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On Feb. 9, 50.3 percent of Swiss voters passed a referendum to cap immigration from the EU. In the course of a (very hostile) Spiegel Online interview with Christoph Blocher, leader of the Swiss People’s Party, the impetus becomes clear. The EU’s so-called freedom of movement — read: untrammeled immigration into decreasingly sovereign states — has approached a crisis for Swiss nationhood.

“Some 23.8 percent of Switzerland’s population is comprised of foreigners, and almost 15 percent are first-generation naturalized Swiss citizens,” Blocher said. “No similar European state has anything like that.”

Once the shocking fact that nearly one in four people in Switzerland are foreigners sinks in, it seems logicial to conclude, as Galliawatch does, that many if not most non-native voters probably opposed the immigration cap. That means that the outcome among native Swiss was likely a more resounding majority than 50.3 percent indicates.

For now, then, the Swiss have affirmed they are still a nation, a culture — rather an amazing feat given these demographics. Spiegel puts it down to “scaremongering.”

SPIEGEL: In your campaign for the referendum, SWP drafted horror scenarios of an overflowing Switzerland, a country that has become a cement jungle. The truth is that your country is doing better than ever before. Why the scaremongering?

Blocher: It’s not scaremongering. If things continue, we will surpass the 10-million mark in 2033. By 2061, we will have 16 million inhabitants, more than half of whom will be foreigners.

Bravo, Blocher, for at least halting the slide.

Tax Reform for Growth Rep. Dave Camp’s (R- Michigan District 4) Plan Would Yield $700 Billion in Extra ‘Dynamic’ Revenue.


The smarter Republicans are trying to reclaim the mantle of economic opportunity, and on Wednesday Dave Camp climbed into this phone booth by proposing a detailed tax reform. The Chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee wants to lower tax rates and create a fairer, more efficient code, and his plan ought to shift the debate over taxes to growth from redistribution.

The American tax system has changed for the worse since the last reform in 1986, and Mr. Camp has spent three years learning about the dispiriting specifics, including more than 30 hearings. The Michigan Republican is a serious legislator who cares about policy, and his effort shows. We disagree with many details in his 979-page bill, but overall his direction is right. Even if his bill doesn’t pass this year, its legwork will inform any future reform.

The heart of the Camp plan would collapse today’s seven income tax brackets into three, with about 99% of taxpayers paying 10% or 25%. The top statutory marginal rate would fall to 35% from 39.6% for individuals earning wage income over $400,000 ($450,000 for joint filers).



Susan Rice’s latest claims about the attacks are no more credible than the ones she made in 2012.

The worst part of National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s comments on Sunday’s “Meet The Press” was that she expressed no regret for saying that the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on U.S. outposts in Benghazi were “absolutely” the result of protests against a “very hateful, very offensive video that has offended many people around the world.” (She made these comments while she was ambassador to the United Nations, less than a week after four Americans were killed.)

Almost as bad was Ms. Rice’s statement that she was merely sharing “the best information that we had at the time.” That is a contemptible falsehood. The government knew long before Ms. Rice went on five Sunday television shows that the assaults were carefully planned terrorist attacks unconnected to a video.

Gen. Carter Ham, then head of Africa Command, knew “this was not a demonstration, this was a terrorist attack” within minutes of learning about the assault, according to testimony he gave last June to the House Armed Services Committee that was declassified this month. Gen. Ham almost immediately informed Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey before their previously scheduled Oval Office meeting with President Obama. Mr. Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee last year that he informed Mr. Obama of the attack. “There was no question in my mind this was a terrorist attack,”




The tea party certainly isn’t over, but after nearly five years is it starting to die down?

Tea party supporters will mark the movement’s fifth anniversary in Washington on Thursday. Scheduled speakers include politicians like Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, as well as conservative media stars such as Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

Karlyn Bowman and Jennifer Marsico, two American Enterprise Institute scholars who study public opinion, write at Forbes.com that the tea party’s national popularity has held steady by some measures and waned by others. “But as more Americans have come to know the Tea Party movement, unfavorable views have risen sharply,” they write.



