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Hillary Clinton Wants ‘Mass Movement’ on Climate Change By Ken Thomas


Hillary Rodham Clinton says young people understand the significant threat of climate change and that she hopes there will be a mass movement that demands political change.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate says at a Clinton Global Initiative University panel that young people are much more committed to doing something to address climate change. Clinton says it isn’t “just some ancillary issue” but will determine the quality of life for many people.

The former secretary of state cited global warming as a major issue that students could face in the future.

She made the comments Saturday during an interview with late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel at Arizona State University. The weekend gathering also features former President Bill Clinton and their daughter, Chelsea.

Our World: Why Bring Down Ya’alon? By CAROLINE B. GLICK

The media chose to focus the campaign against Ya’alon on his purported irresponsibility and loose lips because they cannot argue with him on substance.


The media chose to focus the campaign against Ya’alon on his purported irresponsibility and loose lips because they cannot argue with him on substance.
US Secretary of State Chuck Hagel and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon. Photo: Courtesy of Ministry of Defense
If this is a coincidence, it is an extraordinary one. Twice in less than two months, remarks that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon made in closed forums about key issues on Israel’s national security agenda were leaked to the media. In both cases, the media used the leaked remarks to foment a crisis in relations between Israel and the Obama administration.

In both cases, the Obama administration has used the opportunities created by the Israeli media to bash Ya’alon and pressure Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to fire him.

In January, Yediot Aharonot leaked Ya’alon’s private remarks about US Secretary of State John Kerry’s irrational focus on the mordant peace process between Israel and the Palestinians at a time when there is both relative peace in Israel, and Israel’s neighbors are undergoing political upheavals and civil war. Together with the other two musketeers of Israel’s far-left media – Haaretz and Channel 2, Yediot used the story to provoke a fight between the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration. Acting on cue, the White House and State Department demanded that Ya’alon apologize for remarks that were made in private. Ya’alon sufficed with a terse statement that he was sorry if anyone took offense from his private remarks.

And now, two months later, Ya’alon’s remarks have been leaked again.


One Reason It May Be Harder to Find Flight 370: We Messed Up the Currents
How climate change factors into the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight.

UPDATE: 10:15am, March 24, 2014: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced to a late-night press conference that according to a new data analysis performed by British specialists, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean. Malaysia Airlines confirmed the plane’s fate in text messages sent to relatives of Chinese passengers: “Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived… we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean.”

“Scientists say man-made climate change has fundamentally altered the currents of the vast, deep oceans where investigators are currently scouring for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight, setting a complex stage for the ongoing search for MH370. If the Boeing 777 did plunge into the ocean somewhere in the vicinity of where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean, the location where its debris finally ends up, if found at all, may be vastly different from where investigators could have anticipated 30 years ago.

The search of 8,880 square miles of ocean has yet to turn up signs of the missing flight.

Even if the fragments captured in satellite images are identified as being part of the jet, which Malaysian officials say deliberately flew off course on March 8, investigators coordinated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority will still have an enormous task to locate remaining parts of the plane and its flight recorders. Among the assets deployed in the search—including a multinational array of military and civil naval resources—are data modelers, whose task will be reconciling regional air and water currents with local weather patterns to produce a possible debris field. “Data marker buoys” are being dropped into the ocean to assist in providing “information about water movement to assist in drift modeling,” John Young from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority told a press conference in Canberra on Thursday.

While longer-term climate shifts are unlikely to play into day-to-day search and rescue efforts, these large climate-affected currents—among them the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the world’s most powerful ocean system—are an essential factor in oceanographers’ understanding of the literal undercurrents of search operations.

90 Reasons Not to Create a Palestinian State -Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn

Now about those 90 rockets. A Palestinian state in Judea-Samaria would mean that the border with Palestine would reach the outskirts of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


The 90 rockets fired at Israel by Palestinian Arab terrorists in Gaza on Wednesday are not just another round of the same old Middle East turmoil to which the world is unfortunately accustomed. Coming just as US Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to conclude a deal to create a Palestinian state, the rockets offer 90 vivid demonstrations of why such a state must not be created.

For years, the international community badgered Israel to withdraw from Gaza. Israelis were told that if only the occupation ended, the Palestinians would embrace peace. That the presence of Israeli soldiers and the Jewish communities in Gaza were the obstacles to peace. That once Israel withdrew, the Gaza Palestinians would no longer have a reason to attack Israel. And that “if even a single missile were fired into Israel from Gaza,” the IDF would be justified in re-occupying the area.

At the time, Israeli military experts warned that withdrawal was dangerous.

That Gaza was a vital security belt for Israel’s southwestern frontier, and a buffer between Israel and unstable Egypt. That Gaza under Palestinian control would become a breeding ground for terrorists and one huge storage depot for weapons to be used against Israel.

But eventually, the international pressure became unbearable. The constant hectoring by State Department officials and New York Times columnists and European Union envoys wore down Israel’s leaders. They decided to gamble. In 2005, with no demands or preconditions, Israel withdrew all its soldiers from Gaza and forcibly evicted the area’s 10,000 Jewish residents.



If Henry Kissinger were dead, he’d be spinning in his grave. The fact that he is very much alive is a good thing that may make us dream of the day when someone with the essential education, skills, and training will again be in charge of our foreign policy.

Unfortunately, no such person is and one of the men most observant of our sad condition is in a position to take advantage of it. Vladimir Putin, Russia’s often bare-chested strongman, has managed with very little effort and hardly a shot fired not only to destabilize Europe but to do so in a way that makes the European governments and our president believe that it is too hard, too expensive, and too dangerous to do anything about it. Putin’s managed to bring back the atmosphere of the Cold War — the intimidation that the Soviets brought about — so easily it’s almost admirable.

Putin’s swallowing of the Crimea has everyone gushing with guesses and running for cover. Where will he strike next? Is it Georgia, which he nearly took over in 2008 in an invasion of South Ossetia (which he’s kept)? Will it be the rest of Ukraine? NATO’s top military commander, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, told a conference the other day that “The (Russian) force that is at the Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizeable and very, very ready.” Will Putin strike somewhere else or not at all? How long will he wait before he tries something else?

Putin, who must be a superb poker player, has no reason to tell us. Why end the suspense when you’re positioning yourself to retake more of what used to parts of the Soviet Union without any real interference? Keeping everyone off balance is so easy, why end the fun?



If you thought that the Board of Eduation in NYC was largely responsible for a malfunctioning school system, here’s an incident showing the improbable actions of our justice system in reversing a ruling that reflected rare common sense and discipline. Two female teachers in their thirties were found on the floor in a classroom at Madison High School in Brooklyn; they were topless and the room was dark on an evening when a student performance was taking place in the auditorium. Witnesses reported seeing the women undressed – one of them described seeing one of the teachers kneeling between the legs of the other one. The teachers were both fired.

Let’s assume that witnesses sometimes get facts wrong and let’s accept the highly creative defense argument that one woman was administering insulin to her colleague who suffers from diabetes. Possibly some of the judges who reversed the firing may suffer from this disease as well and might have asked themselves whether they remembered to remove their shirts and bras in order to get an insulin shot. They might also search their minds to think of any other systemic disease that requires injections into the breast as opposed to arm or buttock. George Costanza, the compulsive neurotic on “Seinfeld” took off his shirt before sitting on the bathroom commode – the writers understood that this would get a huge laugh precisely because it was so ridiculous. Do appellate judges lack a sense of humor?

