Publicly Defile Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial

Disgusting video taped at Yad Vashem features a prostitute who claims Israelis should thank the Nazis for the Holocaust.
The Jewish Home party’s chairwoman MK Ayelet Shaked described the stunt – which was uploaded to Youtube – as “another illustration of the lack of boundaries from the creators of the organizations supported by the New Israel Fund.”
“You won’t believe what you are seeing,” she ended the message on her Facebook wall. Her reference to the far-left New Israel Fund (NIF) may lie in the fact that some of those involved in the film work for groups funded by the NIF. One such person is Itamar Shapira, who receives special thanks in the video’scredits, whom the Hebrew-language Mida website identified as an activist in the NIF-backed anti-military group Breaking the Silence.

A shocking videotaped publicly by left-wing activists on the campus of Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum has provoked a storm of anger in Israel.
The video was taken in front of a monument commemorating Holocaust victims, and features an actress dressed as a prostitute calling herself “the Holocaust,” who says the Jewish nation should thank her for teaching it “how to round up Palestinians in concentration camps.”

Throughout her expletive-filled tirade the actress, who was flanked by a man who appeared to be a bodyguard, made obscene gestures and screamed at shocked members of the public who had come to pay their respects to victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

She continued to goad visitors, urging them to applaud “the Holocaust”, without which, she claimed, there would be no State of Israel or IDF.
Arutz Sheva has chosen not to show the video due to its highly offensive content.

Black Pastors Lead Rally Against Persecution by Muslims… a Most Welcome Initiative ****

With persecution against Christians increasing in African nations and other places worldwide where Islam is advancing, an American pastor is calling black churches and others to join together to raise voices of opposition.

Stephen Broden of the Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas is organizing a rally in his city next month under the banner of Americans Against the Persecution of Christians in Muslim Countries.

The coalition says it’s “committed to stopping the genocide of Christians in many Muslim countries.”

A march is scheduled to begin May 17 at 2 p.m. at City Hall Plaza in front of Dallas City Hall.

Among the speakers at the Dallas event are Rev. William Owens Jr., author and Jihad Watch founder Robert Spencer, author and Rescue Christians founder Walid Shoebat and counter-terrorism expert David Gaubatz, author of “Muslim Mafia,” published by WND Books.

But the coalition wants ministers of all denominations to join in mass protest marches in all major American cities to “break the politically-correct conspiracy of silence which has concealed this immense crime against humanity.”

Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians” produces the evidence. It’s available at the WND Superstore

Broden said the coalition is marching “in the footsteps and spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” deriving its core inspiration from his admonition to confront evil openly.

“Our lives begin to end on the day that we become silent about things that matter,” King said.


Donald Sterling. Al Sharpton. One famous mostly in the precincts of Los Angeles, real estate, and sports. The other a household name.

Here’s the first man, quoted talking to a potential Clippers coach in 1983, as reported over at Deadspin, which has published what it calls “Your Complete Guide to Decades of Donald Sterling’s Racism”: “I wanna know why you think you can coach these ni–ers.”

And here’s Al Sharpton talking about then-New York Mayor David Dinkins, as was reported in this space: “David Dinkins.… You wanna be the only ni–er on television, the only ni–er in the newspaper, the only ni–er to talk.…Don’t cover them, don’t talk to them, cause you got the only ni–er problem….”

So it is nothing if not fitting to know the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP was set to honor both Donald Sterling and Al Sharpton — together — at a dinner on May 15, as the Los Angeles Times reported here. Sterling was set for a Lifetime Achievement Award and Sharpton for a “Person of the Year” award.

Now comes Sterling’s latest, a taped string of racial insults — and the NAACP is giving him the heave ho. But Sharpton? His lifetime of racialism nobody seems to mind. Only the other day Mr. Obama and his attorney general appeared at a gathering of — yes — Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.

And let’s recall: Just a few weeks back liberals were applauding Mozilla for dumping CEO Brendan Eich for making a $1,000 contribution to California’s Prop 8 that banned same-sex marriage. For this Eich was condemned as an anti-gay bigot. Yet, as we documented in the story in this space linked above, there is Al Sharpton big as life on video tape charging a TV audience member and bellowing: “You ain’t nothing, you a punk faggot. Now come on, do something!”

In spite of this, Sharpton gets his own MSNBC TV show, the president of the United States and the attorney general of the United States show up at his meetings, and the NAACP bestows on him an award. In a world of hypocrisies this one is hard to top.

But the Left will give it the yeoman try, as they always do. So let’s get to it. And the volunteer to step forward here is… Michael Tomasky over at the Daily Beast. As many have pointed out, Sterling contributed to two Democratic campaigns years ago, but Tomasky writes that — gasp! — Sterling is a registered Republican! Ohhhhhhhh the humanity!

In truth, neither Sterling’s contributions nor his registration are important. What’s important here is Mr. Sterling’s apparently long (forgive me, I stick with the Red Sox and until this controversy had never heard of Clippers owner Donald Sterling) record of racist comments. As word leaks that Sterling’s reputation on race was everywhere in Los Angeles — and the NAACP was willing to give him his award anyway until this latest flap — it emphasizes just how far this once stellar organization has gone to throwing away its moral authority.

