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Delivering the keynote address of this week’s European tour, President Obama rejected Russia’s invasion of Ukraine point-by-point with lawyerly logic. If the stately Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels on Wednesday had been the Oxford Union debating society, the American would have carried the evening.

But Vladimir Putin has no time for another tutorial “that in the 21st century the borders of Europe cannot be redrawn with force, that international law matters.” He gobbled up Crimea in three weeks at zero cost in the 21st century and may want a bigger chunk of Ukraine’s south or east. Nothing Mr. Obama said or did in Europe gives the Russian leader a compelling reason to rethink his assault on the post-Cold War order.



Liberals say they believe in a living Constitution, and apparently they think the Affordable Care Act is a living document too. Amid one more last-minute regulatory delay, number 38 at last count, the mandate forcing nuns to sponsor birth control is more or less the only part of ObamaCare that is still intact.

On Tuesday evening, the Health and Human Services Department announced that the six-month open enrollment period for ObamaCare insurance that began in October 2013 and was supposed to end on the last day of March would be extended indefinitely. As long as people self-attest and check a box that they had some difficulty signing up on with the 36 federal insurance exchanges, the deadline will no longer obtain.

This delay is particularly notable because HHS factotums denied up and down that it was ever the remotest possibility and even that the agency lacked any legal basis to do so. The statute directed HHS to declare an enrollment period by June 2012 and provided for no ex post facto rewrites.

HHS spokeswoman Julie Bataille told reporters on a March 10 conference call that, “We have no plans to extend the open enrollment period. In fact, we don’t actually have the statutory authority to extend the open enrollment period in 2014.” Texas Republican Kevin Brady asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a March 12 House Ways and Means hearing “Are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond March 31?” She replied categorically, “No, sir” and “There is no delay beyond March 31.”



This is not a new subject. It would be to the mainstream media. To the dhimmitudal denizens of this particular subject of enquiry, Islam, as a “religion of peace” and a belief system, is above reproach, even when its true believers and activists are blowing up non-believers by the dozens, hundreds, and even thousands, or machine-gunning them or taking machetes to them. Islam is untouchable. To question its nature leaves news media denizens with dropped jaws one can hear thud on the floor. It leaves them aghast and in horror.

To them, Islam can do no wrong. There’s nothing wrong with it that a little patience and interfaith dialogue can’t resolve. It’s a needless cultural clash that can be reconciled peacefully. A negotiated settlement is possible. Muslims just want to be left alone and not be stereotyped or mocked or defamed. All the mullahs and imams need to do is put a leash on Islam’s hotheads to curb their youthful – and oft times middle-aged – exuberance, and then everyone can grab a ribbon and dance around the Maypole of Diversity to the tune of a Tiny Tim song.

But the pathology inherent in doctrinal Islam – and that which inhabits its passive and aggressive adherents – has been discussed in the past in non-mainstream media, sometimes effectively, sometimes not. For example, Soren Kern, in his Gatestone article of March 24th, “UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam,” takes to task both the idea of multiculturalism and the British authorities on the sex-grooming Muslim gangs that have apparently been preying on non-Muslim school girls for at least twenty years.

Kern’s article is mostly a discussion of Peter McLoughlin’s exhaustive report, “Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery,” which details how officials in England and Wales were aware of rampant child grooming – the process by which sexual predators befriend and build trust with children in order to prepare them for abuse – by Muslim gangs since at least 1988, with the knowledge of the authorities. The report is 333 pages long and worth reading – as long as you have a supply of Valium on hand and are not susceptible to high blood pressure. Kern writes:

Rather than take steps to protect British children, however, police, social workers, teachers, neighbors, politicians and the media deliberately downplayed the severity of the crimes perpetrated by the grooming gangs to avoid being accused of “Islamophobia” or “racism.”



Earlier today, a jury in Manhattan federal court convicted Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, of al Qaeda’s conspiracy to mass-murder Americans, as well as providing material support to the terror network. I discussed the case here, and Ben Weiser’s report at the New York Times is here.

The result is cause for celebration, including for those of us who can separate public policy disputes from justice in individual cases. I have been arguing for many years that alien enemy combatants should not be given civilian trials, particularly while the war is still ongoing—and while the country certainly does not seem to be on a war footing, we are still have troops in harm’s way, we are still in armed combat against al Qaeda and its allies under a congressional authorization of force, and the Obama administration is still using lethal force against al Qaeda operatives under the laws of war. But regardless of whether I ever succeed in persuading the government on how enemy-combatant terrorists should be treated—the current administration is dead set against my position—I still want the United States to convict culpable terrorists, no matter where the trials happen, civilian or military court. The policy debate is by definition political (in the non-pejorative sense of “political”); but no one should want to see the trials themselves politicized.