Like Gilbert & Sullivan’s Mikado, the justices felt that this punishment didn’t fit the crime because there was no crime. The behavior occurred between consenting adults. So let’s pretend that what’s obvious isn’t, and that school principals aren’t capable of recognizing behavior, character and judgement unsuitable for those who are role models for our students. The judges felt that no students had witnessed this event – but they all certainly heard about it faster than anyone could say: “check out the NY Post, the Daily News, the local news on tv and the internet.” Does using the classroom for a tryst – oops, an emergency room for topless medical care – have to be a crime in order for employers to decide that people who do this shouldn’t be teaching teenaged kids? How long would an employer keep two nurses who were undressed and using a hospital room for their relaxation or medicinal needs? How long would you keep a nanny found undressed with another person in her room while the children were asleep? Shouldn’t a school be treated with greater consideration than most workplaces precisely because young people are meant to look up to and respect their teachers as part of society’s attempt to mold character?

Saudi Arabia Refuses Visa to American Jewish JournalistBy: Lori Lowenthal Marcus

Saudi Arabia denied a visa to a White House press corps reporter from the Jerusalem Post. The reporter is Jewish, but is not an Israeli. Plain old anti-Semitism.

Michael Wilner is the Jerusalem Post‘s reporter based in Washington, and its White House correspondent. He is an American Jew who does not have Israeli citizenship and has never lived in Israel.

About midday on Monday, March 24, Wilner tweeted, “Saudi Arabia has denied me a visa to cover Obama’s trip this week.”

Wilner is the only journalist in the press corps who was denied entry by Saudi Arabia.

The White House declined to comment publicly, but the Jerusalem Post reported that U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice specifically requested that the visa be granted. Tony Blinken, a special assistant to President Obama, was also reported to have issued a request to Adel bin Ahmed al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the U.S.

In another Twitter exchange, Wilner answered a reporter from AL Monitor who queried, “Any idea why?” [he was denied the visa.] “not the faintest idea” Wilner tweeted back.

European Elections Turn Nasty by Peter Martino


Geert Wilders’s political opponents called on those who felt “insulted” by Wilders to press criminal charges against him. The police have facilitated such complaints by providing pre-filled “Wilders forms” and offering to come to people’s homes if they intend to press charges, rather than having them come to the police station as is normal. The aim is clearly to bog Wilders down in costly court court cases, perhaps for years.

Smear campaigns are currently going on against Nigel Farage and Geert Wilders, Europe’s two most outspoken defendants of national sovereignty. The reason is obvious: the upcoming elections for the European Parliament on May 22nd and May 25th. In these elections, the citizens of the 28 member states of the European Union [EU] will decide whether or not they want to see their nation-states evaporate into a sort of United States of Europe ruled by the unelected, unaccountable and untransparent EU bureaucracy in Brussels.

The European political elite is trying to transform the EU, which started in 1957 as a vehicle for free trade and economic cooperation, into one Union to rule them all – a genuine pan-European state. This transformation process has been going on for decades, despite the clear opposition in many ancient European nations, whose people refuse to be reduced to provinces of a supra-national superstate.

Early last week, opinion polls in Austria, France, Denmark, Britain, the Netherlands and other countries, reaffirmed that parties opposing the EU project are set to become the biggest winners in May. However, while many of these parties want a less ambitious EU, two parties in particular – the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in Britain and the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands – advocate a downright exit of their respective nations from the EU. UKIP and the PVV are convinced that the very nature of the EU is flawed. Indeed, according to its 1957 preamble, the EU’s purpose is the forging of “an ever closer union” between its member states.

UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam by Soeren Kern


“[T]he agencies responsible for child-protection have almost entirely failed in their job to protect vulnerable children. From a fear of being called ‘racist,’ police forces across the country have buried the evidence…. Political correctness would be used to make sure that people did not speak about this phenomenon.” — from Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery

“[A] 2010 document by the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board stated that, ‘great care will be taken in drafting…this report to ensure that its findings embrace Rotherham’s qualities of diversity. It is imperative that discussions of a wider cultural phenomenon are avoided.'” — from Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery

British authorities enforcing political correctness have allowed Muslim paedophile gangs to sexually abuse children with impunity for more than two decades, according to a comprehensive new study that examines the harrowing epidemic of child grooming in towns and cities across Britain.

The meticulously documented report, entitled, “Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery,” shows how officials in England and Wales were aware of rampant child grooming—the process by which sexual predators befriend and build trust with children in order to prepare them for abuse—by Muslim gangs since at least 1988.

Rather than taking steps to protect British children, however, police, social workers, teachers, neighbors, politicians and the media deliberately downplayed the severity of the crimes perpetrated by the grooming gangs in order to avoid being accused of “Islamophobia” or racism.

The conspiracy of silence was not broken until November 2010, when it was leaked that police in Derbyshire had carried out an undercover investigation—dubbed Operation Retriever—and arrested 13 members of a Muslim gang for grooming up to 100 underage girls for sex.


California (Part III of III): 2014 Candidates for Congress – Where They Stand
To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).

District 31
Gary Miller (R) Incumbent and is Retiring


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Gary_Miller.htm **

Vying for District 31, Gary Miller’s seat:
Pete Aguilar(D) Challenger

Redlands Mayor, Lobbyist, Ex-Gubernatorial Aide and 2012 Candidate


Update: January 14, 2014: (San Bernardino, CA) The Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties voted unanimously to endorse Pete Aguilar’s bid for Congress in California’s 31st Congressional district, the Aguilar campaign announced today.
Paul Chabot (R) Challenger

Retired Navy Officer


District 32
Grace Napolitano (D) Incumbent




Rated +3 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


HEALTHCARE Voted for Affordable Care Act and against repeal

ECONOMY/JOBS/ENVIRONMENT Voted against Keystone XL Pipeline
Art Alas (R) Challenger

Former Professional Soccer Player



Over the past several years I’ve spent a lot of time talking to people in our district about the issues that matter most. Below are the areas we all agree are important for America and for the people of the San Gabriel Valley. Here is where I will focus my time and energy in Congress:

IMMIGRATION We must address the illegal immigrant population by tracking and deporting violent criminals immediately, and by offering a narrowly defined path to earned legalization for otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants. This process is NOT amnesty, and should consist of background checks, fines, evidence of financial responsibility, recommendation letters from sponsoring U.S. citizens, and conditional requirements such as military service or university education for young people who were brought to this country through no fault of their own.

INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY America was the first nation founded on the principle of natural individual rights. We all have equal rights which cannot be taken away.

It is this foundation of personal freedom and individual liberty that created the most prosperous and powerful nation in history.

It is no coincidence that people are happier, and more productive, when they keep the fruits of their own labor and remain the masters of their own destiny.

In the name of the “common good” we have seen a chipping away of the rights of the individual here in America. State’s rights have also eroded, while the power of the Federal government continues to grow unchecked.