Just out from COMMENTARY is our first topical e-book, The New War on Israel—and How to Fight Back. Over the past year especially, efforts to delegitimate the Jewish state have taken on a new urgency and force, much of it from liberals and leftists who are using their own Jewishness as a weapon. We have assembled several of our best articles and blog posts in a coherent whole to expose the hollowness and injustice of the arguments and the highly problematic nature of the way in which they are conducted. The ebook features pieces by me, Joshua Muravchik, Jonathan Tobin, Rick Richman, Ben Cohen, Adam Kredo, and others. It is essential reading. You can purchase it here.

Will Israel Be the Next Energy Superpower? Arthur Herman

They will feast on the abundance of the seas, and on the treasures of the sands.

—Deuteronomy 33:19

Tamar sits 56 miles off the coast of Israel, an offshore gas platform rising up from the Mediterranean like a white steel beacon whose roots reach down 1,000 feet to the seabed. Named for the natural-gas field beneath the sea floor, Tamar is the symbol of a bright future for Israel if Israel is ready for it: as the newest energy producer and exporter in the Middle East, and potentially the most important.

A classic quip since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 has been that Moses brought his people out of Egypt to the one spot in the Middle East that didn’t have oil. “We proved that joke to be wrong,” says Gideon Tadmor, chairman of the Delek Group, one of a consortium of companies that built the Tamar platform. Delek and its partners began extracting gas from Tamar in March 2013 and has been doing so with the natural gas from three other fields as well. Ten years ago, Israel was a country 80 percent powered by coal, with the remaining 20 percent from oil—all of which had to be imported. Now, natural gas supplies half those energy needs. The known fields could contain more than 900 billion cubic meters of natural gas. In global terms, that’s not much—roughly the amount the United States consumes in a year. But for a country of only 8 million people, it’s an energy bonanza. And, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Levant basin in which Israel’s fields sit may contain a total of 3.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas—about half the reserves in the United States with a fraction of the demand.

Nor is that all. Even before the first discoveries of natural gas in 1999, geologists had determined there were huge oil-shale fields stretching along Israel’s coastal plain. Those fields contained recoverable reserves, according to the latest estimate, of up to 250 billion barrels—almost equal to Saudi Arabia’s.

In short, Israel is poised not only for future energy independence, but for becoming a major regional energy player—maybe even, if it uses its resources wisely, the next energy superpower. The looming question, however, is not whether the world is ready for Israel to be the next Texas. It’s whether the Israelis are ready.

I got my introduction to the Tamar platform, and to Israel’s adventure in becoming an energy player, even before my wife, Beth, and I arrived in Israel, on the plane from Newark bound for Tel Aviv. The passenger sitting next to us looked as if he was headed for a country-music festival. He wore a baseball cap with the logo of Noble Energy—one of the key players in the natural-gas revolution. We learned he had spent 30 years in the oil and gas business as a platform operator, including in West Africa and Thailand, before Noble had sent him out to Israel. Now he works on the Tamar platform. After 28 days there, he’ll head home to Louisiana for four weeks to see his family and kids; they will be able to afford college thanks to the money he’s earned working for Noble in Israel.

He also pointed out his fellow workers on the plane scattered among the Orthodox and Hasidic passengers—“roughnecks” (members of a drilling crew), “tool pushers,” and mechanics. They all hailed from Texas, Oklahoma, and his native Louisiana, and one or two wore baseball caps with Hebrew lettering. These are the migrant laborers of Israel’s newest industry, and proof of how much Israel depends on the United States for exploring, drilling, and developing its new-found energy resources. That may change as Israel’s talent for innovation gets focused on energy technologies; Israelis themselves may accelerate the transition to faster, more efficient, and environmentally safer exploitation of both deep-water gas reserves and what are called the “unconventional oil sources,” meaning oil shale and oil sands.

Indeed, it is in oil shale that the story of Israel’s energy revolution really begins.

Israel has had a long and bitter history of looking for oil and finding none. Beginning in 1953, the National Oil Industry began launching a series of exploratory drilling holes. In just over 33 years, it sank more than 410 wells—and found exactly five gas fields and three oil fields. The country’s most productive oil field is near Helez, and it wasn’t even discovered by Israel; Iraq Petroleum found it before 1948 and then sealed it up when Israel achieved its independence. Since the Israelis opened it again in 1955, Helez has produced 17.2 million barrels—an amount that would power Israel’s current economy for only five weeks. In 1986, the Israeli government finally gave up and suspended its three-decade ritual of frustration.