JANET LEVY: Muslim School Children in Britain are now Allowed to PRAISE the 9/11 and 7/7 Terrorist Attacks.

Muslim School Children in Britain are now ALLOWED to PRAISE the 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks. (NOTE: Jihad, required of all Muslims, is the holiest activity a Muslim can engage in to “honor” Allah).

Notice the use of the word “alleged” in the article below to describe “Operation Trojan Horse” – a jihadist plot to take over UK schools by campaigning for more Muslim teachers and administrators.

The British are such dhimmis at this point that a senior police chief CRITICIZED a decision to appoint a counter-terrorism expert to INVESTIGATE the scheme to seize control of the schools.

In Birmingham, Muslims have “taken over” secular state schools, ousted administrators and are running the schools under “strict Islamic principles.”

It’s far too late to say “G-d save the Queen.” ~ Janet Levy, Los Angeles

A Birmingham school at the heart of an alleged Islamist plot to take over state institutions allowed students to express ‘positive views’ about terrorism, it has been claimed.

Park View School in Alum Rock, which is under investigation over the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot, allegedly failed to challenge children’s opinions about the 7/7 and 9/11 atrocities due to ‘cultural sensitivity’.

It also reportedly advised staff not to bring soldiers into the school for visits, while one employee allegedly spoke of wanting an ‘Islamic state’, according to the British Humanist Association.

School at heart of alleged Muslim ‘Trojan Horse’ plot ‘allowed students to speak positively about 7/7 and 9/11 terrorist attacks’

Park View School allegedly let students speak ‘positively’ about terrorism
Reportedly failed to challenge pupil’s opinions about 7/7 and 9/11 attacks
Also apparently advised staff not to bring soldiers into school for visits
Claims made by ex-employees, according to British Humanist Association
Many have been denied by the maths and science academy in Alum Rock
Comes days after 18 schools at centre of alleged plot were named in list
Institutions include Gracelands Nursey School and Golden Hillock School
Among 25 schools under investigation by Ofsted over ‘Trojan Horse’ plot



Top Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R.-Washington) is walking back comments attributed to her that Obamacare can’t be repealed. But she’s not the only one suggesting that the goal should be making changes within the framework of the health law. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.-KY) says the goal is to get the law “fixed.” Apparently a lot of Republican lawmakers still haven’t read the law. If they had, they’d know the framework is corrupt.

Even presidential hopeful Senator Rand Paul (R.-KY) speculated on Friday that repeal is unlikely because it will be “difficult to turn back the clock back.”

Nonsense. Even by the most inflated Obama administration claims, some 8 million people have signed up for exchange plans, out of a nation of 318 million. Obamacare is repealable, and should be replaced with a plan to cover the uninsured and reduce costs.

Obamacare’s authors paid lip service to these goals but had an ulterior motive: forging a permanent Democratic majority. The law creates a huge infrastructure for enrolling millions of people not just in healthcare but also for food stamps, housing assistance, and other welfare programs – and registering them to vote.

Here are the pillars of this corrupt scheme. None of the minor fixes Republicans are discussing come even close to sweeping away this corruption.


Readers of the New York Times magazine on April 25, 2014 might have been surprised at a story by Eric Konigsberg on the 1976 murder of Anna Aquash. The article of nearly 5,500 words came headlined “Who Killed Anna Mae?” and the answer solves the question why it took nearly forty years for such a piece to appear.

Konigsberg, a former reporter for the New York Times and author of Blood Relation, explains that a South Dakota rancher found the badly decomposed body of a woman who had been shot at close range through the back of the head. The victim was Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, a key player in the American Indian Movement, a “radical” group of Native American militants founded in 1968, the same year as the Black Panthers, “the movement’s model.”

Konigsberg is right about that but after all this time many readers may be as unfamiliar with these groups as they are with Anna Aquash. The Black Panthers and AIM both saw America as intrinsically oppressive and racist, with racism part and parcel of government, the military and law enforcement. Both movements demonized a “white” American governing establishment and saw revolutionary violence and separatism as the only path to change.

“These white people think this country belongs to them,” Anna Aquash once wrote. She was a Mikmaq Indian from Canada who came south to join with AIM and fight the “raggedy-ass pilgrims” who took the land from the Indians back in the day. In 1973 at Wounded Knee, where the US Cavalry killed 200 Indians in 1890, AIM took up arms in a 10-week standoff with the National Guard, the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI. There at Wounded Knee Anna Aquash met Dennis Banks, along with Russell Means AIM’s most high-profile leader.

Aquash was having an affair with Banks when he was still involved in a common-law marriage with Darlene “Kamook” Nichols. That did not sit well with some movement women of different tribal affiliations, and they saw the affair as a threat to AIM’s stability. At the same time, Konigsberg notes AIM had become “a vortex of paranoia” with factions charging that some members were “pigs” and collaborators.