Our nation would now be unrecognizable to the founding fathers. Our government takes a huge amount of our income. Individuals and businesses are subject to more regulations than anyone could ever keep track of. We are told which light bulbs we can buy, and which healthcare we are allowed to have. Our government spies on us, lies to us, and no longer seems to be accountable to the people.

District 33
Henry Waxman (D) Retiring in 2014


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Henry_Waxman.htm **

WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Henry A. Waxman, a senior Democrat from California, who has played a leading role in the enactment of major health, consumer protection, environmental, telecommunications, and good government laws, released the following statement announcing his decision not to seek reelection to the House this fall:

“In 1974, I announced my first campaign for Congress. Today, I am announcing that I have run my last campaign. I will not seek reelection to the Congress and will leave after 40 years in office at the end of this year.

Vying for District 33, Henry Waxman’s (D) seat:
Elan Carr (R) Challenger

Carr is a former military officer who still serves in the Army Reserves. Carr could get into the runoff if the Democratic candidates split their party’s votes enough to allow him to finish second in the June primary.

Wendy Greuel (D) Challenger


Now that he’s decided to retire, I’m rolling up my sleeves to carry on his amazing legacy. – See more at: http://www.wendygreuel.org/#sthash.oklce1nC.dpuf
Ted Lieu (D) Challenger


 Providing college students with low-interest loans
 Expanding funding for public schools
 Strengthening the Affordable Care Act
 Protecting Social Security and Medicare
 Raising the minimum wage
 Fighting for middle class families
 Protecting and supporting our veterans
 Reducing climate change

District 34
Two Democrats, Xavier Beceerra and Adrienne Edwards will run until the general election in November 2014
Xavier Becerra (D) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Xavier_Becerra.htm **

Rated +1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



ENERGY – ECONOMY/JOBS/ENVIRONMENT http://becerra.house.gov/energy-environment/ : Supported historic legislation during the Democratic-led 110th Congress to require higher vehicle fuel economy and invest in the new natural sources of energy that are made in America (see below for details).

Today, Congressman Becerra steadfastly opposes efforts in the current Republican-led Congress to slash clean energy investments, defund the agency responsible for going after speculators who drive up prices, weaken the Clean Air Act and protect subsidies for the big oil companies that are making record profits off the backs of American workers.

Voted against Keystone XL Pipeline

HEALTHCARE http://becerra.house.gov/health-care/ The Affordable Care Act: On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act. As a member of House Democratic leadership, Congressman Becerra worked hard to make the dream of quality, affordable health care a reality for Americans families.

IMMIGRATION http://becerra.house.gov/immigration/ H.R. 15, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill – On October 2, 2013, Congressman Becerra announced that he is cosponsoring a comprehensive immigration reform bill, H.R. 15, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, that was introduced by Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL) and many other House Democrats.
Adrienne Edwards (D) Challenger

District 35
Gloria Negrete McLeod (D) Is not seeking reelection


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Gloria_Negrete_McLeod.htm **
Norma Torres (D) Challenger

Senator Norma J. Torres was elected to represent the 32nd Senate District which includes Bloomington, Chino, Colton, Fontana, Montclair, Muscoy, Ontario, Pomona, Rialto, and San Bernardino. She previously served as a State Assemblywoman, Pomona City Council, and Pomona Mayor.

Christina Gagnier (D) Challenger
My father battled cancer for six years and passed away when I was twelve years old. It took an emotional and financial toll on our family. My mother was in the position of supporting our family and managing my father’s treatments.
We have overlooked the obstacles that caregivers face in the midst of managing the care of a sick loved one. Whether it is financial issues, sometimes as simple as not having bus fare to get to a sick child, or it is medical bills piling up, our systems are not providing adequate support.
Now that we have affordable care, it must also be accessible care. We must ensure resources are easy to use and accessible. Our policies and technology systems when it comes to providing healthcare must keep pace with one another.
I became a candidate to run to serve as your representative the same week as International Women’s Day. It was a reminder for me that women have fought hard so that I could have the opportunity to run my own business and run for office. I had the example of a hard-working mother who took care of my father as he was dying and had to forge forward as a single mother raising me and working full-time.
But, while great strides have been made, we have a long way to go.
Women should have the right to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health. A right to privacy when it comes to a woman’s health decisions is also critical.
Women are facing new threats, especially on the Internet. As a leader in an organization that works to combat online harassment, I hear stories of women on a daily basis who are being intimidated and harassed online. I want to ensure there are stricter civil and criminal penalties in place so these victims can get the justice they deserve. We must provide resources to women so they can educate and empower themselves.
I want to work to encourage women, especially our children, to pursue careers in technical fields and to create a more balanced workforce in some of our most innovative industries. I was extremely fortunate to grow up in a household where I was taught I could be whatever I wanted to be. We need to make sure all young women are empowered to make choices about their futures.
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face. It poses a dire threat to our economy, to national security and to the environment. Scientific consensus warns of intensifying weather events, food and water shortages and increasing global conflicts should we fail to take action. I will support policies aimed improving energy efficiency standards and increasing the use of renewable and clean energy sources. Not only would support for such policies reduce the risk of negative impacts of climate change, they would create well-paying jobs in the district and would reduce our economic vulnerability to foreign sources of energy.
Fuel Efficiency and Clean Transportation
California has long been a leader in automobile efficiency standards, and I support President Obama’s efforts to improve mileage standards in America’s automobile fleet. Smart policies that incentivize automobile manufacturers to make, and consumers to buy, fuel efficient cars will ultimately save consumers at the pump, reduce smog and other particulate emissions and reduce the risks of climate change.
I will also support local and regional efforts to improve mass transit and reduce traffic, which will be good for the economy and the environment.
Electrical Grid Security
In 2013, Representative Waxman and Senator Markey released a report highlighting the vulnerability of our nation’s electrical grid to cyberattacks and malicious hackers. Given the importance of electricity our economy and the interconnectedness of our electrical grid, we are extraordinarily vulnerable to attacks on the grid. As an expert on cybersecurity, I will bring valuable perspective to legislative efforts to address the vulnerabilities. We must push for stronger standards to keep our economy safe from cyber warfare.

District 36
Raul Ruiz M.D. (D) Incumbent

Became the first Latino to receive three graduate degrees from Harvard University – a Medical Doctorate, a Masters in Public Policy and a Masters in Public Health
Founded a pre-med mentorship program, the Future Physician Leaders program, for students from underserved communities who, like him in 1990, want to become doctors and return to their community to serve
Helped open clinics giving free care and health education to underserved communities throughout the Coachella Valley





HEALTHCARE Supported Obamacare, but on Nov. 13, 2013 In a rebuke to President Barack Obama and his threat of veto, Raul Ruiz voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Feb. 21, 2014 – The Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Rep. Raul Ruiz for reelection to the U.S. Congress for California’s 36th Congressional District, based on his strong record of protecting clean air and water, developing clean energy jobs, and preserving wild desert lands.

“Rep. Raul Ruiz has shown he’s dedicated to protecting our clean air and clean water and promoting local opportunities for clean energy jobs,” said Jono Hildner, Political Chair of the San Gorgonio Chapter of the Sierra Club. “He’s shown that he understands the importance of clean air and clean water for the health of our families, and the value of protecting wild places like Joshua Tree National Park. On promoting clean energy technologies that provide jobs in California, like rooftop solar panels and energy efficiency, Rep. Ruiz has been way ahead of the curve. Riverside County couldn’t ask for a more effective leader on local environmental issues than Rep. Raul Ruiz, and we are proud to endorse his candidacy for reelection in 2014.”