Then, just two years later, the ground shifted, almost literally, under the government’s feet. The very first comprehensive geological survey of Israel, including the coastal plain, revealed the existence of large deposits of oil shale, or kerogen.

Kerogen is a pre-petroleum organic compound of dead algae from long-extinct bodies of water. It is, in effect, a precursor to oil. Under great pressure and heat, kerogen can turn into the same kind of hydrocarbon compound as conventional petroleum. Rich kerogen deposits are found all over the world, from the Green River formation in Colorado to the Jordan River valley, including Israel.

Once the discovery was confirmed in 2006, the Israeli government began looking for partners in the United States. American companies had been wildcatting in Israel for decades. But while most knew how to drill, they were clueless about where. Instead, like Zion Oil’s John Brown, they were managed by Christian fundamentalists who were literally relying on the Word of God as their guide. One wildcatter in the 1960s was led by a passage from Deuteronomy to conclude there was oil located somewhere on the ancient lands of the tribe of Asher, on “the foot of Asher” between Haifa and Caesarea. No luck.

In 2007 the search for an American partner brought an Israel Petroleum Authority official to Houston and the offices of Shell Oil. It was a smart choice. Shell had been making breakthrough discoveries in how to produce oil from shale rock, thanks to its chief scientist, Harold Vinegar. He had modified a process, developed by the Swedes during World War II, of distilling kerogen into a usable fuel—an innovation that made the extraction of oil shale in Colorado’s Green River formation feasible and economical.

Vinegar had been working in Colorado when he learned about the rich kerogen deposits in Israel that extended into Jordan. Shell had already partnered with Jordan’s King Abdullah—and Vinegar, a Jew, was unhappy that the project didn’t include Israel, especially since the best shale rock was known to be on the Israeli side of the border. But he also knew that Shell, like all the other major oil companies, feared offending the Saudis by involving itself in Israeli oil speculation. Vinegar knew the Israeli official was on a fool’s errand.

EDWARD CLINE:”Transformation” via “Rehabilitation”

Americans, says the deconstructionist Left, need to be rehabilitated. They need to get their minds right. If they won’t do it themselves, voluntarily, then legislation, courts, lawsuits, civil rights laws, “social pressure,” public demonization, social harassment, marginalization, and even physical or death threats, must do it for them.
The “rehabilitation” won’t be as physically agonizing as that which Winston Smith underwent in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, but the consequences would be the same: a mind tortured out of its sovereignty, and, in effect, deconstructed to conform and defer to the power of the State.
Americans need to be deconstructed and put back together again, just as American history has been deconstructed in government-approved textbooks, and the concept of marriage, and freedom of association, and business ownership, and gender itself, are being deconstructed, reconstructed, and revised to reflect the new political and social realities. Some Americans, once deconstructed, like Humpty Dumpty, won’t be able to be put back together again, and that’s too bad. They, the advance guard of deconstruction and mandatory rehabilitation, won’t miss them. They, the waves of the future, just wish that constitutional reprobates and political recidivists would do them the courtesy and drop dead and save them the trouble of taking real action against them.
Hard but promising, conciliatory cases have a choice between classroom reeducation in a local community college, or rehabilitation in a Nevada desert camp or an Alaskan labor center.
All they’re asking is that Americans be just like them: deconstructed. Cases in point:
You have no right to refuse to deal with anyone, says the government, regardless of your convictions, religious or not, and especially not if the people you refuse to deal with are gay. In “Judge Rules Colorado Bakery Discriminated Against Gay Couple,” Ashby Jones wrote in the Wall Street Journal on December 6th, 2013:
Two gay men in Colorado won discrimination claims against a bakery that refused to sell them a wedding cake, beating back the business owner’s argument that he had the constitutional right to decline service to a gay couple for religious reasons.
In a ruling issued Friday, an administrative law judge in Denver, Robert Spencer, ruled that by rebuffing the couple’s attempt to buy a cake, Masterpiece Cakeshop violated a state law bagging discrimination in a public place on grounds of sexual orientation.
The baker, Jack Phillips, had argued that applying the antidiscrimination law in this context violated his First Amendment free-speech and freedom-of-religion rights….
But Judge Spencer shot down the constitutional arguments, noting that the Supreme Court has “repeatedly found” that those engaged in commercial activity are subject to state discrimination laws, regardless of their religious beliefs.