Alas, Attorney General Holder cannot help himself. Here is part of the press release he put out after Abu Ghaith’s conviction:

I want to especially note that this verdict has proven that proceedings such as these can safely occur in the city I am proud to call home, as in other locations across our great nation. It was appropriate that this defendant, who publicly rejoiced over the attacks on the World Trade Center, faced trial in the shadow of where those buildings once stood.

We never doubted the ability of our Article III court system to administer justice swiftly in this case, as it has in hundreds of other cases involving terrorism defendants. It would be a good thing for the country if this case has the result of putting that political debate to rest. This outcome vindicates the government’s approach to securing convictions against not only this particular defendant, but also other senior leaders of al Qaeda.

Israel as a ‘Crazy State’: A New Definition for Political Science? Professor Louis Rene Beres

No government on this earth has any legal right to free terrorists as a “gesture for peace.”


When I was still a young political science professor, back in the 1970s, the term “crazy state” was used sparingly in the lexicon of academic nuclear strategy. More precisely, it was referenced in assorted learned discussions of countries that may sometime be controlled by irrational national leaders, and could therefore depart from usual rules of mutual deterrence. The potential consequence of any such departure, we had already understood, could have included nuclear aggression, or perhaps even nuclear war.

A ready example, back then, would have been a nuclear Iraq (remember Saddam Hussein and Osirak?).

Today, I am prepared to advance an altogether different but equally useful meaning of “crazy state.” This definition is any country, but in particular, one that is half the size of America’s Lake Michigan, and beleaguered by determinedly existential foes that would willfully trade its terrorist prisoners for presumed enemy “good will.” Even crazier, of course, is any such country that had already made this self-destructive set of concessions several times in the past, always with a conspicuous lack of success, and always with the result of eliciting more terrorism.

Soon, Israel could become this new sort of “crazy state.” Indeed, by the end of this month, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is expected to free more Palestinian terrorists in the latest “round” of formally negotiated releases. Once again, many of those killers scheduled to be released had been directly involved with the burning, maiming, torturing and murder of Israeli noncombatants. Absolutely no one questions this heinous criminal involvement, least of all, the perpetrators.

Bin Laden’s Son-in-Law Convicted Andrew C. McCarthy


A federal jury in Manhattan has convicted Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Osama bin Laden’s confidant, spokesman and son-in-law, of a terrorist conspiracy to kill Americans and providing material support to al Qaeda. It did not take long: the jury’s announced its verdict during the second day of deliberations in the three-week trial.

Some quick observations:

This case was very strong, made all the stronger by the risky defense strategy. Under federal law, once a conspiracy is proved to exist, very little evidence is required to link a conspirator to it—basically, the prosecutor just needs to show that the defendant knew about the conspiracy’s objectives and joined in them as something he wanted to achieve. Abu Ghaith conceded the existence of the al Qaeda conspiracy, admitted he knew that killing Americans was one of its objectives, and intentionally performed acts—including putting out menacing statements from bin Laden after 9/11—that were helpful to the conspiracy. The hair he tried to split was that his motive was to speak out on behalf of Muslims globally rather than al Qaeda specifically. Aside from being untrue, that’s not a defense: From a strictly legal standpoint, there’s nothing inconsistent in being subjectively motivated to help Muslims worldwide and joining al Qaeda’s jihad against the West.

Abu Ghaith attempted the same defense that the Blind Sheikh tried when I prosecuted him back in the Nineties: namely, that the jury should understand that his threats and incitements in al Qaeda’s cause not as co-conspirator statements but as the preachments of a theologian performing the traditional role of an imam. Sadly, there is nothing inconsistent in these two things, either: There are commands to brutality in Islamic scripture, and if one resorts to them in the course of inciting jihadist violence, one is furthering a terrorist conspiracy even if one also happens to be an imam. Moreover, even if there were anything to the “theology” claim, several of Abu Ghaith’s assertions (e.g., announcing three weeks after 9/11 that “the storm of airplanes will not abate”) were black-and-white extortionate threats and difficult to rationalize as “theology.”