In Congress, Rep. Ruiz has voted to support clean energy and energy efficiency, protect clean water, and oppose unregulated fracking. He has also opposed fast-tracking for the Keystone XL pipeline and voted against bills to undermine government oversight of air and water pollution.

IMMIGRATION Immigrants from all over the world have made tremendous contributions to our society and our economy since the birth of our nation. Our immigrant families are an invaluable part of our communities in the 36th District

Our immigration system is broken, however. I am working with Democrats and Republicans toward a comprehensive immigration system that is rooted in common sense. For far too long, Congress has failed to act on a comprehensive plan for reform. I believe that any comprehensive immigration reform plan must be bipartisan, secure our borders, uphold the immigration laws we already have, protect our workers and businesses, and include a pathway to citizenship for those who work hard and play by the rules. It is time to put aside the political games and work together in a bipartisan effort to address this critical challenge

I strongly support passing the DREAM Act, which will provide our students who are in the United States through no fault of their own the opportunity to get a high-quality education, help grow our economy, and serve this country in our military and contribute to the future of the only nation they have ever called home.
Brian Nestande (R) Challenger

State Assemblyman, Public Relations Consultant & Ex-Congressional Aide




HEALTHCARE The new federal health care law is proving to be unworkable. What was promised by many to be “free healthcare” will actually force people into insurance exchanges that impose high deductibles and fees costing families thousands of dollars each year without improving the quality of care. In California alone, there are projections of premium increases of as much as 146%. We need to reform health care in a way that increases access and quality of care while reducing costs. A government-controlled program isn’t the answer.

IMMIGRATION There is no country in the world more welcoming to immigrants than America. As we debate a national immigration reform proposal, we need to balance border protection with the plight of immigrants here illegally. We need to pass immigration reform that strengthens control of our borders so we know who is entering the country; we need immigration reform that creates a guest worker program that strengthens our economy; and we need to address a permanent population of people here illegally.

NATIONAL SECURITY The number one priority of the federal government is to keep us safe from foreign threats. The American military has been spread thin across the globe in the War on Terror and as we draw down those foreign entanglements, we need to right-size the military to fit the needs of modern warfare. We need to reprioritize our military spending and refocus our national security interests to real threats to our homeland.

District 37
Karen Bass (D) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Karen_Bass.htm **

Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT http://bass.house.gov/issue/energy-and-environment Voted against the development of the Keystone XL pipeline

Congressmember Karen Bass understands that protecting the environment is a critical part of protecting the health of all Americans. Clean air and water and the preservation of natural resources are issues of utmost concern to protect both Americans today and of future generations. Combating climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing both our nation and the entire international community.

HEALTHCARE http://bass.house.gov/issue/health-care The passage of Affordable Care Act ensures that every American has access to affordable, quality health care. The Affordable Care Act also builds a strong health care workforce and promotes job creation. Even though Republicans have attempted to repeal health care dozens of times, Congressmember Bass has consistently voted against repealing this landmark bill and will continue to ensure it is fully implemented.
R.Adam King (R) Challenger

District 38
Linda Sanchez (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Linda_Sanchez.htm **



WOMEN http://lindasanchez.house.gov/index.php/issues-27713/women Working for Women: I am dedicated to advancing women’s rights. I always fight to ensure that every American woman receives equal treatment in the workplace and in school. I also advocate my hardest for policies that protect women’s health, and work to get more women and girls involved in their communities.

Ending Gender-Based Discrimination – Gender-based discrimination continues to be a big problem for women in the United States. Disparities between incomes of male and female workers are well-established. Despite recent efforts to reduce this income-gap, women still earn about 77% of their male counterparts.
Defending Women’s Health Care Access – I have always been a steadfast supporter of the Title X Family Planning program, which is designed to provide access to contraceptive services and women’s health education. I will continue to oppose cuts to Title X funding because they are vital to educating women and girls in California’s 38th Congressional District.

Benjamin Campos (R) Challenger


American exceptionalism is based on the generation of Ideas using ingenuity and creativity in finding solutions to meet the demands of a free society. Entrepreneurship, hard work, responsibility and discipline should be encouraged and seen as something to emulate. These are the traits which make America the greatest country in the world. No wonder our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honors for this country.
Our nation has seen many employers and businesses pick up and leave to neighboring countries. It is because of taxes, assessments and fees that are created to supposedly fill the budget gaps. Creating taxes to fill budget gaps does not work. It didn’t work in the 30’s or 70’s and it doesn’t work now. We must eliminate the alternative minimum tax (AMT), eliminate the phase out of the Rental Property Losses and eliminate the double taxation of dividends. Bottom line reducing taxes stimulates the economy.
We can be the world’s number one producer of energy by opening up an unprecedented number of offshore areas for drilling, develop federal lands which have proven oil reserves and explore alternative energy sources that are self sustainable and do not require government subsidies to remain solvent. This will strengthen our independence from foreign energy and create American jobs that will keep our dollars here and away from those who wish to do us harm.

District 39
Ed Royce (R) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Ed_Royce.htm **

Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



ENVIRONMENT I am a strong supporter of environmental stewardship, but the benefits of the Democrat’s Cap and Trade plan are too low and the costs to Americans too high.

Cap and trade is one way to attempt to manage pollution – most notably carbon dioxide. In its current form the Democrats want to force companies who emit pollution to buy permits to release more pollution than what they are allotted. Those who emit less can sell their unused allotment to others who emit more. Cap-and-trade has been tried in Europe, and has had no effect whatsoever on CO2 emissions, but it has had a harmful effect on the economy.

HEALTHCARE Problems in our health care system need addressing. But adding more government into a system already dominated by red tape and bloated bureaucracies is not the answer. We are faced with trillion dollar deficits for years to come. Now is not the time to pile on a $2 trillion entitlement.

Instead of empowering bureaucrats, we should empower doctors and patients through market-based changes to our existing system that will enhance consumer choice and encourage greater competition.

Former Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid’s government takeover of healthcare imposes a new tax on business, which will destroy current and new jobs during a time when millions of Americans are already unemployed. This is why, one of the first votes taken in the 112th Congress was the repeal of Obamacare.

IMMIGRATION As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe that when it comes to immigration policy, national security should be our main priority. This is why I am focused on a sound border enforcement plan.

I have held hearings to discuss the problem of our porous borders. During a hearing, “Checking Terrorism at the Border,” Members heard that terrorists had defrauded America’s border security and immigration system, including many since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. One of the witnesses, an individual experienced as a top security official in the immigration field, told Members in frank terms that top immigration officials aren’t taking seriously their responsibility to counter terrorism.

No Challenger

District 40
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Lucille_Roybal-Allard.htm **


Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT I remain committed to responsible environmental policy for our Los Angeles region and the nation and will continue to support Congressional initiatives to put the United States in the forefront as a global leader in climate change.