The New York City Council will not be marching in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade because gays can not wave the LGBT banner on this occasion. I’m curious about Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito’s decision to limit her outrage to the gay issue when she also might have insisted that marchers be allowed to wave banners about their support for abortion rights and universal insurance for birth control. As a New Yorker who is neither Irish nor Catholic, I wonder how the council which supposedly represents all New Yorkers became monolithically concerned about the feelings of the gay population, one which actually has its own designated parade. Of course, as Mayor de Blasio’s toady, Ms. Mark-Viverito made the ultimate obsequious choice, raising the ante one degree higher than her boss who declined to march himself but thought it was fine for city workers to march in uniform.

We have reached the nadir of the civil rights movement when people are reduced to being single-issue puppets instead of fully rounded human beings. Surely, if a gay man went to a wedding officiated by a Catholic priest, he would be able to restrain the need to initiate a debate over the church’s position on the subject of homosexuality. He would go as a friend, an employee or a family member – just three other identities he might possess that have nothing to do with his being gay. Similarly, each of us has a multitude of roles, causes, concerns and memberships which define who we are. It has taken more than a century of legislation, still ongoing, to abolish defining ourselves narrowly by race, creed or gender. Yet here we are in a polyglot city where people have enormous freedom for self-expression with a group of dissenters who insist that the Irish not be entitled to their separate moment of Irish pride, uncontaminated by political and controversial issues which have many other forums for public discussion. The Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, named for an Irish-Catholic saint, deprives no one of the right to be who they are. It just asks that the celebration stay on the topic of Irish pride – not gay pride, not Puerto Rican pride, not Jewish, German or Italian pride – all of which have their own opportunities to celebrate their respective identities.


Chuckie Hagel did Obama’s (and congress’) bidding and slashed military spending yet again. None of these guys can say if they’re cutting fat or muscle, because they don’t know.


Sergeant Hagel did his duty on Monday. The gent who was appointed to be Queen of Hearts for the Defense Department did as he was told and announced yet another round of massive cuts for the defense budget.

Like the Queen — “verdict first, trial after” — Sgt. Hagel announced some very choice cuts without the benefit of any analysis of the threats our nation faces. Gone will be the A-10 attack aircraft, the U2 reconnaissance aircraft, and a host or two of soldiers and Marines. The decision may also be made that the Navy can’t afford to refuel one nuclear carrier resulting in it — and the rest of its battle group — being stuck in port for the foreseeable future. Which is surely okay with the White House because Hagel is matching that with cutting half of the Navy’s cruiser force.

(NB: Obama’s “Pacific Shift” to protect Japan, Taiwan, and the rest of the Pacific Rim nations is now officially a nullity. So is his promise to replace the ground-based missile defense that Bush promised Poland with a sea-based system.)

Military pay raises will be capped at 1% for the second straight year and other pay and allowance reductions are imposed. Pay won’t be actually reduced, but some allowances will be, such as the housing allowance which is the reason military families can sometimes live off-base when on-base housing isn’t available.

A Survival Imperative – Israel’s Nuclear Weapons and Strategy By LOUIS RENÉ BERES

http://www.jpost.com/Experts/A-survival-imperative-Israels-nuclear-weapons-and-strategy-343613?prmusr=CUrYkktNq%2fguyMqWxXWEqVYKNzSJ7%2b%2bEaXTdtBUTvOFkvRhysh50DtGaMAzTOnKQ Although widely unacknowledged, Israel’s alleged nuclear weapons represent a critical impediment to the actual military use of nuclear weapons, and to the commencement of a regional nuclear war. Photo by: REUTERS Each year, like clockwork, Israel’s enemies advance high-sounding proposals for a nuclear-weapons free-zone in the Middle East. Although, at first hearing, such “Geneva” […]