Wolfgang Pauli once said of a young physicist’s work, “It is not even wrong.” The put-down applies to Republican thinking about Russia: my conservative colleagues don’t even know what the ruckus is about. The Germans know, and that’s why Chancellor Angela Merkel today opposed sanctions against Russia except in the case of further aggression. Her position was echoed by former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

Sanctions would throw B’rer Putin into the Briar, er, Bamboo Patch.

A specter is haunting Europe, and that is the specter of a Russian-Chinese alliance at the expense of Europe. China is dynamic, and its dynamism is transforming the “Silk Road” countries that lie across Russia’s southern border. China is building high-speed rail and high-speed internet south to Rangoon and eastward to Istanbul, intent on transforming its neighbors into an export market for high-value-added manufacturing and high-tech products. It’s one of the most remarkable ventures in world economic history, and the most underreported story of the year. My conservative friends have been predicting China’s economic demise every year for the past dozen, and have been wrong each time. They notice the elephant dung, but ignore the elephant.

China’s appetite for Siberian resources, including hydrocarbons and perhaps including water, is limitless. The Russians and Chinese have every reason to suspect each other. But if they put their differences aside, the economic synergies would be extensive. What should worry the West is the prospective synergies in military technology as well. Russia is rolling out the S500 air defense system. We shuddered at the prospect that Russia might provide its 20-year-old S300 system to Damascus or Tehran; we really don’t know how much better the new iteration is, but it might be a great deal better. Chinese rocketry already is good enough to sink any American ship within several hundred miles of its coastline. We really don’t want them to get together.



Schama is a historian but one more at home as a modern television personality where authentic history is not always apparent.

Schama started what he called the story, strangely not the history, at a period some 3,000 years ago. But that timeline was already ancient Jewish history, which essentially is nearer 4,000 years old.

Schama should have started a program about the History of the Jews with the first Jew, Abraham, he who is called the Holy Convert, and portray his arrival from Ur of the Chaldees to Hebron with his purchase of the burial plot in the field and nearby cave of Machpela. That was already one thousand years before Schama began his “story.”

Everything began with Abraham’s relationship with God and the profound earth shattering acceptance of the Oneness and Unity of Him – the essential and utterly pure Jewish belief in monotheism which precludes attribution of divine powers to any other than the One and Only Supreme Being; invisible and indivisible.

The following events in the lives of Isaac and Jacob, who with their wives, the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, at the very least, should have been accorded the importance they demand. They were the very progenitors of the Jewish people. But they were barely mentioned.

Lessons for Israel From America’s Civil War in Coping With Treason- Steven Plaut


Israel is currently under a worldwide assault, one whose foundations are anti-Semitism. The campaign of demonization and delegitimizing has many forms, including the economic warfare of the “Boycott, Divest, Sanctions” movement or BDS. The goal of the campaign is the annihilation of Israel and its population, and victory for the movement of Arab terrorism and Islamofascism.

It is impossible to understand fully this assault against Israel and the Jews without an appreciation of the role of Israeli leftwing traitors, collaborating with anti-Israel Arab nationalists. From the beginning, the initiatives calling for worldwide boycotts of Israel have come from a small group of disloyal radical leftist Israelis, many of them holding tenured positions at Israeli universities. These lead the calls for boycotts against their own country and their own employers. They provide a figleaf of respectability for anti-Semites around the world who can claim that even “progressive” Israelis are endorsing their campaign to boycott Israel and Israeli institutions. The disloyal tenured radicals are also the inventors of the canard that Israel is an apartheid regime. They are the moral equivalents of Vichy French and other European collaborators with Nazi Germany during World War II. Their aim is to provide legitimacy, aid and comfort to the enemies of their own country.

The belligerence of the Israeli Radical Left is not restricted to endorsements of BDS. Radical Leftists in Israel have led campaigns for mutiny and insurrection among soldiers designed to persuade Israelis to refuse to serve in the military. The Radical Left wants to impose its political agenda on the country undemocratically, by conditioning army service on the adoption of its own political agenda. (Some rightwing groups have also called upon Israelis to refuse to serve in the military unless their own political agenda is adopted.) In some cases, the radical Leftists have openly endorsed terrorism and violence. In almost all cases the Radical Left opposes freedom of speech for non-leftists.


The Mideast Test — on The Glazov Gang at the West Coast Retreat in Palos Verdes
Caroline Glick, Robert Spencer and Raymond Ibrahim grapple with the threats emanating from the Islamic Middle East.