HEALTHCARE I supported passage of comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to improve access to quality affordable care and help us begin to reign in the explosive costs of health care in this nation. In the 34th Congressional District, where almost 40 percent of our community is uninsured, this law will extend coverage to 179,000 residents currently without insurance. The new law improves Medicare for 59,000 seniors in our congressional district by putting us on a path toward closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole” when beneficiaries are responsible for the full cost of their drugs.

The new law is already working: insurance plans are now prohibited from denying coverage to children with preexisting conditions and young adults can stay on their parents’ health plans until 26. In 2014 adults with preexisting conditions will be protected as well.

IMMIGRATION http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Lucille_Roybal-Allard_Immigration.htm While I continue to press for a sweeping set of reforms, I have also introduced legislation to specifically address some of our immigration system’s most egregious shortcomings. For example, HR 1842, the DREAM Act I co-authored with Congressman Howard Berman would enable millions of undocumented young people to fulfill their God-given potential, give back to their communities and ultimately obtain U.S. citizenship. It would also serve our national interest by reducing the deficit, contributing to economic growth and enabling our armed services to meet their recruiting goals.

In addition, I have introduced legislation-HR 933, the Immigration Fairness and Oversight Act-to combat the widespread pattern of abuse in America’s immigrant detention system. This bill will strengthen and codify existing detention standards, ensuring that every detainee has access to legal advice and necessary medical care. It will also bring robust oversight and new accountability to a system that for too long has escaped close scrutiny.

No Challenger

District 41
Mark Takano (D) Incumbent


Elected in 2012-“When I first ran for Congress in the 1990s, my background as an openly gay Asian was one of the focal points of the campaign, and in fact my opponent attacked me for it,” says Takano.


ENVIRONMENT http://takano.house.gov/issues/energy-and-environment Climate Change: Climate change is real and is one of the most serious issues we face as a global community. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century and is projected to rise between 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Though small, these changes in temperature can have a tremendous effect on our planet. We have already seen the impact. From changes in weather patterns, to an increase in droughts, floods, and superstorms, we know that the ice caps will continue to melt and water levels will continue to rise if we do nothing to combat climate change. I am committed to policies that promote the research and development of alternative energy technologies, strengthening environmental standards that lower our emissions, and invest in initiatives that conserve energy and expand the use public transportation.

HEALTHCARE http://takano.house.gov/issues/health-care I am a vocal advocate for quality, affordable health care for everyone in the Inland Empire. My top priorities are to support the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, and attract physicians to provide care in our region.

IMMIGRATION http://takano.house.gov/issues/immigration Pathway to Citizenship: I support a comprehensive immigration reform plan that includes a fair but tough pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. It is not enough to expand visas for high skilled employees and agricultural workers while hoping that the rest of the 11 million immigrants living in this country self-deport. Those who have worked hard, have lived in this country without committing serious criminal offenses, and believe in the American Dream should be given the opportunity to follow a path to become citizens. However, supporting a pathway like this does not prioritize undocumented immigrants over those currently awaiting naturalization and clearing any backlog should be prioritized.

DREAM Act: I believe that young people who were brought to the United States at a young age and raised as American’s deserve the opportunity to stay in this country and receive an education. The DREAM Act would provide temporary legal status for these immigrants, provided they attend college or join the military. This legislation also removes the federal penalties for states that do not take into account immigration status in the provision of college financial aid. The DREAM Act was passed by the House of Representatives in 2010, but was held up by Senate. As the 113th Congress addresses immigration reform, I will be pushing for the DREAM Act’s inclusion in any comprehensive bill.
Steve Adams (R) Challenger

Riverside City Councilman and Retired Police Officer



District 42
Ken Calvert (R) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Ken_Calvert.htm **

Rated -4 by AAI, indicating anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


IMMIGRATION First, I am wholeheartedly against amnesty. I believe it is inherently unfair to give legal status to those whose first actions were to break our laws. Below are some of the initiatives I support to deter illegal immigration, increase interior enforcement and keep our border secure:

The Secure Fence Act (Public Law 109-367). Mandated the Department of Homeland Security to build 700 miles of fence on the southern border.
The Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 2164). Makes employment verification mandatory for all employers in the U.S.
The SAVE Act (H.R. 2000). Fortifies border protection, requires mandatory employment verification, and increases interior enforcement.
Citizenship Reform (H.R. 140). Denies citizenship to an individual born in the U.S. if both parents are illegal immigrants or do not reside in the U.S legally.
Unlawful Border Entry Prevention Act (H.R. 1091). Provides for additional double-layer fencing along the southern border.
English Only (H.R. 997). Declares English the official language of the United States.
I am a member of the Reclaim American Jobs Congressional Caucus and the Immigration Reform Caucus.

You may also be interested to know that in 1996 I created the E-Verify program, the only tool available for employers to voluntarily check the legal work status of newly hired employees. I have worked steadily over the years to expand E-Verify and make it mandatory. With Republicans in control of the House this Congress, it may be our best chance to finally make E-Verify mandatory for all employers in the U.S.

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT The President’s objections to the Keystone XL Pipeline were based on environmental concerns. The oil that would have flowed through the pipeline from Canada will still be extracted under strict environmental standards. Furthermore, the use of pipelines to transport oil and natural gas are proven to be environmentally safe as evidenced by the use of pipelines by the United States and many other countries around the world. The states that would have been impacted by the Keystone XL Pipeline – Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas – were all in support of the project. However, rather than Canadian oil coming to America, where its transport and refinement would be subject to strict environmental regulation, it will now mostly likely be shipped across the Pacific to China where it will be transported, refined and burned under much looser environmental protections.

President Obama’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness advocated the “development of pipeline, transmission and distribution projects… to facilitate the delivery of America’s fuel and electricity and maintain the reliability of our nation’s energy system.” At a time when 8.5% of Americans are unemployed, the creation of 20,000 jobs through the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline is vital to our country (The Hill, “Jobs take center stage in Keystone fight,” 01/15/12). It is also imperative to our national and economic security that we reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil from unstable and unfriendly nations overseas and promote the development of North American natural resources. It is unfortunate that politics, rather than facts, drove the President’s decision to reject the pipeline and the thousands of jobs associated with it.

The energy challenges facing our nation continue to pose a significant burden on American families as well as our domestic economic security. To meet our energy needs, our country must take action on multiple policy fronts. In the short term, we must reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy by increasing domestic production of American resources. In the long term, we must make significant investments that will help our country lead the world in the development and production of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies.

HEALTHCARE Today, Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42) issued the following statement following his vote in favor of a spending bill that will continue to fund the federal government through December 15, 2013 while defunding ObamaCare:

“When I originally voted against ObamaCare legislation in the Spring of 2010, I explained that the bill ‘will kill jobs, further increase government intervention into our lives, and pile trillions of dollars of new government spending and debt on the back of future generations.’ When I ran for re-election in 2010 and again in 2012, I told voters that I strongly opposed ObamaCare and would work to protect them from the negative impacts of the law. My vote today to defund ObamaCare reflects my pledge to voters and my continued belief that the law is harming our economy, reducing the quality of health care Americans receive, and adding to our unsustainable levels of debt. I don’t want to shut down the government. I want to shut down ObamaCare.”
Tim Sheridan (D) Challenger




Acknowledge and provide appropriate responses to the causes of significant climate changes in climate in order to reverse the damage to our earth, atmosphere and water;
Support restoration of the Voting Rights Act to guarantee voting rights to all Americans;
Support measures to ensure that the Affordable Care Act works as it was intended through the necessary fine-tuning of the legislation necessary to achieve the goal;
Support a woman’s right to make her own decisions about health care, including her reproductive health.

District 43
Maxine Waters (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Maxine_Waters.htm **



Rated +4 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

KEY leader in five presidential campaigns: Sen. Edward Kennedy (1980), Rev. Jesse Jackson (1984 & 1988), and President Bill Clinton (1992 & 1996). In 2001, she was instrumental in the DNC’s creation of the National Development and Voting Rights Institute and the appointment of Mayor Maynard Jackson as its chair.

HEALTHCARE Strong supporter of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
John Wood Jr. (R) Challenger

District 44
Janice Hahn (D) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Janice_Hahn.htm **



http://hotair.com/archives/2013/05/11/video-obamacare-will-improve-marriages/ “Congresswoman Janice Hahn weighed in during Thursday’s Small Business subcommittee hearing on Health and Technology in Washington with some thoughts on why Obamacare will be improve the overall quality of… marriage.”

No Challenger

District 45
John Campbell (R) Incumbent – is Retiring in 2014


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/John_Campbell.htm **

Vying for John Campbell’s (R) seat in District 45:
Mimi Waters (R) Challenger

State Sen., Ex-State Assemblywoman, Ex-Laguna Niguel Councilwoman & Investment Banker




HEALTHCARE The Obama administration’s takeover of our health care system was wrong and I will work to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market-based reforms that protect patient choice, keep costs down and preserve the greatest health system in the world.

IMMIGRATION America’s immigration and border security systems are broken. America needs a clear and enforceable policy that begins with secure borders, treats all in a humane and fair manner and doesn’t reward those who break our laws. We also need a guest worker system, especially for our farms and agricultural industries.

FOREIGN POLICY-ISRAEL The United States and Israel have a historic and unique friendship that must be preserved. The two countries share a common bond based on a belief in freedom, human rights and democratic principles. While countless others have failed or are currently failing, Israel has always stood as a shining example of a thriving democratic nation in the Middle East.

Terrorism in the name of religion is a threat Israel and its citizens have had to live with for many decades. The spread of Islamic terrorism has touched every corner of the globe and threatens freedom-loving people everywhere. Israel is a proven and unwavering friend and partner to the U.S. in our efforts to combat these threats and wipe out terrorism.

Israel not only has a right to exist, it has a right to exist in peace. Both of our nations are dedicated to finding a lasting peace, but peace will not and cannot come at the expense of our own security. As a member of Congress, I will work to make sure our two nations remain strong and vigilant, with all the resources needed to meet any terrorist threat or military challenge. I will work to preserve and enhance our friendship and alliance, so we can continue to work towards a lasting peace in the Holy Land that protects the security of both nations.

Military aid to Israel is the most tangible expression of support for the Jewish State, and I stand firmly behind the 10-year Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) that provides Israel with aid necessary to defend herself from increasing threats in the region. This is a cost-effective tool that enables both America and Israel to remain safe and secure. I would also support separate measures aimed at supporting Israel in the development and procurement of advanced systems of defense.
Drew Leavens (D) Challenger


Affordable Care Act
Position At-A-Glance:
 The United States has been conspicuous from every other industrialized nation in its lack of health coverage for all of its citizens.
 Previous to the ACA, many people had their health insurance canceled or could not get it at all due to a pre-existing health condition.
 An individual is nothing without their health. Having a policy in place that permits every American to access health insurance is good for our country and our people.
 No American should have to choose between financial ruin and death for major health problems. Congressional Republicans have offered nothing on healthcare, no ideas and no alternatives. They refuse to improve it, only eliminate it.
 The law is not perfect but making it better requires that congress cross party lines and truly have a stake in improving it.
 If elected, I will work to make the ACA better while insuring that every American can maintain their health coverage.
Position At-A-Glance:
 Women and men must to be treated equally in any workplace, including equal pay for equal work.
 Sexual assault cannot be tolerated in this country under any circumstances but especially so in the US military.
 Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land. Any infringement on complete access to abortion services is unacceptable.
 Violence against women cannot be tolerated in this country.
 Planned Parenthood must remain open and funded at optimal levels.
 We should strengthen our laws relative to child molesters and other sexual offenders.
Position At-A-Glance:
 The war on drugs has been a complete failure. It has cost over $1 trillion and has not led to a reduction of illegal drugs in this country.
 Marijuana should be legalized, or at a minimum decriminalized at the federal level, allowing states the final say on what is right for their particular state.
 Those arrested for simple possession of marijuana should be released from custody as the severity of the ‘crime’ does not justify the cost of incarceration, the cost of which falls on taxpayers.
 Marijuana should be taxed by the federal government on par with alcohol and tobacco for use in those states who also legalize it. The proceeds of those taxes should be used to pay down the federal deficit.

District 46
Loretta Sanchez (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Loretta_Sanchez.htm **

Rated +1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


HEALTHCARE Congresswoman Sanchez is a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which was signed into law in 2010 by President Obama. In Orange County, health care reform will improve coverage for over 250,000 residents, improve Medicare for 51,000 beneficiaries, give tax credits to more than 17,000 small businesses to help them afford coverage and allow over 60,000 young adults to stay on their parent’s health insurance plans if they choose. Congresswoman Sanchez believes that the ACA delivers affordable and quality care to every American and she will continue to work to preserve health care reform.

IMMIGRATION Congresswoman Sanchez believes that all immigration policies must be viewed through the lens of national security. She strongly believes that immigration legislation is in need of broad reform and that meaningful efforts must be made to stop human trafficking across our borders. To that end, she strongly supports full funding of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, a cost-effective measure designed to identify and remove criminal aliens in the United States.

Securing our Borders: As a member of the subcommittee charged with securing America’s borders, Congresswoman Sanchez has taken a lead role in addressing the Mexican drug cartel violence occurring near our southwest border. In addition to advocating for southbound border vehicle searches to reduce weapons and cash smuggling into Mexico, she has also raised awareness of the risks facing our northern border with Canada and our maritime borders.

Congresswoman Sanchez believes that strong border security can be achieved without compromising America’s core civil liberties. To ensure proper privacy and civil protections during border searches of travelers’ electronic devices, Congresswoman Sanchez recently re-introduced the Border Security Search Accountability Act (H.R. 216 in the 112th Congress). This legislation would ensure that fundamental civil rights are respected while ensuring the security of our nation’s borders.

In 2013, Congresswoman Sanchez introduced H.R. 2872, the Border Enforcement, Security and Technology Act (BEST Act), which would bolster the country’s borders through holistic enforcement, comprehensive security strategies and up-to-date technologies. The bill would ensure that any additional money spent on border enforcement be used responsibly to address legitimate issues.

District 47
Alan Lowenthal (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Alan_Lowenthal.htm **


IMMIGRATION Comprehensive Immigration Reform: As the son of an immigrant parent, I understand the hardships of those who are stuck in a system that does not function properly – often denying hardworking people a clearly defined, legal path to citizenship while at times separating families for years at a time. I plan on supporting a bipartisan plan that includes increasing border security, holding employers accountable to the worker verification process, increasing access to worker visas, and streamlining a legal path to citizenship for those who seek it. This is why I cosponsored H.R. 15, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill introduced in the 113th Congress by Representative Joe Garcia.

ECONOMY/JOBS/ENVIRONMENT Global Warming & Climate Change: The greatest challenge to our generation is the impacts of global warming, and consequently we must also look beyond fossil fuels to meet our energy needs. For example, investing in wind, solar and geothermal power coupled with changes in our transportation sector will help decrease our reliance on foreign oil and ensure that the United States becomes the leader in the global race to reduce the impacts of climate change and create clean energy jobs, technologies.

Green Jobs: Effectively leveraging America’s natural resources creates high-paying jobs and sets us on a course to a cleaner and greener future. We, as a nation, must focus on the creation and cultivation of those jobs that capitalize on the power of American clean energy resources.

Keystone XL Pipeline http://nation.foxnews.com/2014/02/12/which-democrats-benefit-keystone-xl-pipeline-delays

“Which Democrat Opponents of Keystone Benefit From Delay?”

“Another anti-Keystone Democrat, California Rep. Alan Lowenthal, has between $15,000 and $50,000 invested in Enbridge Energy Management, $1,000 to $15,000 in Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, and $15,000 to $50,000 in Kinder Morgan Management, which is a limited partner in and handles everyday management for the company’s Energy Partners subsidiary.”

Lowenthal has been less outspoken then Kaine on Keystone, but he voted against legislation last year that would have approved the pipeline without sign-off from the administration, which has repeatedly put off a decision on the project.

HEALTHCARE Signed into law in 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, expanded healthcare coverage to millions of Americans and makes numerous changes in the way health care is financed, organized, and delivered. Among its many provisions, the ACA restructured the private health insurance market, set minimum standards for health coverage, created a mandate for most U.S. residents to obtain health insurance coverage, and provided for the establishment by 2014 of state-based insurance exchanges for the purchase of private health insurance. While I recognize there are challenges to be addressed in the implementation of the ACA, I strongly support its goals and I will continue to work in Congress to ensure that all Americans have affordable access to quality healthcare.
Andy Whallon (R) Challenger



HEALTHCARE http://www.andywhallon.com/health-care.html We should restore freedom to the healthcare field so that it can become what it should be: a vibrant innovative consumer driven high tech industry that, like the electronics industry, offers us ever greater products at ever lower prices, and whose speed of innovation is breathtaking. Imagine every year seeing a flood of new products and services that make us go, ‘Wow!’ not only by the fact that they can be done, but also by the fact that they can be done so cheaply. Let’s free our healthcare industry so it can be like that.

What specific steps can we take to achieve this goal?

1. Repeal Obamacare.

2. Allow everyone to buy health insurance across state lines, free of any government mandated coverage. Not only is the government incapable of deciding what coverage is best for you, they have no right to do so.

3. Eliminate the preferential tax treatment for employer provided health insurance, by giving everyone a tax credit for half the cost of a catastrophic health plan.

4. In many states, the entrenched medical providers have gotten control of the regulatory machinery, and are using it to prevent competition and restrict your choices. This should be forbidden.

5. Rein in the FDA. The FDA stifles innovation, and causes thousands of needless deaths by cutting off access to life saving drugs and services on the theory that they might present some risk to some people.


1. We must stop any attempts by the NSA or the DEA or any other governmental agency to record all your phone calls including the metadata (who you called, when you called, how long the call was, where you where etc.), read all your email, or track all your web browsing

2. Our government must recognize your right to use any kind of light bulb you want, eat as much fat as you want, drink as much soda as you want, use a disposable grocery bag if you want, and to fully reap the rewards of your good choices and fully suffer the consequences of your bad choices.

3. We need to start unwinding the war on drugs, beginning with marijuana. Drug laws don’t prevent anyone who wants pot from getting it, but they do make it possible for the most vicious and anti-social among us to earn a very good living. Drug laws undermine the social fabric of our inner cities, and provide the funding for virtually all gangs, just as they did during prohibition. What you put in your body is your own business, and the consequences are your own responsibility.

4. Stopping the Obama administration from using the IRS as a political weapon.

5. End civil asset forfeiture whereby the government can seize someone’s property without ever charging them with a crime or having to go before a judge to justify their actions.

District 48
Dana Rorbacher (R) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Dana_Rohrabacher.htm **

Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



GLOBAL WARMING http://rohrabacher.house.gov/issue/global-warming Global Warming Background : In 2001, over 17,000 scientists signed a petition asking the United States government to not agree to the Kyoto treaty. These distinguished researchers said: “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

Too often, when congress is asked to pass environmental legislation, the legislation is based on emotional junk science rather than data based on reproducable, rigorous, tested, peer-reviewed results. In no area has this been more obvious than climate change. Because the Kyoto Treaty and much of the suggested environmental legislation would decimate jobs in southern California, constituents may be interested to learn of the growing scientific consensus that global warming is not manmade, if it is in fact even occuring. The links below will provide a great deal of information that is of interest.

IMMIGRATION http://rohrabacher.house.gov/issue/immigration Recently, the Department of Homeland Security issued memos directing ICE agents to use “prosecutorial discretion” when apprehending illegals and determining who should be on track for deportation. These memos not only ignore the rule of law and congressional intent but the will of the American people by seemingly endorsing a backdoor amnesty by decree. There are currently 300,000 pending deportation cases under review where there’s a strong possibility, under the current policy, non violent illegal aliens will be allowed to remain in the United States and likely granted employment authorization. The U.S. government cannot continue to send such mixed messages that it is acceptable to break our immigration laws without consequence and expect the illegal immigration invasion of our country to cease.

Rep. Rohrabacher vigorously opposes any attempt to legalize the status of millions of illegals and continues to support common sense immigration policies that serve the American people first.

HEALTHCARE Specifically speaking, I believe our tax code should be shifted so as not to place an emphasis on employer-based healthcare, but instead, on individual control of health care. The tax code currently encourages businesses to pay for their employee’s healthcare by exempting businesses from having to pay payroll taxes on these benefits. Because of this, health insurance is all too often attached directly to the individual’s employment, instead of the individual. In many cases, individuals who lose their job will not only have a sudden decrease in income, but will completely lose all of their health benefits.

By shifting the tax incentives to individuals instead of businesses, we can create an environment in which health insurance is portable (health insurance follows the individual, instead of staying with the business of employment), while still covering pre-existing conditions. Health insurance tied to businesses also limits the choice of consumers to plans that have been chosen by their employer. I would like to see an environment where individuals would be at liberty to choose the health insurance plan that best suits their needs.

There has also been much discussion about having public plans as a fundamental part of healthcare reform. My concern is that if we have a public option, it will be inevitable that illegal immigrants will receive benefits from the system. If we are to be able to afford the type of health coverage we want for our own people, we must be able to say “no” to those who have not contributed to the system. Every dollar spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants is a dollar less available for your family and mine.
Sue Savary (D) Challenger

District 49
Darell Issa (R) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Darrell_Issa.htm **



ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT http://issa.house.gov/the-issues/energy-and-environment President Obama’s Administration has repeatedly blocked access to domestic natural resources through unnecessary regulations; and, instead has used taxpayer dollars to subsidize a political agenda resulting in the loss of billions of taxpayer dollars as we saw with Solyndra and countless other companies that received taxpayer dollars to promote “favored” technologies, only to declare bankruptcy. Additionally, after years of delay, the Obama Administration denied a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have increased domestic energy supply, decreased our reliance on unstable foreign governments, and created thousands of American jobs.

HEALTHCARE http://issa.house.gov/the-issues/health-care I opposed President Obama’s health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was passed on a partisan vote with the rationale that we would have to pass it to find out what was in it. Now that the bill is law, the American people are finding out that what’s in it is completely contrary to what they were promised by proponents of ObamaCare.

ObamaCare strips the American people of decision-making authority that should be exclusively theirs and puts it in the hands of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. It raises health care costs while increasing health care spending. It jeopardizes the future of Medicare and Medicaid adopting unsustainable cuts and raises taxes on small businesses and American manufacturers. Because the Affordable Care Act does not achieve those goals and takes us in the wrong direction for reform, I voted against the bill and remain committed to seeing its repeal and eventual replacement with policies that allow Americans to choose quality healthcare plans that are portable between jobs and states and best meet their needs.
Dave Peiser (D) Challenger


District 50
Duncan Hunter Jr. (R) Incumbent

Note: Duncan Hunter Jr. should not to be confused with his father Rep. Duncan Hunter Sr.(R- District 52) who retired in 2008.



http://www.ontheissues.org/ca/duncan_hunter_jr_.htm **

Rated -6 by AAI, indicating anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


HEALTHCARE http://hunter.house.gov/issue/health-care The President’s health care law fails to increase access to care, while, at the same time, imposing drastic cuts to Medicare. Reports now indicate that enactment of the law will increase the cost of premiums for hardworking Americans significantly. And with employers struggling to understand how to comply with the law, the Administration still has not issued final regulations. In fact, implementation of the law is so burdensome, numerous regulations have been delayed.

That’s why I supported numerous measures to defund the law-over $52 billion in excessive federal spending, including the Repeal of Obamacare Act, a bipartisan bill that passed in the House on July 11, 2012.

IMMIGRATION http://hunter.house.gov/issue/immigration Any immigration reform strategy must begin with securing the border, so that we can control who enters and leaves the country. Our nearly 2000 mile long border with Mexico only has 352 miles of pedestrian fencing and 299 miles of vehicle barriers, including 36 miles of double-layered fencing. To strengthen the border I authored the Unlawful Border Entry Prevention Act, to authorize the construction of no less than 350 miles of additional reinforced fencing at the Southwest border.

It’s estimated that there are approximately 11 million undocumented aliens living and working in the U.S., and it’s essential that policies are put in place to ensure jobs are held by U.S. citizens and legal residents. To that end, I believe that we must have a strong employment verification system in order to ensure a legal workforce. That is why I cosponsored legislation to ensure that employers can use E-Verify, the free, web-based way to check the employment eligibility of new hires.

We must also have strong immigration enforcement. I supported Homeland Security appropriations bills, which have funded the highest number of detention beds (34,000) and Customs and Border Patrol agents (21,186). I also signed a letter to request that funding not be eliminated for the 287(g) program as President Obama requested. This program allows federal immigration officers to work with and train local law enforcement to carry out federal immigration law. Finally, I co-authored a letter to DHS to protest the administration’s decision to release thousands of illegal immigrants as a consequence of budget cuts.
James Kimber (D) Challenger

Physician Assistant and Navy Veteran



ENVIRONMENT http://kimberforcongress.com/environment.php The effects of global climate change are evident and we are seeing the effects almost daily. There are steps we can all take to protect the environment and I have embarked on an initiative that can have an effect across the nation and ideally, around the globe.

HEALTHCARE http://kimberforcongress.com/health-care.php Understanding the Affordable Care Act: The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act (also known simply as the “Affordable Care Act” or “Obamacare”) will provide affordable, quality and accessible health care for every American. The new law focuses on wellness and prevention, economic security and entrepreneurship, the well-being of working families and the strength of the middle class.

District 51
Juan Vargas (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Juan_Vargas.htm **

No Issues On Healthcare Or Environment
No Challengers

District 52
Scott Peters (D) Incumbent



http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Scott_Peters.htm **


IMMIGRATION See more at: http://www.scottpeters.com/jobs/immigration#sthash.pNV0B66j.dpuf We need a policy that’s tough, fair, and practical. It needs to be tough on border security to prevent people from trying to smuggle guns, drugs or people. It needs to be fair to taxpayers, and it needs to be a practical solution that will finally address the problem.

ENERGY http://scottpeters.house.gov/issues/energy-and-environment As a member of the House Sustainable Environment and Energy Coalition, and chair of its Climate Task Force, I am committed to finding solutions to the environmental issues of the day.

In Congress we must be working toward a national strategy that provides abundant, cheap, and clean energy for the future. This cannot rely solely on one source that is not sustainable or environmentally responsible. We must have diversity and be incentivizing projects that move us in the direction of long-term energy independence.

HEALTHCARE http://www.scottpeters.com/jobs/healthcare Healthcare and the Affordable Care Act – Healthcare in America needs to be accessible and affordable for everybody. When the Supreme Court affirmed the President’s health care insurance reform initiative (the Affordable Care Act) in June 2012, it reminded us that the powerful health services industry does not control the administration of health care. That control rests firmly in the hands of doctors and patients. The ACA is not perfect, but it’s a good start.

NOV.2013 In a rebuke to President Barack Obama and his threat of veto, Scott Peters voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Carl De Maio (R) Challenger

Author and Leader of the “Pension Reform Initiative” – Carl DeMaio is the author of the Comprehensive Pension Reform Initiative that San Diego voters passed overwhelmingly in the June 2012 election. The measure has quickly become a national model for pension reform – ending pension spiking, moving city employees to 401(k) defined contributions accounts, and saving taxpayers billions over 30 years.



District 53
Susan Davis (D) Incumbent


http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Susan_Davis.htm **

Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



WOMEN http://www.house.gov/susandavis/iss_women.shtml When the new health care reform law was enacted last year, women benefitted significantly. It not only stopped women from being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, the law prohibits insurance companies from charging women more for simply being a woman. Susan was pleased that two of her women’s health provisions were included in the final health care reform package – the Medicaid Birth Center Reimbursement Act and the WOMAN Act.

FOREIGN AFFAIRS http://www.house.gov/susandavis/iss_fafairs.shtml

Iraq: In 2002, Susan voted against the original authorization for former President Bush to use military force in Iraq (H. Res. 14). She felt a unilateral use of force would isolate America from our allies around the world and reinforce the cause of our enemies. She believed all non-military options had not been exhausted and that there had not been sufficient planning for the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq in a post-Saddam Hussein era.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: In the mid-1960s, Susan had the rare opportunity to live on a kibbutz in Israel and has returned to the region several times since. While there are still many obstacles to a lasting peace, Susan is united with Americans, Israelis and Palestinians in our collective hope for peace and justice in the region.

Susan continues to believe that strong U.S. leadership and support is the best plan for bringing about a political process that can eventually pave the way for security and peace for the region. Because she believes in providing more diplomatic resources for the Israeli-Palistinian crisis, and n